Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 67: Lessons, Expectations, and Advice

After spending nearly half the day exploring his future estate, Nobu realized something important.

It was too damn big.

Though the main house only had seventeen rooms, their size was inordinately large to account for the fact they were intended as housing for Nobles.

A stark contrast to the massive rooms present in the main house, the barracks that ran alongside the western wall had bunk spaces to accommodate more than a thousand people. As for the dojo-like structure on the eastern wall, it served as both a training facility and the primary residence for members of the warrior class.

Simply put, the estate had far too much space for a mere 10~15 people to live in. To make matters even worse, the girls in his entourage weren't allowed to live within the main house for a variety of cultural and hierarchal reasons. After all, it was a residential space intended to be used by members of the Oda Clan and other Nobles, not kunoichi.

In other words, Nobu was expected to live in the main house all by himself. The others could visit and keep watch over him but even Yui was supposed to live within the confines of the barracks. He could make an exception and allow her to stay in his room, but, much like a genuine concubine, she was only allowed to be there with his permission.

If he really wanted to, Nobu could change the rules and allow the girls to reside in the main house, but, as could be expected, that would cause quite a number of issues. After all, if he allowed even a dropout like Kazue to reside in the main house, it would an indirect slap in the face to someone like Suzune.

Despite being an Elder, even Suzune wasn't allowed to reside in the main house. Instead, she would be staying in one of the nicer rooms intended for the warrior class. If someone significantly beneath her status was allowed to reside in the main house, the entire hierarchal structure of the Yoshitsune Clan would be thrown out of whack once young trainees began to move in...

"This is why hierarchies are bullshit..."

Smiling in response to Nobu's words, Hitomi, this time sitting across from Nobu as the latter sat in the superior position, stated, "Perhaps. However, without proper order, chaos would reign supreme. I'm sure even you can understand how it might be problematic if a beggar could trespass a Lord's castle and sit on their throne."

Furrowing his brows, Nobu resisted the urge to click his tongue as he asked, "Why did you choose this place as my residence? Like, I kind of get what you had in mind, but what am I supposed to do about personnel? I can't clean and maintain this place by myself and it doesn't seem right to make Yui and the others clean it..."

Maintaining her smile, Hitomi responded with a curt nod before musing, "It seems you are starting to understand. Without a servant class, it would be impossible to maintain large facilities. You could entrust the task to your retainers or the younger members of your family, but, in doing so, you risk injuring their pride. If there is any advice I can give you, Nobunaga-sama, it is that you should never underestimate the pride of people who believe themselves deserving of power and authority. There is no greater poison than ambition when it comes to swaying the hearts and minds of men."

Though his innate obstinance made him want to disagree with Hitomi, Nobu's current predicament made it difficult to argue with her. After all, there was no way in hell he could keep the main house clean on his own. He also felt that it was wrong to force the task on people who had, quite literally, dedicated their entire lives to serving and protecting him. He doubted they would complain. It just didn't seem right.

"So? What am I supposed to do? Accept a bunch of random kunoichi as servants? If the warnings issued by Yui and the others are to be believed, that wouldn't exactly be the smartest decision if I want to preserve my health..."

Amused by Nobu's words, Hitomi issued a giggle layered with seductive undertones before saying, "It ultimately comes down to how long you intend to stay here. The simplest solution would be to entrust the matter to Suzune and the trainees who will be left in your care. You lack the resources to employ fully-fledged kunoichi so anyone who joins you at this juncture is either an opportunist or a mole. Even servants do not work for free, and, no matter how loyal they may seem, everyone has a price. I would encourage you to keep that in mind, Nobunaga-sama."

As it was becoming increasingly common for Hitomi to offer him advice, Nobu just shook his head in moderate annoyance. There was actually a lot he wanted to say, but, understanding he wasn't in a position to freely express himself, he opted to remain quiet as he reflected on her words.

Nodding her head in approval, Hitomi prepared to rise, declaring, "I have other matters to attend. If there is anything Nobunaga-sama requires, please send someone to inform me. I cannot guarantee my availability, but I will do my best to accommodate any request within reason. Nobunaga-sama is someone of significant importance to the Yoshitsune Clan. I have great expectations for you and the kunoichi in your care..."

Since she really did have a lot to attend, Hitomi didn't wait for Nobu's response before rising to her feet and departing through the door like a normal person. She would never have done this in front of someone like his father, but, understanding that Nobu disdained formalities to an illogical extent, she decided to respect his views.

Nobu's lack of decorum actually benefitted Hitomi quite a bit. Not only did it reduce the perceived distance between them, but, more importantly, it filled her with excitement. She, much like Yui, had always been drawn to the idea of shattering conventions and violating taboos. Thus, even if she was well past her prime, Hitomi didn't hesitate to sway her hips as she snaked her way toward the door. After all, even without looking back, she could feel Nobu's gaze following her movements until she had closed the door behind her...




Waiting until Hitomi had fully departed, an exhausted sigh escaped Nobu's mouth as he sprawled out on the ground and grumbled, "Is that bitch seriously trying to seduce me...?"

Shaking his head in mild exasperation, Nobu performed his habit of resting an arm on his forehead as he thought about the best course of action. Hitomi might be annoying, but her advice was pretty sound in a world like this. Hell, even in his previous world, the only way to stay in power was to pay people off. Even Dictators weren't exempt from this as the moment they failed to compensate their most 'loyal' supporters, the military would quickly find their replacement.

"What a pain in the ass..."

As that sentiment parted his lips, Nobu briefly imagined a bunch of eight-year-old brats running around his manor in an attempt to keep it clean. He would need to talk to Suzune about making sure the girls that would come to live in the estate wore clothes at all times except for when they were in the bath. The last thing he needed was a bunch of naked kids running around just because they were more comfortable in their birthday suits...

Though he wished they hadn't, Nobu's idle thoughts manifested in the form of a bunch of little girls running around in maid outfits. This caused a powerful tremor to run through his body as he jerked his body to an upright position. He could feel a cold sweat breaking out across his body, so, before it could settle in, he hopped up to his feet and called out, "Anyone there?"

Immediately following Nobu's words, the door to his room opened to reveal Yui. He suspected the others were nearby, but, due to his meeting with Hitomi, they were currently on their best behavior.

"How might I be of assistance...?"

Doing his best to ignore Yui's overly polite tone, Nobu explained, "We're going to be staying here starting today. Let the others know. I'm going to take a bath."

Nodding her head in affirmation, Yui performed a hand seal to alert the others before asking, "Do you mind if I join you...?"

Though it wasn't the first time Yui had offered to accompany him to the bath, Nobu felt a strange palpitation in his heart when she averted her eyes to the side.

Without realizing it, a knot formed in Nobu's throat as an uncharacteristically nervous feeling filled his chest and stomach. It was only for a fleeting moment, but he actually felt afraid to be alone with Yui in the bath...

" whatever you want..."

Noticing Nobu's nervousness, the ticklish sensation that had been plaguing Yui since the previous night became markedly more prominent. She felt like there were butterflies fluttering around in her stomach, and, despite doing her best to appear calm, a very subtle shade of red spread through her cheeks as she asked, "What about the others...?"

Blinking in confusion, Nobu looked directly at Yui, asking, "What do you mean?" before following it up with a frown as he asked, "Are you suggesting that everyone takes a bath together...?"

Nodding her head, Yui carefully explained, "Now that we can no longer rely on the kunoichi in the main estate, it falls upon us to help you overcome your aversion to nudity. I do not wish to see you lose your life just because a naked woman appeared in front of you..."


Taken aback by Yui's words, Nobu had none to describe his current thoughts. This was far from the first time she had broached this particular subject. Rather, most of the kunoichi around him, Yuriko included, seemed to think nakedness was a major weakness of his. Sure, it made him feel more than a little uncomfortable, especially if the naked party was a brat, but he didn't think it was as extreme as they made it out to be...

"What about the three brats...?"

Understanding that Nobu was referencing Midori, Sachiko, and Nariko, Yui's expression became solemn as she said, "They are my Lord's is their duty to attend you...also-"

Shaking his head, Nobu said, "Don't say it...I already know. You're going to say I have a weakness to children, right?"

Nodding her head, Yui adopted an apologetic expression as she softly replied, "I'm...we're worried about you..."

Though she had been speaking softly, Nobu hadn't missed the moment when Yui implied she was personally worried about him. This caused an exasperated sigh that was equal parts frustration and acceptance to escape his throat. He didn't doubt that she was actually looking out for him, so, after a long period of silence, he ultimately answered, "Whatever..." in a defeated tone.

Understanding how difficult this was for Nobu, Yui's expression softened as she said, "Thank you." in the most sincere tone she could manage. Then, just as she was preparing to leave, a ruddy hue spread through her cheeks as she looked back and said, "If you're feeling frustrated after the fact, I'm confident in my durability..."

For a very brief moment, Nobu had no idea what Yui was talking about. The color of her face should have made it pretty obvious, but, after learning that he was going to be sharing a bath with the trio he had purchased the previous day, he was feeling a little muddleheaded.

Realizing that raven-haired beauty was basically inviting him to be rough with her, an indescribable feeling spread through Nobu's chest as he responded with a bemused, "Uhh...okay...?"

Misconstruing Nobu's words as a promise, a faint smile spread across Yui's face as she said, "I'll be looking forward to it..." in an expectant tone.




(A/N: And here I thought Nobu was the one corrupting Yui. It was apparently genetic xD...)

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