Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 906 - Source 1

The boundless universes, like black bubbles, are crowded together.

The thin films between the universes are constantly deformed and distorted, with countless tiny holes appearing on them.

There are countless cosmic gaps.

They cannot estimate their numbers, nor can they describe their magnitude in trillions.

Countless universes are crowded together like stem cells under a microscope.

Above the plane formed by the universe, there is a boundless, dazzling pure white light.

That light shines on the universe like a star shining on a galaxy.


Suddenly a sound.

In one of the universes, a very small and faint figure slowly emerged.

It was a huge figure dressed in pure white armor and wearing a crown-like closed helmet.

Huge is only relative.

Compared to the surrounding universe and the huge light source above, the volume of this figure is not even dust.

I don’t know how long, the figure in the armor slowly bounced.

“Here … where is it?”

He opened his eyes, but found that he felt proud of his powerful sense, and he could only scan a little distance beside him.

According to daily calculations, it is estimated that it is less than a few millimeters.

It is clear that he could scan the entire galaxy long, long ago.

Lin Sheng remembered that he was building his own secondary spirit-breaking body.

He brought in all the strongest and most eternal materials in the major universes, and then in different universes, he built a much larger body like the Star Giant Death Penalty with different technologies.

Exhausting all the resources of the entire Holy Spirit Palace, he mobilized and built five such bodies in a short time.

The volume of a single body is equivalent to a large star.

Five units are superimposed to form a complete collective. Such a project has consumed almost all the resources and manpower of the Holy Spirit Palace.

Countless superpowers can only play some basic small roles in engineering.

Those who really reduced to the main force were still many kings in the armor.

The combination of the five planetary bodies is the body he prepared for his second break.

In his realm, the soul can already fine-tune the tentacles according to the body, so that it fits perfectly in it.

Just the moment he just entered this body.

The conscious will suddenly became dark, and then he came to this place.

“Here … where is it?” Lin Sheng looked up at the huge light source.

In that white light source, it seems that there are countless colors and wavy light combined.

It is so huge that it sometimes feels warm and sometimes icy.

Just glancing at the light, Lin Sheng felt cold and hot alternately, extremely uncomfortable.

He looked down.

What you see is a black bubble below the countless, like stem cells crowded together.

From his point of view, these bubbles are as big as pineapples.

There are too many of them. Lin Sheng didn’t even need to look closely, he felt scalp tingling for a while.

The countless bubbles of the universe stretched from just below him to the endless distance.

Until the end of the field of vision.

And one of the bubbles had a slight connection with him.

“This is the universe?” Lin Sheng suddenly wondered. He sensed the interstitial layer he often walked through, and recognized the faint breath of the Holy Spirit in the bubbles of the universe.

It seems that because of his relationship with the Holy Spirit Palace, he can feel the breath and location of the Holy Spirit Palace.

“Cosmos, is this what it looks like?” Lin Sheng opened his eyes and let the perception be more clear, but still only a few millimeters outside the body.

He looked up and glanced at the light source above his head.

“Since the universe is like that, what is this?”

“That was the original light.” A voice returned to his doubts.

It was a soft female voice.

Lin Shengxun looked around, and suddenly saw a person who should not be here.


She was wearing an ordinary gray sportswear, floating quietly not far from Lin Sheng, looking up at the huge white light source above her head.

“Stars have been burning for a long time, but the star’s flame also needs to ignite the first fire.”

“Then the stars of the universe, where did the first flame and light come from?” Anseria calmly said. “The answer is the original light.”

“What else are you hiding, Anseria?” Lin Sheng looked calm, as if he had expected it.

“You also gave me the spirit divider, and you gave me the spirit of silence. Now you are here again.”

“This is not my arrangement,” Anseria smiled. “I’ve been waiting for you. What I said to you before is not fake. I just … hide a little something.”

“A little bit?” Lin Sheng grunted.

“Here is the dimensional isolation zone, also called the Lingge space. When your perception sublimates to a certain level, you can enter here.” Anseria smiled with a touch of envy.

“It’s amazing … you can even enter here at no cost … and I could only barely enter here for a short time by burning my soul and body.”

“Then you are now in front of me, what are you planning for?” Lin Sheng said coldly.

He hates being deceived by others and deceiving. This gave him a sense of threat that he couldn’t control.

“The second breaking of the spirit … you will soon do it, but you have to be careful, and soon some unknown guy will come out and try to destroy you. The path of destruction light to redeem everything.” Serija said earnestly.

“Some guys? What do they do? Offering God? Dragon?” Lin Sheng frowned.

“Sacrifice God? Dragon? No … no.” Anseria shook her head.

“They are evil pronouns, five concepts that destroy different beings, and represent different disasters.” Her statement is quite mysterious.

“Conceptual body?”

“Yes, they are the creators of the Kuroshio. They were the worst enemies of the first generation of the spirit divider and I.” Anseria said in a deep voice.

“Why? Or, what made us stand against them?” Lin Sheng asked back.

In this world, there is no hatred for no reason, no hatred and opposition for no reason, he has always believed in this.

“They think we are blocking their rule. They are high above them, playing with all spirits like the Kuroshio, treating countless true spirits as nothing. And our rise has broken their monopoly.”

Anselia said seriously. The voice involuntarily exaggerated.

“So what? So you picked me?” Lin Sheng asked back.

“It’s not that we picked you.” Anseria shook her head. “The first generation released countless distractions and selected tens of millions of testers. You are the only one who came to the end.”

“So what about those other testers?” Lin Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Either crazy or dead. For the salvation and rise of all souls, this is also helpless.” Anselia took it for granted.

“…….” Lin Sheng was speechless.

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