Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 59: On the Edge of Despair

-Reverse the Pendulum: Approximately Nineteen Years Ago-

In an effort to prevent the younger generation from machinating against the old, the Oda Clan had embraced a tradition that prohibited the descendants of the current Lord from producing offspring until they had proven themselves competent in regards to politics and provincial management.

The number of Clans that had been destroyed due to intergenerational conflicts, even in recent history, numbered in the dozens. Thus, it wasn't until the twilight of his forty-forth year that Oda Senken, son of Oda Senichi, sired his first child...

After waiting patiently for nine months, Senken, an inordinately tall man who resembled a bandit more than a Noble, could be seen impatiently pacing outside a sealed room. Everyone who saw this couldn't help feeling extremely nervous, as, prior to his promotion to Daimyo, Senken had made a name for himself as a vicious warrior rather than a scholar or a statesman. Many even assumed the position of Daimyo would be passed to his younger brother, but, surprising everyone, his father had designated the rather tyrannical youth to be his successor.

At this point in time, Senken was still a brash individual who only really cared about himself and the people closest to him. It would be more than a decade before he exceeded everyone's expectations and earned recognition as a wise and benevolent Lord who cared deeply about his people. For now, he was the type of man who would unhesitantly draw his blade against anyone who dared to annoy him. Even his siblings were not exempt from this, as, some months prior, Senken had surprised all of Nian by severing the arm of his younger brother when the two of them were drinking in private.

Simply put, even Senken's most trusted vassals feared the silver-haired man who had made a habit of walking around with his muscular chest and biceps exposed. They kept their heads lowered when he was near, and, unless called upon, they would do their best to blend into the background so as not to affect their Lord's mood.

"'s already been twelve hours...I swear, if anything happens to Nana...I...I'll slaughter every physician in this god-forsaken manor...!"

Hearing their Lord's remark, the kunoichi and warriors lining the hall couldn't help producing a cold sweat. The only person unaffected by Senken's anxiety-induced bloodlust was a burly middle-aged man wearing reddish-brown armor adorned with crimson and gold. His battle-hardened expression and mane-like brown hair made it clear he wasn't someone to be trifled with, but his most notable features, excluding his golden eyes, were the white haori and crimson scarf adorning his body. The latter might not matter to most people, but the former indicated that he was none other than Oda Senichi, the incumbent Lord of Owari until Senken could produce an heir.

"Calm down, boy. It's behavior like this that allows people to criticize you..."

Glaring in response to his father's words, the only thing preventing Senken from drawing his sword was the knowledge that he was no match for his father. He might be one of the youngest people in recent history to reach the pinnacle of Platinum before the age of fifty but his father had reached a similar point before he was even born. As a result, the latter was currently sitting at Mithril 5, weaker than his prime but still several times stronger than anyone from Senken's generation.

While others might wince under Senken's glare, Senichi just leaned forward slightly, a challenging look on his face as he waited to see what his foolish son would do. Fortunately, just as the tensions increased to the point that they could be cut with a knife, the door behind Senken opened to reveal a young woman with raven black hair and peculiar blue-red eyes.

Before the woman could open her mouth to speak, Senken turned around on his heels, grasping her shoulders as he shouted, "Hitomi! What took so long!? Is Nana-chan okay...!?"

Paling in the face of Senken's fervor, Hitomi's eyes briefly flickered towards Senichi, silently pleading for his intervention as she attempted to calmly explain, "Lady Suzuki is in good health. There were a few complications with the delivery, but she will recover with a bit of rest..."

Though he was considerably relieved to learn that his wife was okay, Senken's expression hardened when Hitomi's words trailed off. His grip on her shoulders tightened to the point that those closest could hear bones creaking as he asked, "And my child...?" in a somber tone of voice.

Before Hitomi could answer, Senichi placed his hand on Senken's shoulder, stating, "She is here to tell you exactly that. Stop threatening your subordinates when they will readily give you what you ask for..."

Clicking his tongue in response to his father's words, Senken reluctantly released Hitomi's shoulders as the former urged her to continue with a serious nod. Under normal circumstances, Hitomi would have returned a smile and thanked him for his assistance, but, understanding better than most how temperamental Senken could be, she promptly yet stoically explained, "The child, a boy, appears to be in good health at approximately 4kgs. However, no matter what we try, the only stimuli he reacts to is nursing. Other than that, he is completely unresponsive. He doesn't cry out when pricked, and, no matter how many times we check his body, there isn't a trace of Aura present within..."

Were it not for the fact his father was holding his shoulder with a vice-like grip, Senken might have attacked Hitomi in spite of their long history. He felt like she was actively toying with his emotions by mentioning his son's health only to immediately take the wind out of his sails by following it up with progressively worse news.

"I want to see them. Take me to my wife and child. Now."

Looking towards Senichi, Hitomi waited until the former nodded his head in consent before bowing low and answering, "Very well. Please, follow me..."

Since the birth of a mainline descendant of the Oda Clan was such a significant event, it often took place in the most secure location in the entire clan, the Vault of the Ancestors. This was the location of the Oda Clan's personal library, mausoleum, and armory. It was also where they stored all of their most precious minerals and resources, so, as could be expected, it was sanctified ground protected by countless traps, barriers, and, most importantly, spell formations that permitted access to only a select few members of the Oda and Yoshitsune Clans.

With the declaration of Senken as the next Daimyo, Hitomi's position had recently been elevated from Information Elder to acting Matriarch. She was also the kunoichi who had been assigned to guard Nana when she first arrived at the Oda Clan, so, despite his antagonistic behavior towards her, Senken actually trusted Hitomi quite a bit. They had grown up together, and, though it wasn't particularly well known, she was actually his first woman due to his reluctance to sleep with any of the kunoichi that had been assigned to him. She had effectively taught him everything he needed to know about pleasing a woman, and, though they hadn't slept together ever since his marriage, she was still one of the few people he would sincerely trust with his life.


Without taking her eyes off the path, a delicate smile adorned Hitomi's face as she answered, "It is understandable that my Lord would be perturbed by this situation. You've done nothing warranting an apology. Please, don't mind it..."

Crossing his arms, Senken decided to remain silent in response to Hitomi's remark. This earned him a pat on the shoulder by Senichi, who, remembering his own anxiety prior to Senken's birth, stated, "The lass is right. If you didn't worry in situations like this, you wouldn't be fit to call yourself a man. However, as a father, you must learn to conceal that worry behind a mask of stoicism. Your children will come to view you as the roof that shields them from storms and the mountain atop which their foundation is established. No matter how difficult it gets, you must appear steady and unshakeable. Only when those who follow after you have succeeded can you consider your life well spent..."

Looking towards his father, Senken's expression became uncharacteristically serious as he nodded his head and answered, "I understand..." in a somber tone. He understood better than most that he wouldn't even be here today if not for his father's support. There had been times when they literally butted heads, but, every time he got in over his head or wandered too far from the beaten path, his father had always been there to either support or knock some sense into him...




After more than half an hour of roaming through a complex network of tunnels, Hitomi, Senken, and Senichi finally reached the chamber containing the most precious treasures of the Oda Clan. It was here that Nana had given birth, as, despite substantial debate among Scholars, it was generally considered a blessing for children to be born next to precious materials such as Mithril, Orichalcum, and Adamantine. This was also where the most famous Lords and Heroes of the Oda Clan had been enshrined, so, even if they somehow managed to sneak their way past all the defenses, most people would find themselves cursed the moment they trespassed this sacred place.

Located within the depths of this hallowed ground, an extraordinarily beautiful woman with peculiar black hair, tinged with crimson, could be seen shedding silent tears as she cradled an unresponsive infant in her arms. Her ruby-red eyes, usually vibrant and full of life, appeared to be completely dull as she gently prodded the baby's cheek, pleading, "Please cry...please..."

Unfortunately, even after several hours had passed, the baby remained completely motionless. The only time he would react at all was when she attempted to breastfeed him. This filled her with hope in the beginning, but, with her baby becoming unresponsive immediately following the all too short session of feeding, despair and helplessness became the only emotions visible in the woman's eyes.

Seeing his wife in such a state, Senken's heart and body immediately tensed as he resisted the urge to simply turn around and depart the room. He couldn't stand seeing the woman he loved like this. She was the light of his life, the very meaning of his existence. Now, however, she appeared just as dull and lifeless as the child in her arms. This terrified him far more than any enemy or beast he had ever encountered, but, recalling the words of his father, he forced himself to step forward.

Feeling a warmth embrace her body, Nana raised her currently sightless eyes, unfathomable despair exuding from every fiber of her being as she meekly uttered, "I'm so sorry..." in a tone that pulled at the heartstrings of everyone present. It took every last bit of Senken's willpower to restrain the tears threatening the surge forward like an opportunistic army attempting to rout an enemy. Fortunately, despite feeling a painful twinge in his throat, threatening to choke the life out of him, he was able to sound calm and poised as he whispered, "You've done nothing wrong, gave birth to a healthy baby boy...from here on, leave everything to me..."

Though he had no idea what he was going to do, Senken resolved himself to do everything in his power to protect both Nana and their child. He didn't care what it took. He would return the smile to her face and make sure his son could stand proudly above his peers. It didn't matter if he had to experience great suffering or lay down his life in the process. So long as he could protect the things that matter most to him, there was nothing he wouldn't give...




(A/N: This chapter hit me right in the kokoro...)

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