Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 886 - Plan 2

Men ’s hair color shines like a rainbow with flowing rainbow light, and the skin is flawless like porcelain. In the surrounding dirty environment, it looks a bit unreal.

“Sure enough … This body has been forced to undergo a slight adjustment. The ability to reincarnate the Lord God is indeed well-deserved.

But it’s just a tweak to this part of the true spirit. There is nothing unusual on the body side. It seems that the detection ability of the main **** is also limited. “

Lin Sheng glanced at the rest of the reincarnation on the ground.

A fat chef with a high hat, two female students, and four white-collar workers in suits and skirts.

Two masked men dressed as forest hunters. There is also a bald man with a right arm transformed into a machine.

Together with himself, a total of twelve people.

“The transmission mechanism is rather imperfect. In order to prevent the process from being observed, the reincarnation is forced to pass out?”

Lin Sheng examined the surrounding space fluctuations a little and came to a certain conclusion.

He continued to observe silently, without doing anything extra.

About ten minutes later, the brave man in the robotic arm slowly woke up, got up from the ground, and shook his head.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Lin Sheng sitting calmly beside him.

scare! ? ?

The strong man was obviously startled. Obviously he used special props this time, so he could be reassigned to this novice task as a veteran.

But now … where did this white robe man come from? ? Is n’t it just him?

“Are you awake?” Lin Sheng blandly said. “Can you tell me where is this? Suddenly getting me here should be an attempt?

Looks like you, there seems to be some special ability? But I advise you to answer my question honestly. otherwise…..”

He pointed at the ground casually.


A trace of dark purple light flashed, and the ground was suddenly punctured with a small hole in deep purple that I didn’t know how deep.

“Newcomer ?! Is this a newcomer?” The bald man with a robot arm looked at the hole in the ground, and looked at Lin Sheng’s brilliant hair.

He swallowed. Knowing you’re in trouble.

In the reincarnation space, there are many breeding teams that abuse newcomers and exploit newcomers.

Newcomers are often novices, or cumbersome, troublesome.

There are exceptions to everything.

Among the newcomers, there are some extremely troublesome gridbreakers.

Because the system of selection in the reincarnation space is not a single unilateral selection, there is also a way to obtain a qualification by snatching a watch.

So this gave birth to some very powerful indigenous people who got watches and became reincarnation cases.

Now he seems to have met together …..

“Hello guys! This is the mission world of reincarnation space. You can get relevant information from your own mind, and the space **** should be implanted in our memory!” The bald hurriedly answered in a low posture.

Lin Sheng recalled it and found the relevant implanted memory in his own memory.

But he had just woke up so long and had been checked without any implanted memory.

Obviously, this implantation process started after the bald head talked. Or it is activated.

Could it be rewarded for explaining to newcomers? How did the reward come from?

Lin Sheng carefully combed the information in his head. Then he looked at the bald head, and then looked at the other ten people lying on the ground.

What moved him was that just now, the reincarnation space seemed to have relaxed isolation and suppression.

The breath and fluctuations in all of them gradually became clear.

And not like at the beginning, Lin Sheng couldn’t even touch it.

There seems to be some barrier that protects these people when they are unconscious.

But as soon as they woke up, this protection quickly failed.

Of course, it is not this that really moves Lin Sheng, but …

It is these people who carry the true spirit of different worlds!

The twelve people here are actually from five different worlds!

Sensing this, Lin Shengyi quickly changed his face and turned into an approachable person with a gentle and polite smile on his face.

Then look at these samsaras one by one from the remaining four worlds.

“As soon as I got up, I gave such a big meeting gift. The reincarnation space should not be called reincarnation. It should be changed to a gift space.” Lin Sheng was happy, watching the new people wake up one by one and climbed from the ground. Get up.

As these people are sober, Lin Sheng can see that their true spirits have resumed flowing again, and the soul has reconnected with its original world.

Yes, the true spirit is always connected to the world in which it was born. Any indigenous soul has a trace of its own true spirit.

The difference is in how strong they are.

Most creatures have very few traces of weak spirits.

But this is enough.

Lin Sheng looked at these people, and seeing them was like seeing his family.

Just wait for the shield in the reincarnation space to open. He can use high-order spells to locate the world behind these people.

Send four worlds as soon as they meet, oh no, five worlds.

Lin Sheng began to feel extremely grateful that his decision to reincarnate the space was too correct.

Ten people were lucky to come over quickly or slowly.

A series of doubts, shocks, puzzlements, flustered, and fearful sights were bet on the bald head and Lin Sheng of the robot arm.

Because only the two of them were different from ordinary people.

The bald head is his robotic arm, and Lin Sheng is the strange hair color of his rainbow light.

Lin Sheng dashed his head and made a look.

“You come to appease the commentary.” He himself glanced at the world outside the mask.

In the distance is a red burning city, and there are rusty cars abandoned for a long time.

A sign board was obliquely inserted on the ground more than ten meters away, and the words “Parking lot” were written on it.

Although it is strange text, Lin Sheng can understand it strangely. Obviously it is also the pattern of the Lord God.

As he looked around, the mechanical bald head started to explain the situation to the others.

After some explanation, a group of people are still aggressive. The cook fat man didn’t believe it and reached out to touch the white mask on the side.

No matter how hard he tried. The reticle was motionless. It looks like glass, but it is actually much harder.

“Cut, a bunch of rubbish, not a good one, it wasted my time.” The mechanical bald saw this, and was too lazy to waste energy, but quickly turned to look at Lin Sheng.

“Brother, I’ve finished the explanation here, you see?”

Lin Sheng looked back, looking at the bald head, and looking at a group of new people still in shock.

He rubbed the ring on his hand, his face showing kindness and compassion.

“Poor little lamb, don’t even know where he is? I am the kindest person in the world, and I don’t think anyone is miserable before me.

So if you don’t know where to go, you can follow me. If I can, I can take care of you as much as I can. “

In an unfamiliar environment, without any help, suddenly someone said that they could give everyone guidance and shelter. For the most part, no matter whether it is true or not, they will actually tend to follow this person.

So Lin Sheng’s casual disguise soon became effective.

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