Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 63: Undertones: Recruitment

After discussing a few of the particulars related to his move, Nobu returned to his room alongside Yui and Kiku. There, he found Ayane, Rukia, and Takao waiting for him outside.

Before the three girls could bow in concert, Nobu preempted their courtesies by raising his hand and saying, "Yo. Let's head inside."

Though Rukia and Takao were a little slow to react, Ayane immediately rose to her feet before looking down at the duo and saying, "I told you so..." in her characteristically delicate yet cool monotone.

Hearing Ayane's remark, Nobu continued his approach, asking, "What did you tell them?" in a slightly curious tone.

Without any shame whatsoever, Ayane looked back at him and explained, "I told them you didn't like courtesies...should I not have...?"

Shaking his head, Nobu answered, "Nah. It's whatever." before opening the door and adding, "Let's go."

Though Takao seemed extremely uncomfortable by this turn of events, Rukia simply smiled as she pulled her daughter along. If she could help her daughter win the favor of someone like Nobu, she would be able to spend her last few years in peace. Thus, even if the chances were slim, she wanted to at least try...

Unaware of Rukia's thoughts, Nobu made himself comfortable before gesturing for the rest to do the same. At the same time, a feeling of incongruency washed over him as he watched the mother-daughter duo take a seat. This was the first time he was meeting with a pair of women after initially seeing them naked. To make the situation even stranger, they were a pair of mother and daughter, so, while it was arguably more normal to encounter them like this, Nobu actually felt more awkward now than he had in the bath...

Noticing Nobu's gaze, an intelligent glimmer flashed across Rukia's eyes before she smiled and asked, "What do you think of Takao's outfit? It's similar to the one I used to wear back when I was still active."

As a 'retired' kunoichi, Rukia generally walked around in a relatively modest kimono. As for Takao, she was wearing a surprisingly complex set of equipment, but, like most kunoichi, there was also a considerable amount of skin showing. This included most of her back and sides, so, if you looked at her from the right angle, it was possible to view the 'contents' of her outfit without anything being concealed.

Though he did briefly cast his gaze to Takao, Rukia's words reminded Nobu of something, so, while it was generally considered rude to ask someone their age, he didn't hesitate to ask, "How old are you...?" while staring directly at the older yet remarkably youthful-looking woman.

Covering her mouth with her sleeve, Rukia giggled playfully before answering, "I just turned 33 this year." without any fear, doubt, or even mild trepidation in her voice. She could easily understand what Nobu was truly asking, but, rather than exhibit fear in front of her daughter, she maintained a perfectly calm and dignified demeanor.

Furrowing his brows even further, Nobu remained silent for several seconds as he pulled out the stone tablet and checked the cost to befriend Rukia. His pupils contracted slightly when he saw the value was 13,892,311. Based on the maths he had performed previously, this would put her around Rank 1 Platinum Hero. If what the girls explained was true, this indicated she still had a few years to live, but, at the same time, it showed that she had once been a powerhouse of the Yoshitsune Clan since women apparently lost upwards of 10% of their cultivation base during pregnancy.

"It's no wonder she gets to live in the main estate..."

Though her eyes glistened with a curious light, Rukia didn't ask for clarification since she could feel the hostility radiating from virtually everyone else in the room. She was a kunoichi that specialized in infiltration and assassination so she was especially sensitive to the intentions of others.

Deciding to continue the previous topic, Rukia's expression became ostensibly playful as she asked, "Does Nobunaga-dono prefer older women~?"

Raising his brows, Nobu met Rukia's gaze, silence permeating the room for several seconds before he ultimately nodded his head and answered, "If I had to pick between brats and matures beauties, I would definitely lean towards the latter. Why do you ask...?"

Giggling a second time, Rukia replied, "Oh, no reason. I was just a little curious. Most people would actually choose younger women unless the woman in question has a high cultivation base. After all, it's a lot easier to shape the hearts and minds of younger women than it is to mold someone much older. Most women can't even find a partner after the age of twenty so they end up spending a few years in a brothel just to find a husband."

Though he knew she didn't mean to offend him, Nobu couldn't help furrowing his brows when he heard Rukia's words. Twenty wasn't even considered old back in his world. Rather, the average age that most women got married was pretty close to 31. As for men, they would generally wait until they were between 33-35 before settling down as it was considered financially irresponsible to even try to start a family before that...

Shaking that thought from his mind, Nobu reminded himself, once again, that this was no longer his world. Then, despite the mildly concerned looks he was receiving from virtually everyone, he looked towards Takao and asked, "When are you leaving on your mission? Do you know what you'll be doing...?"

Sitting a little straighter, Takao did her best to appear calm as she answered, "My specialties lay in infiltration and assassination. I don't know the specifics of my mission, but I should be paired with another member from my generational group. We will work together to eliminate a target from a Lesser Noble family. From what I have heard, there has been considerable unrest in the nearby city of Owari-Asai. Unless my duties are required elsewhere, I imagine I will be deployed there."

Blinking in surprise, Nobu shifted his attention towards Yui, but, before he could ask, the latter just shook her head ever-so-slightly as if to say, "We'll talk about it later." or "I'm not really sure." Either way, it was clear she didn't think it was a good idea to discuss such matters in front of guests.

Though he couldn't resist frowning, Nobu decided not to press the matter as he looked back at Takao and said, "Well...good luck? I'm not really sure what to say in situations like this. If it were up to me, girls your age wouldn't be sent on missions like this. I mean, killing someone just because someone else ordered you to? That's pretty fucked up..."

Not expecting someone of Nobu's status to say such a thing, Takao found herself at a momentary loss for words. It had never even occurred to her that someone might consider it strange for her, a kunoichi trained in assassination, to kill on command. Rather, if it were any other Noble, they would either commend or fear her based on her willingness and efficiency...

Stepping in before her daughter could become even more muddleheaded, Rukia issued a sonorous giggle before musing, "Nobunaga-dono is quite magnanimous. Not only are you willing to befriend kunoichi outside your personal entourage, but you even go so far as to show consideration towards your enemies. Though my own views differ due to my particular specializations, it's a relief to know there are such kind and caring individuals among the nobility..."

As he had never been particularly fond of praise, much less brown-nosing, Nobu had to fight the urge to wince in response to Rukia's words. Even he could tell she was laying it on a little thick, but, after learning more about what it meant to be a kunoichi, her attempts to earn his favor weren't a surprise. She might have other daughters, but Takao was probably the last one she would see grow into a woman...

Looking towards the other kunoichi in the room, Nobu didn't have the heart to ask whether or not their mothers were still alive. He was pretty sure that Yui's was already dead based on the fact she had only ever mentioned her older sister and grandmother. As for the rest, well, he had no clue. It hadn't even occurred to him to ask, as, despite the last two days feeling like two whole years, very little time had passed since their introduction.

Recalling that Hitomi had said he could interview and personally select staff to help him look after the girls that would invariably be sent his way, an exasperated sigh escaped Nobu's throat before he shook his head and muttered, "Whatever..." before surprising both girls by asking, "How would the two of you like to come and work for me? The Matriarch has given me permission to basically open my own school. I need teachers and teachers' assistants and you're two of the only people I really know in the Yoshitsune Clan at this moment..."

Smiling radiantly in response to Nobu's words, Rukia didn't hesitate to lower her head, but, before she could say anything, his voice interjected, saying, "Stop it. I hate all that formality crap. You can bow all you want when the situation calls for it. Just not right now."

Though he knew he should be getting used to formalities, it had only been a few days since Nobu revealed his identity. He honestly preferred the way Yui had treated him before. Sure, his life had been a lot more miserable back then, but at least he didn't have to put up with people treating him as though the ground he walked on was somehow sacred. In the end, they were all humans. Since he wouldn't lower his head to others, it felt unbelievably insincere to have other people lower their heads to him.

Raising her head, a smile developed across Rukia's face as she answered, "It would be my honor to work alongside Nobunaga-sama. I'm not sure what I can teach outside of infiltration, assassination, and seduction techniques, but I'll do my best."

Following her words, Rukia looked towards Takao as if to encourage the latter to do the same. This left Takao feeling more than a little awkward, not because she didn't want to work under Nobu, but because she didn't really know how 'not' to show proper courtesy. All of her training had taught her to revere the Nobility, especially the members of the Oda Clan. Nobu was the first son of their Lord so it just felt wrong not to bow her head...

Fortunately, despite her taciturn nature, Takao wasn't a fool. She had also discussed this matter at great length with her mother, so, fearing this was her only chance to improve her position and stay at Nobu's side, she managed to appear unperturbed as she answered, "I won't let you down. Thank you for this opportunity."

Returning an awkward smile of his own, Nobu replied, "Don't mention it. I needed people and the two of you just happened to be the first to introduce yourselves. I'll let one of these girls fill you in on the specifics. I'm actually pretty tired so I don't intend to stay up much longer."

Realizing he was basically asking them to leave, Rukia and Takao nodded their heads at nearly the exact same time before rising to their feet alongside Kiku. Yui had sent a curt nod towards the latter the moment Nobu mentioned that someone would explain things so it was pretty obvious that she would be the one doing so.

With the three girls' departure, only Nobu, Yui, and Ayane were left in the room. This might have given others ideas, but, as he had stated, Nobu was more than a little tired after the surprisingly fruitful day. He also wanted to get a jump start on his personal training, so, after letting his mind wander for a brief moment, he ultimately shook his head and said, "Whatever. I'm going to bed..." in an audibly fatigued tone...




(A/N: Guess Nobu doesn't like the taste of Oyakodon...?)

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