Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 46: Breaking the Ice

After following Chikako to his room, his eyes wandering to her largely exposed ass more than a dozen times throughout the relatively short journey, Nobu found himself seated across from the red-eyes beauty who, like himself, had half her face was concealed with a mask. This was far from her most prominent feature, however. No, the thing that stood out the most, so much so that he genuinely had a hard time not staring, was the fact that the woman was garbed in little more than a black loincloth with transparent meshes covering her breasts, arms, and thighs. Her breasts were on the smaller size, roughly around the transition point between an A and a B-cup, but, thanks to her peculiar garments, it was hard not to stare at them since he could clearly make out the shape and color of her nipples through the transparent mesh...

Noticing her Lord's eyes consistently deviate to her breasts, a not-so-subtle heat began spreading through Chikako's body. She had felt anxious and confused when she first learned that the man in front of her was her Lord, but, now that he was 'sneakily' eyeing her body, she actually felt relieved. After all, first impressions were extremely important, and, more often than not, even the Lords they served held kunoichi in contempt. The man sitting before her, however, showed no obvious signs of disdain or disgust. Rather, he almost seemed captivated by her body, his gaze tickling her skin and her heart every time he looked towards her...

Noticing the outlines of a smile beneath Chikako's facemask, Nobu's expression became somewhat awkward as he scratched the back of his head and asked, "I'm guessing you're Rynka's sister, right? I can't imagine you being related to that pink-haired psycho..."

Lowering her head, as was proper when addressing those with a higher status than oneself, Chikako dutifully replied, "My Lord is correct. Rynka is my half-sister. We share the same mother, Yoshitsune Miwa-sama. I hope she hasn't done anything to offend you..."

Though he was tempted to mention that Rynka had nearly buried him alive, Nobu got the feeling that Chikako would do something extreme if he did. She gave him a similar feeling to the one that Yuriko had been giving him ever since they had sex. It was like she was eager to prove herself, and, if he ordered her to, there was a very real chance she would head off to wring Rynka's neck without hesitation.

Recalling the warning given to him by Yui's Grandmother, Nobu realized that it might not be such a good idea to regard the kunoichi around him as normal girls. The education they had received had turned them into something completely different than the women he had dealt with in the past life. Thus, while he was more than a little tempted to have Chikako point her fat yet flawlessly sculpted ass toward him, Nobu decided to take the Matriarch's advice to heart until he got a better grasp of the situation. Besides, so long as he toughed it out for a bit, Yui and Yuriko would undoubtedly lend a hand...

As that thought crossed his mind, Nobu decided to shift the topic away from Rynka, asking, "What can you tell me about the other girls in your generational group? I've already met Yui and Yuriko, so focus on the others and yourself. Shizune and Yuriko mentioned something about specialties so I'm assuming you have a few of your own?"

Lowering her head a second time, Chikako didn't hesitate to explain, "My Lord is correct. Though I am proficient in each of my Clan's techniques, my specialties revolve around infiltration, stealth, and assassination. As for the others...I believe they would prefer to tell you themselves. Please ask again when they are present. I don't want to steal away their opportunity to make a good impression on our Lord. Please forgive me..."

Seeing Chikako press her forehead to the ground as a show of sincerity, an uncomfortable feeling spread through Nobu's body as he furrowed his brows and said, "It's fine...also, you don't need to apologize for things like this. I'm pretty new to all this but that kind of over courteous behavior just makes me feel uncomfortable. When we're alone like this, it's fine to act casually."

Raising her head, visible confusion could be seen in Chikako's crimson-red irises as she cautiously inquired, "Is that my Lord's order...?"

Nodding his head, Nobu explained, "Yeah. We might be spending the next few years together so we might as well get to know each other. Besides, I've never been a fan of all that prim and proper shit. You can act like a proper kunoichi when you need to, but, when we're alone like this, just relax. Your constant bowing and shit is making me tense..."

With an even more confused expression on her face, Chikako remained silent for several seconds before replying, "I...see..." in an uncertain tone. Then, after an even longer period of contemplation, she tentatively asked, "When my Lord says to act casually...what does he mean...? I haven't received any training like least, not that I can remember..."

Though she had been taught how to blend in with crowds, observe targets, and even emulate their behavior, Chikako, like most kunoichi, didn't know what it meant to act casually. She had only ever left Yumegakure a single time, and, even then, she hadn't really interacted with anyone outside of slitting their throats. She had been taught how to observe a mark over an extended period of time so that she might 'borrow' their identity, but, other than that, the only way she knew how to act was in strict adherence to the Clan's teachings...

Not expecting such a question, Nobu found himself at a momentary loss for words. He could tell from the serious and concerned look she was giving him that Chikako wasn't attempting to pull his leg or bullshit him. She genuinely had no idea what he was talking about, so, after a while, he just shook his head and explained, "Well...the first thing you need to do is relax. Like, you don't need to force yourself to sit in an uncomfortable position just because it's considered proper. Also, when we talk like this, you don't need to call me Lord. Just call me Nobu, Nobu-sama, or something similar. It sounds hella weird to hear girls my own age referring to me as Lord and Master..."

Furrowing her brows at the mere notion of referring to her Lord without honorifics, Chikako said, "If it is what my Lord commands, I will do my best. However, if acting casually is your only command, I don't think I can refer to you without honorifics. The mere thought of such things fills my heart with an extreme feeling of discomfort. Are Yui-sama and Yuriko-dono able to refer to you as such...?"

Recalling how both Yui and Yuriko began referring to him as Lord the moment he revealed his true name, an annoyed grimace developed across Nobu's face. He might be bothered by honorifics, but, in a society built upon them, it was apparently even more uncomfortable for people to refer to him without them. This was yet another difference in his way of thinking compared to the people of this world, so, after a brief moment of silence, he just muttered, "Whatever..." before following it up by saying, "Call me however you please. Just don't be overly formal about it."

Displaying a visibly relieved smile, Chikako restrained the urge to bow as she softly replied, "My Lord is a very kind man..." before surprising him quite a bit by trying to emulate the way he was sitting. This meant sitting on her ass with her legs crossed in a relaxed lotus position that left very little to the imagination despite a black cloth covering her front. After all, much like the rest of the clothes she was wearing, it was also transparent...




As Nobu was just beginning to grow accustomed to the presence of the nearly-naked Chikako, a soft thud could be heard outside his door prior to a mature woman's voice softly stating, "Pardon our interruption. We were informed that our Lord, Oda Nobunaga-sama, was staying here. May we enter?"

Before answering in the affirmative, Nobu uttered a confused, "We...?" while Chikako, seemingly recognizing the voice, quickly fixed her sitting posture. This caught Nobu's attention, but, rather than overthink things, he just nodded his head and stated, "Enter." in what he believed to be an authoritative voice.

Following his command, a ridiculously attractive woman with silvery grey hair and honey-colored eyes opened the door before entering alongside a scary-looking chick with animalistic armor and a dirty woman with unkempt brown hair that extended down to her ass.

Though the outfits and figures of the first two women caught Nobu's attentions, the mere presence of the third caused him to frown. She seemed to take note of this, but, unlike the other kunoichi he had seen thus far, she just stretched the back of her head, ostensibly oblivious to the looks she was receiving from the other girls as she casually stated, "Sorry about the smell. I'm just a stable hand so I'm not really sure why Kumiko decided to pull me along. I mean, I'll do what I can, but I doubt your Lordship needs someone who flunked out of the kunoichi program. The only things I'm good at are collecting shit and making manure..."

Hearing the woman's somewhat brash tone, Nobu was actually a little relieved to know that not all the kunoichi were as robotic as Chikako. Manure was actually extremely important in a society that was heavily reliant on agricultural goods, and, though he could only remember the basics, he knew it could be used to make things like compost, fertilizer, peat, paper, and even building materials. It was, quite literally, a shitty job to have but that didn't mean it was useless.

Unfortunately, the other two girls saw him covering his already masked face and interpreted it as if he was offended. The scarier-looking of the two beauties, a woman with ashen-grey hair tied into a loose ponytail, immediately motioned to unsheathe a ridiculously long katana from her back as she said, "Kazue. Apologize to Lord Nobunaga-sama."

With black and red body armor that gave her an almost demonic and bestial appearance, complete with a fang-toothed mask covering the lower half of her neck and face, it was readily apparent that the ashen-haired woman specialized in combat. She even possessed intense blue eyes that seemed to pierce through whatever she was looking at, and, were it not for the fact she still displayed a fair amount of skin around her back and thighs, she could have passed as a fierce warrior rather than a kunoichi.

Showing a troubled yet unfrightened expression, the unkempt-looking woman, Kazue, was about to perform a dogeza when Nobu interrupted the tense atmosphere, saying, "Calm down. And you, put away that fucking massive ass meat cleaver. I don't need you getting offended on my behalf."

Without any hesitation whatsoever, the ashen-haired woman sheathed her sword before promptly falling to one knee, lowering her head, and saying, "I have been presumptuous. Please punish me, Master."

Though she had yet to say or done anything, the other grey-haired beauty, Kumiko, also lowered her body as if she was prepared to receive a punishment. After all, she had been about to rebuke Kazue, and, even if she hadn't followed through on it, the intention was still there. This forced an exasperated sigh from Nobu, but, in spite of this, he couldn't help staring at the stressed fabric of Kumiko's outfit, muttering, ("She has massive tits...") within his mind.

Waving his hand in a dismissive gesture, Nobu surprised the duo by saying, "Whatever. Look. I'm not going to punish you or anything. Just chill out, take a seat, and introduce yourselves. If we're going to be spending the next few years together, we might as well try to get along. Now, since I already heard your names, how about we start with you, the girl with the big tits. Kumiko, was it...?"

Hearing the way her Lord had referred to her, Kumiko stared at her breasts for several seconds before looking up and offering a smile as she answered, "My Lord heard correctly. This one's name is, indeed, Kumiko. It is my life's greatest honor to finally meet you, Lord Nobunaga-sama. If there is ever anything I can do for you, anything at all, please let me know."

Interpreting Nobu's comment as interest, Kumiko drew her arms a bit closer together in order to emphasize her already ample bosom. She was easily a D-Cup, and, though she was just as petite as every other girl he had encountered thus far, the people Nobu had met with even larger breast thus far were Shizune and that white-haired vixen that attempted to charm him. Yui's Grandmother was just as flat as she was, and, despite her birthing a rapacious brat with ginormous breasts, Shizune's had only been around a B-Cup, if that...

Shaking such thoughts from his mind, Nobu tore his eyes away from Kumiko's breasts with a bit of reluctance before shifting his attention to the armored girl kneeling next to her and saying, "You're next...? Wait, now that I think about it, I didn't actually hear your name...?"

"Kiku. This one's name is Yoshitsune Kiku. It is my life's greatest honor to be in service to the Young Lord of the Oda Clan. It is my privilege to safeguard you and cut down your enemies. If there is ever anything you need to be killed, please do not hesitate to ask. I will succeed or die trying."

Taken aback by the woman's fervor, Nobu didn't even need to ask in order to understand what Kiku specialized in....

" in Chrysanthemum?"

Though he couldn't see it due to her mask, a smile spread across Kiku's face as she bowed her head and answered, "My Lord is well-versed in the Old Tongue. Yes, my name means Chrysanthemum." in an audibly gratified tone.

Sensing the woman's satisfaction, Nobu swallowed the words that nearly escaped his mouth before internally remarking, ("Well...that explains why she is such a tightass...")




(A/N: Chrysanthemum is slang for anus/asshole (UwU)...)

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