ninja puppet master

Chapter 221 The Journey to the Country of Waves

Chapter 221 The Journey to the Country of Waves
Shi Lei has already recognized it, this young man wearing the mask of Kirigaki's chasing troops is exactly his companion in the original plot - Bai!

The reason why he was sure was not only because of the clothes on his body, but most importantly, the blow he seemed to have killed just now was actually just a cover!
On the surface, Momochi Zabuza had lost all life characteristics, not only breathing, but even the most basic pulse, and the chakra fluctuations had completely stopped, and began to weaken rapidly.

This is clearly a characteristic of death, but Shi Lei doesn't seem to be like this.

Because he could clearly see that Taodi's HP bar, which was in good condition, had not been cleared.

In other words, this guy is not dead at all!

Of course, this is also what Shi Lei wanted to see, after all, the action he was about to swing the knife just now was not intended to kill Tao Di and then not beheaded, but to draw out the truth.

But Bai didn't notice this, when he heard Shi Lei ask how he would repay, he was stunned for a moment.

"That... I will report this matter to Mizukage-sama, explaining that Your Excellency helped me kill Momochi, and then..."

"That kind of stuff doesn't matter at all."

Before Bai finished speaking, Shi Lei interrupted him.

"Let me tell you the truth, Bai, I've taken a fancy to you, and I can take you away if I don't kill you, but as a price, you will become my property, that is to say..."

Speaking of this, Shi Lei waved his right hand, and the beheading knife in his hand was pressed against Zabuchou's neck, and then turned his head to look at Bai again.

"Now you turn and leave, and I will cut off his head, and you will be truly free.

And if you choose to take him away, then you will be driven by me for the rest of your life and become my tool, so are you willing? "


Hearing Shi Lei's words, Bai was silent for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Why? You are so powerful that you can defeat Mr. Zabuzhan in an instant. I should be useless to you."

"This is a question for me to consider. You just need to answer whether you are willing or not. I believe you are a person who keeps your promise!"


Hearing Shi Lei's words, and looking at the peach field that Shi Lei held on his neck with a knife, Bai directly cast the instant body technique.


With a soft sound, he appeared in front of Shi Lei after performing the instant body technique, and knelt down on one knee towards him.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lei suddenly showed an unexpected expression, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"It seems that you have made a choice, Bai, don't blame me for being mean, for a person like you who hates killing, it would be a mistake not to kill him, well, take him away!"

"Thank you... thank you so much!"

Seeing Shi Lei take the beheading sword away from Zai Bu Zhan's neck, Bai immediately saluted him, then carried Za Bu Zhan on his back and disappeared with a "whoosh".

Perhaps because he was afraid of Shi Lei's repentance, he left in a hurry, and didn't even ask for the beheading knife that Shi Lei was holding in his hand.

Originally, Shi Lei thought that if he asked for it in vain, he would give it to him as a favor, but since he didn't ask, Shi Lei would not take the initiative to give it to him.

"Tsk... that's about it!"

Seeing the disappearing Momoji Nabuzhan Kazushiro, he smacked his lips and looked at Kakashi.

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's go!"


Kakashi nodded, and then let Naruto and the others continue to escort Dazna to leave, but he was a few steps behind, and asked Shi Lei who was reading a dictionary.

"That boy just now, is he no longer beheaded companion?"

"It's not a companion, it's just that it's not a tool for adoption training, but it's mine now."

Having said that, Shi Lei slightly turned his head to look at Kakashi.

"What? Are you interested in him?"

"Well... that's right!"

Kakashi looked up at the sky, then turned to look at Shi Lei.

"The main reason is that I want to know what kind of person would let someone like you, who hates Mist Ninja, let him go."

"Hate? There's no such thing." Shi Lei shook his head, "I usually avenge my grudges on the spot, and I never remember overnight grudges."

"Really?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows, "Then what happened when you shot me in the street last time?"

"Tsk... probably because you're cheap!"

Kakashi: "..."

You bitch, do you ever talk like that?
Damn, I really can't go on chatting with this guy!
If he didn't want to know more information about the attacker, Kakashi really wanted to turn around and leave, and never speak to Shi Lei again.

Shi Lei also guessed what he was thinking, so he smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Kakashi, you can relax this time, don't worry about anything, just treat it as an ordinary C-rank escort mission, and leave the other things to me."

"here you are?"

Hearing Shi Lei's words, Kakashi immediately squinted at him.

"In my opinion, a guy with unknown purpose like you is more dangerous than not beheaded. What are you planning?"

"Didn't I already say it?" Shi Lei immediately spread his hands helplessly, "I just want to start a small business and make some money!"

"You think I'll believe it?" Kakashi raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"Tch, believe it or not!"


Ma Dan, I really can't talk anymore today!

Kakashi, who was so angry with Shi Lei's attitude, simply ignored him, quickened his pace and caught up with Naruto and the others, leaving Shi Lei behind alone.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lei didn't care, just shrugged his shoulders, then continued to take out the dictionary and read it while walking.


Soon, several people arrived in the small town where Dazner's house was located.

Unlike the prosperous towns in the Land of Fire, this small town in the Land of Waves looks very depressed.

Nine out of ten shops on both sides of the street are empty, and the passers-by are ragged and disheveled. At first glance, almost no one's clothes are in good condition, and they are basically covered with patches.

Seeing this scene, Kakashi and the others finally understood why Dazna lied about the mission level before.

Because judging from the economic conditions of the land of waves in front of him, if the mission level is raised to B, he really can't afford the money.

Everyone's expressions began to look a little lonely, and at this moment, Xiao Ying suddenly felt someone pulling the corner of her clothes.

She looked down and saw a little girl about three or four years old, smiling sweetly at her, and then stretched out her hands towards her.

"give me!"

Seeing this scene, Sakura was taken aback for a moment, then quickly took out a few candies from her bag and put them in the little girl's hands.

Looking at the candy she gave, the little girl suddenly showed a surprised expression, and smiled sweetly at her again.

"Thank you!"

After speaking, he turned and ran away.

Seeing this scene, the expressions on everyone's faces suddenly became heavier.

But at this time, Dazna suddenly walked in front of Shi Lei, bent down towards him, bowed deeply and saluted.

"Your Excellency, no matter what, please help the Kingdom of Bo, please!"

(End of this chapter)

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