
Chapter 301: Fight and Scheme

# 301. Fight and Scheme

*Huaiqing also wants to see me!? Hmm, given my relationship with the two princesses, it's only natural that we meet after the magical contest… But, should I see Huaiqing first or Lin’an?*

Xu Qi'an pondered briefly before coming to a conclusion: Huaiqing first.

His choice had its reasons. It wasn’t about caring more for Huaiqing or less for Lin’an. Xu Qi'an’s decision was tied to the intelligence of the two princesses.

Huaiqing was too clever to be easily deceived, and she was deep-minded. Even if she held a grudge, she wouldn’t show it, but might strike back when you least expect it. Lin’an, on the other hand, was relatively simpler. She was spoiled and often unreasonable, but she didn’t hold grudges. Once her tantrum was over, it would be forgotten.

“Very well, this official will accompany you to the palace,” Xu Qi'an said, instructing his clerk to deliver his memorial to the Tower of Noble Spirit. He then mounted his horse and followed the guard to the palace.

After going through the necessary procedures, Xu Qi'an stepped into Dexin Courtyard, where he saw Huaiqing in the elegantly clean hall. She was wearing a white palace gown that suited her temperament, with her hair simply adorned with a golden pin, letting a few strands of jet black hair cascade down.

As cold as a celestial from a painting.

The strands of loose hair, however, added a touch of warmth and human charm to her otherwise aloof appearance.

“Are you well?” Huaiqing smiled faintly.

“No major issues. Your humble servant is as strong as an ox, a little rest is all I need to recover from such minor injuries,” Xu Qi'an smiled back.

Huaiqing nodded with relief and invited him to sit. “With your victory in the contest, the court is sure to reward you. However, a rank promotion is easy, a title promotion is hard.

“If you're not in need of silver, you could make a request to the emperor, which would secure Xu Cijiu's future.”

*Whoever marries Huaiqing will be as lucky as Liu Bei getting Zhuge Liang!* Xu Qi'an marvelled inwardly.

It was indeed a brilliant suggestion.

Sacrificing some personal gain to secure Erlang's career would pave the way for his younger brother to rise as Prime Minister.

“Your servant has already requested a crimson lettered iron deed,” Xu Qi'an said with regret.

“A crimson lettered iron deed?” Huaiqing’s delicate brows furrowed. “What use is that? Once in a blue moon it may arise to miraculous effect, but more often than not, it's worthless.”

*So her point is, the interpretation of the deed’s guarantees lay entirely with the emperor, and given Emperor Yuanjing’s lack of trustworthiness, it’s as valuable as the paper it’s written on… to put it plainly, it’s like the fiat currency in my previous life. If a government had trust, then its currency had value. If a government didn’t have trust, well, then you get the Zimbabwean dollar… For Huaiqing to speak so openly to me, it shows how candid she is.*

Xu Qi'an smiled faintly. “It may still produce miraculous effects.”

Huaiqing didn’t dwell on it further. She continued, “Have you truly mastered the Unbreakable Vajra technique?”

Xu Qi'an extended his hand, and his flesh quickly solidified with golden lacquer, his entire arm radiating a soft golden glow.

Huaiqing wasn’t pleased, however, and said in a low voice, “Do you realize how many martial artists would covet this Unbreakable Vajra?”

Xu Qi'an’s heart tightened, and he didn’t reply.

Huaiqing took a sip of tea and said, “You’re riding a wave of fame right now, so no one will target you openly. But watch those around you carefully, and take care not to expose any vulnerabilities.”

She paused for a moment and then added, “Duke Wei is not invincible.”

*Given the immense power I displayed during the contest, the martial artists in the capital might salivate, but none would dare to act against me directly… And the major figures of the martial world wouldn’t come here to interfere with the Conflict of Heaven and Man, so they wouldn’t know about the duel... Huaiqing’s warning is clear.*

*Who in the capital would covet my Unbreakable Vajra?*

*The civil officials might be interested, not for themselves, but for their household bodyguards and loyal henchmen.*

*But it’s not something directly valuable to them, so they wouldn’t be overly eager.*

*It’s the nobles and the military!*

“Thank you for the reminder, Your Highness,” Xu Qi'an said sincerely.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Huaiqing casually remarked, “That storybook you gave me last time, my maids have been reading it, and they seem to find it quite amusing.

“Though we don’t read such things ourselves, we couldn’t deny their repeated requests… Is there a sequel?”

“If Your Highness would like it, I can bring it to you in a few days,” Xu Qi'an said with a smile.

Huaiqing nodded gracefully. “No rush, it’s just for a few maidservants. Hmm, tomorrow would be fine.”

*Not in a rush, huh? You’re absolutely dying to read it… Alright, I’ll have my typewriter Zhong Li work on it when I get back...* Xu Qi'an lampooned.

After some light conversation, Xu Qi'an found a reason to excuse himself and left Huaiqing’s courtyard.

He returned to the palace gates, waited for the Imperial Guard’s message, then re-entered the palace, heading toward Shaoyin Courtyard.

“Sir Xu, halt!” A guard raised his hand to stop him and said, “The Princess Lin’an has decreed that she will not receive guests today. Please return.”

“But the princess invited me. If you pass on the message, you’ll see,” Xu Qi'an reminded him.

The guard, however, remained firm and shook his head. “Sir Xu, don’t make things difficult for this subordinate. Please leave.”

*Assaulting a guard in the palace is a serious crime… Lin’an is definitely angry. She knows I went to Huaiqing’s courtyard first…* With these thoughts, Xu Qi'an quickly devised a strategy. Feigning anger, he said, “The princess personally invited me herself, and you refuse to pass on the message? Fine, whatever, I’ll just wait outside.”

A carriage of ordinary make stopped outside Wang Manor. Xu Xinnian opened the door, and stepped down onto the ground, on a stool that the driver had placed for him. Turning back, he extended his hand towards his graceful sister.

With the guiding hand of her elder brother, Xu Lingyue stepped down steadily from the carriage. Brother and sister handed over their invitation to the gatekeepers, and under their lead entered the manor.

“Second brother, you’ve had a lot on your mind the way here, are you nervous?” Xu Lingyue asked in a low voice.

“Even if your second brother were to see His Majesty today, he still won’t be nervous.” Xu Cijiu replied lightly. His face was serious, his brows furrowed, as he lowered his voice:

“When we get to the gathering, speak less and listen more. You’re only here in company, nothing should happen to you, as for me…”

*As for me, who knows, I may have to compete with the Prime Minister.*

In fairness, all else aside, just this ambition and fighting spirit alone would set Xu Erlang at the top of his generation.

Wang Manor was huge, and brother and sister walked or a long time, passing through long corridors, before finally reaching a garden, with blue water and elegant rockery, young leaves just sprouting in the early spring, and flower buds ready to open. It was a very pleasing sight.

Within the garden came clear sounds of recitation, as well as much chatter and laughter.

Passing through the long corridor, Xu Erlang and Xu Lingyue saw two groups seated in an orderly fashion. To the left sat a dozen or so scholars in traditional Confucian robes, each one energetic and dignified. To the right was a group of young, beautiful women, dressed in various coloured silk gowns.

The moment the Xu siblings made their entrance, the atmosphere visibly froze, and the eyes of both the promising young scholars and the blooming maidens brightened.

Xu Erlang frowned slightly. This literary gathering was not quite what he had expected. In his imagination, the event would be presided over by Prime Minister Wang, where the scholars attending would nervously present their ideas and demonstrate their talents in front of the Prime Minister. If fortunate enough to gain the Prime Minister’s favour, they would have a powerful backer for their future court careers.

Yet who would have thought the atmosphere of the gathering would be so relaxed, with fine wine, delicacies, fresh fruits, and... such a large number of young maidens.

"Young Master Xu, Miss Xu, please, sit."

A woman with refined features and an elegant demeanour stood up and gracefully bowed.

She was tall, with a face that was calm and graceful, yet her bright eyes sparkled with a hint of playfulness. Xu Xinnian and Xu Lingyue returned the gesture, and after a brief glance, Xu Xinnian walked towards the left side and chose an empty seat.

"Huiyuan Xu, long have we admired you."

As soon as he sat down, the scholars around him raised their cups in greeting.

*As expected, aside from myself, there are no other students from Cloud Deer Academy here. These must all be students from the Imperial Academy...* Xu Xinnian's heart tightened, but outwardly he maintained a calm smile and raised his cup in return.

He engaged in light conversation with the scholars for a while, somewhat surprised by their politeness. There was no subtle hostility or overt challenges.

*With Prime Minister Wang's cunning, openly provoking me would be too crude...* Xu Xinnian mused, nodding slightly. *As expected of Prime Minister Wang, his influence is palpable even in his absence, making me feel as though I’m facing an invisible pressure.*

On the other side, Xu Lingyue was seated next to Miss Wang, who smiled warmly at her, "How old are you this year, Miss Xu?"

Xu Lingyue replied in a soft voice, "Seventeen."

Miss Wang immediately said, "I’m nineteen, so I’ll call you little sister Lingyue. Is that alright?"

*Who is she, acting like the hostess...* Xu Lingyue smiled politely, "As you say, big sister."

Miss Wang's smile grew warmer. "Then call me Sister Simu."

After a few casual words, Xu Lingyue learned the identity of this gentle and affable young woman—it was none other than the legitimate daughter[^1] of Prime Minister Wang Zhenwen.

"Has sister Lingyue found a match yet?" Miss Wang suddenly asked.

Blushing slightly, Xu Lingyue lowered her head, "I’m not yet betrothed."

If a man had asked her this, Xu Lingyue would have been annoyed, but surrounded by women, and given that the question was posed in a low voice by the daughter of the Wang family, she felt it was bearable.

Miss Wang looked surprised. "Surely your brothers must be engaged by now. You should hurry as well."

Xu Lingyue glanced at her briefly and shook her head, "Neither of my brothers are married yet."

*Neither are married?* Miss Wang maintained her composed expression, but subtly remarked, "With the talents of your two brothers, I’d imagine they’ve had marriage offers lined up."

Around them, the young ladies perked up their ears.

Whether it was the dashing and unmatched Xu Xinnian or the valiant Xu Qi’an, the latter especially had just emerged victorious from a magical contest, making him a figure of immense curiosity among the noblewomen of the capital.

Miss Wang smiled graciously.

However, one exception existed—a girl in a purple gown spoke in a sarcastic tone,

"The Xu family has truly leapt through the dragon gate. Xu Qi’an was originally just a fast bailiff in Changle County, and Xu Pingzhi was no more than a *Baihu* Captian in the Imperial Guard. For such a family, it would have been fortunate if Miss Xu could have married into a merchant’s family. But now? Perhaps a noble match awaits."

Xu Lingyue couldn't discern this girl's background, so she played the role of the wronged, meek girl, lowering her head.

Seeing this, the other ladies felt a touch of displeasure towards the girl in purple.

Miss Wang squinted slightly and said gently, "Yan'er, speak more kindly... Lingyue, Yan’er is the niece of the Minister of Law."

*The niece of the Minister of Law...* Xu Lingyue thought to herself, recalling the incident when the son of the Assistant Minister of Revenue, Zhou Li, colluded with the Ministry of Law to imprison her eldest brother in their dungeons.

*So, she’s an enemy.*

"Yan’er is straightforward and means no harm," Xu Lingyue said with a forced smile, trying to suppress her inner grievances. "Indeed, my eldest brother is merely a martial man, and my second brother holds no official position."

The girl named Yan'er was momentarily at a loss for words. If she continued down this path, she would be forced to insult both Xu Qi’an and Xu Xinnian in front of everyone—one of whom was present, and the other had just won great renown.

"Alright, let’s enjoy our tea," Miss Wang said, tactfully steering the conversation away.

The literary gathering continued as the scholars shifted from discussing poetry to state affairs, occasionally engaging in light banter with the noblewomen, creating a cheerful atmosphere.

Xu Xinnian found himself unexpectedly enjoying the discussions and, after finding an excuse, took his wine cup and wandered off, ostensibly to admire the garden, while deep in thought about Prime Minister Wang’s true motives.

"The blooming season is nigh, yet they are withered?" He muttered as he stared at a pond of withered lotus leaves.

At that moment, a soft voice came from behind him, "These are red lotuses from Qingzhou. They bloom in winter and wither in spring. However, the climate in the capital is quite different from Qingzhou, so the red lotuses do not thrive here and have little ornamental value."

Turning around, he saw the woman with delicate features from earlier.

Xu Xinnian had already learned of her identity, and bowed slightly. "Miss Wang."

"Call me Simu," she corrected.

"Miss Simu," he said politely.

Wang Simu smiled faintly and cast her gaze over the scholars and noblewomen who had left their seats to explore the garden. In a soft voice, she said, "That poem of yours, _Travelling is Hard_, I have it mounted in my room and look at it every day."

"In terms of poetry, my elder brother’s work is the finest," Xu Erlang said, before adding modestly, "But of course, true poetry is a natural gift, an occasional stroke of brilliance. I, too, have had my moments of inspiration."

Using his elder brother’s poem to bask in the spotlight, Xu Erlang did so with a clear conscience.

*After all, we are family, and what's my brother's is also mine.*

Xu Lingyue sat by the pond, facing the gentle breeze, absentmindedly watching the scenery.

The literary gathering was of little interest to her. She wasn't part of that circle, and although the "young talents" her mother mentioned were decent, they couldn't compare to her eldest and second brothers, even if these men were all tribute scholars.


A cold snort sounded behind her as the girl in purple approached, glaring viciously at Xu Lingyue. "You little wretch, what kind of victim playing were you doing?"

Xu Lingyue raised her head slightly, speaking in a soft voice, "What is Sister Yan'er saying? When did I ever act the victim?"

The girl in purple sneered, “You dare feign innocence in front of me? You know very well what you did! A wretched girl from a family of crude martial men, how dare you sit here with us? Do you think you belong at this table?

"Get out of Wang manor, and don't let me see your face again."

Xu Lingyue frowned slightly, "Is Sister Yan'er angry with me because of my eldest brother?"

The girl in purple snorted, "At least you know that much."

Part of her anger stemmed from Xu Lingyue's brother, Xu Qi'an, who had long been a thorn in her uncle’s side. But another part of it was that this little wench had deliberately played the victim earlier, drawing sympathy from the other ladies and making her look foolish.

The girl in purple had never suffered such humiliation.

Her anger surged as she thought about it, and her jealousy over Xu Lingyue's beauty only intensified. She snapped, "A little whore like you, with no real tricks to your name other than your fox face, do you believe your old aunt won’t sell you to a brothel and let you experience true misery?"

Xu Lingyue felt a pang of grievance, "My second brother brought me to this gathering, and we were invited by the Wang family. How could I leave halfway? Perhaps, Sister, you could help me?"

The girl in purple frowned upon hearing this.

In that moment, Xu Lingyue discreetly reached out and pinched the girl's waist, hard.

The pain made the girl in purple turn pale, and instinctively she pushed Xu Lingyue.

Xu Lingyue "fell" backward into the pond.

"Help, help... I can't swim, Second Brother, save me!"

Xu Lingyue cried out, her panicked shouts echoing through the garden and drawing the attention of the other scholars and ladies.

"Someone fell into the water!"

"Quick, someone save her!"

Cries of alarm filled the air as the crowd rushed over.

Hearing the calls for help, Xu Xinnian looked up and saw Xu Lingyue flailing in the water, clearly struggling. His face paled, and without even bidding farewell to Miss Wang, he dashed toward the pond.


He leaped into the water, grabbing Xu Lingyue around the waist and lifting her out of the water. With the help of Miss Wang and the others, they pulled her to safety.

"Hurry, fetch my fur cloak," Miss Wang quickly instructed her maidservants.

A moment later, they brought the cloak, and Miss Wang personally draped it over Xu Lingyue. The latter, nestled in her brother's arms, began to cry softly.

The crowd gathered around, waiting to see how the situation would unfold.

Xu Xinnian's face darkened as he glanced at the girl in purple, then turned to Xu Lingyue, asking, "What happened, Lingyue?"

Xu Lingyue sniffled, her hair plastered to her delicate face, making her look all the more pitiful. Between sobs, she replied, "I- I don't know. This sister told me to get out of the Wang residence, saying I didn't belong here. When I ignored her, she- she pushed me into the pond."

The crowd immediately turned to the girl in purple. The scholars glanced between the fragile, tearful Xu Lingyue and the arrogant girl in purple, frowning in disapproval.

"I did not!"

The girl in purple’s face flushed with anger as she pointed at Xu Lingyue, shouting, "You wretch, how dare you accuse me! You pinched me first. Don't believe her—she fell into the water on purpose. She's trying to frame me!"

A nearby young lady frowned and whispered, "Yan'er may be a bit spoiled, but she wouldn't push someone into the water."

The girl in purple shot her friend a grateful look and pointed again at Xu Lingyue. "She did it herself! She fell into the water on purpose to frame me. This little wretch is wicked at heart!"

The crowd exchanged uncertain glances.

Xu Lingyue, ignoring the growing stares, let her tears fall and sobbed, "Second Brother, has Big Brother offended someone? Sister Yan'er said that Big Brother often goes against her uncle. Since she can't do anything to him, she plans to sell me to a brothel."

*Sell her to a brothel…* Xu Xinnian's rage ignited, and he stared coldly at the girl in purple. "I didn’t realize the young lady hailed from such a powerful family."

Miss Wang, feeling guilty, whispered, "Yan'er's uncle is Minister Sun of the Ministry of Law."

The tribute scholars suddenly understood, exchanging looks of realisation. Being well-versed in court matters, they were aware of the enmity between Xu Qi'an and Minister Sun. The most famous incident was the poem *The Case of Sangpo Lake, Given to Minister Sun* which still circulated widely and would likely be remembered for generations to come, leaving Minister Sun's reputation in tatters.

With that in mind, the idea that this girl had a reason to push Xu Qi'an’s sister into the water seemed all too plausible.


The girl in purple was left speechless. She had, in fact, said those very words. She wanted to deny it, but seeing the expressions of the surrounding scholars, she knew it would be useless.

"You said my sister pinched you? Where?" Xu Xinnian asked.

"My waist," the girl in purple spat, her eyes blazing with anger.

Xu Xinnian nodded slowly. "A clever scheme. You know that scholars are taught to avert their eyes from improper sights, so no one can verify your claim. Everything depends on your word."

The girl in purple froze. Suddenly, she realized why Xu Lingyue had pinched her waist, and now, there was no way to prove her claim.

"We could check," a young lady suggested.

Xu Xinnian nodded. "If she pinched you, there would be bruises. My sister is soft-spoken and poor at defending herself—she'd have no way to argue her case."

The girl in purple and her companion were rendered speechless by Xu Xinnian's pointed words.

Xu Xinnian smiled coldly, "If you don’t give me an explanation today, this we won’t rest with this matter."

The girl in purple, her eyes red with fury, pointed at Xu Xinnian and screamed, "Don’t be so arrogant! You're just a mere huiyuan! Who do you think you are?"


Xu Xinnian responded with a sharp slap across her face.

The purple-robed girl staggered a few steps, her cheek instantly swelling red. She covered her face, incredulous. "You... you dare hit me?"

Everyone was stunned, completely taken aback by Xu Xinnian's decisiveness—he had not hesitated to strike a woman.

"Everyone here is a witness. I'll take her to see the officials right now, and I hope you all will serve as witnesses."

After speaking, Xu Xinnian glared at the purple-robed girl, his tone icy. "I won't be taking her to the Ministry of Justice or the prefecture office. I'll be taking her to the Nightwatchers Constabulary."

Everyone's faces changed dramatically.

What kind of place was the Nightwatchers Constabulary? Once someone entered that place, not even the Minister of Law could save them easily. If the situation was taken seriously, pushing someone into the water could easily be interpreted as attempted murder. The Nightwatchers would have no problem with such a verdict.

Even if the Minister of Law did his best to rescue her, the girl's reputation would be ruined. After that, how could she marry into a respectable family?

Fear flickered in the purple-robed girl's eyes. She hurriedly walked over to Miss Wang and cried, "Sister Simu, please save me... I don’t want to go to the Nightwatchers Constabulary!"

Wang Simu immediately looked at Xu Lingyue, but the latter coldly turned her head away.

*This girl isn't simple either...* Miss Wang thought, then turned to Xu Xinnian and softly said, "Sir Xu, Yan'er acted recklessly. I'll have her apologize and compensate Lingyue for any damages. Could we settle this here, for my sake?"

She was also in a difficult position. The literary gathering was being held at her estate, and if Xu Xinnian took someone away, it would strain the relationship between the Minister of Law and her father.

On the other hand, stopping Xu Xinnian would completely offend him. Wang Simu preferred to handle the matter privately and avoid reporting it to the authorities.

"Fine, for Miss Wang's sake, I won’t report it," Xu Xinnian agreed.

With that, Miss Wang led the Xu siblings to a side room to discuss compensation and an apology.

"Yan'er is indeed spoiled and headstrong. She made a grave mistake and deserves to apologize and compensate... How about five hundred taels of silver?" Miss Wang suggested, her beautiful eyes gazing at Xu Xinnian.

"Money is a small matter; it's the attitude that counts," Xu Xinnian replied flatly.

Wang Simu glanced at the purple-robed girl, who, full of grievances, lowered her head and apologized.

Only then did Xu Xinnian nod. "One thousand taels. A single coin less, and this will be treated as attempted murder."


Wang Simu said, maintaining her gentle smile.

"Sir Xu, please take Lingyue home quickly to change into dry clothes. We wouldn’t want her to catch a cold," Miss Wang urged, smiling warmly.

She then ordered a thousand-tael promissory note to be brought, personally handed the banknote to Xu Xinnian, and escorted the Xu siblings out of the estate with many thanks.

In the carriage, Xu Xinnian handed the banknote to Xu Lingyue. "Sister, keep this well. It will be part of your dowry in the future."

He pressed his hand lightly on Xu Lingyue's shoulder, and a warm sensation spread through her body, dispelling the chill.

She exhaled comfortably and whispered, "Second Brother, it's my fault for causing you to leave the gathering early."

Xu Xinnian waved it off. "Leaving early is for the best. To be honest, I wasn't confident about going up against Prime Minister Wang. It's best to leave before he arrives—this is called taking advantage and avoiding harm, the way of a gentleman."

After a pause, he added, "But that Miss Wang, she's not simple at all."

Xu Lingyue said: "Miss Wang has an extraordinary demeanor and handled the situation methodically. She certainly kept things under control."

From start to finish, she had managed the situation, even though it had nothing to do with her. Her attitude of taking responsibility was commendable; she had the air of a leader.

Xu Xinnian smirked. "That's only part of it. After you fell into the water, she didn’t let you change clothes at her estate. That was a display for both that brat from the Ministry of Justice, and for us.

"Lingyue, you deliberately fell into the water, didn't you?"

Xu Lingyue’s voice was soft and sweet. "Second Brother, do you know why Big Brother is more likable than you?"

Xu Xinnian’s competitive streak flared. "I've always been more likable than him."

Xu Lingyue shook her head. "If it were Big Brother, he would be fussing over me, apologising for not protecting me better. He would understand everything but never say a word."

Xu Xinnian’s face froze instantly.


"Why are you crying?"

Miss Wang held a handkerchief, wiping away the purple-robed girl’s tears, smiling as she said, “You’re the legitimate daughter of the family. You've been domineering at home since childhood, and no one has dared cross you.

"You understand some things, but your temper—cultivated since childhood—makes you prefer being blunt. That’s not the right way to handle things. When you marry, you’ll have a hard time."

"It was that little tramp who fell into the water herself!" the purple-robed girl shouted in grievance.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is how everyone else sees it. If they think you pushed her, then you pushed her," Miss Wang said, smiling.

"Sister, you’re not helping me at all," the purple-robed girl fumed.

"I can’t win against those two siblings," Miss Wang replied, smiling serenely.

Her mood was excellent. She had gained much today. First, Xu Cijiu hadn’t married yet and had no betrothal. Second, she had gauged Xu Lingyue’s personality.

Third, although their interaction had been brief, Xu Xinnian’s character and temperament had thoroughly impressed her.

Good-looking, assertive, intelligent, resourceful, and—most importantly—he was willing to offend the Minister of Law to protect his family.

Throughout history, there had been countless brilliant, cunning, and ruthless men, but none of them interested her. They only cared about their grand ambitions and rarely put their female relatives first.

To have raised such intelligent children and nurtured a genius nephew, the mistress of the Xu family must be an extraordinary woman.

A sharp glint of determination flashed in Miss Wang's eyes as fighting spirit filled her.


[^1]: Been kinda skirting around this by sneaking editing for a hundred or two chapters but “legitimate” does not imply that Wang Zhenwen has illegitimate children; rather “legitimate” means from his wife and not any of his concubines. The “legitimate” children would have priority in inheritance, though of course Emperor Yuanjing chose instead to make his eldest son (from Consort Chen and hence not “legitimate”) the crown prince.

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