ninja puppet master

Chapter 280 Dare to ask where is the way

Chapter 280 Dare to ask where is the way
Four conditions are required to revive Otsutsuki Kaguya——

First: People with fairy bodies and fairy eyes.

Second: The body of the sacred tree, which is the ten tails.

Third: Kaguya's will, that is, Heijue.

Fourth: Huge Chakra.

Now, these four conditions have been met in Shi Lei's body, and Otsuki Kaguya's resurrection is obviously unavoidable!
So Shi Lei is full of despair, while Hei Jue is full of confidence.

But what neither of them expected was that after Hei Jue shouted "Resurrection Speech", nothing happened.

Otsutsuki Huiye didn't come back to life, Shi Lei didn't even feel anything, as if Heijue just chanted a slogan and didn't do anything else.

But in fact, Hei Jue has already done everything that should be done, but he doesn't know why it doesn't work.

"Failed? Is Indra's reincarnation necessary?"

Thinking of this, Hei Jue resolutely gave up on continuing to possess Shi Lei, and directly burrowed into the ground to escape.

But Shi Lei was fooled by him, how could he just let him run away, and immediately activated his strongest sealing technique.

"Ninja - Ghoul Seal!"

Following his loud shout, Heijue, who had just drilled halfway into the ground, felt that he was being grabbed by an invisible big hand, and instantly lost all resistance.

"Do not……"

He only had time to yell, and before he could figure out what was going on, he completely lost consciousness.

When Heijue regained consciousness again, he found himself standing on an endless green grassland.

Beside him, there is still a person he wants to see day and night - Otsutsuki Kaguya!


Looking at the person in front of him, Hei Jue suddenly felt as if he was dreaming, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Didn't the resurrection fail? Wasn't I sealed? Why can I see my mother? Is this a dream?"

Just when Hei Jue was full of doubts, a hoarse singing voice reached his ears.

"You carry the load, I lead the horse, welcome the sunrise, and send the sunset away..."

Hearing this burst of singing, Hei Jue quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Looking at it, I saw a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and a pale complexion singing a song not far away.

"Smooth the ups and downs to become a road, and set off again after fighting the hardships... and set off again... la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

After a series of springs, autumns, winters and summers, ups and downs, dare to ask where the road is, the road is under your feet..."

Seeing this man singing wildly, Hei Jue was taken aback for a moment, and then showed surprise on his face.

"That's... Orochimaru? He's not dead?"

Hearing Hei Ze's words, Orochimaru, who was singing, looked back, and after seeing Hei Zee and Otsutsuki Kaguya, he burst into laughter.

"Hahaha... dare to ask where the road is, the road is under your feet... hahahahahaha..."

Heijue: "╭(°A°`)╮"

This guy... crazy?
Just when Heijue wondered if Orochimaru had a mental problem, a huge monkey suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Four tails?"

Looking at the big monkey, Hei Jue suddenly showed surprise on his face.

But he reacted quickly, and immediately showed an ecstatic expression, and opened his mouth towards Otsutsuki Kaguya beside him.

"Mother, it's Four Tails, quickly absorb it, so that your strength can be restored again!"


Looking at the excited Hei Jue, a trace of helplessness flashed across the face of the four-tailed monkey. It first shook its head, and then pointed to Dashewan.

"Did you see him, he was more arrogant than you when he first came, but now he has become like this.

So, I advise you two to be more honest and learn to sing this song "Dare to Ask Where the Way Is" as soon as possible. "

Heijue: "(╬ ̄dish ̄)"

Learn from your sister!
Hearing Siwei's words, Hei Jue immediately felt that he had been insulted, but instead of making a move, he sneered.

"How dare you speak nonsense in front of my mother... the ancestor of Chakra, the Almighty God, I have already foreseen your end!"

After finishing speaking, he turned into a black shadow and slipped into Otsutsuki Kaguya's sleeve, and then said in a hoarse voice, "Mom, let's do it!"


Facing Hei Ze's instigation, Otsutsuki Kaguya neither spoke nor made a move, but just stood there blankly.

A few minutes later, when Heijue was full of doubts, Otsutsuki Kaguya spoke.

"Did you betray Aijia like those two?"


Hearing Otsutsuki Kaguya's words, Heijue was stunned.

"Mother, what do you mean? My existence is your will, how could I betray you?"

"Since you didn't betray Aijia, how do you explain all this now?"

Speaking of this, Otsutsuki Kaguya's voice became agitated.

"The power has been deprived, the consciousness has been blocked, and there are so many terrifying existences with powerful souls around. You tell Aijia, what exactly do you want to do?"


Otsutsuki Huiye's words made Heijue confused again.

But before he came back to his senses, he found that the originally empty surroundings began to appear one after another in white robes.

These gods of death have ferocious faces, each with a blade in his mouth and a rosary in his hand, exuding waves of terrifying aura that makes the soul tremble.


Seeing this scene, Hei Jue was completely dumbfounded.

"And there are still 27 of them. Shouldn't these guys be sealed in the Underworld? Why did they appear here? Is this the Underworld?"

"Ho ho ho ho... This is not Huangquan!"

Facing the bewildered Hei Jue, Orochimaru who had just finished singing walked over while laughing in a hoarse voice.

After walking over, he first looked at Otsuki Kaguya, and then he turned his eyes to the Heijue in Otsutsuki Kaguya's sleeve.

"I didn't expect that we would meet in this way. Since you are here, it means that you used soul attack on that guy, right?"

"That guy?" Hei Jue was startled when he heard Dashewan's words, "Shi Lei?"

"Ho ho ho ho... it really is!"

After hearing Heijue's answer, Orochimaru laughed even more happily, and the pair of vertical pupils were full of gloating.

"Since this is the case, then you can give up. You will never be able to leave here, hahahaha..."

He laughed, but before his laughter fell, a god of death next to him seemed to have had enough of his noise, and the blade of the god of death swung down instantly!

With the sound of breaking through the air, Orochimaru was cut into two pieces in an instant.

Then, the god of death rolled his long tongue, and a part of it rolled into his mouth, chewing it with a crunching sound.

While the god of death was chewing, the other part of Orochimaru had grown back the lost part, and then grinned at the stunned Heijue.

"Hehe... Don't worry, as long as your souls are strong enough to recover as quickly as mine, then you don't have to worry about dying for the time being, but if you can't..."

Having said that, he looked at Siwei next to him with a smile on his face.

"I can only quickly learn to sing "Dare to Ask Where the Way Is" with it, otherwise, I'm afraid you will disappear completely soon without leaving a trace!"

Heijue: "..."

where is the road?

(End of this chapter)

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