Night Ranger

Chapter 333-341

Chapter 333: Pale Hand

p>The power of the Holy Blood was quite frightening. It hadn’t been easy for Jo to suppress it for so many years.

Marvin knew this. Wanting to completely suppress the power of the Holy Blood was impossible, so he had to find a way to guide her stably through the process.

He knew the most suitable master to tutor Jo, but time was pressing, and the Dark Side would be chasing after them soon.

They had to lie low first.

Marvin entrusted the mother-daughter duo to the Wood Elves. They could be considered having some power in Ruins City. By relying on Wood Elven spells, temporarily hiding the aura of the Holy Blood wasn’t difficult.

Although some of those Wood Elves looked at Jo and Barbara with disgust, since it was Marvin’s request, they could only comply.

When Marvin settled the two down, he promised to come back to get them in a few days and then left the area.

Next evening, on the eastern side of Ruins City.

A group of people were gathered.

When Marvin got there, a group of people hired by the Wolf Spiders had arrived. The other experts arrived at more or less the same time.

What surprised Marvin was that the Wolf Spider mercenary group truly hired a lot of people this time!

There was one other 4th rank expert. She was a Sorcerer who apparently came from Rocky Mountain.

The rest were 3rd rank powerhouses. For this exploration, the 3rd rank class holders would be the core strength.

The leader of the Wolf Spider mercenary group and two of the vice-leaders were also 4th rank experts. As for Bull, yesterday’s Barbarian, he was the only 3rd rank vice-leader.

The entire Wolf Spider troop was about thirty people, each fully armed. With the hired experts, the amount reached forty. It could be considered a huge force in Ruins City.

“When does it start?”

One hired hand was clearly impatient. His upper body was bare and he had a pretty nice two-handed greatsword at his side.

3rd rank Warrior. Marvin only took a glance and knew who the other side was.

He was like the leader of the Acheron Gang he killed before, Diapheis. But this Herold guy was more powerful.

He was a mass of muscles, his endurance was comparable to that of the Barbarians. But then again, Warriors were originally Human powerhouses studying the Barbarians’ body structure as well as their tempering style to develop their own melee class.

“Still waiting for two more. We will wait another ten minutes,” a vice-leader of the Wolf Spider said gently.

She was a rarely seen female Wizard.

In general, Wizards were very rich in this era, so they would rarely appear among adventurers, instead studying in a Wizard Tower.

The reasons the Wolf Spider mercenaries were rather famous in Ruins City had a lot to do with this Wizard’s contributions.

No one knew where the Wolf Spider Leader Rem found this 4th rank Wizard.

But for Marvin and the other adventurers, having a Wizard in the team, and a Half-Legend at that, meant that the exploration should be safe and easy.

After all, before the Great Calamity, the Wizard class was still the most powerful.

‘Looks like they don’t understand Saruha. They didn’t bring a Cleric of the Silver Church.’

‘I guess they think Saruha only has cold constructs?’

Marvin shook his head inwardly.

In Saruha, the most powerful monsters were still the Evil Spirits!

Two Evil Spirit Envoys were occupying the place. However, these two Evil Spirits had no relation to Diggles.

They were subordinates of the 2nd Evil Spirit Plane’s Overlord, [Tidomas]!

These two Evil Spirit Envoys were considerably powerful and should have strength comparable to that of Half-Legends. They had been trying to control that place’s construct. But with their Intelligence, it was simply impossible to control the constructs created by the Ancient Gnomes. Both sides were at war.

In short, Saruha was a chaotic place.

There were Evil Spirits and constructs, each occupying half of the territory.

As there was nothing around, Marvin began to recall his memories of Saruha.

Marvin faintly remembered that Saruha was an oval-shaped underground space. The oval was separated into five parts with a huge pillar in the middle. The pillar was covered in countless twisting chains, slowly revolving day and night.

Inside the pillar was the crystallization of the highest wisdom of the Ancient Gnomes.

It was a small firing silo. Below was a compressed air bag and explosive gunpowder.

In the past, the crazy Ancient Gnomes weren’t satisfied with the flying altitude of their hot air balloons. They tried to go even higher in the sky, to surge to the Astral Sea. And Saruha was only one of their experimental bases.

At the start, this place was similar to one of those rocket launching sites from Marvin’s world. Those constructs were mostly guard constructs or manufacturing constructs, and not battle constructs.

After the fall of the Gnome empire, this place became deserted and was occupied by the Evil Spirits.

Saruha had a lot of pieces of knowledge of the Gnome civilization. The Mechanical Gargoyle blueprint he got before was relatively insignificant compared to what was in Saruha.

This was the reason he chose to explore the place when he heard it was discovered.

If he could find the way to manufacture and control constructs, White River Valley would be even more resilient.

Constructs were powerful soldiers, and would be very suitable for defending the territory.

While Marvin was thinking, a shadow slowly walked over from the distance.

He wore a cloak and seemed steady and calm as he approached.

‘It’s him?’

Marvin stared blankly.

Although the cloak was a different color, a lush green, Marvin still recognized the other party.

Vampire Gwyn!

They first came into contact back at the Scarlet Monastery, and then Marvin had “robbed” him of a Dense Blood Nucleus while leaving Ancient Castle Tulip.

The relationship between them was a bit complicated.

They weren’t enemies, but they weren’t friends.

The Bright Side had always been a relatively awkward existence. It was the Dark Side with their anti-human policy that Marvin had no issues killing.

As for Gwyn’s appearance, Marvin actually didn’t know how to handle this.

He also looked exceptionally beautiful. Killing him would be a pity.

Obviously, this was only Marvin mocking himself. When he glanced at Gwyn, he started thinking about how to use this guy to get a meeting with Great Duke William.

“Good. Sir Gwyn also arrived, so we are only missing one right now.

The Wizard Lilia confirmed Gwyn’s identity and smiled.

But when the last one was mentioned, Marvin noticed the Wolf Spider’s few leaders showing an uneasy expression.

‘Who is the last one?’ Marvin wondered.

In the twilight of the setting sun.

“Woosh!” A shadow appeared in front of everyone.

“Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen, I was delayed by a petty matter, making me arrive late.”

“Let’s start.”

That man had a slight smile.

Marvin sharply inhaled. “Pale Hand!”

One of the Thief Legend classes!

Chapter 334: Tentacle Horror

p>The Pale Hand’s appearance startled everyone!

Marvin noticed that a few leaders of the Wolf Spider mercenaries had unpleasant expressions.

It seemed they weren’t happy about a Legend joining.

‘Worried about dividing Saruha’s treasures? Why should they be? Since the Wolf Spider mercenaries dared to hire outsiders, they should be satisfied with someone so powerful joining.’

Marvin was a bit curious.

That Pale Hand looked like an ordinary person, but Marvin could feel that his body contained terrifying burst power.

That guy had definitely also reached the Godly Dexterity realm, and surely had first class slaughtering abilities.

After all, Pale Hand was an authentic Legend class, far superior to the basic Legend Thief or Legend Assassin classes.

Back when the South Wizard Alliance withstood the Ancient Red Dragon Ell’s attack, they had dispatched Shadow Thief Owl and another Legend Assassin to deal with him. That man was a Pale Hand!

That Pale Hand wasn’t the same person as the one here. In fact, because of the existence of the [Pale War Banner], Pale Hand was the advanced Legend class the most frequently seen in Feinan.

The Pale War Banner organization had a complete method to advance to Pale Hand. There were various qualifications needed to join them, but as long you voluntarily joined the Pale War Banner and obeyed the organization’s rules, you could get the Pale Hand Advancement Manual.

Compared to the overall more powerful and well-rounded Ruler of the Night class, Pale Hands could be considered specialized killers.

They used more aggressive long daggers and were more adept with various killing techniques.

In short, this was a group of peak Assassins not to be trifled with.

The appearance of a Legend class naturally added a few variables to this adventure.

But the Wolf Spider Leader still remained calm and just introduced this Legend to everyone.

His name was simple, Sky. But just like Marvin’s [Kerry], who knew if it was real or fake.

After the Pale Hand joined the troops, he didn’t say much, merely waiting calmly for the arrangements.

But Marvin felt something odd about him.

This guy’s expression was a bit strange.

Even if he had no evil intent toward Marvin, it would be better to be careful.

“Good, since everyone is here, we can go,” said the head of the Wolf Spider mercenaries.

The group finally went on their way. They rode on young horses and left Ruins City, going eastwards to arrive at an uneven mountainous forest.

At the corner of the road turning to the south, the people dismounted their horses and followed the scout on foot.

The hills there were mostly rather desolate and they often met monsters.

But with such a large party of adventurers, how could they be surprised by any attacks?

The party travelled easily through the hills, meandering until they finally reached a small mountain stream as the moon reached the highest point in the sky.

“Saruha’s entrance, here it is.”

“If not for a random accident, we wouldn’t have found it. We can control the opening and closing of Saruha’s door. After our Wizard opens it, the Wolf Spider’s people will go in, and everyone else would follow, is that fine with you all?” the Wolf Spider leader asked loudly.

No one objected.

Under the moonlight, the vice-leader Lilia took out a simple scroll and stood in front of the mountain stream as she started chanting in a low voice.

The mountain stream was flowing against an immovable rock with moss spreading on both sides. The Wizard continued to chant softly.

After a short period of time, the scroll in her hand suddenly cast a light.

The mountain stream stopped flowing, as if time was frozen.

“Quick! We only have three minutes! Everyone going in needs to be careful of the enemies,” Lilia urged.

They rushed quickly toward the door, as if not wanting to be last.

Marvin was neither slow nor swift, and settled at the end of the group.

At that time, a familiar voice could be heard beside his ear. “Long time no see, Mister Marvin.”

“Pardon me, I am Kerry,” Marvin answered to the cloaked figure.

Gwyn coldly snorted back, “Regardless of how you disguise yourself, I’ll always be able to see through it.”

“How is that? And don’t you have any issues walking out in the open as a member of the Bright Side on the western seashore?” Marvin asked sarcastically. “This is the Dark Side’s headquarters. Oh right, how is your younger cousin?”

Gwyn remained silent.

Although Marvin had handed Karnoth to him that time, Karnoth had already turned and gotten [Bloodthirst]. With no other recourse, Gwyn could only put him in custody at the Bright Side’s headquarters to be punished by the Elders.

There was no need to talk about the result. Whether it was the Bright Side or the Dark Side, the fate of traitors was very bitter.

“You need to be careful,” Marvin suddenly cautioned.

Gwyn was slightly distracted.

“You are looking for the holder of the Holy Blood?” Marvin whispered, taking advantage of the noise made by everyone as they rushed in. “Great Duke William truly has faith in you, to actually send you alone to the western seashore.”

“I’m not alone…” Gwyn didn’t finish his words as he suddenly realized that he had been tricked by Marvin.

But Marvin’s words had been enough to shock him.

“How do you know so much?” asked Gwyn in surprise.

Marvin laughed mischievously. He was just guessing, yet it managed to draw out such a response from Gwyn.

As expected, this guy had come for the Holy Blood.

The struggle between the Bright side and Dark Side was really desperate.

However, after Marvin got the info out of him, he ignored Gwyn and rushed toward the door.

Gwyn frowned and followed closely behind.

Everyone went through the door one after the other. The Wizard looked at the remaining two people apprehensively.

Pale Hand Sky and the Wolf Spider’s leader.

“Mister Sky, I hope you can do as you promised, to not negatively affect our exploration.”

“After all, we have always respected the Pale War Banner. And we never lowered the amount paid every year,” the Wolf Spider leader reminded cautiously.

He knew that this Pale Hand was quite frightening. Him coming this time was an unwanted disaster!

The originally perfect exploration now had an unwanted variable, so how could he not be anxious?

The Pale Hand sneered, “You are worried about me taking your spoils? This is funny. I only came to kill. I have no interest in that Saruha thing.”

“Don’t hinder me and I might even give you a hand.”

After saying this, he snorted and rushed in.

The Wolf Spider leader and the Wizard glanced at each other. The latter gently consoled, “It’s alright. Even if he is overbearing, his words are still reasonable.”

Rem was silent for a second. “If only… Well, let’s go.”

The two put away the scroll and went in together.

A few minutes later, a crimson-colored bat suddenly dove down!

She approached the mountain stream and flew around it a few times before landing on a stone, slowly transforming into a completely naked woman.

She casually waved a hand and a faintly crimson negligee appeared on her body.

It couldn’t block people’s gazes, but she didn’t care.

‘I arrived late. Eh? How come there is the aura of our people?’

‘Forget it, I’ll wait here. I don’t believe they’ll stay too long in that vestige.’

‘I hope you don’t die in there.’

Stephanie yawned. ‘That would be too boring.’

Darkness covered the vestige.

The Wolf Spider mercenaries had explored this area before and thus had some understanding of the place.

They couldn’t start a fire!

They also couldn’t use any lighting equipment.

This was what the Wolf Spider mercenaries requested of the hired experts.

They could only touch the walls with their hands to move forward.

Because if a light appeared in this place, it would trigger a small rockfall.

There was definitely a light-sensitive mechanism. Unfortunately it was too complex, and even the strongest Thief of the Wolf Spider mercenaries couldn’t remove it. As for Pale Hand Sky, although he was a Legend, he was specialized in slaughter, not in removing traps and mechanisms.

If it was a genuine [Trap Master], there might have been hope of settling this problem.

“Be as silent as possible. Those with Darkvision have priority. It’s better to get past this part quickly.” Rem’s voice echoed in the darkness.

Because of the previous explanations, everyone remained calm and moved forward in succession while touching the wall.

But this was completely unneeded for Marvin, whose Darksight let him see clearly.

It wasn’t a long tunnel, and a large curve appeared at the end. There, he saw a shadow.

Recalling the path in his memories, Marvin came to a conclusion. ‘Turns out the Wolf Spider mercenary group found the back door!’

‘I knew this path didn’t feel too familiar…’

‘Oh shit, if this is the back door, then the first monsters would be those things!’

Marvin’s expression sank. If the Wolf Spiders didn’t make proper preparations and directly came across these monsters, they might suffer!

But Marvin continued hiding his own strength. The Pale Hand in the group made him very worried. Even though he could see clearly, he still pretended.

Because he could feel that a pair of eyes was watching him and Gwyn.

The other side might have Darkvision or Infrared Vision.

He had to be low-key and make himself look weak.

The group moved forward and soon arrived at that curve. The scout in front found the mark he left previously and quietly told Rem, “It’s about here. After this part we can light our torches.”

Rem nodded and urged everyone forward.

Soon, everyone had crossed that trapped area.

Light began to illuminate the dark tunnel, coming from all kinds of lighting equipments.

In the western seashore, the trade and smuggle of Alchemy items was quite popular. Wizards’ crafts could be freely auctioned here and thus a lot of useful items would end up in the hands of wealthy adventurers.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is more or less where we stopped exploring.”

Rem held a two-handed greatsword, seriousness showing on his face. “We might meet a lot of monsters from now on, so be alert!”

They all nodded and drew their weapons.

The Wolf Spider mercenaries spontaneously stepped into a formation, while the hired outsiders were more adept at fighting alone so they moved to the surroundings of the formation.

They walked slightly ahead. After all, adventurers were greedy.

But Marvin and Gwyn were hanging at the rear of the formation.

“Why are you standing back here?” Marvin asked.

The latter’s answer made Marvin speechless. “Because you are in the rear. My luck shouldn’t be too bad if I follow you.”

As the two were talking, the person at the forefront already turned the corner.

Marvin squinted.

In that instant, a strange “Zzzz” sound burst out of the tunnel. A few tentacles dripping light yellow liquid rushed out from the dark stone walls and coiled against a few scouts at the front!

As everyone recoiled in shock, the walls on both sides slowly split open and turned into bloody maws!


“What is this thing!”

“Save me, quick!”

Shouts rang out in an instant.

“Cut off those tentacles!” Rem loudly ordered.

He moved quickly and took the lead to chop off a thick tentacle to save a scout.

But the others weren’t that lucky. They were dragged one by one to the bloody maws and were chewed on in front of everyone!

Blood splattered and pieces of bones were spit out!

Even Marvin couldn’t help but feel numb when looking at this scene!

He had only heard that Saruha’s back door had a group of Tentacle Horrors hiding and waiting for prey, but he had never seen them with his own eyes!

“This is an Evil Spirit!” the Wizard Lilia cried out in alarm, “How could there be Evil Spirits in Saruha?”

In the confusion, everyone kept retreating backward. At that time, a loud “Stop!” startled everyone.

Marvin, who was standing at the end, had suddenly shouted.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Hiding behind all of us and yelling at us to stop, are you trying to show off?”

The others were quite dissatisfied with Marvin.

Marvin pointed at the yellow line on the ground and mocked sarcastically, “Then let’s retreat into a rockfall.”

They all paled!

They were carrying light sources!

Just as Marvin said, if they moved past the line, it would trigger the trap in the tunnel. What they would face at that time would be a lot worse than the Tentacle Horrors. A large scale rockfall was enough to bury them all!

For a moment, their gazes toward Marvin became quite complex.

Did this guy recover his wits at this moment, or had he kept his calm all along?

During such a chaotic and panic-filled situation, he was still able to pay attention to this detail.

As they had retreated, the Tentacle Horrors didn’t let them off.

Those tentacles with light yellow liquid crackled through the walls as they rushed over.

“What should we do!”


They shouted in alarm. They didn’t think that the Tentacle Horrors would be able to move this far.

“You can’t use large scale spells here, the tunnel is too weak! The gathering and release of spell energy might lead to a collapse!”

Lilia’s expression was quite unsightly.

Rem stood at the front. He bit his lip as he watched the approaching Tentacle Horrors. “Kill them!”

But a lazy voice resounded at that time. “Forget it. Since I asked for a favor, I might as well help this time.”

The Pale Hand.

He had been watching indolently from within the group, not wanting to help at all.

But what disappointed him was that they hadn’t even reached a room yet and the Wolf Spider mercenaries were already pushed into a corner!

But then again, Tentacle Horrors were one of the Evil Spirits that were troublesome to handle, perhaps second only to Brain Eating Monsters!

Sky’s figure suddenly disappeared!


A simple word.

A shadow flew past the light and began to slash left and right in the tunnel.

Most people couldn’t even see his hands move.

Marvin could actually barely keep up with the other side’s attack speed. His killing efficiency almost made Marvin blush with shame!

He figured he could deal with the Tentacle Horrors quite easily. After all, he had his exceptional daggers and #4 Holy Water.

But it wouldn’t have been as smooth as it was for Sky.

He was simply moving back and forth, constantly skipping through the Shadow Plane, passing through a Tentacle Horror each time he made a move!

The daggers in his hands were slightly longer, but very light. Each time the shadow flashed past, a Tentacle Horror would fall to the ground.


In a mere ten seconds, more than twenty Tentacle Horrors hiding on the walls were cleanly cut down!

This was the strength of a Legend.

Marvin took a deep breath. He could also do it, but he wouldn’t have finished as quickly.

Even though they both had Godly Dexterity, the Pale Hand had other specialties and skills to increase his speed. Marvin estimated that he would only last ten moves against him!

Even if he transformed into the Fierce Asuran Bear, Sky would easily behead him!

Pale Hands were the strongest Assassins. Even an Ancient Dragon’s defense could be easily torn through, let alone a lifeform like an Asuran Bear.

‘I’m not a match against him, but what about fleeing?’

Marvin made calculations.

He was quite pleased with the results. His Night Walker skills should still allow him to escape.

Pale Hands pursued peak killing abilities but gave up on a lot of tracking methods and utility. He wouldn’t be a match for him in a fight, but escaping should be fine.

Thinking of this, he felt a bit more at ease.

“Let’s go.”

Along the tunnel, tentacles were continuously squirming on the ground.

Sky didn’t pay attention to them, and even stepped on a throbbing tentacle and crushed it, as he impatiently said, “Rem, surely this should count as repaying the favor?”

Rem quickly nodded.

But a shadow appeared in his heart.

He hadn’t expected Saruha to be this frightening. The Wolf Spider group had just entered and already met this kind of challenge!

What would they encounter if they kept exploring?

This Pale Hand wouldn’t help all the way.

He got a headache thinking of this but immediately waved his hand. “Let’s go!”

The remaining scouts looked at each other, but didn’t dare walk forward.

It was the same for the hired adventurers.

The recent attack of the Tentacle Horrors had startled them and three people were swallowed whole by the monsters. They didn’t want to end up the same.

Rem slightly frowned. No one dared to walk forward!

He fiercely said, “Who can find a path?”

“Scouts will have the highest priority over choosing loot. At the same time, if you find something, it’ll be yours!”

With such a heavy reward, a few Thieves among the Wolf Spider mercenaries became restless.

But with their companions’ flesh beside them, they were still hesitating.

Rem almost wanted to curse them.

The Wolf Spider mercenaries were considered the most famous in Ruins City. They took countless risks, but had never met this kind of situation!

Losing people when they just entered had cast a shadow on their hearts!

After all, these Tentacle Horrors were very unfamiliar lifeforms to them!

It was pretty normal that no one dared to scout in this situation.

But finally, a soft voice could be heard from the back of the group. “I’ll do it.”

Marvin pushed through and arrived at the front.

He looked straight at Rem. “The stuff I find will belong to me?”

Rem saw a ray of hope. How could he not agree? He immediately nodded.

Marvin inwardly sneered. After the Tentacle Horrors would be a small scale treasury.

His luck was pretty good this time.

Suddenly, another voice spoke out. “I’ll go together with Mister Kerry.”

The cloaked Gwyn also followed closely.

Marvin had a wry expression.

This guy was very crafty! But it was just as well.

“Being alone isn’t safe. With two people, we can look after each other,” Gwyn suggested. “To avoid another disaster, we will keep a certain distance from the main group.”

Rem almost applauded Gwyn!

Where could he find such an agreeable kind of scout?

He immediately promised, “When we return, both of your rewards will be doubled!”

Marvin didn’t respond and walked past the area where the Tentacle Horrors had appeared to plunge toward the depths of the tunnel.

The Vampire Gwyn was following along, sticking close to him.

And from within the big group, Sky was watching Gwyn’s back attentively. After a while, he grinned.


A/N (Translator summary): Today’s chapter is big, 6000 characters. Coconut also said it is inferior to the previous ‘outburst’ and it’s mostly due to Coconut being ill, so it has been very hard for him. However this note was also to say that the book reached one million characters and had reached a third of the story.

“See you at two million characters”.

T/N: I rarely do put a word about the Author’s notes in here because they’re mostly related to the daily release or related to the chinese site of the website or the chinese side in general, and those are unrelated to us international readers. But here is the short summary of the note following this double chapter.

The author has mentioned being sick a few chapters ago which was why there were a few shorter chapters recently.

Also, my birthday is the 30th, so better give me a rain of power stones on that day!

Chapter 335: Nightmare Crystal

p>A dark hall spread in front of Marvin after turning the corner.

However, he unhesitantly broke into a sprint!

His movement was still utterly silent, and he quickly approached the limits of Human running speed!

Gwyn was briefly surprised, but he didn’t think too much about it and chased after him.

“What are you doing?” he asked in a low voice.

Frankly, if it weren’t for Gwyn being so confident in Marvin, along with his previous dazzling performances, he wouldn’t be fine with following him to run around all over the place in here!

This was Saruha, and he had seen how those previous scouts died.

If the first wave was an ambush of Tentacle Horrors, then wouldn’t there be even more powerful monsters inside?

Gwyn didn’t dare imagine. He came to join in on the fun this time after losing trace of the Holy Blood and not having anything else to do. He heard that Saruha had an extremely valuable medicinal herb that could suppress the outburst of Bloodthirst. It apparently could help with the reverse transformation from the Dark Side.

But he didn’t come to throw away his life.

Marvin running so crazily. Even if it was quiet, what if he activated a trap?

The young Vampire slightly hesitated.

But Marvin simply ignored him.

He used his Godly Dexterity to continue running at breakneck speed through the dark hall!

Gwyn ground his teeth but ultimately still chose to follow him.

His Dexterity wasn’t as high as Marvin’s, but with some of his innate Vampire skills, he could still barely manage to follow him.

But it was quite strenuous!

Two minutes later, Marvin abruptly stopped. The Vampire was startled and came to a stop shortly after.

“What the hell are you doing?” Gwyn was slightly angry.

Marvin looked at him coldly. “I am saving your life.”

Gwyn froze.

Marvin disdainfully told him, “Take off your cloak, don’t think you are hiding properly. In fact, you have already been found.”

“Besides, haven’t people told you that your surprised expression is quite effeminate?”

After saying this, he ignored the flabbergasted Vampire and turned to face three stone doors in front of him!

Saruha’s back door lead to the [Crystal Hall].

There wasn’t any danger in the Crystal Hall, in the darkness at least. In order to save time, Marvin had sprinted crazily across.

But with light, the hall would become a big obstacle to the adventurers.

The reason was simple. There was a [Nightmare Crystal] in the hall. When light shone onto it, it would automatically reflect the thing that they longed for the most in their hearts.

In other words, the Nightmare Crystal was a fairly troublesome test. The adventurers unable to pass the willpower test would sink into the Nightmare Crystal forever.

As far as Marvin was concerned, his relationship with the Wolf Spider mercenaries was just one of exchanging benefits. He didn’t need to remind these greedy adventurers that were so afraid of death about the Nightmare Crystal’s existence. In any case, by running in the darkness he had skipped the willpower test.

In fact, the moment the Pale Hand appeared, Marvin had lost all intention of exploring Saruha with the Wolf Spider mercenaries.

He had a bad feeling about this guy who was an unstable variable, and it was better to be as far from him as possible.

Marvin would rather charge into Saruha alone than have a bomb that could explode at any minute next to him.

Of course, the young Vampire didn’t know of Marvin’s thoughts.

He asked in bafflement, “What do your words mean? Saving my life?”

Marvin’s gaze still on those three doors. As for Gwyn’s question, he shook his head inwardly.

No wonder he didn’t hear this name in the past. If not for him, Gwyn would most likely die at this point in time!

Because he could feel that the Pale Hand had evil intent toward Gwyn.

He had surely appeared here in order to kill Gwyn!

A Legend Advanced Assassin class killing a Marquis of the Bright Side should be easy, and making a move in the sealed Saruha would keep it hidden.

Faced with Gwyn’s question, Marvin explained his point of view without any hesitation. “Although he hides his Bloodthirst perfectly, he can’t hide his identity from me.”

“If I’m not wrong, Pale Hand Sky is the person the Dark Side sent to kill you!”

“Wait until it’s an open area and a chaotic battle starts. He would probably make a move on you then. Since you were smart and decided to follow me, your luck could be considered pretty good.”

“He isn’t chasing after you for now. I guess he wants to play the cat toying with the mouse. Feel free to breathe, by the way.”

While he explained, he gently touched the inscriptions on the three doors.

Although Marvin deemphasized it, the young Vampire was still frightened by Marvin’s words!

A Pale Hand sent by the Dark Side wanted to assassinate him!

Even the always calm Gwyn couldn’t help but have a flustered expression.

“Hold on… This is impossible.”

“We have clear rules. Vampire Dukes can’t attack the other side unless provoked.”

Gwyn hesitated. A Legend Vampire was considered a Duke.

Marvin turned and suggested unhappily, “What if the Dark Side already made preparations to launch an all-out war against the Bright Side?”

Gwyn froze.

But at that time, Marvin happily said, “It’s this door!”

“Your luck is pretty good, you can live a bit longer.”

He quickly moved toward the 3rd door and gently pushed the button.

“Du! Du! Du! Du!”

A beeping sound echoed as the door slowly rose up, and a few rays of light leaked out from inside.

Marvin didn’t wait and went in. Gwyn clenched his teeth and took off his cloak before throwing it toward another door.

Although he wasn’t very convinced with Marvin’s words, that Pale Hand indeed felt dangerous to him.

The two went through the stone door, and then Marvin kicked the button on the side.

The button cracked and broke and then an explosion could be heard as the entrance loudly fell back to the ground!

The loud sound echoed down the tunnel, startling everyone.

“What happened?”

“What about Mister Kerry and Mister Gwyn?”

They had just left the tunnel and had arrived at the Crystal Hall.

The Pale Hand looked solemnly into the distance, before suddenly disappearing.

Meanwhile, everyone was stunned as a huge crystal appeared in front of them.

All the adventurers showed a greedy look!

This was a pure crystal. Even if it was cut up to be brought back, it would still be priceless!

Many of them silently went to surround it.

But at that time, illusions began to emerge from the crystal.

They began to lose themselves in them.

Behind the stone door, Marvin was looking at the three treasure chests in front of him cheerfully while thinking to himself, ‘Sure enough, I remembered correctly. Treasures were behind the door with the engraving of the Sun God’s mark.’

‘The other doors should all be trapped!’

He didn’t hold back as he went up to the first jeweled chest, took out a Lockpick scroll and ripped it apart.

The lid of the treasure chest creaked open in response.

Chapter 336: Stealth Master

p>After Marvin opened the treasure chest, he dodged subconsciously.

Just as expected, a terrifying spurt of acid splashed over, which Marvin easily avoided. As for the absent-minded Gwyn, he was almost hit!

Fortunately, his reaction speed was also extremely fast, so he still managed to dodge out of the way.

But sadly, a few droplets splashed onto the fringe of his clothes, leaving him rather glum.

Seeing this scene, Marvin was silently contemplative.

Not only was that Vampire extremely beautiful like a woman, but his actions were also quite similar.

‘He wouldn’t be a woman in disguise would he?’ Marvin thought.

Of course, he was more concerned about the treasure chest.

There shouldn’t be any trap mechanisms aside from the acid, so he opened the chest all the way, revealing a few scattered pieces of equipment. Most of them were Common, but Marvin happily found the thing he wanted:

[Rosenthal Bracelets]

[Quality: Magic]

[Property: All Ranger skills +20]

Despite only having one effect and not looking very eye-catching, it was actually the best equipment for the current Marvin!

With Eriksson’s Brooch, his Stealth already reached 180 points!

But regretfully, his free skill points were already used up, and he would have to level his Ranger class to get more.

But to advance to Ruler of the Night, Marvin wanted to prioritize his Night Walker class. Thus it would take a while before his Ranger class would be leveled again.

Of course, he could still improve his Stealth through tempering, but it would be very slow, especially as it got higher.

Marvin had been on the lookout for equipment with similar properties. Unfortunately, when Owl raided the Evil Spirit Overlord’s treasury, he didn’t find any good equipment with bonuses for Stealth. He found some stuff that was almost fitting, but it was more suitable for Thief and Assassin classes, rather than a Ranger like Marvin.

Thus, he always felt so close to the 200 threshold, but couldn’t take the last step.

Now with the Rosenthal Bracelets, not only did he successfully pass that threshold, but his other Ranger skills also obtained a major upgrade!

Marvin’s capabilities once again had a qualitative leap!

Stealth (200) automatically gave him the hidden effect [Stealth Master]!

This meant that Marvin could now freely run while in Stealth without being discovered!

Marvin estimated that with his frightening Night Walker skills, he already had the assassination strength of a Legend even though he was still Level 18!

After putting on the Rosenthal Bracelets, Marvin ignored the young Vampire’s worried expression and proceeded to open the other chests, which held a large amount of treasure.

One chest was filled with blueprints. These blueprints were like the Mechanical Gargoyle blueprint he found before.

Marvin rummaged through it, and found a lot of the scientific blueprints of the Ancient Gnomes. Could there be a steam engine prototype among them?

The contents were mostly a chaotic mess. He would need a Master Alchemist to identify them.

Marvin got a headache when he thought of needing to find a Master Alchemist. To be honest, ever since he transmigrated, he’d had a lot of close calls.

But he wasn’t an all-rounder Fighter. Because he chose to be an Assassin in his previous life, he also suitably chose Pharmacist as a Life Class. Since he took Blacksmith as a Life Class this time, it would be impossible to become an Alchemist now.

There was still a lack of Alchemy talent in his territory. Even though Constantine had asked his friend to give a hand with processing the Red Dragon and Black Dragon after the harvesting, that wasn’t White River Valley’s Alchemist.

Processing the Dragons’ corpses could still be outsourced. However, the knowledge of the Gnomes was a kind of secret that Marvin hoped to monopolize.

But sadly, besides that one outstanding performance against Bamboo, the nameless Alchemist only had failures.

Marvin was relatively magnanimous. If it was another ordinary Overlord, he would have already thrown him out!

‘Damn, when I get back, I need to use good salaries to dig up a few craftsmen from the Craftsman Tower.’

‘When the time comes, I’ll need to get Leymann to help me negotiate.’

Marvin put away those blueprints while thinking about how to deal with them.

In the Three Ring Towers, the Craftsman Tower’s Tower Master was very young. Although he didn’t have the strength of a Legend, he couldn’t be disregarded.

The reason was very simple. Even if his magic power wasn’t equal to a Legend Wizard’s, he was the one with the most Legendary Items!

It was said that this guy had previously been a Tomb Raider, specialized in plundering ancient Legend Wizards’ tombs, so he had many precious items in his hands.

Strengthening oneself wasn’t the only important part for battles; external forces were also very important!

The Craftsman Tower was the Alchemists’ paradise. And Wizard Craftsmen were the most powerful branch of Alchemists.

If he could lure a few top Wizard Craftsmen to become part of White River Valley, then Marvin could boldly gather the Ancient Gnomes’ knowledge.

At that time, White River Valley’s technology would be a bit strange.

On one side there would be the mechanical structures of the Gnomes, while on the other side they’d have the Shas’ firearms. Wayne was currently opening up the path to a completely new method of training for Wizards, and Marvin was getting treasures from all over Feinan. And after the Great Calamity, White River Valley would be able to protect itself because of the Source of Fire’s Order.

Those people losing their minds from the Calamity wouldn’t dare approach the Source of Fire’s Order for some time. This gave White River Valley the opportunity to develop.

Naturally, Marvin’s plan didn’t stop there.

Besides the Source of Fire’s Order, he also wanted to set up an [Ancient Refuge]!

Therefore, when he found a light yellow shard among the jewels in the 3rd chest, he was inevitably overjoyed!

An Earth Crystal’s fragment!

It was already the second.

Three fragments could form a complete Earth Crystal.

And an Earth Crystal was the most important foundation to set up an Ancient Refuge!

In the Crystal Hall, the adventurers were mired in the illusions.

Only Pale Hand Sky’s expression didn’t change. His willpower was extremely steady and thus he wasn’t tricked by a mere Nightmare Crystal!

This was why people said there was a huge difference between ordinary people and Legends. Level 21 was the dividing line.

The kinds of specialties gained after reaching Legend was something normal people simply couldn’t even strive for.

Sky’s figure flashed, and he soon arrived in front of the three doors.

His eyes kept flickering between the three doors as he frowned.

He then rushed toward the 3rd door and pressed the button!

Chapter 337: Tidomas

p>But what surprised the Pale Hand was that even though he figured out which was the hidden treasure room and pressed the button, the door didn’t open!

‘Did I make a mistake?’

Sky instinctively sensed something wrong.

That Kerry guy made him feel uneasy. This was strange since he was a great Legend expert. Why should he be worried about a 4th rank Ranger?

Sky frowned. He had some understanding toward Saruha, but he didn’t know much more than the Wolf Spider mercenaries.

Even if he could disregard the Nightmare Crystal, he couldn’t pass through those heavy stone doors.

He wasn’t a Wizard after all. He didn’t have a spell or any item that would allow him to pass through walls.

‘Based on the old map the Wolf Spider mercenaries showed me, there is a small room a short way in that held Gnomish treasures.’

‘The Ancient Gnomes were fearless, only respecting the Ancient Sun God, so normally the correct entrance should be this door.’

‘Why won’t it open?’

The Pale Hand frowned. He wasn’t a fool. There was clearly another possibility as to why the door wouldn’t open.

It was locked from the inside.

Regardless of the reason, Sky’s plan to easily kill Gwyn had already failed. He had to quickly get through these stone doors, or else who knew where those two so-called scouts would run off to?

Although the mission couldn’t be completed properly, he also didn’t suffer much of a loss yet. But he did make a solemn vow to take Gwyn’s life in front of the Elder Council, so if he couldn’t manage to do so, his reputation would suffer.

He turned and glanced at those people engrossed in the luster of the crystal, disdain flashing through his eyes.

How could these greedy guys deserve to get the Ancient Gnome treasures?

They couldn’t even pass the most simple willpower test. The following dangers would probably be even harder to handle.

The only thing that surprised him somewhat was that Rem and Lilia showed signs of waking up even though they had also fallen under the crystal’s charm. This wasn’t an easy matter.

‘I already helped them with the Tentacle Horrors. It shouldn’t be a problem if I leave now.’

After thinking of this, the Pale Hand rushed toward the 2nd stone door and pressed the button!


The thick and heavy stone door slowly rose, and fire flashed. The next second, a large amount of fire monsters gushed out from the door, flying toward Sky!

They had human head, Lion’s claws, and Fish lower body.

[Fire Guardians]!

Sky cursed and turned to run!

It wasn’t that he was afraid of these monsters, but there were way too many of them. Even with his Legend resistances, he couldn’t handle an intensive assault from so many Fire Guardians.

The Pale Hand’s silhouette flashed like lightning, nimbly moving across the hall as the blades in his hands slashed through the air, continuously cutting the heads of the Fire Guardians.

But it felt as if there was an endless supply of Fire Guardians! They kept pouring out from the room.

While Sky was busy fighting, he glanced at the end of the hidden room.

At the end of the hidden room was a deep passage, which was blocked by a green barrier!

This was a two-meter thick barrier with a light green spirit flickering inside.

The Pale Hand’s face instantly turned green!

‘Fuck! It’s actually a [Disintegrate] barrier!’

‘These wretched Gnomes!’

He understood dungeon’s mechanism… this Disintegrate barrier definitely would not disappear until he killed all these Fire Guardians.

And there was close to two hundred of them! Even if Pale Hands were proficient killers, he would need at least ten minutes to clear them out safely!

These ten minutes were enough for Gwyn and that Kerry to do a lot of things.

Thinking of this, Sky felt somber.

In the 3rd room.

Marvin finished putting all the loot away, satisfied.

He felt it that this trip to Saruha was already very worthwhile. Just the Gnome Blueprints and the Rosenthal Bracelets were worth the effort, let alone another Earth Crystal fragment.

At that moment, he and Gwyn heard someone pressing the button by the door.

For a while, they were able to see through the door, and discovered the person outside.

The young Vampire blanched, though his skin was pale to begin with.

Pale Hand Sky!

From his expression, he was a bit anxious.

If Gwyn still doubted Marvin at this point, Marvin wouldn’t bother with him any longer.

But the young Vampire was convinced.

He asked in a low voice, “Sir Marvin, even though the Dark Side intends to start a war, our Bright Side still wouldn’t be worried. Although they have Legends, regardless the amount or quality, they won’t be our match.”

“But since you pointed this out to me, you surely have a way to rescue me. If I can avoid the Dark Side’s chase this time, I’ll do my best to satisfy whatever request you have.”

In fact, Marvin’s strength had always been a mystery to Gwyn.

After Marvin destroyed the Decaying Plateau, Gwyn had carefully investigated his rise, and the results were shocking.

He was driven away from his territory by a group of Gnolls, and then passed his days painfully in River Shore City… This was just the fall of some trashy noble.

Who would have thought that he would rise to greatness one day? It was rumored that Masked Twin Blades, who single-handedly annihilated the Acheron Gang, was one of Marvin’s identities. He then took back his territory, showed his talents in the Battle of the Holy Grail and had multiples conflicts with the Twin Snakes Cult. Later, he was even more fierce as he destroyed the Decaying Plateau.

And at that time, because the Twin Snakes Cult made a move on him, “killing” him, they were completely uprooted by a group of angry Legends.

It was rumored that even the Azure Matriarch far to the north almost died!

This was a series of outstanding achievements, and was very different from his previous appearance as a destitute noble.

Gwyn even doubted the two were the same person.

But regardless, anyone could see that Marvin was powerful and mysterious.

And even moreso, there was the thing that most didn’t know about. He was Dragon Slayer Robin who tore a Dragon apart with his bare hands!

But this wasn’t a secret to Gwyn, because when Marvin negotiated for the Dense Blood Nucleus, he saw through his disguise.

When the information about the Dragon spread, he was utterly shocked. Although he checked and was told that Fate Sorceress Jessica had added her Fate Power to Marvin, tearing a Dragon apart by hand was still an impressive feat. He couldn’t properly estimate the limits of this kind of person!

In Gwyn’s eyes, even if Marvin wasn’t a Legend, he had the strength of a Legend.

Since the other party told him the Pale Hand’s goal, he definitely had a way to solve this issue.

Seeing Gwyn looking at him expectantly, Marvin couldn’t help but mutter strangely, “Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think I’ll help you kill that Pale Hand?”

Gwyn coughed awkwardly. “Even if you can’t, you should know a way to leave Saruha, right?”

Marvin sneered, “In ordinary circumstances, there is only one way to leave Saruha, which is the scroll in Lilia’s hands.”

“But clearly, you have another way,” noted Gwyn.

“I actually do know a secret path to leave Saruha,” Marvin conceded. “It’s just that the secret path is more dangerous, a lot more dangerous than the Tentacle Horrors. If I just take you there to leave, I’ll risk too much for nothing.”

Gwyn furrowed his brows. “What do you want?”

Marvin smiled. “Twenty of that kind of Dense Blood Nucleus you had last time.”

Gwyn immediately turned red, “How could this be…”

“Just kidding,” Marvin interrupted. “I’ll take three of them with different abilities. Oh right, last time was Low Flight. Remember, don’t give me a duplicate.”

“Then, after you escape, immediately return to the Bright Side’s headquarters and find Great Duke William.”

“I want you to do all you can to arrange a meeting for me.”

Gwyn froze. “A meeting?”

“Yes.” Marvin nodded seriously. “Me and William.”

A strange expression appeared on Gwyn’s face, before he ground his teeth and nodded in acquiescence.

He could take the loss. Wealth wasn’t as important as his life.

What’s more, the Dark Side intended to start a war. He needed to report this important information.

He responded to Marvin, “I agree to all your conditions. Now can you take me out of Saruha?”

But how could he have expected Marvin’s odd answer:

“What’s the hurry?”

“We managed to enter an Ancient Gnome vestige with great difficulty. If we leave without plundering the place, it would really be a waste, don’t you think?”

“As for the Pale Hand, rest assured, he won’t follow for now with the [Fire Guardians] blocking him, and then the ensuing [Endless Stairs]… We should have at least twenty minutes.”

Gwyn smiled bitterly. “Didn’t you already get a lot of treasures?”

Marvin ignored his complaint and rushed toward the depths of the room.

Soon, a low tunnel appeared in front of the two.

Marvin checked it for a bit before confirming that there was no danger. He beckoned Gwyn to follow, before crawling in.

If he wasn’t wrong, at the other end of the tunnel would be Saruha’s Residential District!

In the depths of Saruha.

On a dark green altar, two tall shadows were kneeling.

A twisted face slowly appeared out of a fire:


“Our old enemy…”

“Punishment… Restore the glory of our Negative Energy Plane.”

The voice from the face was intermittent.

But those two shadows still managed to understand what he meant.

A scene appeared before their eyes. It was Marvin strenuously crawling through the tunnel!

“We brothers will definitely accomplish your order…”

“Respected Sir [Tidomas].”

Chapter 338: Evil Spirit Barrier

p>A small ladder appeared at the end of the long narrow tunnel.

Marvin struggled to straighten his body and crawled up the ladder. He pushed the rusted manhole cover aside and a strong rotting smell surrounded them.

The Vampire following him couldn’t help but frown upon noticing the smell.

“This is the former Residential District of Saruha’s Gnomes?” Gwyn guessed.

The Vampire was a bit obsessed with cleanliness, so this rotting smell made him feel a bit unwell. He couldn’t help but urge, “We should quickly pass through this place.”

But Marvin shook his head.

“If you want to escape from the Pale Hand, follow me.”

After saying that, Marvin sped up and went toward the depths of the Residential District.

Gwyn frowned but still followed him inside.

Some noise could be heard from time to time inside the otherwise quiet district.

These noises covered up the movements of the Evil Spirits.

They had already received the orders from the Evil Spirit Envoys after the two left the tunnel.

A huge encirclement was slowly taking shape.

Within the dense fog, Marvin closed his eyes. He pictured a three-dimensional map of the place in his mind.

Tiny red dots hiding between the cracks of the buildings were looking at him ferociously.

Gwyn followed behind Marvin. He was an outstanding member of the Bright Side, and had extraordinary perception.

“We are surrounded,” he warned in a low voice.

Marvin nodded, a bright smile appearing on his face. “Exactly what I want!”

Gwyn frowned. Since Marvin was this confident, he also wouldn’t be worried about these Evil Spirits.

After all, he could tell that even though there were a lot of Evil Spirits, there weren’t any particularly strong ones among them yet.

With his abilities, even if frightening Tentacle Horrors appeared, he wouldn’t have an issue dodging them easily.

Marvin sped forward because he could feel that the Evil Spirits surrounding them were tightening the encirclement.

The Residential District was one of the five areas, it was completely occupied by the Evil Spirits. There weren’t any constructs here, only endless waves of Evil Spirits, all under the control of the Evil Spirit Envoys.

And the two Evil Spirit Envoys were residing in the next area, the [Desolate Ancient Altar].

From what Marvin knew, those two Evil Spirit Envoys were unable to leave the Desolate Ancient Altar. Their bodies apparently had fused with it.

To kill Marvin, they could only send their subordinates, or find a way to lead him toward them.

They couldn’t have expected that he would know this, but in fact, their plans were already in Marvin’s grasp.

He knew that ever since he destroyed the Decaying Plateau, his body’s Evil Spirit Enmity had already reached the extremes. This place was Tidomas’ domain, so this Negative Energy Plane Overlord had most likely already discovered Marvin when he entered Saruha.

Diggles’ fall critically hampered the Negative Energy Plane’s attacks on Feinan. All Evil Spirits would hate Marvin to the bone, not to mention Tidomas, who had been on friendly terms with Diggles.

‘He’ll definitely spare nothing to kill me. But knowing my strength, he should also know that these Evil Spirits wouldn’t be able to take me down.’

‘They are simply pressuring me, trying to force me to go toward the Desolate Ancient Altar. Because only there could the two Evil Spirit Envoys cooperate with the army of Evil Spirits and hopefully get their revenge.’

‘Hehe, well I’m also fine with that…’

Marvin sneered.

He was indeed running toward the Desolate Ancient Altar!

Thus, these Evil Spirits were surprisingly patient with him and due to the guidance from the Evil Spirit Envoys, they didn’t attack.

They even slightly relaxed their formation, leaving a small gap.

And that gap led to the Desolate Ancient Altar.

They believed that with that guy’s perception, he would definitely find the flaw.

But to the surprise of the two Evil Spirit Envoys, Marvin, who had been running in the general direction of the Desolate Ancient Altar this whole time, suddenly stopped in front of a building.

It was a rather large and grandiose building!

Although Saruha had already been abandoned for countless years, the building was still standing.

[McKenzie Theater].

Marvin smiled and went inside!

Gwyn hesitated for a moment before following with his teeth clenched.

“He saw through our plan.”

At the Desolate Ancient Altar, an Evil Spirit Envoy was frowning.

The other one sneered back, “What about it? In my opinion, all he did was choose his burial location.”

“He might think that the terrain inside McKenzie Theater will be more suitable for battle … But he doesn’t know that we already have followers inside.”

“Summon [Sleeping Max] and seal the entire theater, hehe… I want to see how the so-called [Hero of Feinan] who destroyed the Decaying Plateau will break through our Evil Spirit Barrier now!”

On the Desolate Ancient Altar, the two figures bowed their heads and began to chant softly.

Power started to slowly pour into Feinan through the altar from the Evil Dragon Cemetery sub-plane of the Negative Energy Plane!

McKenzie Theater was already surrounded by Evil Spirits.

At the order of the Evil Spirit Envoys, all the Evil Spirits went in!

Tentacle Horrors, Evil Spirit Servants, Brain Eating Monsters, Corpse Monsters… All kinds of Evil Spirits rushed through the eight doors of the Theater at the same time!

In the theater, Gwyn looked at the army of Evil Spirits and repeated with a pale face, “We are surrounded!”

Marvin sped through row after row of seats and stopped in the middle of the stage!


“But if not for this, how could we hide from the Pale Hand’s perception?”

All the Evil Spirits pounced toward him at the same time, just as a huge power locked around McKenzie Theater. A light gray barrier formed, wrapped around the theater.

“Evil Spirit Barrier?” Gwyn’s eyes shone in realization.

Under the cover of this barrier, McKenzie Theater was hidden from detection!

All sounds, all traces, everything completely disappeared.

Even if the Pale Hand went all-out to track them down, he probably still wouldn’t be able to find this place. This was a high level Evil Spirit Barrier after all. Gwyn estimated that most Legends wouldn’t be able to see through it.


Even if the Evil Spirit Barrier could stop Sky’s chase, the two were about to face a very harsh challenge!

Countless Evil Spirits rushed up like waves ready to engulf them.

If not for the Theater being so big, these Evil Spirits might be able to just pile together and squeeze them to death!

“What next?”

Unconsciously, Gwyn was getting somewhat used to following Marvin.

Marvin looked toward the closest Evil Spirits and drew two daggers, excitement flashing through his eyes.

“Kill everything!”

E/N: Translator’s birthday today, so don’t forget to stone him.

Chapter 339: Theater Spirit

p>On the stage, faint yellow lights were flickering.

The large curtains were slowly opening as Marvin stood at center stage as if he were doing a rehearsal on the eve of a play.

The puzzled Gwyn hid behind the curtains, watching Marvin with doubt as he faced hundreds of approaching Evil Spirits.

Although these Evil Spirits had rather ordinary strength, the number was overwhelmingly large. Why did Marvin tell him to just stand by and watch?

‘Could it be to show off his strength?’ Gwyn remained perplexed.

As far as he could tell, if he participated, it would only lighten Marvin’s burden.

But it would mean something totally different in Marvin’s eyes.

His purpose when coming to Saruha was very simple, to increase his strength!

And those treasures, such as the [Rosenthal Bracelets] that he managed to get his hands on, were merely a part of the big harvest. The most important part was battle exp!

Marvin already had the Legend Advancement Manual, so as soon as he met the requirements to advance to Ruler of the Night, he could advance to Legend!

But the crucial point was that he was currently lacking experience!

Before, there was a time where Marvin didn’t spare any expense and used battle exp to level his Ranger class to Level 9. For the same reason, Shapeshift Sorcerer was Level 6. This way of distributing experience was in order to increase his strength in the short term, by receiving powerful skills and attributes, but it deviated a bit from the perfect path to becoming Ruler of the Night.

The requirements to advance from Night Walker to Ruler of the Night were clearly written in the Advancement Manual: Ranger Level 8 – Night Walker Level 10.

And Marvin’s Night Walker class was currently barely level 6. He was still so far from Level 10.

For natives, this might be a gap that they wouldn’t be able to break through in their lifetime.

Because the natives of Feinan needed constant training and enlightenment to level up. The geniuses among them might have deeper understanding toward certain classes and thus keep leveling up, but most would train for their whole lives, but stop at a certain level because of their limited talents.

But Marvin was different.

He had the [Essence Absorption System], as Mark 47 called it, and this system let Marvin avoid the bottlenecks of leveling up. As long as he kept killing, he would obtain a steady flow of experience.

In fact, thanks to the system, Marvin never had any worries about leveling.

This time, it could be considered the first instance he had entered specifically to grind for exp.

Saruha was originally known for hosting an enormous amount of Evil Spirits.

Most of the Evil Spirits themselves weren’t worth that much experience. Excluding the few 4th rank powerhouses inside, on average, each Evil Spirit would give Marvin no more than 500 exp!

But it was still a lot overall!

At that time, McKenzie Theater was already clogged up with Evil Spirits. There were at least a thousand of them eyeing Marvin!

Among them, the lowest level Evil Spirits were at the 2nd rank. These were about 70% of the army, while the 3rd ranks made up around 25%.

Only a handful of 4th rank Evil Spirits were mixed in, waiting for chances to seriously harm Marvin.

This was the plan of the two Evil Spirit Envoys to kill Marvin. It consisted of using a large amount of low level Evil Spirits to confuse him, while the real experts hid within, waiting for a chance to surprise him.

But unfortunately, their plan was bound to fail. Marvin had already taken that into account.

Moreover, since they gathered together, Marvin didn’t need to hunt the Evil Spirits one nest at a time!

Facing the ocean of Evil Spirits, Marvin still showed unprecedented confidence and killing intent!

He was happy to take advantage of this opportunity to group up the Evil Spirits and farm some exp.

With two daggers in his hands, Marvin’s body flashed like lightning.

#4 Holy Water flickered from his Azure Leaf daggers with a strange luster, emitting the strongest restraining aura against the Evil Spirits!

He could kill the 2nd rank Evil Spirits easily in one slash!

Marvin only needed to rely on his formidable experience and skill to not be locked in a fight with the stronger Evil Spirits, instead just speeding away and shaking them off.

He was doing things very differently now.

16 Constitution greatly increased his stamina. Even if there were almost a thousand Evil Spirits in the theater, Marvin believed he could kill them all.

Since that was the case, why would he need Gwyn to act and snatch his exp?

“Woosh!” On the stage, Marvin moved like a ghost, sliding between the gaps among the Evil Spirits.

Facing Brain Eating Monsters, Tentacle Horrors, and other relatively powerful monsters, Marvin would choose to temporarily retreat.

His tactics were very simple. He relied on his powerful Dexterity to roam around the army and get rid of the low level Evil Spirits.

None of the Evil Spirits could catch up to his speed.

Godly Dexterity allowed him to break through all attempts at encirclement before they could form completely. With that as well as his powerful Night Walker skills, he simply wasn’t worried about the Evil Spirits surrounding him.

‘I’ll kill these 2nd rank Evil Spirits first!’ Marvin thought.

The [Azure Leaf]s in Marvin’s hands flashed, and an Evil Spirit died with an anguished wail.

When Marvin started his preparations to advance to Legend, he made proper considerations. He had to save as much battle exp as he could, but where to get battle exp was an issue.

Wantonly killing without reason was definitely out of the question.

And in terms of gathering exp, killing Feinan’s monsters one by one wasn’t actually worth much. Even slaying a Dragon would at most give him 30000 exp or so.

And that was with Clarke’s unique Divine template. The previous Red Dragon gave him 16000 exp.

And to get 10000 exp, Marvin only needed to kill 20 monsters worth 500 exp each.

Thus, to level quickly in Feinan with his system, going for quantity over quality was the way.

But, the numerous evil lifeforms such as Devils, Demons, and other monsters weren’t that easy to handle.

The only species Marvin could easily handle massive amounts of at once were Evil Spirits and Ghosts, thanks to his copious stores of Holy Water.

Thus, when he left for the Dead Area of the Pambo Sea, he also thought about hunting some Ghosts to get a bit of exp.

But he hadn’t expected to come across Saruha opening while going through Ruins City, this was pretty convenient.

Since something so helpful appeared, Marvin naturally would not let it go.


Night Jump!

Marvin’s body flew over the heads of numerous Evil Spirits, avoiding two Brain Eating Monsters while pouncing toward a group of low level Moss Monsters!

That group of Moss Monsters lost any courage they had when they saw Marvin tearing through them and moved back in fright.

The daggers flashed again and that group of Moss Monsters was completely annihilated.

They broke down into essence and merged into Marvin’s body, turning into battle exp!

Seeing his battle exp going up little by little, Marvin was also exceptionally excited.

This was the first time he had farmed so much exp ever since he arrived in Feinan!

He was fired up. Those sinister Evil Spirits were like cute experience packs!

He waved his daggers and kept reaping Evil Spirits!

In the Desolate Ancient Altar, the scenes that took place in McKenzie Theater startled and angered the two Evil Spirit Envoys!

Although they already knew that the person able to destroy the Decaying Plateau couldn’t be someone ordinary, when Marvin displayed his outstanding battle skills and physical abilities, they were deeply shocked.

“His speed… Could he already have reached [Godly Dexterity]? Impossible, he should still be only level 18 at most!”

“A Moss Monster died like this? One slash? What are those weapons? Hold on… There is the aura of Holy Water on them.”

“He is more prepared than we are!”

The two brothers discussed with pale faces.

A quarter hour later, half of the Evil Spirits in McKenzie Theater had already been mown down by Marvin!

The Evil Spirit Envoys’ hearts bled!

This wasn’t the Negative Energy Plane. It was much more difficult to raise an Evil Spirit in Feinan. Only lifeforms with the purest sinister, sordid, and twisted minds could turn into an Evil Spirit.

When Evil Spirits were born, if there wasn’t any Evil Spirit Envoy to guide them, they would very easily be rejected by Feinan’s planar laws.

The two Evil Spirit Envoy brothers took advantage of the ideas left behind by the destroyed Ancient Gnomes and started breeding Evil Spirits for innumerable years until they reached these numbers.

And now, they quickly lost more than half just in this mission!

And from the look of it, the situation wasn’t optimistic!

That Marvin’s strength was abnormally frightening. He was able to easily harvest the lives of those low level Evil Spirits while cleverly avoiding the high level Evil Spirits’ attacks!

But regardless of the situation.

This couldn’t keep going!

“Wake up Sleeping Max. Now!”

The two brothers looked at each other and started to chant in a low voice.

In the theater, Marvin was having lots of fun farming experience when suddenly, the army of Evil Spirits started to recede like the tide.

‘Eh? Change of tactics?’

At first, Marvin thought that the two Evil Spirit Envoys were temporarily changing their strategy.

But then he noticed…

It wasn’t that the Evil Spirit Envoys were telling these Evil Spirits to fall back.

The Evil Spirits were spontaneously retreating.

What were they afraid of?

Marvin chose the McKenzie Theater as the spot for the decisive battle mainly to force the Evil Spirit Envoys to take the bait.

‘Did they lose their calm so quickly?’

Marvin turned and sped up, quickly getting rid of some Evil Spirits on his path as he returned to the stage.

“What’s up?” asked the handsome young Vampire with a look of surprise.

Marvin’s eyes scanned all the corners of the Theater. The next instant, the faint lights dimmed!

Wind could be heard as the curtains fluttered slowly.

Gwyn only felt the cold, as if something was staring at him!

At the same time, Marvin’s faint voice echoed beside his ears:

“Have you ever heard the story of the theater spirit…”

Chapter 340: Child of the Shadows

p>Theater Spirit!

One of the strangest kinds of Evil Spirits.

Gwyn, as befit his status as an outstanding Bright Side Vampire, had some understanding of Evil Spirits.

Upon hearing Marvin’s explanation, he reacted immediately!

“This theater has already nurtured a spirit?”

“Wouldn’t that mean there is a Half-Legend Evil Spirit Envoy here?”

Gwyn’s expression was solemn.

Marvin remained silent for a bit before remarking, “Think, where did these Evil Spirits come from?”

The Vampire forced a smile. “I thought they were spontaneously drawn to you by all the Evil Spirit Enmity on your body.”

“Your Evil Spirit Enmity is way too high after all. Even I can notice it as a Vampire.”

Marvin was slightly surprised.

He finally understood why Gwyn could recognize him even when he used Disguise. This guy could feel the Evil Spirit Enmity on his body!

His perception was really outstanding.

But now wasn’t the time to chat about this. Although the Evil Spirit army had retreated, the real powerhouse had now descended.

In the darkness, a “huhuhu, huhuhu” sound could be heard.

It felt like someone was strenuously pumping a bellows.

There was no light, but it wasn’t a problem for the two. Vampires had very powerful Darkvision, and Marvin had Darksight, so they could clearly see anything happening in the theater.

The curtains on the stage fluttered in all directions, but they moved very slowly, giving out an eerie feeling.

Gwyn frowned. “It’s coming.”

Marvin calmly lifted his two daggers as he assured, “I’ll deal with it.”

“You don’t need to make a move. But I need you to quickly find the place where the spirit’s core is located, or we will be trapped here forever.”

“At such a time, do you still want to hide it? I’m actually quite curious of the relationship between you and Grand Duke William. How could his [Blood Mark Perception] appear on your body…”

Following Marvin’s profound words, Gwyn’s eyelids twitched and he knew that he had been seen through, so he stopped hesitating.

His skin suddenly reddened, as the faint line of a vein seemed to appear on his skin like a ripple.

‘A total of nine Blood Marks!’

Marvin was secretly startled.

He could be considered close to Grand Duke William in the past and knew that the old fox came up with the [Blood Mark Perception] bloodline ability, but it could only be passed onto his direct descendants. At that time, Marvin’s Affinity with the Bright Side was at [Worship] and the old fox William still explicitly told him that he couldn’t teach it to him.

And Gwyn, that guy, not only had the Blood Mark Perception, but he even had a total of nine Blood Marks!

It must be known that Grand Duke William himself only had a total of sixteen Blood Marks.

With nine Blood Marks, Gwyn’s Perception should be at least at 30, [Godly Perception]!

No wonder he could sense the Evil Spirit Enmity on Marvin’s body and continuously see through his Disguise.

Most people simply couldn’t reach that!

But if that was the case, Marvin would be even more at ease.

If he said he had 80% chance of dealing with the Theater Spirit originally, now that he knew the extent of Gwyn’s Blood Mark Perception, he was 100% sure of dealing with it without any issue.

In front of Marvin, those curtains and continuous footsteps actually turned into strange figures!

The strange faces slowly appeared from the curtains and pounced toward the two!

These faces were sneering, or disdainful, or heartless, or sinister… they displayed most of the negative expressions of the secular world!

A gloomy voice echoed in their hearts, “Max… Hungry…”

Marvin sneered, unaffected by the voice!

His two daggers were raised as he leapt toward a face!

Theater Spirit, a kind of Evil Spirit made of collective consciousness. It was a lot harder to nurture than ordinary Evil Spirits.

Similar Evil Spirits included the Circus Evil Spirit, Phantom of the Opera, and so on.

If it was said that common Junior Evil Spirits were born from people’s wickedness, then those like the Theater Spirit were formed from the negative feelings of the audience watching shows!

In the eyes of the Evil Spirit Envoys, ancient theaters were holy places.

Because people in the theater would wantonly release their emotions when watching the plays. And most of them would be negative.

Over the years, these negative emotions would accumulate in the theater.

When these emotions were nurtured by a Half-Legend Evil Spirit Envoy, they would be cultivated into a genuine Theater Spirit!

This kind of spirit’s power lay in it being a part of the entire theater.

Most of the time, Theater Spirits remained dormant because even the Evil Spirit Envoys, who were filled with negative energy, couldn’t satisfy their need for food.

Thus, once it awoke, the Theater Spirit would catch everything in the theater to fill himself, including other Evil Spirits!

This was the reason those Evil Spirits started retreating earlier.

But they unfortunately didn’t know that in order to make sure to kill Marvin, the two Evil Spirit Envoys had already arranged an Evil Spirit Barrier. All the retreating Evil Spirits were blocked by the barrier, ultimately unable to escape this frightening theater!


A Brain Eating Monster desperately tried to flee at the edge of the Evil Spirit Barrier.

But everything he did was futile.

A carpet under his foot suddenly curled up and turned into a bloody mouth, ruthlessly swallowing the Brain Eating Monster!

Similar scenes appeared everywhere in the theater.

Evil Spirits became the Awakened Max’s food supplements.

Only the stage remained untouched.

A shadow kept nimbly moving around Gwyn, withstanding attacks coming from all directions!

Marvin not only slashed with his two daggers, but also had a shotgun strapped on his back and two pistols strapped on his thighs.

Rosenthal Bracelets gave a bonus to Ranger skills, making Marvin’s [Sleight of Hand] reach 68 points!

This meant that he got the hidden effect for 50 points, [On a Whim].

[On a Whim]: You can switch weapons on a whim. When the weapons are in their usual positions, the switching time is the fastest.

When Marvin learnt Sleight of Hand, it was in order to get this weapon-switching ability.

After all, even if he walked the Ranger path, the weapons he could use were varied.

Not only curved daggers, but also straight daggers, pistols, shotguns, and all kinds of other weapons could shine in his hands.

It was perfectly displayed here:

A huge curtain came, intending to devour both of them.

Marvin circumvented Gwyn, who was using Blood Mark Perception. While instantly putting his daggers at his waist, he half-squatted, aiming with the shotgun!


A loud sound echoed. The floor under Marvin’s feet shook slightly as a bright flame lit the darkness of the theater!

The rumbling flames smashed the curtain, but then, two bloody mouths pounced toward Gwyn from the back!

Marvin knew that Gwyn was going all-out to find the location of the Theater Spirit’s core. If he was interrupted, his efforts would go to waste!

He immediately turned, his daggers in hands once more, the two [Azure Leaf]s slashing toward those two mouths!

Before he could take a breath, a dozen faces fused together, the aura of hate spreading over.

Marvin didn’t stop to think and aimed his pistols at the enemy. “Bang! Bang! Bang!” Gunshots echoed in the theater, ending that wave of attacks.

It was precisely because of his various weapons that he dared to fight with the Theater Spirit.

This Evil Spirit’s power lay in the fact that when you were at the center of the theater, you would face an attack from all directions.

But with his reaction speed, all his weapons, and the #4 Holy Water that restrained Evil Spirits, he had no issue holding his own against the Theater Spirit.

What happened next depended on whether Gwyn could smoothly find the location of the Theater Spirit’s core!

While he was busy, Marvin glanced at his character window.

During that chaotic fight, he gained a huge amount of battle exp!

About five hundred Evil Spirits were killed by him in the theater, giving him almost a hundred thousand points of battle experience!

Although he used a lot of stamina, this kind of opportunity was rare!

Unfortunately, the Theater Spirit’s awakening turned the remaining Evil Spirits into his food, or else they would have also become Marvin’s exp.

As for the curtains he got rid of, because they were part of the Theater Spirit, they couldn’t turn into Marvin’s battle exp.

‘Not worth! Not worth!’

Marvin inwardly shook his head, frowning as he looked at Gwyn. He could only pray that this guy would quickly find the core of the Spirit.

Otherwise he would have to use Plan B.

By this time, all the props that could have been used by the Theater Spirit to attack them at the center of the stage had more or less been destroyed by Marvin. He actually got a temporary break.

Taking advantage of that break, Marvin unhesitantly spent 99000 battle exp on his Night Walker class!

In an instant, he became a level 7 Night Walker and his total level reached 19!

He got 36 skill points, 157 HP, and 1 free attribute point for reaching level 19. Marvin hesitated for a moment and used the attribute point on Strength.

Thus, his Strength reached 18 points. With two more points, his Strength would reach the threshold for a special bonus.

Rangers originally had some need for Strength. And in Marvin’s memories, he had some shortcuts to increase his Constitution further, but for Strength, besides tempering there was only one way to get an attribute point. Thus he ultimately chose Strength.

As for Perception (Wisdom), once he advanced to Legend, he would naturally have specialties to complement it. Marvin didn’t care too much about it for now.

After Night Walker leveled up to Level 7, nothing unexpected happened, Marvin got a class specialty, [Child of the Shadows].

[Child of the Shadows]: 50% chance of being immune to all shadow-related spells. Qualified to enter the Shadow Plane.

Marvin was quite pleased when he saw that specialty.

Strictly speaking, this was a passive specialty. Although Marvin currently had no ability to enter the Shadow Plane, this specialty paved the way for future abilities that could let him do so. If he found a suitable Nature Leaf in the future, he wouldn’t need to worry about not having a suitable specialty that allowed him to enter the Shadow Plane.

Apart from this, what gave Marvin an even more pleasant surprise was that after he killed five hundred Evil Spirits, his [Night Kill] reached level 3!

‘Damn, this is worthy of being called the Night Devil class. Level 3 Night Kill is actually so fierce!’

Marvin took a glance at the properties, and despite being mentally prepared, he was startled by the shockingly fierce description.

T/N: Sofa is in a place with a terrible keyboard, please thank Dee for helping out with the editing instead. I’ll edit the next one, and sofa is going to do a quick check when he is back later.

Chapter 341: Spirit Orb

p>Marvin thought that it was already quite fierce that the Night Kill passive specialty was able to increase his attributes.

But he hadn’t thought he would be so pleasantly surprised when this specialty reached level 3!

[Night Kill (Hidden Specialty – Activated)]

Type: Passive/Upgradeable

Level: 3

Property 1: During the night, Attack Power +12%, Attack Speed +12%, Movement Speed +12%, Burst Power +12%, Reaction Speed +12%.

Property 2: You obtain the special ability [Spirit Orb].

One effect alone was enough to shock people.

Level 2 Night Kill raised those five stats by 6%, but Level 3 Night Kill raised them by 12%!

The stats all increased by more than a tenth now.

After Marvin reached Godly Dexterity, at night, Marvin’s physical abilities already reached the limits of mankind!

With Night Kill’s bonus, these stats completely exceeded the limits of mankind!

This meant that in battle, he could rely on his body’s physical abilities to completely crush his opponents!

After all, there were countless experts in this world who had reached 28 – 29 Dexterity, but there were only a few who reached Godly Dexterity!

Natives weren’t like Marvin. They needed to break through bottlenecks to increase their own power.

And the attributes’ 30 point bottleneck was extremely challenging for the natives. Not to mention, running speed and burst power were outside the scope of Godly Dexterity.

In the field of Dexterity alone, Marvin was no longer a beginner who just stepped into the Legendary realm!

What was a little more surprising was that second property, [Spirit Orb].

Its description was as follows: [Killing has already become your instinct. As such your body is now able to gather spirit.]

[You obtained a spirit orb. It is used to automatically absorb parts of the spirit of the lifeforms you kill. Killing will charge the Spirit Orb and when it is filled you can gain a formidable killing skill!]

Even though the character window didn’t have a clear explanation of this skill and the Spirit Orb was currently gray, Marvin was still excited.

In Feinan, all spirit-related killing skills were extremely powerful spells or abilities such as [Banshee Wail], [Soul Split], or the ability of the exiled of the Dead Area, [Mind Spike]. These were all first rate abilities.

Once this Spirit Orb was filled, Marvin would have one more hidden card in his hand!

Taking advantage of the fact that the Evil Spirits weren’t attacking him yet, Marvin hurriedly took a glance at the details of the Spirit Orb and only saw [0/200].

‘Need to kill two hundred?’ Marvin tried to interpret the meaning behind this.

Naturally, it probably meant having two hundred spirits.

Regardless, the process of filling the Spirit Orb would take a long time. Marvin wasn’t a Wizard after all. He couldn’t just use a spell to casually harvest a great number of souls.

Everything would have to be tested in actual combat.

Apart from this, the Night Walker level up also gave him 36 skill points, and those were temporarily put aside by Marvin because he found nothing special among the skills unlocked at level 7. He would rather save his skill points for now, and if there was a pretty good skill at later levels, spend everything on that.

After leveling up, Marvin was full of confidence. Level 19 meant that he was close to being a Half-Legend. This was the first step to reaching the top of Feinan.

But unfortunately, before he could break away from his happiness, those hateful Evil Spirits once again engulfed the stage under the command of Max who was no longer only thinking with its stomach!

This time, the Theater Spirit was clearly angry.

It transformed all the objects in the theater into frightening Evil Spirit lifeforms and made them attack the stage.

Regardless of whether it was carpets, chairs, or chandeliers, everything was turned into monsters with barbed tips, tentacles, or fangs!

Despite Marvin being strong-minded, he couldn’t help feeling cold when he saw that scene.

This was really too frightening.

With his own strength he wouldn’t be able to keep withstanding them.

Thinking of this, he clenched his teeth and took out Brilliant Purple from his storage item!

After the end of the Planar War, Marvin went to buy some more Dragon Tooth rounds from Constantine in order to be prepared for accidents. But he hadn’t expected Constantine to helplessly tell him that he had already used up all he had. To make more of those powerful killing tools, he would have to gather a lot of important ores. These ores were very uncommon and priceless. The current White River Valley and River Shore City, even with the Ashes Tower on top, would need more than a week to gather them.

And Constantine also had to make the [Dragon Tooth]s himself.

Marvin could only take the remaining Dawn Light and leave White River Valley.

This Dawn Light was the only artillery shell left for Brilliant Purple. After using it, the Legendary Weapon would be nothing more than a decoration for a while!

But the Evil Spirits were like a sea, rushing toward him crazily under the control of the Theater Spirit.

Marvin could only suffer a loss in order to protect Gwyn who was still focused on his Perception.

But suddenly, the Vampire glowing with a faint red light opened his eyes. “I found the core!”

Saruha, Gnome’s Residential District.

A ghostly figure swept across every corner of Saruha’s Residential District.

His expression was extremely serious. He suddenly stopped at an empty spot.


‘That kid’s aura obviously went through here, why did it suddenly disappear?’

‘If he had a way to hide his aura, he would have used it long ago. No way he would use it here.’

Pale Hand Sky had an ashen face.

If he couldn’t track down Gwyn in a closed off area like Saruha, he would become a laughingstock!

After all, he was a Legend who had been famous for many years. One of the two sole Legends in the Dark Side!

But reality was very cruel.

The aura of Vampire Gwyn suddenly disappeared here.

‘Could they have met something unexpected?’ Sky tried to guess.

At that time, he looked ahead.

He could faintly see a mechanical door that was half opened.

‘Could they have found a way to hide their aura and then entered another area?’

The Pale Hand frowned before clenching his teeth and sprinting toward the mechanical door!

He had expected to see rusted steel everywhere.

But he was in fact welcomed by a rotting smell and desolation.


“Evil Spirits again.”

Sky retched, clearly in discomfort.

Vampires were all a bit mysophobic, and Evil Spirits were the filthiest things in the world.

He naturally felt disgusted.

But disgust aside, the Legendary Vampire was still a powerhouse. He noticed the dark green altar in the distance with one glance!

‘Desolate Ancient Altar? These are the coordinates of the Evil Dragon Cemetery.’

The Pale Hand hid his body and slowly moved forward.

Soon, the altar was revealed in front of him.

Two Evil Spirit Envoys had their foreheads linked as they were chanting something.

A green radiance flickered on the altar and a strong sinister force flowed here from the distant Evil Dragon Cemetery!

Coldness flashed through Sky’s eyes.

As he couldn’t find Gwyn, he was in a bad mood. Since these two Evil Spirit Envoys were on his path, he might as well take care of them!

He had to remove this stain.

The next moment, Sky passed through the Shadow Plane and broke through the barrier of the Desolate Ancient Altar.

The Legend Vampire displayed his powerful assassination abilities. When he appeared behind the two Evil Spirit Envoys, the two simply didn’t react!


Sky smiled sinisterly, the thin long daggers in his hands slashing down ruthlessly like an executioner’s blade!

In that instant, the two Evil Spirit Envoys looked like they just woke up from a dream.

But they didn’t have time to block the blades.

As one of them was about to die, an angry roar echoed from the distant void and shook Sky’s heart!


It was the roar of an Evil Dragon.

The Pale Hand was startled and his body became sluggish.

The hands holding the daggers stiffened in mid air and didn’t continue their slashes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, The Evil Spirit Envoy rolled and avoided this deadly attack!

Then, a flickering green light appeared on the Desolate Ancient Altar.

Sky disappeared and reappeared a dozen steps away from the altar’s location.

His face was pale. He knew that staying close to the altar after missing his move was simply courting death!

In a flash, a huge Dragon’s head suddenly formed. The Dragon’s eyes were the size of a man.

Sky coldly watched the Dragon’s head, tightly holding onto his long blades. “Hehe, Tidomas…”

“Throwing away a Projection’s life?”

McKenzie Theater, middle of the stage.

“For real? Where?” Marvin happily asked.

“In the back!”

Gwyn decisively turned and charged backstage.

That was the theater’s changing room!

Marvin instantly got on the move and the two used their frightening movement speed to shake off the Evil Spirits’ net, ultimately rushing backstage.

In the pitch-black changing room, countless large mirrors were set up.

“It’s around here!”

Gwyn’s eyes swept over the surroundings impatiently.

But at that time, the originally peaceful mirrors showed all sorts of scenes.

Some displayed Gnomish actors and actresses hurriedly putting on makeup.

Some displayed the theater’s staff reprimanding the performers.

And even more shocking… Marvin pointed to a mirror in which a pair of Gnomes was mating, “Ancient Gnomes are quite open-minded, they can even do it in the changing room.”

Gwyn was speechless.

A low and cold laugh suddenly echoed beside the duo’s ears.

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