Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

Chapter 131: Development

With more than a decade to ponder it, Nohime had a lot of expectations regarding the loss of her virginity.

Had she been looking forward to it?

Nohime wasn't quite sure herself.

All Nohime knew for certain was that she had never, not even once, anticipated that things would start off with Nobu supporting her waist, her legs dangling over his shoulders as his tongue worked in and around places even her fingers dared not tread.

" shouldn't...don't lick that place~!?"

Despite her protests, Nohime was unable to deter Nobu from his incessant assault on her most sacred garden. All she could do was lay back with her arms above her head, brows furrowed, and chest heaving up and down as he ceaselessly searched for her weak spots.

("What is this? I don't recall being this sensitive?")

Biting the knuckle of her right index finger, this was the thought at the forefront of Nohime's mind. Unfortunately, it was obscured by a mixture of pleasure, a small amount of pain, and a tremendous amount of confusion. Nobu had been shattering her expectations from the moment they met, and, as this most recent incident had proven, he wasn't going to be letting up any time soon...




Though he had become much stronger, so much so that he could probably run circles around his previous life's self, Nobu's back and lower jaw were beginning to strain after about twenty minutes of supporting Nohime's body. He could have gone longer if she wasn't moving about so much, but, despite his attempts to keep her still, she was floundering about like a freshly caught fish.

Suppressing his growing frustration, Nobu circled his hands around Nohime's thighs before guiding her lower back to rest against the futon. Then, using the towel Yui had graciously offered him, he wiped away the excess fluid from his face and chest before saying, "You're about ready. Spread your legs and raise your hips."

With her mind wandering far from the events transpiring in the room, Nohime didn't immediately respond to Nobu's words. She had experienced her first, second, and third climaxes mere minutes apart from each other. Since Nobu had also elevated her hips, blood had rushed to her head, and, as a result, she currently felt as though she was flying above her body rather than occupying it...


Though it wasn't his first time observing someone in after-coitus bliss, Nobu couldn't help feeling taken aback as they hadn't even gotten started. His was currently diamond-dicking, so, if Nohime didn't come to her senses soon, she was bound to experience a very rude awakening...

"Your skills have improved tremendously over the past two-and-a-half months. You still have a long way to go but it's no surprise that an inexperienced maiden would react this way after experiencing how...persistent you can be..."

Recalling her own experiences, a faint blush crept up Yui's neck before spreading through her face. If she were being completely honest, Nobu had drastically exceeded her expectations in regards to his prowess in the bedroom. He had improved by leaps and bounds in a remarkably short period of time. A lot of this could be attributed to Inami, but, more than that, it was the subtle changes in his mentality that made the biggest difference.

When Nobu first started his philandering, he was a very selfish lover. Not as selfish as the average Nianese man, but selfish nonetheless. His priority had always been his own self-gratification. If he hadn't taken pride in his ability to make his partner climax, he wouldn't have bothered to even try.

Compared to his past self, the current Nobu was significantly less 'eager' to have sex. When he did, however, he focused more on his partners rather than himself. There were even moments when he was extremely tender with the women he was making love to, so much so that they had needed to adjust the schedule just to give the girls time to decompress and refocus their minds...

Feeling motivated after receiving Yui's praise, the bulk of Nobu's growing frustration simply ceased to exist. He was a little irritated by her mention of the fact he still had a long way to go but that just made him want to try harder.

With that thought in mind, Nobu repositioned so that he was straddling one of Nohime's toned and muscular thighs before twisting her hips until she was half-turned onto her side. Then, after pinning her second leg beneath his elbow, he gave her bottom a few light smacks until she slowly came back to her senses. (A/N: This is known as the Pretzel Dip position. Give it a try. It's very, very effective~!)


Without giving her the time to retract her consent or second-guess her position, Nobu adopted a serious expression as he said, "I'm putting it in..."

Opening her mouth, Nohime was about to say something when a mix of pain and pleasure ran up and down her spine like a bolt of lightning. This left her feeling confused and somewhat ashamed, as, according to the knowledge she had received as part of her bridal training, losing one's virginity was supposed to be a painful and bloody affair. It wasn't supposed to start feeling good until much, much later...

"I don't-"

Before Nohime could express her concerns, her words were lost to the abyss due to Nobu's issuing a contented grunt and muttering, "Damn...your body isn't the only thing that's toned. Your insides feel amazing..."

Though she briefly felt even more ashamed, Nohime couldn't help feeling a strange sense of pride when she heard Nobu's impassioned remark. At the same time, the faint yet visible muscles of her abdomen tensed, and, as a result, her insides clamped around Nobu's shaft like a vice.

"Holy shit, women. You trying to milk me or what...?"

Having used this position numerous times in the past, Nobu habitually smacked Nohime's bubbly and toned ass cheek with his right hand. This caused her to issue a suppressed yelp, but, instead of complaining about his 'violent' and 'barbaric' actions, Nohime's heart began beating even faster at the notion that she kind of enjoyed it...

Since Nohime was tight to the point he could barely fit more than half his dick inside of her, Nobu stopped pressing down her leg and instead raised it to his shoulder. This allowed him to assess the situation a little better, so, after seeing a very thin line of blood flowing from Nohime's vagina, he began to grind against her thigh while making slow yet steady headway towards her depths.

As if she were trying to escape him, Nohime took advantage of the fact she was half-turned to fully lay on her side. At the same time, she clutched the blankets atop the futon with such intensity that a few of her long, neatly trimmed nails ended up snapping near the tips. In any other situation, this would have made Nohime extremely upset. With Nobu pressuring her insides and pleasure unlike anything she had ever experienced pressuring her mind, she could barely even breathe, much less protest.

Giving Nohime's bottom another light smack, Nobu's tone became stern as he said, "Stop trying to restrain your voice. We're husband and wife from now on. If you can't show your emotions in front of me, who can you show them to? Let it out before you pass out."

In an effort to force the matter, Nobu pulled back a bit before giving Nohime a few hard and steady thrusts. This caused her a marginal amount of pain and discomfort but it also succeeded in eliciting a few suppressed squeaks from her throat. This was even more embarrassing than normal moaning, so, after failing to suppress her voice even with the aid of her left hand, Nohime exhaled the breath she had been holding before gasping and moaning in tune with Nobu's movements.

"That's what I'm talking about...!"

Feeling more motivated now that Nohime was beginning to respond properly, Nobu decided to employ one of the techniques he had picked up on the mountain. He buried himself as deep as possible into Nohime's insides before turning her leg so that it was facing the same direction as her body. Then, pressing down on her knee, he managed to make the inside of her vagina even tighter as he began to grind against one of her more sensitive spots.


Startled by the sudden increase in pleasure, Nohime ended up crying out to Nobu as if he were her Lord rather than her husband. A wolfish grin immediately developed across his face as he gave her bottom a much harder smack, saying, "That's right, bi-"

Catching himself before he inadvertently called his own wife a bitch, Nobu smoothly recovered by adopting a less severe expression, leaning forward as he whispered, "Say my name..."

Though she was a little confused, Nohime was too far gone to question anything. As a result, she ended up staring into Nobu's eyes for several seconds before whispering, "Nobunaga-sama..." in a heated tone. This earned her an approving nod, so, after a few seconds had passed, Nohime tensed up as she repeated, "No...Nobunaga-sama..." in an even more impassioned tone.

As there were few things more exhilarating than hearing a beautiful woman state your name during sex, a fierce yet intoxicated smile developed across Nobu's face. For a brief moment, he was seized by the notion he had somehow conquered the cold and apathetic beauty from a few hours ago. He knew this wasn't the case, but, seeing Nohime writhe in response to his ministrations, it was hard to suppress the feeling of conquest.

Fortunately, Nobu had matured in a number of ways since his arrival in Terra. Thus, after blowing his load against Nohime's insides, eliciting another, far louder recital of his name, he quickly descended from his momentary high. His post-nut clarity allowed him to feel a strange form of guilt toward the woman gasping for air beneath him, so, as his remnant seed drained from his urethra, Nobu ended up turning to Yui...

Blinking in surprise, Yui's mind raced to try and comprehend why her Lord was looking her way. If he wanted to have sex, he would have removed his penis from Nohime's body. Instead, the look he gave her was almost like he was asking for permission.

Suppressing the panic she was feeling as a result of her Grandmother's words repeating in the back of her mind, Yui trusted her instincts and nodded her head. This seemed to be the correct decision as a relieved smile immediately developed across Nobu's face. Then, before she could make sense of the situation, Nobu bent down to plant a kiss on the befuddled Nohime's lips. Shortly after that, he began gently shifting his hips, his penis slowly sinking in and out of her body as he supported himself, rather considerately, using his hands...




(A/N: This chapter was a bit shorter than normal but I didn't really feel like extending things any further. I just wanted to get my point across and demonstrate a bit of Nobu's mental and emotional growth. I can't say for certain if this chapter accomplished that but that was my intention xD...)

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