Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 65: Laying the Foundation

Though he woke up feeling more exhausted than the previous night, Nobu didn't mind. It was the good kind of exhaustion, the kind you could brag about to your friends and homeboys with a smile on your face.

More importantly, Nobu felt a lot better after passionately making love to Yui. All their sex up until that moment had felt as though they were simply going through the motions. Last night, however, was completely different. They went at it like two people in love, and, while he wasn't certain he felt that way about the petite warrior woman, Nobu felt a hell of a lot closer to her after making out for the better part of half an hour.


Groaning as he raised his tired body from the futon, Nobu looked over to find Yui staring back at him with her obsidian blue eyes. To his considerable amusement, she quickly averted her eyes from his before rising alongside him and saying, "About last night...I...I don't know what came over me..."

Resisting the urge to furrow his brows, Nobu asked, "What? Are you regretting it? I thought it was pretty awesome. You were hot as fuck last night."

Remembering the greedy and somewhat troubled look on Yui's face as she eagerly sought his lips, a smile returned to Nobu's face. She has been the one to initiate their kiss, but, thanks to his ability to draw in a functionally unlimited amount of oxygen, he actually had the advantage when it came to kissing. Her panting and impassioned figure had been a hell of a lot sexier than the cold beauty she presented herself as during their previous encounters.

Though his choice of words left a lot to be desired, a very subtle blush appeared on Yui's face as she combed through her messy hair and said, "I need to go wash up..." in an uncharacteristically bashful tone.

Since he also smelled like sex, Nobu was going to suggest they go together when Yui suddenly disappeared from the room in an instant. This left him feeling taken aback, but, after a few seconds had passed, an amused smile developed across Nobu's face as he muttered, "If this isn't an act, she just got a hell of a cuter..."

As he was mainly just talking to himself, a startled jolt ran through Nobu's body when he heard a feminine voice answer, "I've known Yui my entire life. If that's an act, she's a lot better at it than I remember."

Furrowing his brows in a vain attempt to conceal how startled he had been, Nobu looked over to find Yuriko sitting a few feet away from him. She looked like someone emulating the Russian squat meme, a peculiar glimmer in her hawk-like eyes as she stared at him with one hand supporting her chin.

"You shouldn't sneak up on me..."

Against every expectation he had formed over the last forty-eight hours, Yuriko surprised him by rebutting, "Why not? It's fun and also provides you the opportunity to hone your senses. Just think of it as training. I was told you were going to start today."

Though he was momentarily taken aback, Nobu quickly recovered when he considered that Yuriko was abiding by his request to act casually. Sure, she had spooked the living daylights out of him but it was still a lot better than the overly formal behavior presented by the other kunoichi.

Just as Nobu was considering just going with the flow, his mind received another blow when Yuriko suddenly lowered her gaze and asked, "Want me to clean you up? Your not-so-little brother seems pretty eager despite getting quite the workout last night..."

As was often the case after he had intense sex the night before, Nobu awoke with a raging boner that refused to go down easily. Yuriko had noticed this despite his attempts to keep it concealed beneath the covers. After all, her eyesight was easily among the best in the Yoshitsune Clan...

After briefly considering it, Nobu realized there was no reason to actually refuse Yuriko's offer. He also knew that a good blowjob could be even better than sex, so, after a moment of consideration, he nodded his head before kicking back and saying, "Sure, but only a blowjob. I'm still a little sore after last night. Yui is like a fucking vice whenever she climaxes."

Though she was a little annoyed that Nobu was talking about Yui under these circumstances, Yuriko had come to the conclusion that she shouldn't take it to heart. Yui was, for all intents and purposes, Nobu's Mistress and Concubine. The former had also let the matter of her pleasuring herself lay, so, while she couldn't help feeling envious, Yuriko understood she was the one in the wrong.

Setting these matters to the back of her mind, Yuriko combed aside her bangs before unhesitantly lowering her head to envelop more than half of Nobu's length. The taste wasn't very pleasant, but, after hearing him grunt in satisfaction, a ticklish sensation spread through her chest as she began to skillfully bob her head while positioning her body at different angles. She also tried to give him a surprise by taking the full length of his penis into her throat, but, despite having practiced quite a bit the previous night, she nearly ended up choking due to the precum leaking into her esophagus. This was something her aura couldn't emulate, but, after several failed attempts, she managed to get it down without any major issues...




After Yuriko's almost inhuman vacuum blowjob, Nobu was feeling a lot more enthusiastic about the day to come. The only thing he could really complain about was the foul odor that had permeated his entire room, but, after complaining about it, Yuriko, Chikako, Kazue, and even Nariko entered his room with the intent of airing it out.

Though he had been caught off guard by the sudden kunoichi invasion, especially since he had still been naked, Nobu did his best not to mind it. The girls had continuously stressed the importance of not allowing exposure, his own or otherwise, to affect him. Not only would his enemies happily take advantage of such a weakness, but, so long as he stayed in Yumegakure, it was simply impossible to avoid. As for Nariko...well, she was training to be his personal doctor in the future. It would be weird if he was afraid of being seen naked by her...

Fortunately, even without him saying anything, Kazue and the other girls stepped in chastize the precocious blonde whenever her eyes wandered. This allowed Nobu to focus on the task at hand, exercising his half-naked body until he was on the verge of collapse.

Nobu was sick and tired of being weak. He also didn't want to be looked down upon by a bunch of brats, so, in preparation for his future interactions with the village, he wanted to at least improve his physique.

Though it was a bit of a strange sentiment, Nobu intended to take advantage of his malnourished body to at least regain his abs. His body fat percentage was comically low at the moment so it was already possible to make out their shape. His goal was to maintain these even as he put on weight, so, despite earning curious looks from all the girls present, he continued to do abdominal crunches, planks, and other core workouts from his previous world.

When Nobu first began his exercise routine, Yuriko had offered to lend a hand, but, after his past experiences with Yui, he was determined to continue doing his own thing. He wasn't at the level where he needed to concern himself with things like efficiency or practicality. The most important thing was that he developed a routine and stuck to it day in and day out.

While this might sound a little counterintuitive to some, Nobu was taking into consideration his unique cultivation method. He had virtually unlimited stamina so long as his reserves held out, so, even if he began learning combat techniques later, it wouldn't be too late. He had learned from his previous life's experiences that learning how to fight before your body had been conditioned was a recipe for disaster. Besides, even if their techniques could be used by men, most of the Yoshitsune Clan's combat styles had been developed to suit women.

Nobu had always been the type of person who preferred brute-forcing things. He understood there was considerable merit in improving his flexibility but he simply didn't care about such things. Even if he did go around picking fights at some point, he would rather take his opponents to the ground and beat the shit out of them rather than dancing around like some ballerina.

With this in mind, Nobu built up a fair amount of sweat before looking towards the group of girls who had now lined up along the wall, each sitting on their knees as they silently observed his every movement. His attention caused everyone but Yuriko to sit a little straighter as he asked, "Does the Yoshitsune Clan have anything like a punching bag?"

Though they didn't know exactly what he meant by punching bag, it wasn't difficult for the girls to imagine what Nobu was referring to due to the relatively simple name. Unfortunately, even in his own world, legitimate punching bags hadn't been developed until the late 1800s. The Yoshitsune Clan also disavowed most forms of 'impractical' training, so, rather than have their kunoichi become accustomed to hitting dummies, even their kunai training was against live opponents.

Shaking her head, Yuriko answered, "We don't have anything like that. Our auras keep us protected so we generally practice by striking each other rather than a stand-in. Your opponent won't just wait for you to hit them so most of our training revolves around live combat. If you'd like-"

Guessing what Yuriko was going to suggest, Nobu snorted through his nose, saying, "I'm not going to treat my women like punching bags. I'd rather just tie a futon around a wooden post."

Even if Nobu didn't mean anything by it, Yuriko felt a fluttery sensation in her chest when she heard him refer to her as one of his women. Truth be told, she was a little disappointed in his refusal since it would invariably bring them closer if they were to train together...

Quickly recovering from her wayward thoughts, Yuriko nodded her head, answering, "We'll do that then. Still, I think it would be better if you practiced striking against someone around the same level or slightly stronger than you. You'll end up developing a fixed rhythm that makes you easy to read."

Though Yuriko's words were accurate, Nobu was pretty sure that his cultivation method threw the concept of a natural biorhythm out the window. He could pressure his opponents without needing to stop and rest, so, more than anything else, the two things he needed were speed and durability. Power would also help, but, so long as he was able to move fast enough, he could easily generate more force.

Shaking his head, Nobu said, "I'll worry about things like that once I've improved my physique and reached the second or third realms. For now, I just want to focus on building muscle. Hitting a bag isn't to build actual combat experience. It's just a form of cardio. You know, like running around and shit."

Understanding that Nobu was basically talking about building his stamina, Yuriko surprised him by suggesting, "Why not have sex? If you consume medicines that increase the amount of Yang energy in your body, you can drastically improve your condition through prolonged sexual intercourse. It's a pretty common method employed by nobles attempting to recover from internal injuries."

Had he not experienced the benefits first hand, quite literally, Nobu would have thought that Yuriko was just trying to get into, or, more specifically, get him out of his pants. He had recovered from an injury that would have taken weeks, if not months, to fully recover from. Now, other than a few light spots on his arm, there were no traces of the necrotic tissue he had been forced to gouge away...

Remembering that experience, a potent shiver ran through Nobu's body. This caused the smile on Yuriko's face to instantaneously fade away. Fortunately, this was just her own misunderstanding as Nobu quickly recovered, a thoughtful look on his face as he muttered, "I'll consider it..."




(A/N: Nobu, three seconds later, "I'm done. Spin that ass in a circle...!")

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