Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 882 - Decision 1

three hours.

Only three hours passed.

News of the death penalty king destroying the kingdom of the Lord of Light spread through most of the crystal wall system.

Countless powerful men, countless gods, lords of the abyss, purgatory lords, etc., saw the death king giant destroy the kingdom of God with one hand.

No words at all.

The Death Star Giant, which is even ten times larger than the Kingdom of Light, is itself a large planet.

In the void, a random grab can destroy other kingdoms that are much smaller than the kingdom of the Lord of Light.

The so-called kingdom of God is like a crispy shell egg in his hands, which can be crushed with a pinch.

A large number of gods fell, and before being drawn into the astral space, they were completely absorbed by the evil and sacred power permeating the death penalty king.

No one knows where they went, is it dead? Or is it being held?

In the void, the death penalty is raging.

At the celestial plane, there are also tens of thousands of huge warships, carrying numerous self-propelled mechs for landing operations.

Artillery and divine power are like viruses, spreading pollution wildly on any plane.

Faced with powerful Holy Light technology that transcends this world for at least several times, these sad celestial beings that can only rely on the physical blood ability to fight are as weak as worms.

The gods are not without resistance. They used divine power to try to deter people who manipulated the mech.

But all the combatants wore holy armor.

It was an extended armor with a little Lin Sheng’s body power attached. Lin Sheng’s body at this time, although the realm is still demigod.

But different from the false gods of this world. He has already broken through the spirit.

Its body is only over ten meters high, but its real soul and magical fire have already transcended the demigod, transcended the true god, and reached a higher realm.

After all, the so-called true God is just borrowing the power of faith to gather everyone and converge on himself.

It is precisely because the faith itself is borrowed that there is no qualitative change in the person of the true God, so they cannot be self-sufficient.

Once a piece of faith is broken, the so-called true God will be instantly struck into the dust and lose all power.

But Lin Sheng is different. He is a true personality breakthrough. Even if he does not have faith, he will not fall at this time.

He does not rely on the will of faith to exist. After the breakthrough of personality, faith is just food, and he can live without another.

What’s more important is that you can really enhance your own essence after breaking through the ranks. Both realm and strength will be improved by leaps and bounds.

Not to mention, the base of His Majesty’s belief is nearly one trillion.

And all the planes of the entire Austrian world add up, and the gods will not exceed tens of billions …

The gathering of many civilizations, science and technology, and the condensing of super-belief’s willingness force, have brought about a horror gap that the Austrian world cannot bear.

Purgatory, hell, abyss, the three main places, Lin Sheng all sent messengers to communicate.

He himself entered purgatory himself and met once with the most powerful exterminate monarch of purgatory.

Soon, the forces were far inferior to the purgatory and **** of the heavens and gods, and all issued statements to restrain all of his forces from entering the theme.

They had to promise.

As a result of the loss of several large war corps during the meeting, a number of powerful forces of moderate divine power fell.

Both planes can only admit it.

The abyss didn’t bother to pay attention to it, where it was engaged in **** battles all the time, and the demon and devil in the abyss still remained unattended for thousands of years to fight.

Lin Sheng went in and looked around, but just planted some holy crystals and found that the holy crystals spread very slowly in the abyss.

He no longer demanded.


The thin hot tea turned into a pale green waterline and was poured into a white porcelain cup in front of Lin Sheng.

Inside the mage’s tower of the Willie Territory.

Lin Sheng returned to his own place, listening to the main control system playing music comfortably.

Now that some of his strength has been exposed, he is too lazy to cover it up and let his men directly transform the mage tower again.

Various technologies of Shengguang Technology have been used. He also let the holy river create a trumpet split that fits into it. Facilitate overall planning.

Everything is ready, the kingdom of the Lord of Light is destroyed, and it has not yet brought much impact on the main plane.

But the defeat of the Bright Patriarchate here has caused a series of troublesome sequelae.

Looking back, Lin Sheng took a trace of peace on his face and looked at his elder brother, Tan Tansi, who was sitting opposite him.

“Why did you come to me suddenly? Any help?”

Lin Sheng is okay now, leisurely.

Everything was given to two disciples to do, the twelve sons of the Star Air Force Department, all of them are wearing armor, have a strong presence of his own little power. Handling these chores is basically more than sufficient.

So after making the arrangements, he returned here to take overall control of the overall situation and overall observation and coordination. Take a break by the way.

After realizing that the gods of this world were overestimated, Lin Sheng was relaxed a lot.

Only when the Holy Spirit Palace was placed in a star air force department, it had achieved an overwhelming advantage.

Those so-called kingdoms of God are vulnerable.

The Godhead of the Light Lord has also been smashed, collected inside the Holy River, and began to analyze and reorganize.

So Lin Sheng is very laid back now. There was even a mood to drink a cup of tea back to the mage tower.

Bei Tansi was sitting opposite Lin Sheng with a kind of restlessness.

“Mafaria, do you remember the thing I mentioned to you before? The Bishop of the Ocean … No news now. I am a little worried.”

Neither of the two tasks of their team was completed, and so far the Lord God has not given anything to say.

This made some people such as North Tans and Shu Ya a little panic.

After a meal analysis. They decided to formally resort to the family relationship of North Tans to turn to the mage power behind Malfuria for help.

The reason why this decision was made so quickly was that they only reached an agreement after seeing the huge battleship that stained the sky that afternoon. Those things that are not world style at first glance really scare them.

“The world is changing too fast, and I haven’t been able to keep up with the pace recently. Sorry, a grumble.” Lin Sheng poured a cup of tea to Bei Tansi.

“What you talked about last time … I can give you a clue about that bishop of the ocean.” He paused and saw a little what seemed to be hidden behind North Tans.

“After you mentioned it before, I found someone to investigate the bishop Wilson. Later, I found that this person seems to have hidden other identities. He has been suspected by the Temple of the Sea. So …”

“So what?” North Tans responded slowly.

“So it may be controlled by the temple side.” Lin Sheng had to explain in a panic.

“But … but …” Our task was never completed! ?

The words behind North Tans couldn’t be said at all.

He paused, but in desperation, he could only turn the topic.

“Okay ….. another question, I would like to consult, Ryan Descart, who is pursuing your sister, is there any problem? I always feel that this person is wrong.”

“Problem? What could be the problem?” Lin Sheng was surprised.

“I don’t know, but I always feel that this guy is a bit wrong. But I can’t say clearly.” North Tans answered in a low voice.

“Can you feel it?” Lin Sheng was slightly surprised.

He had previously felt that North Tansy Shuya and others were wrong, but because there were other important things to be busy, these little things were too lazy to care about him.

As a result, now the elder brother, a pure warrior, has such a keen sense.

He couldn’t help but glance over the bracelet on North Tans’s wrist.

Before that, he felt strange. A big man of North Tans, or a fourth-tier warrior accustomed to fighting with weapons, was inexplicably wearing a bracelet.

But at this moment he glanced away. The powerful sacred power from the body flickered in his eyes.

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