North x Northwest

Chapter 297


At Ed’s question, Venua raised his eyebrows as if to gauge a lie. Ed felt a strange sense of discomfort because the movement resembled Lil’s mannerisms so much.

Venua answered without much thought.

“Let us discuss the detainment first.”

The frustration in his voice made Ed deem Venua a man who was easy to understand.

‘The way he has lived his entire life without the need to hide anything signifies his privilege. Since politics and administration are handled by the courtiers of Obernyu, Venua never has to wonder or examine the minds of others. Those who inevitably have to engage in fierce psychological battles in order to survive court are the emerging nobles and courtiers, while Venua, who is close to royalty, reigns with his mere presence. He never had to move his body or his mind. With dozens or hundreds of people under his authority, the only time Venua directly needs to exercise his body and mind are the times when he travels to and from Sesbron. So, the fact that Venua came this far on his own is already a feat… But because of all this, Venua is actually not that difficult to deal with. The problem lies with me… I keep fighting this incredible urge to grab Venua by the collar…’

Ed opened and clenched his fist without realising it.

“I’m sorry to hear that the Archduke is in critical condition.”

“If you are sorry, then what is your intention for keeping me here?”

“You caused a disturbance, Prince Regent. What will the citizens of Roahn think if I simply release a kidnapper?”

“Is the Lord trying to worry about the sentiment of his subjects? How pathetic.”

“A renowned lord doesn’t become a lord in vain.”

“Hahahaha! That is ridiculous. I did not know that was how you gained your reputation.”

Likewise to Venua, Ed also felt the urge to burst out laughing, but for a completely different reason. It was Venua’s extreme self-confidence that left Ed dumbfounded.

‘But since I need to keep Venua locked up, this atmosphere is for the best. It will be nice if I’m able to find out Venua’s true intentions while he’s detained, but realistically speaking, the chances of that happening are near impossible. It’s not for nothing that Venua himself travelled this far, that’s probably because he couldn’t entrust his intentions to his subordinates. In such a case, the best option is to keep Liloa in the Retiro estate as long as this man is in Roahn…’

Ed started his interrogation off with the usual greeting.

“How is the Princess of Sassel?”

It was a casual way of asking how his family was doing. Ed, however, didn’t expect Venua’s face to harden when confronted with a question regarding his wife. The cigarette Venua was bringing to his mouth stopped. He then snapped back, staring at Ed as if he were assessing something.

“Do you know Marguerite?”


Venua resumed taking a puff from his cigarette. The smoke that came out between his lips gently dispersed as his gaze on Ed remained in place. For the second time since entering the room, Ed was at a loss for words.

“Let me send her your regards.”

‘… Is it Othello syndrome*? No, he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself if he had suspected his wife’s infidelity. Such people won’t tolerate delusional or implicating questions. It’s highly likely that Venua, who is having a hard time controlling his emotions, keeps silent for another reason. Perhaps I’m on to something…’

Ed quickly grabbed hold of the clue, hoping that it wouldn’t disappear without leaving a trace.

“Oh, I heard that her health significantly declined a few years ago.”


“Has she recovered well?”

“She has recovered well.”

“Now that I think about it, I’ve seen the princess at Sesbron’s court…”

“Leave the story about Marguerite at that, Marquess.”

As far as Ed knew, there had been no children between Venua and the Princess of Sassel for over 10 years now. Rumours abound that the child they barely conceived a few years ago was stillborn, and Ed had recently learned that the princess’s illness was quite severe at the time. Butler Grits even added that Obernyu was running out of precious time.

The Archduke is nearing his death in his 40s, and Venua, the only heir, is being eaten away by a chronic disease… And without any children. I now, too, see why Venua is so sensitive about the issue of succession in Obernyu, like Liloa said. But why is he so wary about the mention of the princess? There are rumours that the Prince Regent loves the Princess of Sassel so much that he only wants her as the mother of an heir and not some mistress. But Liloa said those rumours were absurd because Venua has had countless mistresses since he was young. I’m now convinced that he’s rather obsessed with the perfect lineage and only insists on having children with the princess…Still, it’s an incomprehensible response to order me to stop asking… He’s clearly being overly sensitive about the princess.

Ed decided to pry a little more.

“I’m sure you haven’t forgotten that I’m also a doctor, Prince Regent. If the princess is looking for a doctor, I’m willing to visit at any time. Even if it’s not me, there’s a doctor I know who is good at treating women…”

“A visit? A house visit? You are talking nonsense. Why would I let you?”

“Acquainting a well-reputed doctor is no waste.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“It’s true. If you want, I can make a diagnosis right away.”



Ed observed Venua without answering. After examining the complexion of the face, eyes, lips, and cheeks, Venua adjusted his posture when Ed’s eyes fell to the area around his neck.

“You mean you are going to treat me?”

“If you want.”

“…Someone ranked Marquess is trying to act like a lowly doctor…”

“First of all, looking at your eyes and lips, I can tell that your liver is in bad shape.”

Venua’s hand unconsciously went to the corner of his eye. Then, the moment he put his hand down, his insult-covered face shouted.

“How dare you!”

But whereas Venua looked like he would jump out of his seat at any given moment, Ed simply shrugged his shoulders. He was much more worried whether Lil might also have this chronic or hereditary disease or not.

“Do you drink alcohol to forget the pain?”


“If that’s what your doctor recommends, it would be better to fire him immediately.”

Venua snatched his glass from the table and threw it onto the carpet. What little content was left spread to the carpet and created a stain.

“I am serious.”

The reason why Venua merely clutched the armrests and didn’t jump up to kick his seat, was because he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself up properly. Ed watched his opponent’s eyes turn red.

“It cannot be helped if my sincere recommendation as a doctor comes off as offensive.”

“You will never set foot on the land of Obernyu alive, so know that.”

“I doubt that. Perhaps we’ll be able to meet again soon in Obernyu? Liloa said she wants to watch over the Archduke’s deathbed.”

“What did you say?!”

Ed didn’t answer. He knew Venua didn’t ask him because he didn’t understand. After some murmurs, Venua started chuckling which quickly evolved into laughing.

“Hahaha! Your line of reasoning is hilarious! Have you decided to become that girl’s loyal dog? With whom and where do you think you are going? It is pathetic that you are wagging your tail so hard, but you are mistaken for deluding yourself into thinking that you will be able to achieve your hopes with that girl. No matter how much she sleeps with rootless people like you, she knows the importance of marriage. Considering Retiro’s ancestors, she would never dream of marrying you even for a single day.”

“Are you serious? How are you trying to force her into marriage when you couldn’t even detain her for a few hours? Who on earth do you think you are dealing with? Liloa’s a skilled soldier. Do you honestly think that she was bluffing when she held the trembling likes of you under gunpoint?”

“What the hell…”

“You should forever be grateful that Liloa didn’t pull the trigger and painted the walls with that brain of yours. But if you bother her any further, you truly might end up with a hole in your body, so you would better be careful. I even feel threatened too sometimes. No, actually I feel it quite often.”

Ed emphasised the words when he corrected his last statement. Of course, Venua didn’t seem to notice much of a difference because he was busy staying still. The veins between his eyebrows bulged as he endured the insults and his grip tightened on the fragile armrest. His whole body language screamed ‘I have never been this insulted in my life’. He was so deeply humiliated that he felt like capsizing, like a sailboat that had never experienced a northern wind. However, rather than being a measly sailboat, Venua was a sailboat that flaunted its majesty and spread its sails to the fullest.

“You… you are completely insane.”

“That’s something I hear quite often.”

“After being bewitched by some woman, you clearly lost your sense of shame… It would be wise for you to kneel before me and ask for forgiveness.”

“The moment I do that will probably be the moment I receive a hole in my body myself…”

“So, you did not come to ask me for forgiveness.”

“Looking back on our conversation so far, I cannot come up with anything for which I need to apologise. Rather, you should ask for my forgiveness for causing a stir in my territory.”

“How dare someone who doesn’t even know the matter…”

“Or should I apologise for loving Liloa?”

– – – – –


Othello syndrome: Pathological jealousy, also known as morbid jealousy, Othello syndrome, or delusional jealousy, is a psychological disorder in which a person is preoccupied with the thought that their spouse or sexual partner is being unfaithful without having any real proof, along with socially unacceptable or abnormal behaviour related to these thoughts. The most common cited forms of psychopathology in morbid jealousy are delusions and obsessions. It is considered a subtype of delusional disorder. [WIKI]

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