Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 889 - Wish 2

“A lot has been said, isn’t it the special review team? The boss team called by other junk teams is here.”

In the other corner, a ninja man in purple armor and a masked back knife suddenly appeared.

“Boss team? It sounds terrific.” Lin Sheng threw a holy crystal again, making his face look surprised.

“Okay, you can come in here, and it looks like your quality is not bad. Almost everyone who can be selected here is the strongest person in the world, there is no one. So your disguise is not here. It’s messed up here. “

The ninja chuckled coldly.

“Really? Then I’m really lucky. Just how many people are there in our team? Couldn’t it be the three of us?” Lin Sheng said and threw a piece of holy crystal.

“Of course it’s not just the three of us. The others are resting in their own rooms. I said you’d lose it from the beginning. What the **** did you lose, you?” The ninja couldn’t help asking.

“Ah, some small things used for positioning and investigation are not worth mentioning.” Lin Sheng waved and smiled.

The ninja was speechless, looked at the smiling Lin Sheng, and looked at the same black suit that smiled.

“The most annoying guy like you with a mask. Let’s go!” He turned and flickered, disappearing immediately.

The black suit apologized to Lin Sheng.

“Sorry, Zi Ren is this character, and what do you call it?”

“Mafaria. This is my name.” Lin Sheng answered politely. “What do you call?”

“Ah, don’t use honorifics anymore, you can call me a pocket watch. Pocket watch Marne.” The black suit answered with a smile.

“By the way, everyone can be selected here because of some special achievements. Take the liberty to ask, what did you do to get in here, Malfuria?” Marne continued to ask.

“Shouldn’t you talk about yourself before asking others?” Lin Sheng smiled.

“Ah, my business is not worth mentioning, but you just have to be careful about that Zi Ren. Don’t look at him now being naive and naive.

But the guy came in here because he killed all the living people in the team in eight consecutive missions, both teammates and opponents. General level teams fight without threat to him. Marne casually reported the details of the others.

“Great …..” Lin Sheng looked surprised. “That Zi Ren must be from a very powerful world?”

“Yes, the world he came from is a world with ninjas as the core fighting force. He is the strongest of them, and he has created an extremely powerful school of ninjutsu. It is the ancestor of the source.” Marx nodded.

“It’s amazing. If I have the chance, I really want to go to the world where Zi Ren was born ….. what about you? You must also have very powerful achievements?” Lin Sheng showed his respect.

“Me? I’m just a trivial hypnotherapist. Compared to your type of battle, I’m too weak …” Marne shook his head with a bitter smile.

“Marne, are you lying to the newcomer again?” A thin man, wearing a black royal robe and wearing a crown, appeared slowly beside the black crystal pillar.

“Absolute hypnosis can break through the evolutionary maggots. It is very powerful in both killing and other uses. If you are weak, few people here dare to say strong.” The man said calmly, with a hint of irony in his tone.

“You are too rewarding, Your Majesty Liu Shu.” Marne smiled bitterly. “Compared to the reincarnation of your dragon king, my shrimp is really worthless.”

“Hehe.” The man in the royal robe named Liu Shu turned his attention to Lin Sheng. “You have a very powerful magic reaction? Is it a strong person who takes the mage route?”

“Did you see it?” Lin Sheng nodded. “Yes, I am a caster, a researcher who still holds a hint of curiosity about everything.”

He looked at the man named Liu Shu carefully.

The opponent’s body is shrouded in an energy field similar to illusion. This unknown force field hinders his automatic sensory detection ability.

“I like a polite kid. If you are in trouble, you can come and talk to me. If you have enough sacrifices, I can help you once.” Liu Shu nodded slightly and turned and disappeared.

“Thank you!” Lin Sheng nodded quickly.

Marne on the side shook his head.

“Forget it, I also withdraw, go to rest first, and the next task may soon arrive. See you soon.”

“See you back.” Lin Sheng smiled. Throw another piece of holy crystal.

Suddenly there was no one in the entire square, leaving him alone, standing in front of the black crystal pillar.

Lin Sheng walked slowly to the crystal pillar and reached out to cling to it.

‘Certifying the number of reincarnation … certification passed. ’

A message passed by.

Suddenly like a menu in front of him, he pulled down a large dense list of redemptions.

All redemption lists are divided into four categories.

Lineage, craftsmanship, props, consumables.

Lin Sheng reached out and opened the blood unification bar.

‘Union of Congenital Spirit and Blood: One S-class golden rating, 5 billion exchange points. ’

‘The blood of the abyss demon ’s blood is unified: one piece of S-class golden evaluation, 5 billion exchange points. ’

‘Unified copy of the main blood of the element: one S-level golden evaluation, 5 billion exchange points. ’

‘One God of Faith: One S-class golden evaluation, one billion exchange points. ’

There are parallel equivalents, what are the Superman bloodlines, mixed sage bloodlines, the most perfect biological bloodlines, and so on. Except for the difference in the number of redemption points, they are all s-class golden evaluations.

Lin Sheng looked at his property list, and there was only a solitary thousand exchange points, lying there.

A bunch of broken things he did did not meet the trial rules of the Lord God. So it should be that you ca n’t get a redemption point.

But he didn’t come here to redeem points.

While looking at the exchange table, Lin Sheng tried to look through the bloodlines that can be exchanged for a thousand exchange points.

Soon he found the target.

“Master, redeem a basic Goblin bloodline.”

Lin Sheng’s voice just came to an end.

Suddenly the exchange point was reduced by 500 points.

Then a white light fell from the black crystal pillar and fell on Lin Sheng.

Suddenly, a wonderful feeling came to his mind.

Lin Sheng felt that his whole body was slowly changing under a special rule.

This is not a change of some kind of energy, but because an extremely special regular space is constructed inside the beam.

In order to adapt to the special rules of this space, the body begins to change on its own.

The reincarnation space speeds up the process of change and injects him with equivalent energy consumption.

“It’s wonderful …” Lin Sheng realized the feeling of this body being transformed.

The Holy Shadow in the soul hastened to analyze this beam of light during this transformation.

At the same time, it is analyzing the special changes that occur in the body. Discover the root causes that could trigger such rule changes.

In a matter of seconds, the beam slowly disappeared.

Lin Sheng sat in place and carefully realized the process just now.

As for the bloodline of Goblin, as soon as it appeared, he was directly swallowed by various powerful blood in his body and turned into nutrients.

“It’s a bit interesting … I’ll take a closer look when I get the world coordinates I have at hand.”

It was found that the composition of the light beam could not be analyzed in a short time, Lin Sheng’s simple subjective consciousness quickly shifted, and he returned to the body of the Holy Spirit in a blink of an eye.

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