Chapter 135: Son-In-Law

The announcement was unexpected, like a sudden turn in the road revealing uncharted territories. Her gaze flickered between the serene expression on Bai Ling's face and the mixed emotions playing on Olivia's visage. It was a moment frozen in time, laden with surprise and the subtle undercurrents of destiny.

Caught in the whirlwind of unfolding events, the hall erupted into a low murmur, a cacophony of whispers rising and falling like the tide.

But Nadia was the most shocked and Yiman sat in a stunned silence, shock painting their regal visages as the proclamation hung in the air, reverberating through the cavernous hall with absolute finality.

The eyes of the couple met in a flash of confusion and disbelief, with Yiman equally blindsided by the turn of events.

Nadia, ever graceful yet visibly taken aback, addressed Xinmei with a delicate but discernible uncertainty in her voice, "Your Majesty, your endorsement is undoubtedly the highest honor for any individual. We are deeply honored by your decision regarding Olivia. However, might we humbly request some time for familiarization with Lord Bai Ling? We have had but the briefest of acquaintances."

The air grew taut with tension as Xinmei's eyes narrowed, casting a frosty gaze upon Nadia. "Queen Nadia," she intoned, voice chillingly soft, "are you implying that my assessment of Bai Ling is inadequate or misguided due to your unfamiliarity with him?"

Lucas briefly raised his gaze as he looked at Nadia.

Under the withering stare of the empress, Nadia wilted slightly, her eyes dropping in deference as she quickly dispelled any notion of dissent. "Certainly not, Your Majesty. Your wisdom and insight are unparalleled, and we have full faith in your judgment."

With a nod, Xinmei decreed, "Then let there be no delay. The nuptials shall take place on the morrow. Speak now if there are reservations, futile though they may be."

Feeling the steely resolve of the Empress, Nadia's hands subconsciously clenched, a twinge of helplessness and frustration coiling within her chest. She cast a sidelong glance at Yiman, seeking support, only to be met with a smile tinged with helplessness.

How can he be this useless despite having patched up things with his mother? Or was he just reluctant to go against his mother's wishes?

Turning her attention to Olivia, Nadia whispered with the tender concern of a mother, "Olivia, my dear, are you content with this arrangement?"

The response from Olivia came swift, her eyes alight with an unmistakable glow, her smile radiant and genuine. "Mother, there is no cause for concern. I've had the opportunity to get to know Bai Ling better, and I believe I will be very happy with him."

Nadia's gaze became pensive, the furrow in her brows deepening ever so slightly. Olivia's eyes, sparkling with a light of untold happiness and anticipation, bewildered her. When had her precious daughter shared enough moments with Bai Ling to harbor such affection?

Her gaze shifted subtly towards Bai Ling, a figure of undeniable charm and grace, his eyes twinkling with a mysterious allure. Yet, under the veneer of his smile, Nadia sensed the undulations of something enigmatic and unfamiliar. There was a hidden depth in his eyes that she couldn't quite decipher.

However, as the empress' decree echoed, unchallengeable and absolute, through the cavernous hall, Nadia felt her concerns, doubts, and questions pressed into silence. She couldn't defy Xinmei, yet, the protective mother within her couldn't help but resolve to unearth the mysteries swirling around Bai Ling.


As dawn unfurled into the next day, the kingdom awoke to the resounding revelry of the unexpected nuptials. Gasps of astonishment and whispers like ripples spread through the court and beyond, marking the sudden joining of Olivia and Bai Ling, under the illustrious endorsement of the empress herself.

Hours melded into one another, time encapsulated within the joyous laughter, intoxicating music, and the thousand hues of celebration adorning the royal precincts. The sun made its descent, casting long shadows and bathing the palace in a warm, golden glow.

Standing in the wedding hall, Nadia observed her daughter, resplendent in her red wedding attire, the embodiment of joy and bridal elegance. Yiman was engaged in conversation with Xinmei and other dignitaries, leaving Nadia momentarily to her contemplation.

However, the slow, rhythmic approach of footsteps drew her attention, her gaze lifting to meet the newly-weds. Bai Ling had casually draped his arm around Olivia, drawing her close in a gesture of intimate possession. Their smiles mirrored each other, radiant and filled with promise.

As they approached, Nadia's smile was restrained, her eyes searching, probing beneath the surface of their bliss, for answers yet unknown, for assurances yet unseen.

She had tried to meet Bai Ling yesterday evening but he was not reachable at all. It was as if he purposefully stood clear from her sight as if to avoid her until the marriage. It was not like he had much to do here.

But even though her daughter was now married to Bai Ling, Nadia was still determined to learn more about him.

Olivia and Bai Ling approached Nadia with respect evident in their postures, bowing low in a sign of seeking blessings.

Nadia, despite the swirling turmoil within her, crafted a smile, extending her hands towards them. "May your union bring endless joy and prosperity to your lives," she whispered, her words carrying both a blessing and a silent plea.

Olivia's eyes shimmered with undisguised happiness as she gratefully accepted her mother's words. Nadia softly instructed, "Dear, go thank the empress once more and don't forget to visit your father. He is waiting to see you."

Olivia, her heart fluttering with newfound joys of marital bliss, nodded eagerly, her silver tresses cascading gracefully as she moved away, leaving Nadia and Bai Ling alone in the soft glow of the hall.

As Olivia's silhouette retreated, Nadia's once warm gaze gradually turned slightly cold, turning towards Bai Ling. Her voice barely above a whisper, she intoned, "I love Olivia more than anything else in this world, Lord Bai. I hope you do the same, treating her with utmost love and never bringing sorrow to her door."

Bai Ling's smile was gentle yet somehow detached, as he assured, "Those things are a given...mother."

Nadia's eyes blinked as she momentarily got taken aback by the way he addressed her. The tone in which he said it oddly reminded her of someone she couldn't forget.

But she realized she was overreacting since it was normal for Bai Ling to address her like that since he was her son-in-law now.

Bai Ling delicately segued, an apologetic note in his tone, "I apologize for not being available to meet you yesterday as you desired. Is there something specific you wished to discuss?"

A subtle smile flickered across Nadia's lips, even as her eyes maintained a vigilant watchfulness. "Cherish tonight with Olivia. We shall converse early tomorrow morning."

Bai Ling offered a congenial smile. "Sure," he affirmed, "I look forward to it since I also have some things to convey as well."

He gracefully pivoted, departing with an elegant stride, leaving Nadia in the semi-darkness of the hall, contemplating the riddles wrapped around this mysterious man. Her voice, barely audible, murmured into the void, "Some things to convey?... Who are you, Bai Ling?"

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