Nightmare Fantasy Online

Chapter 112: Official Bulletin Board 10

Dungeon Master Brainstorming Thread  @3

1: Dungeon Owner #3

This thread is limited only to the Dungeon-owning Migrants, aka Dungeon Master players. 
If you have any questions about managing your Dungeon, if you want to advertise it, or if you wish to brag to people, please, by all means. 
Do be aware that no one is forced to write the truth on this thread, so take everything with a grain of salt. 
And again, thank you, Management, for allowing us to use the settings from the "2nd Official Event Special Preview Reward Thread @1" thread. 
Could the Dungeon Owner at post nr. 950 prepare the next thread, please?


771: Dungeon Owner #8

I am serious! There is an option for adding a "Dungeon Deity" on my Dungeon Menu!!

772: Dungeon Owner #11

->771 Yeah, right. And pigs can fly.

773: Dungeon Owner #9

->772 Ehm, sorry to spoil your fun, but there are flying pigs in the game. 

774: Dungeon Owner #7

What's going on?

75: Dungeon Owner #11

->773 You're joking!?

776: Dungeon Owner #8

->773 That is almost as impressive as the Deities. 

777: Dungeon Owner #3

->774 What do you want to know?

778: Dungeon Owner #7

->777 The pigs are piquing my interest a little, but let's settle for the so-called "Deities" today. 

779: Dungeon Owner #4

->777 Jackpot, jackpot, JACKPOT!!

780: Dungeon Owner #8

->778 What do you mean "so-called Deities"?! W-well, they might only be from the Celestial race thanks to my Dungeon's theme...

781: Dungeon Owner #12

Hmm? Is there something going on?

782: Dungeon Owner #11

#8 is just telling large lies again. 

783: Dungeon Owner #8

->782 I'M NOT! Get your Monster stat + one more to rank C and you'll see for yourself! 

784: Dungeon Owner #3

#8, if you want us to be part of your conversation, you should bring at least some more details regarding these "Deities" of yours, or else nobody can understand what you are so agitated over.

785: Dungeon Owner #8

Fiiiine, I'll spoil the beans. An option for adding "Dungeon Deities" appeared after I completed a quest unlocked when two of my Dungeon's stats reached rank C. It's probably idiotic to try and keep it a secret, so I'll be honest and say one of them is the Monster stat. 
This "Deity" is supposed to be placed on a single floor as the sole ruler of said floor. You could say it's a single Boss Monster facility that occupies all the slots for that area.
Going with the bad news first, adding this Deity won't make the Floor unbreachable unless you defeat it. If you can sneak around the Deity, you can go to the next floor. Also, for obvious reasons, you can't place the Deity on the bottom-most floor. 
The good news is that the Deity is an utterly OP cheat monster. They're all S-ranks related to the Dungeon's Boss line and come loaded with Extra Skills even! 
Or so says the info I've gathered during my quest to obtain this Deity. I haven't completed it yet. 

786: Dungeon Owner #12


787: Dungeon Owner #7


788: Dungeon Owner #4


789: Dungeon Owner #3

...I am forced to agree with #4 here. If the information #8 has gathered is true, it would completely break the game balance for the Dungeon Diving players. 

790: Dungeon Owner #9

Hold on to your horses here, fellows! #8 did say you can do the cardbox-strategy on these guys, er, gods. 

791: Dungeon Owner #3

->790 is right. If what #8 says is true, one can clear this "deity floor" as a stealth mission instead of the standard Boss Rooms, where one is forced into the fight. 

792: Dungeon Owner #7

The Yamata-no-Orochi strategy then. 

793: Dungeon Owner #11

Guh... Now I want a god of w..., nothing! Nothing at all! 

794: Dungeon Owner #12

->792 That's a good analogy you have there, #7.

795: Dungeon Owner #7

-> 794 Thanks. But I've got some other things to share with you guys. 

796: Dungeon Owner #8

->793 A god of what-now?

797: Dungeon Owner #9

->793 A god of war?

798: Dungeon Owner #3

->793 Talk about changing one's tune. 

799: Dungeon Owner #8

->795 ???

800: Dungeon Owner #11

#8, #8, and #3, RESPECT MY PRIVACY!!

801: Dungeon Owner #12

->795 What is it?

802: Dungeon Owner #3

->795 Is there something going on?

803: Dungeon Owner #11


805: Dungeon Owner #7

This Sunday, at 18:00, the Dungeon Master of the "Behemoth's Lamp" Dungeon and I will have a Dungeon Battle. 

806: Dungeon Owner #3


807: Dungeon Owner #8

->805 Okay, that's new. 

808: Dungeon Owner #9

->805 The Dungeons are going to battle?

809: Dungeon Owner #4

->806 Dude, fast response. 

810: Dungeon Owner #5

->805 PRIESTESS!? Why did you spoil the surprise?!

811: Dungeon Owner #11

->805 Now this is interesting. Are there any gains or losses from this battle?

812: Dungeon Owner #8

->810 Now we know who #5 is. 

813: Dungeon Master of the "Darkland Fort"

->810 There's no need to keep it a secret. 

814: Dungeon Owner #9

->810 Hold on! #7 is the Demon Priestess?!

815: Dungeon Owner #3

->813 !?!?!?!??!?!?

816: Dungeon Owner #8

->813 HOLD IT!!

817: Dungeon Owner #12

->813 The name......

818: Dungeon Owner #5

->813 HUUUUH!? 

819: Dungeon Owner #11

->813 Is that name true?!

820: Dungeon Master of the "Darkland Fort

To everyone, after I mentioned "Dungeon Battle", a message appeared in the corner of my HUD. Not sure why...

821: Dungeon Owner #3

->820 I see...

822: Dungeon Master of the "Behemoth's Lamp"

She's right! It had appeared here too!

823: Dungeon Master of the "Megalos Library"

Oh, my. It works for me as well. I might have just overlooked it all the time. Oh, this is #3, by the way. 

824: Management

->805 Gee, you guys are already planning on duking it out? 

825: Dungeon Owner #9

Aren't you guys too quick to reveal your......!?

826: Dungeon Owner #8

->824 Crap, the cops are here!!

827: Management

Hahaha. You're all under arrest!! Psych~. 

828: Dungeon Owner #11

Th-that almost gave me a heart attack...

829: Dungeon Master of the "Darkland Fort".

->827 Not funny. Also, this is #7, in case somebody hadn't placed the pieces together. 

830: Dungeon Master of the "Waterfalls of Eden"

What is the management doing here? Oh, and this is #8, I guess. Give our Dungeon a visit in case you want a good time~. 

831: Dungeon Master of the "Behemoth's Lamp"

Uh, eh, I mean, this is #5!!!

832: Dungeon Master of the "Megalos Library"

->827 Management, could you explain what is going on here?

833: Dungeon Owner #9

->831 We already knew that...

834: Management

Allow me to explain! A Dungeon Battle is a competition between two Dungeon Masters and their respective Dungeons! The rules are as follows:

  • #1: Each Dungeon Master selects a group of 100 C-rank Dungeon Monsters and uses them + any potential outside forces to invade the hostile Dungeon and locate its Dungeon Core.
    • Any lower-ranked monsters can be used as a replacement for the C-rank monsters. Each rank down turns 1 high-rank monster into 10 low-rank monsters. 
    • Only Dungeon Monsters that could already appear in the Dungeon can be chosen for the invasion forces. 
  • #2: To win the Dungeon Battle, one side has to locate and touch the opponent's Dungeon Core OR defeat all of the other side's forces. This includes both Dungeon Monsters and any potential "mercenaries" recruited to fight for the Dungeon's side. 
    • In case one side has lower Dungeon Floors than the other, the side with the greater amount of floors will have to place a "Dummy Core" on their xth that will act as the Dungeon Core for that Dungeon Battle (x = the number of floors for the other side). 
  • #3: The aforementioned "mercenaries" can be either Migrants (Players) or Inhabitants (NPCs). You can only recruit 1 Raid Party's worth of people (36 individuals) to act as "mercenaries". 
    • NPCs will be respawned if they die during the Dungeon Battle, so there is no reason to hesitate about recruiting them in case you don't have any Player friends. 
    • Tamed monsters and their like do not count as mercenary members, but only if they are connected to a mercenary through a Leadership skill. 
    • Obviously, the Dungeon Master and their potential tamed monsters are not counted as mercenaries. 
  • #4: The Dungeons will have their entrances connected for the duration of the Dungeon Battle and no outsiders can enter either Dungeon during that time. 
  • #5: Both Dungeons will have their DP fully restored upon the start of the battle, with said DP being able to be spent on summoning additional monsters at will.
    • However, one cannot alter the structure of the Dungeon nor can one add/remove Facilities for the duration of the Dungeon Battle. 
    • However (again), the "Dungeon Gatcha", a new feature introduced in the latest update (but that we didn't have a chance to officially mention until now) (we simply forgot, sorry~) can be used as normal. 
  • #6: The winning side can choose as their reward to either take 1 of the hostile Dungeon's Monster Lines, 1 of their Sub Attributes, 1 Facility, or anything else they might please. Or nothing at all. However, both sides have to agree on the ante before the Battle starts. 

Also, for this and the following Dungeon Master threads, we have decided to give you the option of revealing which Dungeon you own. We had decided on adding this feature soon, but hearing that the Darkland Fort and Behemoth's Lamp were going to duke it out gave us the excuse to launch this option early. 

835: Management

->832 Does this answer your question? 

836: Dungeon Master of the "Lupine Wasteland"

Holy...... Oh, this is #9. 

837: Dungeon Master of the "Megalos Library"

->835 Verily. 

838: Dungeon Owner #11

In that case, I'll stick to being anonymous.

839: Management

Also, could the "Darkland Fort" and "Behemoth's Lamp" Dungeon Masters agree to allow us to use clips from your battle for our next PV? We were looking for good shots for our upcoming Dungeon-related campaign. 

840: Dungeon Master of the "Waterfalls of Eden"

->838 WIMP!!! 

841: Dungeon Master of the "Behemoth's Lamp"

->839 FOR REAL!? I'm going to be on TV?!

842: Dungeon Master of the "Darkland Fort"

->839 Go ahead. I was planning on streaming the battle anyway. Oh, just make sure that neither player can watch the stream when the Dungeon Battle is going on. 

843: Dungeon Owner #11

->840 You be quiet, bitch!! 

844: Dungeon Owner #12

...Are nobody going to talk about the gatcha-thing mentioned? 

845: Management

->842 We are already working on it. It will be ready for your battle at the weekend. 

846: Dungeon Owner #4

->844 Can't talk. Gatcha-ing right now. 



Homura Reclamation Thread @15

1: Unknown adventurer

Welcome to the Homura Reclamation thread, created to take back the Fire country Homura from the Vile Queen.
Stay polite so the thread doesn't get taken down. We need all the info we can get.
Nr.950, please post the next thread.


227: Cold=Rose

...and that is how we ended up having to fight against Behemoth's Lamp this weekend. Anyone who has the time to enter?

228: Unknown adventurer

I can't. Have something going on that day. 

229: Unknown adventurer

I've got time to spare! Levels and player skills? Not so much...

230: Unknown adventurer

How are we supposed to get there? I haven't even visited the Umbral Kingdom yet.

231: Unknown adventurer

I can come! 

232: Cold=Rose

I forgot to mention that I have special "invitations" that will teleport you to the Dungeon during the day of the fight if you accept. 

233: Unknown adventurer


234: Unknown adventurer

->232 Sweet! Let's meet up at the "Homura Frontline" the day before the battle. 

235: Verification adventurer

Everyone! We have uncovered big news regarding the Vile Queens! 

236: Unknown adventurer

Greaaaat. One of the fanboys was hiding in the thread...

237: Unknown adventurer

->235 What's up?

238: Verification adventurer

Latest studies have revealed that all of the Vile Queens are using 2 elements. And not just any elements, but primary ones!

239: Cold=Rose

->236 It's fine. The more people willing to join, the better. The Demon Princess gave me 20 invitations to hand out, so everyone with some degree of fighting skills, come forth!

240: Unknown adventurer

->238 Huh? Are you talking about those elements we have to choose from when starting the game? Fire, Water, and so on? 

241: Cold=Rose

->238 Then, is the Queen who messed up Homura related to the Ice element? 

242: Unknown adventurer

->239 We're scraping the bottom of the barrels here, boss! 

243: Verification adventurer

->241 That seems like the idea. The Vile Queens are supposed to be "heretical witches who have obtained the power of two primal forces", or that is what the texts we uncovered say.

244: Verification adventurer

We have also discovered that it's only players, or should I say, Migrants who are limited to just 1 primary element. NPCs, or Inhabitants, can obtain as many as they want, but according to your research, they seem to have an inborn disgust for the thought of having more than just 1 primary element skill. 

245: Verification adventurer

->239 Also, one of our more combat-experienced members wishes to join the Dungeon Battle, so save an invitation for them!

246: Unknown adventurer

->244 Yeah, yeah, great and all, but that's not telling us how to get rid of that *****, excuse me, witch. 

247: Cold=Rose

->245 As long as they're strong, they can join. Meet me at the frontline the day before the battle as mentioned above. 

248: Unknown adventurer

->246 Hey, it's better than nothing. We're making progress here! And something tells me this might be more important than the dirt that the self-proclaimed "author" of the Behemoth's Lamp has on these "Queens". 

249: Unknown adventurer

Sigh, why is it so difficult to have a Japanese-themed kingdom in one piece in this game? Well, better join the Dungeon-busting team...

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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