Night Ranger

Chapter 285-293

Chapter 285: Tearing a Dragon Apart!

p>As soon as Marvin burst forward, his body automatically turned to diamond!

With Unbreakable Diamond protecting his body, Marvin didn’t fear a trifling Black Dragon!

Moreover, he was now someone with 6th layer Fate Power!

Marvin had never known that Fate Power could be lent.

But he didn’t have time to think about this.

He had to quickly get rid of Black Dragon Clarkson and the Black Dragon God’s projection!

Only in that way could he live up to Jessica and Ding’s efforts.

With the seven-colored halo lingering around Marvin, Jessica seemed incredibly weak.

She arduously opened a Teleportation Door and caught Ding before staggering away to Hope City.

‘Everything depends on him…’

This woman who had always been so strong was relying on someone else this time.

This was very rare for her because there were very few problems she couldn’t settle!

The current Marvin had become very powerful in the eyes of the Black Dragon.

Because of the 5 Luck, Jessica’s 5th layer Fate Power upgraded to the 6th layer.

Even if it was only one layer of difference, it would make the difference between victory and defeat in this war.

Facing the overbearing Marvin, Clarkson chose to dodge!

He swung his tail and cleverly maneuvered his body to fly up, smoothly evading Marvin’s attack.

This guy was truly different from the previous irascible Clarke. He was more patient and more treacherous.

And then he actually used the Black Dragon God’s projection as a probe.

Under the instigation of the Black Dragon, the projection threw itself at Marvin.

As they drew near each other, Marvin recklessly and ruthlessly punched!

This simple and agile punch was surrounded with the power of Unbreakable Diamond and the 6th layer Fate Power, and pierced straight through the frightening shadow!

The Black Dragon God’s twisted face apparently wanted to say something, but some strange space-time distortion appeared at his mouth, quickly forming into a whirlpool.

The Black Dragon God’s projection was scattered away by Marvin!

Hope City was silent.

Heartbeats sped up and faces flushed. But no one dared to shout!

There had been too many reversals today.

Sir Robin apparently obtained Lady Jessica’s help and became a brave hero once again.

But who knew if the situation would change once more!

After all, this Black Dragon had died and been reborn once.

They were crazily praying in their hearts: Sir Robin, you must win!

Sir Robin, you must win!

This belief actually converged into an intense flow of information crazily pouring into Marvin’s head!

‘This is… the perception of the Fate Power?’

Marvin seemed to understand.

Through Jessica’s Fate Power, he could hear the thoughts of everyone in Hope City.

Maybe this desire was too intense.

‘I must kill the Black Dragon!’

Marvin looked back and noticed Ding and Jessica already in a weakened state, especially the former. She was held in Lorie’s embrace, apparently sinking into slumber!

5 Luck! This was a huge burden for a Fortune Fairy.

‘Must win!’

The same belief resonated in Marvin’s head. He viciously glared at the Black Dragon flying high in the air.

It had already been 13 seconds!

After another 27 seconds, Diamond-shape would lose its effectiveness and Marvin would enter a weakened state again.

At that time, he would only be able to rely on Fate Power to kill the Black Dragon.

Without further hesitation, Marvin flew up!

The six layer Fate Power granted him the ability to fly rapidly!

After seeing Marvin one-hit the projection, the Black Dragon was immediately scared witless.

He had a very high perception and could feel that Marvin was now strong enough to rip him to pieces!

‘How could this mere human become so powerful!’

‘No, his power comes from an external source, I can feel it. It is being consumed!’

‘Right, I should flee first, I’ll win if I drag this on.’

Clarkson kept thinking and then under everyone’s gazes, he suddenly flapped his wings and fled upward!

They were all stunned.

They had never seen a Dragon who fled before even fighting.

This completely went against the pride and self confidence of Dragons.

If this was the former Clarke, she might have already charged up and handed her life over to Marvin.

But Clarkson didn’t think badly of it, feeling his decisions were very wise.

He spread out his wings, increasing his speed to the maximum!

In the blink of an eye, the lowly humans of Hope City became tiny dots far below him.

Clarkson couldn’t help but feel proud.

But next second, a huge strength caught his tail and fiercely dragged him down!

That strength was so overwhelming that Clarkson faltered and was thrown all the way into the ground!


The Black Dragon fell down from the sky, smashing a huge hole in a plot of farmland!

In the hole, Marvin’s Unbreakable Diamond body emitted seven-colored radiance as he coldly looked at the twitching Black Dragon under him!

6th layer Fate Power was no joke!

“I said I won’t mess up, so I most certainly won’t!”

“Ding, watch closely, you wanted to see a Black Dragon being torn apart!”

Hearing Marvin’s grim voice, the twitching Black Dragon let out a mournful howl!

Dragon blood suddenly spurted!

Marvin had grabbed a wing and shockingly pulled it out!

Clarkson kept struggling but Marvin’s steps felt like thousands upon thousands of tons bearing down on him.

He was like a dying dog, unable to move.

Hope City’s people were staring blankly.

He was really tearing a Dragon apart with his bare hands?


Following the fierce sound, a huge stretch of Clarkson’ scales was ruthlessly pulled out by Marvin!

Blood spurted out, accompanied by the anguished howl of the Black Dragon.

Sixteen seconds left!

Marvin hurried up and continued tearing him apart.

He would either grab his tail and slam him again, or simply tear a rib out!

In just ten seconds, a third of the Black Dragon was already completely torn apart!

The organs inside his huge body kept pulsating as the smell of blood spread everywhere.

Some couldn’t bear with it and threw up.

And even more people were shocked at Marvin’s frightening strength.

Then, Marvin grabbed Clarkson’s heart!

“No!” the Black Dragon powerlessly cried, “I am willing to be your slave! Don’t kill me!”

“Sorry. I don’t lack slaves.” Marvin faintly smiled.

With only three seconds left, he crushed the Black Dragon’s heart!

As it burst, something passed through into Marvin!


Marvin was filled with this pleasurable feeling.

Chapter 286: Fate Tablet!

p>A powerful Dragon and god’s descendant had his heart crushed by a man. After the source of the godly power was broken into pieces, he wouldn’t be able to resurrect once again.

The crafty Clarkson was thoroughly torn apart.

The large crater on the eastern side of Rocky Mountain looked like a plate, and Black Dragon Clarkson was the dish served!

All of Hope City, no, all of Rocky Mountain was completely silent.

Everyone was looking at that figure with its flickering seven-colored radiance.

He looked tall and thin, but under the radiance, he was like a deity.

Dragon Slayer Robin, it wouldn’t be long before his name spread through Feinan!

Not to mention, his amazing skills that were completely different from what was usually heard of Dragon Slayers would be widely spread.

Tearing a Black Dragon apart?!

Even some gods might not be able to do it.

But Marvin, with Jessica and Ding’s help, forcibly accomplished it!

The silence lasted for no less than half a minute.

But it was soon followed by a burst of cheers!

Marvin was standing on the body of the dead Clarkson, his body gradually weakening.

The Luck on the property panel gradually decreased while the seven-colored radiance also dimmed.

A part returned to Jessica while the rest was exhausted.

Marvin got a lot of experience after this battle!

First was the experience from the Black Dragon itself which totalled close to 11000. It immediately became about 22000 due to the fact that it was part of the Dragon race, and then it was further increased because Clarke/Clarkson was a variant. In the end, he gained close to 30000 experience!

This battle experience was vital for the urgently needed level up of his Night Walker class!

Then there was a Divinity.

The Black Dragon God’s projection didn’t possess a Divinity, so after being scattered away with one punch, it didn’t give Marvin any benefits.

But Clarkson was different. As a god’s descendant, he naturally had a bit of Divinity from the Black Dragon God.

The False Vessel that Endless Ocean gifted Marvin could automatically absorb Divinity, and thus, Marvin now had three, two of which came from the Black Dragon God, and one from the World Ending Twin Snakes.

‘The False Vessel can store up to 5 Divinities, and won’t be able to keep absorbing Divinities after that unless I upgrade it.’

‘Divinities are incredibly useful, increasing all resistances, and some artifacts have explicit Divinity requirements.’

Marvin looked at his ‘Divinity (3)’ and felt very satisfied.

In fact, the first contact he had with a Divinity after entering Feinan was the Lich’s severed finger he got from the Crimson Monastery. But at the time, he didn’t have a False Vessel to absorb it, so he could only choose to sacrifice it. It was a huge sacrifice, but he got some early fighting strength in exchange.

Without those two Phantom Assassins’ help during Marvin’s time of trouble, he might not have had such a smooth journey. Thus he felt it was very worth it.

Marvin had two goals at the moment: to quickly level up his Night Walker class until he reached the level required to advance to Ruler of the Night, and to get a Source of Fire’s Order.

The former needed a great amount of experience along with accomplishing an advancement quest. There was a lot to prepare in order to become a Legend, and not all level 20 Half-Legends could successfully become Legends. Furthermore, the quality and extent of the preparations would influence the Legend’s strength.

And there was a bit of a relationship between Divinities and Legend’s [Domain], which Marvin valued very highly.

Apart from this, tearing a Black Dragon apart gave Marvin great fame.

Naturally, this was Region Fame (Rocky Mountain).

After all, this place was only a small corner of Feinan. If it was Jewel Bay or Steel City, or other such major cities, it might have become World Fame.

Obviously, the Fame was associated to [Mysterious Powerhouse Robin].

From this, Marvin gained one more powerful identity, which he was very willing to see happen. Having a lot of identities was very good for hiding his own strength and catching others off guard.

The only thing that had disappointed Marvin was that the rumored Dragon Blood bath had no effect!

Black Dragons didn’t normally use spells. Clarke had used the Divine Spells bestowed to her by the Black Dragon God, and Black Dragon Blood lacked the magic trait, so even though Marvin’s body was drenched in its blood, besides a fishy smell, there wasn’t a bit of benefit.

‘And maybe because the Golden Blood, Earth Crystal and other things have increased the strength of my body quite a few times, the Dragon Blood bath, which supposedly has a similar effect, lost its effectiveness. Sure enough, as Constantine said, even if Dragons’ bodies are treasures, they still have to be carefully processed.’

Marvin sighed and sluggishly walked down from the Black Dragon’s body.

He actually walked very cautiously, for fear of tripping. He was feeling very weak after all.

But to everyone in Hope City, this was the demeanor of an expert!

They watched Marvin walking neither slowly nor fast, with clear and light steps.

He looked unaffected after tearing a Black Dragon apart, as if he was used to it.

Some more ridiculous people felt that Marvin’s pace was hiding something mysterious and inwardly memorized it with faces full of worship.

Only Marvin knew that it was due to his legs weakening after the fight.

Black Dragon Clarkson was slain. The Underdark’s Army, which had already been crumbling, thoroughly scattered.

They followed the tunnels and returned to the Underdark. And following along with the Dark Elves who were at loss was a vigorous silhouette sneaking through the Underdark.

Raven was full of determination.

Marvin’s order would definitely be accomplished.

Everyone in Hope City was celebrating.

But in the depths of the Three Sisters’ castle, the mood wasn’t as joyous as it was outside.

Jessica was expressionless and Lorie was deeply worried.

Marvin was lying down on a bed, unable to move.

He had been brought here by a Sorcerer from Demon’s Hand on his way back to Hope City.

With the Fate Power slowly disappearing, the violent side effects gradually began to emerge.

His bones were crushed!

His internal organs broke down!

His bodily functions began to fail!

Marvin was clearly conscious, and could feel all the pain.

This was the result of overusing one’s power!

Fate Power wasn’t something he could handle after all.

But he wasn’t the one in the worst condition in this room.

The one most seriously injured was lying on a small bed next to him.

Ding’s body had begun to gradually turn transparent. She was already unable to maintain her form as a Fortune Fairy.

A part of her body was faintly turning to stone.

It was the appearance of the Fate Tablet fragment!

In an instant, her body suddenly hardened!

A frightening aura rose up from the castle!

In Feinan and the Astral Sea, all the powerhouses and the gods were startled.

“The aura of a Fate Tablet!”

“A Fate Tablet appeared in Feinan?!”

“Hold on… There seems to be movement at the Universe Magic Pool!”

Chapter 287: The Universe Magic Pool’s Turmoil!

p>The aura of the Fate Tablet gushing out in Hope City attracted the attention of people all across Feinan.

Despite it lasting only for a split second, the powerhouses still noticed!

Some began to stir because in the God Realms above Feinan, only the Luck, Disaster and Fate positions were missing!

Rocky Mountain!

Many used all kinds of different means to feel the Fate Tablet’s aura and firmly intended to act, but an even more powerful aura broke out at that time!

“The Universe Magic Pool!”

“In the depths of the Universe Magic Pool, in a place we can’t reach.”

“The powerful and unfathomable Lance really put the 4th Fate Tablet inside the Universe Magic Pool? Why did he do that?”

“It’s rumored that the 4th Fate Tablet is needed to advance to a higher universe! We have to get it.”

In the God Realms, thoughts kept being exchanged.

They saw through that first aura of Fate. It was only a Fortune Fairy.

Even if the Fortune Fairy was an incarnation of the Fate Tablet, it had already lost the Fate Tablet’s uses.

That aura was emitted by the dying Fortune Fairy, as she was turning into the tablet.

What truly interested them was that the aura triggered a resonance.

When Ding thoroughly transformed, a sound suddenly burst from the depths of the Universe Magic Pool!

A vibration began to echo in Feinan.

Gods and powerful Legends were stunned to find that the Universe Magic Pool’s walls shuddered.

Soon, the cry turned into a roar!

The eternally calm Universe Magic Pool was in turmoil!

An even more powerful aura burst out from the depths of the Universe Magic Pool, and even if most of it was stopped by the walls, it still spread to every corner of the multiverse.

This was the aura of the Fate Tablet.

Because of Ding’s fall, a resonance was triggered.

Some perceptive powerhouses even felt that this aura was filled with sorrow.

The seemingly calm Feinan would once again become chaotic.

And the gods in the Astral Sea were now absolutely certain that the 4th Fate Tablet was in the center of the Universe Magic Pool.

Attacking the Universe Magic Pool was already a must!

To the west of Rocky Mountain, inside a frighteningly gloomy underground temple.

Kate, who had been cautiously moving forward, suddenly felt pain and spurted a mouthful of blood.


She saw the scene of Ding’s fall, the Black Dragon, her older sister, and Marvin!


Her tears couldn’t help but pour down.

“Why… Why did this happen?”

She stood weakly in the center of the damp ice-cold temple after searching for the Source of Fire’s Order for many days in vain.

Her eyes were soulless.

The biggest impact of her pet’s death was on her.

Her strength originally had reached Half-Legend, but now it fell down to 3rd rank!

But Kate didn’t care about this.

She cared about that round and adorable Ding who liked to brag and had a bad temper, but always gave blessings!

“No! You can’t die!”

Resolve flashed in her eyes.

“You can’t die…” she repeated.

A mysterious aura began to frantically spread through the ancient temple.

With Kate at the center, a repelling Barrier spread out. A large number of bricks and rocks fell down and flew away.

But she was safe and sound.

Three seven-colored halos quietly descended on Kate’s body.

Three layers of Fate Power!

This was the power of a Legend.

But her face was full of tears.

Because she could feel that that Luck blessing Ding sent her before had already thoroughly disappeared.

There was not a trace left.

Hope City, in the infirmary in the depths of the castle.

Tears could be seen in Lorie’s eyes, but she didn’t weep.

The only thing remaining on the small bed was that cold tablet.

In fact, it was only a fragment.

On it was a picture of a lifeform baring its teeth. It was remarkably similar to Ding’s shape.

Jessica firmly clenched her fists, six seven-colored halos hovering around her. After the Luck gathered on Marvin’s body, it strengthened her Fate Power, and thus, after returning to Jessica, it kept its 6th layer strength.

But the price they paid was disastrous.

Ding overused all her power and could be said to have fallen.

She had returned to her original shape.

A lot of runes were written on the back of the tablet, characters that even Ancient Gods might not necessarily understand.

“Is there any way to bring Ding back?” Lorie asked while looking at Marvin.

Marvin stayed silent.

Even Lorie with the [Wisdom] gift saw no hope, and he was only a mortal. Even if he knew a bit about Feinan, how could he know how to bring a Fortune Fairy back to life?

After all, the existence of a Fortune Fairy itself was an oddity.

He had never seen a similar situation before.

He felt so powerless for the first time.

History was gradually changing while he still wasn’t strong enough!

She said she wanted to see the Black Dragon torn apart. Marvin did so, but she had already lost consciousness.

Thus, she didn’t get to see it in the end.

“There is always a way,” Marvin muttered slowly.

“I’ll go to the [Pearl Tower].”

“The Scholars there surely have a way to save Ding. Do you see those runes? Her contract with Kate is still there, so she only lost all her power… There definitely should be a way.”

Lorie nodded.

Jessica let out a long breath. “Your injury is very grave. You need to rest for several days…”

Looking at Jessica firmly, Marvin interrupted, “No good. I need your best Priest and Clerics to help connect my bones properly.”

“Kate definitely suffered a serious backlash from what happened to Ding. Regardless of whether it’s Rocky Mountain or White River Valley, we need the Source of Fire’s Order. Jessica, you’ll defend Rocky Mountain. You can’t leave, so I’ll go.”

Saying this, Marvin smiled. “Rest assured, I am a man who has received 6 Luck, so how could anything go wrong?”

Jessica took a long look at Marvin, and slowly nodded.

But suddenly, a frightening bursting noise spread through Rocky Mountain!

Marvin and the others saw this scene through the window:

A light was flickering erratically in the sky as seven balls of fire were spinning around a woman.

Endless mountains and seas stretched out behind her.

She looked like an Ancient God, standing on the clouds while coldly looking forward.

“Second Sister!” Lorie shouted in surprise.

The Sources of Fire’s Order!

Marvin’s eyes were wide open!

Those seven balls of fire were shockingly what he had been looking for all along!

He hadn’t expected Kate to truly find them all.

But then, he thought of something bad.

‘Hold on…’

‘The importance of the Source of Fire’s Order to Feinan is no less than that of removing the Decaying Plateau…’

‘Last time, I was broadcasted throughout Feinan when I was using the Golden Scissors…’

‘Then Kate…’

Marvin didn’t dare to think about it further!

With this event, Rocky Mountain was going to go through a lot of changes!

Chapter 288: Silver Scholars

p>As expected, news quickly spread in all directions.

The first to arrive were officials from some cities of the Pampo Seashore, as well as adventurers and some powerhouses.

Then it was the Saint Desert, followed by the Three Ring Towers, Steel City, and other unfamiliar faces from the central regions. They all started going toward Rocky Mountain.

This was a rare event.

Rocky Mountain had always been viewed as a barren land, a place no one was willing to go to.

But this time, because of the Sources of Fire’s Order, many people came here.

Most of them didn’t know what a Source of Fire’s Order meant, but there were inevitably some sages in the powers supporting them that did.

A Source of Fire’s Order was the last hope in times of disaster.

Just as Marvin expected, the scene of Kate getting the seven of them had been broadcast throughout Feinan, enticing all these people.

The only thing that made him feel better was that the day after the occurence, more meteors streaked toward the north.

A total of nine meteors streaked dazzlingly across the northern wasteland just like those seven before.

Seeing them, the people seemed to realize something.

These nine meteors all fell in the most dangerous area in the North, the Black Devil Forest!

Unlike Rocky Mountain, the Black Devil Forest was a central area in the North, separating the North in two.

Because of the attraction of those nine meteors, quite a few of those who originally intended to go to Rocky Mountain were lured over there instead.

Two days later, in Hope City, the undercurrents were stirring.

The work to rebuild their home was still in progress, but many foreign shadows began to appear in Hope City.

This made the inhabitants very uneasy.

Even though the Black Dragon’s corpse had already been put in Marvin’s Thousand Paper Crane, the traces of the fight and the bloodstains were still there.

The broadcast of Rocky Mountain had attracted the attention of all the people of the South.

Fortunately, the Three Sisters’ forces were powerful. There were the Sorcerers of the Demon’s Hand working together in teams, and Jessica, who was Legend that had reached the 6th layer of Fate Power.

As for Kate who had just returned, she was a new Legend.

A territory having two Legends living there was considered somewhat rare.

Meanwhile, Marvin’s condition was getting better under the treatment of the best healers.

Most of Rocky Mountain’s Sorcerers were experts at destruction, not healing. He was barely able to walk now.

Even so, he needed to handle what would come next.

“The seven Sources of Fire’s Order will keep resonating with each other.”

Marvin looked at those seven small lights in Kate’s hand and said in a heavy voice, “If you keep them together, they will keep producing great fluctuations that can be discerned by people with good perception.”

“We have to keep them apart, and Rocky Mountain can only safely keep three.”

Kate slightly nodded. She knew the importance of the Sources of Fire’s Order, but in theory, only one of them was enough. Having too many would invite trouble instead. Marvin suggesting them to keep three was mostly to guard against the unexpected.

“Of the remaining four, I also need three.” He calmly raised his request.

The three sisters had no issues with this.

If not for Marvin bravely stepping forward, Hope City might have already been destroyed by the Black Dragon.

And they had an agreement that he was entitled to the Sources of Fire’s Order.

“What about that remaining one?” Jessica asked.

“Let it go.” Marvin’s answer was far beyond her expectations.

Kate had painstakingly gotten it from the dangerous ancient temple, and they had to let it go?

Kate was also a bit perplexed.

But at that time, Lorie slowly agreed, “Right. Let it go. This is the best way.”

Kate and Jessica looked at each other. They naturally understood their little sister the best.

Lorie’s Fate Power was Wisdom, letting her see beyond what an ordinary person could.

Since she also said to let it go, then there must be a good reason.

Thus, after a slight hesitation, Kate loosened her left hand.


That Source of Fire’s Order suddenly flew up and out the window, turning into a bright meteor as it rushed toward an unknown location.

Those powerhouses who had come because of the news saw the meteor flying overhead and immediately changed their routes, relentlessly chasing after it!

This released Source of Fire’s Order would make a lot of people fight for it!

Secret chamber.

Kate waved her wrist and two boxes appeared. Each box was adorned with a simple decoration.

These were the boxes she found from the ancient temple.

They were most suitable to host the Sources of Fire’s Order.

She divided the remaining six Sources in two and handed one box to Marvin.

At the same time, she also handed Marvin a cold tablet.


She solemnly looked at Marvin as she said that.

Marvin nodded somberly.

At night, a plain carriage quickly left Hope City.

The coachman was one of the most trusted subordinates of the three sisters. And besides Marvin, there was an old acquaintance in the carriage.

Demon’s Hand Leader, Sorceress Daisy.

She previously fought alongside Marvin against the Black Dragon Clarke.

The current Marvin was extremely weak and truly needed the protection of the powerful Sorceress.

And Jessica and Kate were unable to leave.

They had to defend Rocky Mountain.

This was their home, and getting the Source of Fire’s Order in the first place was in order to develop their homeland.

The carriage left Hope City and tread across Rocky Mountain’s uneven land before arriving at the edge of the Saint Desert.

From there it headed south, leaving for the boundless wilderness.

There were no roads in the wilderness. It was filled with fog, and the coachman often had to stop to adjust their path.

Daisy also had a crystal ball that could point toward their destination.

The whole journey was shaky and bumpy, but Marvin firmly held that ice cold tablet in his arms.

He already had the Sources of Fire’s Order, and just had to fulfill another promise.

That was to save Ding!

But the peculiarity of the Fate Tablet made Marvin uncertain who he should go to for help.

The Great Elven King?

Nicholas was said to be heavily injured, while Ivan was wandering in the Dead Area west of the Pampo Seashore. Going to Thousand Leaves Forest might be useless.

Other Legends shouldn’t be able to deal with this.

This was a matter touching upon knowledge of the core of the Universe.

If there were any people able to give Marvin some guidance, it could only be them.

Wind Castle, Pearl Tower, Silver Scholars.

They rode in the carriage for no less than three days and three nights before finally seeing a huge construct amidst the sea of sand.

A massive tower soared toward the sky from the middle of that construct.

This was the Pearl Tower.

The Pearl Tower gathering all of Feinan’s knowledge!

It’s rumored that this place had traces of God Lance’s power, with his Divine Power’s blessing.

Thus, this place was the scholars’ paradise, their permanent sanctuary.

But not everyone could enter Wind Castle.

To enter, one needed to have the Great Scholar title.

But Marvin knew there was another way.

“Let’s go!”

He muttered under his breath, “I hope the wise Silver Scholars won’t disappoint me.”

Chapter 289: Unsolved Mystery

p>Sand was blown around unceasingly by the wind outside the castle walls.

A huge arched gate appeared ahead of the carriage.

The gate was closed, and only when a scholar, a great sage, paid a visit would the Wind Castle open its door.

Beside the main entrance, there was a smaller gate which was also tightly locked.

There were two banana trees outside and under the shadow of a banana tree, a youth was sitting on a rattan chair, reading a scroll with deep interest.

It looked like the sand blowing a few steps away had nothing to do with him.

Indeed, the banana trees were inside the barrier surrounding the whole Wind Castle.

The sand outside wouldn’t be blown in.

This was the Wind Castle’s natural defense mechanism. Without being allowed in, nothing could get inside this holy city.

This was a city of scholars, where no one could enter besides those who were willing to become scholars, those who became apprentices as children, and true Great Scholars.

The carriage slowly came to a stop outside the boundary.

The youth slightly raised his head, and then was somewhat stunned.

His scroll trembled in his hand as he noticed the youth getting down from the carriage.

He knew that person.

‘Plane Destroyer, Marvin.’

A hint of worship could be seen in the youth’s expression. ‘I didn’t expect to meet such a guest on duty today!’

Marvin quickly walked over and stopped before the boundary, greeting the youth.

The latter put away his scroll and politely walked over.

They were separated by the mysterious unbreakable boundary.

“Hello Sir Marvin, I am Shura.

The youth smiled bashfully. “Do you have something to do in the Wind Castle? But the rules here are quite inflexible. Even if you are a noble Hero of Feinan, an existence who destroyed the Decaying Plateau, you still can’t enter if you don’t have a Great Scholar title.”

Marvin nodded.

He was surprised that the other party recognized him.

The Wind Castle would send numerous apprentices all over the world every year to gather all kinds of information.

The news of him destroying the Decaying Plateau was so big that these scholars would definitely quickly gather information about him.

This was the reason he decided to use his true identity.

After all, Marvin the Plane Destroyer, who had destroyed the Decaying Plateau on that famous tree, was definitely quite notable.

“I know that besides the inhabitants of the City of Knowledge, only the Great Scholars could enter the city.”

“But I also heard that a few years ago, the Pearl Tower’s twelve top Great Scholars reconsidered the rules of entry to the city. They put forward three questions, and one could enter if they answered a question, isn’t that so?” Marvin said confidently.

The youth froze.

“Those three unsolved mysteries?”

“You said you want to solve the three unsolved mysteries?”

Shura’s voice suddenly became sharp!

The next second, countless shadows appeared from the top of the Wind Castle.

“Shura? What happened?”

“Someone wants to solve the unsolved mysteries?”


“Heavens, I greet Sir Plane Destroyer!”

In an instant, that place at the top of the Wind Castle became very lively.

Even Marvin himself hadn’t expected that his arrival would create such a commotion!

This was the effect of World Fame!

Destroying the Decaying Plateau made Marvin and the White River Valley’s people a focus point of the entire world.

It was especially true for the well-informed City of Knowledge. Marvin’s deed was something every scholar knew.

This kind of major event was unconditionally big enough to be recorded in the Pearl Tower.

It was just unknown which level it would be stored in.

The people kept discussing on the city wall, and even if Shura was just as excited, as the one in charge he held his scroll high and angrily shouted, “Silence!”

“Notify the top seats of the Pearl Tower!”

“Sir Marvin wants to solve the three unsolved mysteries!”

A few minutes later, the arched gate of the City of Knowledge opened with a bang.

Twelve Great Scholars wearing crimson gowns came out together.

Everyone on the city wall sighed in amazement.

Such a scene, how many years had it been since it had last happened?

The twelve top seats of the Pearl Tower together, wasn’t this a rare honor?

Even if those Great Scholars famous throughout the continent came to pay a visit, surely they wouldn’t receive this kind of treatment!?

Not to mention, he said he wanted to solve the unsolved mysteries.

If not for Marvin being extremely famous, these Great Scholars wouldn’t believe his words.

Among the Great Scholars, some were young, and some were old. Obtaining this title wasn’t specifically related to age, but rather depended on the depth of one’s knowledge.

A middle-aged man wearing golden glasses took a step forward and solemnly addressed Marvin on behalf of the other Great Scholars:

“Respected Plane Destroyer, welcome to the Wind Castle.”

“You truly aren’t a Great Scholar, thus you originally wouldn’t have the qualifications to enter the city.”

“But you offered to solve a problem that has been bothering us for many years. If you truly accomplish it, you’ll be free to come in and out of the Wind Castle as you wish.”

“Could I ask, which question do you want to solve?”

Marvin calmly answered, “The matter of whether or not the multiverse is unique.”

The man nodded and then consulted with the other Great Scholars for a moment before ultimately waving his hand.

The next instant, that pale yellow barrier disappeared without a trace and Marvin took a step toward the holy City of Knowledge.

“Welcome to the Wind Castle.”

“Now, let us go to Pearl Tower. It’s good that you happened to come today, as your previous deed of destroying the Decaying Plateau will definitely be written down in the History Calendar.”

“We need to hold a ceremony, and it is our honor to have you here as the person involved.”

The Wind Castle, known as the City of Knowledge. The Pearl Tower was the most famous part of it.

And the History Calendar in the Pearl Tower was used to record the most important events in Feinan’s history.

Since Marvin transmigrated, roughly four events were eligible to be recorded in it: The fall of the Great Legend Wizard Anthony, Marvin destroying the Decaying Plateau, a team of Legends crazily eradicating the Twin Snakes Cult, and the recent descent of the Source of Fire’s Order in Feinan.

As for an event like the powerhouse Robin tearing a Black Dragon apart, it wasn’t important enough to be recorded in the History Calendar.

Usually, those who could be recorded in the History Calendar were the greatest Heroes!

It meant leaving a mark in history.

On the way, the Great Scholar wearing golden glasses, Damian, chatted with Marvin for a bit.

“The recording ceremony will be carried out tomorrow, and your answer will also be requested after the ceremony.”

“I hope you can give a perfect answer, or else the Pearl Tower will no longer be open to you.”

Marvin nodded gently.

A scholar on the side couldn’t help but ask, “Excuse me, could you explain the question about whether the multiverse is unique?”

Marvin calmly answered, “The multiverse isn’t unique.”

Everyone was in uproar!

A Great Scholar suddenly asked in the street, “What is your argument?”

A smile appeared in the corner of Marvin’s mouth.

“You’ll understand tomorrow.”

Chapter 290: Rejected

p>The next morning, below the Pearl Tower.

A great amount of scholars gathered.

They were learning scholars from the City of Knowledge and were here today not only because it was the day of the recording ceremony, but most importantly because of a very important piece of news:

The famed Plane Destroyer Marvin personally came to the Pearl Tower to watch the great recording ceremony. And after the ceremony, he would solve one of the three great unsolved mysteries!

The peaceful City of Knowledge hadn’t had such a lively event in a long time.

It was true that the learning scholars are refined learners of history and science, but they were also extremely curious men.

They wanted to see what theory this rumored mysterious Baron Marvin would come up with.

Everyone was in a circle at the bottom of the pure white Pearl Tower.

The twelve top seated Great Scholars were sitting in a circle around a round table.

Marvin’s position suited his status, as he was sitting in a rattan chair for the honored guest, calmly awaiting the outcome.

He liked the ambiance of the City of Knowledge a lot.

Even if there was a lot of people here, it wasn’t noisy. Even if an intense curiosity burned in their eyes, they were conscientiously keeping quiet.

This was natural.

[Great Hero Marvin destroyed the Decaying Plateau]. This great event had already been recorded in the History Calendar, and the ceremony was to decide which floor this History Calendar entry should be stored in!

Indeed, even if the Pearl Tower pierced through the sky and was open to the scholars of the City of Knowledge, it only had seven floors.

Even the 7th floor was said to only be opened when the thirteen top seated Great Scholars worked together to open it.

But the strange thing was that ever since the City of Knowledge was established, there had never been a 13th Great Scholar.

Whenever a new Great Scholar appeared, there would inevitably be an old Great Scholar dying.

Twelve Great Scholars seemed to be the maximum amount.

And, although the City of Knowledge encircled the Pearl Tower, their scope of authority over it was in fact very small.

Since the beginning of times, major events were recorded in the first six floors.

The more important an event was, the higher the floor it would be stored in. This was a very simple standard..

The floor that a record should be stored in was decided by the twelve Great Scholars.

The other scholars had already started discussing this.

In order to not influence the Great Scholars that were using their wisdom to make such an important decision, those learning scholars discussed in very low voices.

But Marvin was keen and alert, and using his Listen skill to clearly understand what they were saying.

“Sir Marvin destroyed the Decaying Plateau, and an illusion appeared throughout Feinan. Such a major event should at least be recorded in the 3rd floor.”

“Yes, I remember that every time an illusion appeared in the sky, it would go to the 3rd floor or higher.”

“Legend Wizard Anthony’s fall was recorded in the 3rd floor. Anthony protected the East Coast for close to a hundred years, but in comparison, Sir Marvin destroyed the Decaying Plateau who kept invading all of Feinan in the past years, which should be more important.”

“Indeed, Sir Anduin had previously studied it. The Decaying Plateau was getting closer to Feinan each year. According to his calculations, within about three hundred years, Diggles and his army would have been able to come and go as if from the Shadow Plane, barring some great change.”

“In short, the Decaying Plateau would be a huge hidden danger. If I was a Great Scholar, I would definitely put it on the 4th floor.”

Marvin could faintly hear them discussing constantly in low voices.

His body was currently weak, and he needed to recover.

Once he dealt with the scholars’ question, he would ask about the Fate Tablet.

Whether Ding could be brought back to life would depend on the knowledge of these scholars.

As for which floor his act of destroying the Decaying Plateau would be stored in, Marvin actually didn’t care.

Destroying the Decaying Plateau certainly wouldn’t be his most amazing accomplishment!

The Great Calamity had yet to start. His stage had yet to truly arrive.

He would make enough preparations before the Great Calamity to ruthlessly topple those so-called gods.

He would build a lawful country in the chaos.

In front of the deceptive religions, he would protect the people’s freedom.

He would create a safe refuge in the era of rampant monsters.

This was the ideal future Marvin envisioned for White River Valley!

This was his true plan.

And it was definitely bigger than destroying the Decaying Plateau.

‘These Great Scholars sure are taking their time.’

Marvin was barely staving off his boredom. He had already been sitting for half an hour and was frowning while looking at the scholars.

The others were actually very calm.

In the City of Knowledge they didn’t lack time.

The scholars, who were able to endure spending so much of their time engrossed in research, had no issues waiting.

Moreover, while such a ceremony had happened quite some times in the City of Knowledge, this time, the peculiarity was that the Hero of the event had surprisingly appeared in the City of Knowledge.

So of course the Great Scholars would be cautious while making their judgement.

A dozen minutes later, the youngest Great Scholar took up his pen and wrote down his opinion.

Soon, the others made their own decisions.

A person in charge of the ceremony gathered each Great Scholar’s scroll.

He carefully read through once and surprise flashed through his eyes.

Everyone watched him, full of expectation.

With this atmosphere, even Marvin was feeling some anticipation.

He checked once more and finally yelled:

“The decision of the twelve Great Scholars is unanimous!”

“The History Calendar of Sir Marvin destroying the Decaying Plateau will be stored in the Pearl Tower’s…”

“5th floor!”

Once those words resounded, even the previously collected scholars couldn’t stay calm!

They all had shocked expressions.

They couldn’t help but start talking about it.

In the eyes of the ordinary scholars, the 3rd or 4th floors were the most suitable.

But the 5th floor, wasn’t that too high?

That was the standard of a Hero saving the entire continent!

Marvin destroying the Decaying Plateau was an act of eradicating a hidden danger, not directly saving the continent, right?

But the man who announced the results already left, meaning that this matter was settled.

Moreover, the twelve Great Scholars had unanimously made this decision, making others unable to refute it.

They were the wisest people in Feinan.

Their decision shouldn’t be wrong.

The gathered scholars gradually calmed down and looked at Marvin with gazes full of envy and worship.

The Great Scholars looked at each other and nodded.

Since they had made their decision, the recording ceremony was next.

Soon, a huge scroll and a deep blue crystal were lifted by two strong men.

The Great Scholars all stood up and recited an ancient incantation in low voices.

Shortly after, a black hole appeared on the fifth floor of the Pearl Tower.

“Woosh!” The scroll and deep blue crystal were sucked into the hole.

“Now, let us talk about the unsolved mystery, Sir Marvin…”

The leading Great Scholar had yet to finish speaking when a shadow flashed within the black hole!


That scroll and deep blue crystal were astonishingly thrown back out of the black hole and floated above the Great Scholars!

Everyone was in an uproar!

Marvin was also shocked. What was this about?

Could his deed be unworthy of entering the 5th floor?

The Great Scholars were startled.

It was the first time any of them had experienced such an event!

The Pearl Tower normally didn’t react like this.

The Great Scholars’ decisions were generally correct.

But the Pearl Tower’s 5th floor unexpectedly rejected it this time!

“How could this be? Diggles was the Evil Spirit Overlord with the strongest potential. Such a matter, how could it lack the qualifications to enter the 5th floor?” muttered the youngest Great Scholar.

The scholars all started chattering again.

The Great Scholars discussed it again and ultimately decided to put it on the 4th floor.

They went through the recording ceremony once again.

But this time, they were left even more surprised!

The Pearl Tower’s 4th floor also refused Marvin’s History Calendar!

The Great Scholars almost went crazy!

This was certainly something that had never happened in the past!

As for Marvin, he abruptly stood up because he saw something strange at the top of the Pearl Tower!

Chapter 291: Mark 47

p>Marvin had paid attention each time the black hole rejected that History Calendar.

There was a shadow of a short person in the Pearl Tower!

Ordinary people might not be able to notice it, since after all it was in the darkness, but Marvin, who had received the Night Monarch’s blessing, could clearly see something behind that black hole.

It was a mechanical construct!

And it seemed to have a very strange body!

It was wearing an oversized western hat and clothes with all kinds of colors that seemed to have been scribbled on by people.

It was this construct that threw out the History Calendar!

‘This mechanical construct, could it be Pearl Tower’s housekeeper?’

Marvin wanted to get a better look, but after each attempt, the black hole opened by the Great Scholars closed back down.

After the 3rd floor also rejected the History Calendar, all the Great Scholars were sweating, not knowing what to do.

This kind of thing had never happened in the past!

The Pearl Tower actually rejected their request, and thrice at that!

Wasn’t it just way too bizarre!?

They looked at each other in dismay, and before the eyes of all the ordinary scholars, they wrote down the 2nd Floor!

If the 3rd floor wouldn’t work, then it should still be eligible for the 2nd floor, right?

That was where the rise and fall of kingdoms would be recorded!

But the depressing issue kept happening. It was like the Pearl Tower had eaten something that had gone bad and was venting on the scholars.

After easily opening the entrance of the 2nd floor and putting the History Calendar in, it didn’t take long before it was yet again thrown back out!

It was even more ruthless that time. The scroll directly smashed against the head of one of the Great Scholars, and as for the azure Memory Crystal, it was thrown about 60 meters away and almost shattered.

Everyone was aghast!

Marvin didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

How could it be so troublesome?

Seeing these Great Scholars drenched in sweat, Marvin wanted to tell them, ‘How about we forget about it…’

It was a pity that he didn’t know much about the origin of the Pearl Tower of the City of Knowledge. There were few pieces of lore about it.

Although he was an expert player who obtained the Great Scholar title and sneaked into the City of Knowledge to gather all kinds of information about monsters’ weaknesses in order to sell it at a high price, no one had a good understanding of the Pearl Tower.

The players had never even manage to witness the simplest of recording ceremonies.

Pearl Tower was an enigma for pre-transmigration Marvin.

He only knew that the wisdom of the Great Scholars here was comparable to the gods’. And the Wind Castle was a place that had existed in the era of the Night Monarch!

“Crazy! This is crazy!” the youngest Great Scholar couldn’t help but shout.

“Could it be wanting us to record Sir Marvin’s deed in the 1st floor?”

“This is simply an insult! This is a disgrace for the City of Knowledge!”

The other scholars remained speechless.

Today’s matter was really strange.

They couldn’t help but turn their heads and look at Marvin with some embarrassment.

What should have been a simple recording ceremony actually became such a farce. The scholars felt as if they lost face.

“1st floor it is then, let’s try,” suggested the oldest Great Scholar while clenching his teeth.

Soon, the History Calendar and the azure Memory Crystal were once again prepared.

They started their incantation, using their connection with the Pearl Tower to open the entrance to the 1st floor.

But this time, before they could even put the scroll in, a mysterious power rushed out from the Pearl Tower!


“A bunch of idiots!”

Following that hoarse voice, the History Calendar scroll wildly charged around like a crazed ghostly monster!

In an instant, the twelve Great Scholars were swept away, their glasses knocked to the ground. The unluckiest was even hit in the head!

That ghost-like scroll carried enormous power and actually charged toward Marvin.

Marvin had a bad feeling, as his current skills were far his usual level. Before he could react, his body was wrapped by the huge scroll and carried up in the sky!


Marvin was startled and scared. His Night Walker skills weren’t usable during the day, and he couldn’t use Eternal Night due to the extreme acceleration stress!

If he really fell from there, he might not survive!

It was absurd that something like this happened during his simple trip to the City of Knowledge for information.

The scroll carrying Marvin shot up until it ultimately reached the 7th floor!

A hoarse mechanical voice echoed throughout the sky:

“This History Calendar will be stored in the 7th floor!”

All the scholars were stunned!

The next moment, a huge hole appeared in the 7th floor and the scroll, the azure crystal, and Marvin himself instantly went in!

The world was spinning.

Soon after, a warm flow of water gradually submerged Marvin’s body.

Who knew when it happened, but his body was already completely bare.

When he regained consciousness, he was soaking in a spacious bath.

The water in the bath was light pink and seemed to contain some sort of power.

Marvin was surprised to discover that his body was recovering from its frightening condition at an alarming speed!

“What’s happening!” He felt bewildered.

At that time, the mechanical voice echoed beside him, “Your body was very weak and needed some repair and maintenance.”

Marvin was dumbstruck.

Before him was that mechanical construct wearing an oversized western hat.

It was a bit small but it had a genuine face and its eyes had a rare black color!

This construct lifeform looked a bit mechanical and seemed to be functioning due to a mysterious rune.

In the past, Marvin had seen quite a few Dwarven remains, but something like this was a first.

This funny looking mechanical construct gave him a feeling.

He was like a living person.

“Please call me Mark 47. I know your name is Marvin. The way you are looking at me is the same as when Master first saw me,” the construct said.


Marvin was a bit curious.

“Who is your master?”

The construct tilted its head. “Master already left a long time ago.”

“I was asleep for a long time. I have quite a lot of procedures stored in my mind, so it is a bit confusing.”

“But I still remember when he just arrived. At that time, this place was called the Limestone Tower. He was as weak as you, and was still carrying a small dragon when he lost consciousness. Ah… I remember now!”

“Master’s name is [Lance].”

Chapter 292: Essence Data Transformation


The Wizard God who, according to the myths, established this world? That Wizard God Lance?

Marvin was wide-eyed.

During the course of the Feinan Continent game, the shadow of that mysterious person would faintly appear here and there.

When the gods spoke about him, it was with a hint of reverence.

Wizard God was merely a title proudly used by the Wizards. Lance created the Universe Magic Pool, which made the Wizards proudly believe they were Lance’s favorite.

And thus Lance was turned into the Wizard God.

In fact this name represented the highest god who established Feinan.

It was rumored that his Divine Power was far higher than the [Peak] and the other gods were completely unable to compare.

In the game, everything related to Lance was priceless.

This Pearl Tower was rumored to have been left behind by Lance, as there were godly traces around.

Early on, those were open to the public. But later, following the passage of time, the rise of Wizards and Lance’s departure, the Pearl Tower was only accessible up to the 6th layer for the City of Knowledge.

This was something the scholars of the Wind Castle were puzzled about.

But regardless, Marvin had now arrived inside the Pearl Tower.

And there was a amusingly dressed mechanical construct talking to him, whose master was Lance.

‘Well, it wouldn’t be strange for a great god to leave a construct to look after his place. Looks like this Pearl Tower is a vestige of God Lance.’

‘But, what is the meaning of its existence? The top seats of the City of Knowledge used it to write down the changes in history appearing in the plane, but from the analysis of players, the Pearl Tower is bound to have more secrets.’

As Marvin thought of this, he was surprised to discover that his own body had already completely recovered.

“What is this liquid?” he asked Mark 47 curiously. This liquid was simply better than even the strongest Divine Spell. Marvin had received such a serious injury before and even the entire Hope City’s Sorcerers and Clerics had no solutions, only able to slightly help. But after soaking in this liquid, he had shockingly recovered so quickly.

His strength was back at 100%!

His skills even increased a bit, but what shocked him the most was that he noticed that his own muscles had become more outlined.

Did this pink liquid also have the effect of absorbing fat?

There was no specific indicator on the logs.

He noticed that he accumulated 71879 battle exp after killing the Black Dragon while the experience requirement to reach level 6 Night Walker was 76000. It looked like the Black Dragon didn’t give him enough, but that was without counting the 20000 battle exp he had yet to distribute!

Slaying that Dragon was enough to let his Night Walker class reach level 6, which would give him an overall level of 18.

For Marvin, this was a very important number. In all of Feinan, very few people knew what level 18 meant.

Most people aimed for and fought against the Legend barrier.

But for Marvin, 18 was a step he would have to stay at for the time being.

Because as far as he knew, most Secondary Planes could only contain level 18 powerhouses at most!

These Secondary Planes revolved around Feinan and were isolated from Feinan due to the Universe Magic Pool, so gods could perform miracles there to attract followers.

A huge amount of lifeforms were inhabiting those Secondary Planes. They didn’t have the protection of the Universe Magic Pool so there was a totally different power system.

Clerics were the most powerful. They usually were very pious, but because the Secondary Planes lacked the protection of the Universe Magic Pool, the Abyss’ Demons and Hell’s Devils often invaded. The Secondary Planes were usually in chaos. This kind of situation was something the gods were most willing to see.

In times of chaos, pious people would be even more devoted to their prayers to gods. This way they would get more Faith.

You could say that the Secondary Planes were a way out that Lance had given the 3rd Era New Gods.

But they weren’t satisfied with that, wanting more, and thus they eyed Feinan.

As for Marvin, the Secondary Planes were just as important.

If he wasn’t wrong, there was as many as 137 Secondary Planes that were occupied by gods. Those were territories established by the thirty or so New Gods.

Even though Feinan was huge, if they were attacked by the armies of those planes, they might not be able to resist.

Fortunately, immediately after the Great Calamity, the gods would be busy handling that frightening Astral Beast. It must be known that that Ancient level Astral Beast could swallow Feinan in one bite.

Without Lance’s treasures, that Astral Beast would have nibbled away more than half of Feinan before the gods could end it!

The entire multiverse would also be on the brink of crisis.

But despite that, Marvin was still getting ready to reduce the gods’ power in the Secondary Planes before the Great Calamity, weakening his foes while increasing his own strength.

On one hand he would develop White River Valley and establish a safe location, while on the other hand he would act against his enemies. Marvin was confident he could resist the gods’ invasion after the Great Calamity.

During the game, even though the gods kept coming to Feinan, their preaching didn’t go smoothly. It was mostly due to those [Golden Children]!

Half a year.

Six months after the disaster, people had no way of getting by. The gods were busy handling that Astral Beast and couldn’t develop their churches, while at the same time, Feinan was suffering from the aftermath of the fall of the Universe Magic Pool.

That was when the [Golden Children] arrived.

They naturally had Hero-like templates and their starting attributes were frighteningly high. They would kill people and monsters, and as for gods… they would also kill them.

Countless players were at the core of the fight against the gods trying to harvest faith.

This time, Marvin’s soul crossed over to Feinan, but he had a feeling.

The Golden Children wouldn’t appear this time. If they didn’t appear, Marvin would have to shoulder the duty of all the players.

This was a very difficult duty, but Marvin was willing to try.

Thus, before he passed level 18, Marvin would take a trip to the Secondary Planes.

It was just a matter of time. But for Secondary Planes, time wasn’t an issue.

For the Secondary Plane Marvin was most familiar with, the time flow was 20:1. In other word, 20 days in that Secondary Plane was equal to one day in Feinan. This was enough for Marvin to accomplish what was necessary.

Marvin was thinking deeply while soaking in that pink liquid. The construct waited a bit before rousing him from his contemplation.

“This is Essence Restoration Liquid, and it is very precious. I would hate to use it even when wounded. Master left a bit for me.”

Mark 47 continued with a deadpan face, “If not for you being the same kind of existence as me, I wouldn’t use such a thing for you.”

Essence Restoration Liquid?

Marvin had yet to comprehend the first sentence before the latter one shocked him!

Who was the same kind of existence as you?

Please! You are a construct, you are a robot, and I am thoroughly human, okay?

Apparently noticing the derision on Marvin’s face, Mark 47 remarked unpleasantly, “I am a perfect construct.”

“Your line of thought is so human. I’ve seen that kind of expression so many times, and why? Are you looking down on constructs?”

Marvin was startled by the response.

He seemed to be getting more experience and knowledge ever since he entered Pearl Tower. Things he had never encountered in the past kept appearing one after the other in this place.

Perfect construct, wasn’t it like a high-end robot?

This lifeform, or artificial lifeform… even in his world where science and technology was very developed, it was still being tested.

“What’s Essence Restoration Liquid? Also, why are you saying that we are the same?” Marvin asked cautiously.

This construct was certainly special.

Mark 47 sat there, raising a leg over the other in a very human-like manner and started talking about the specifics of the Essence Restoration Liquid.

After a few minutes, Marvin had a rough understanding of the pink liquid.

According to Mark 47, this world’s living beings and non-living beings were separated by the existence of essences.

Essences made up the individual, and could be divided into visible essences and hidden essences. The most basic were the six visible essences, which naturally were the six attributes of the body.

The rest were hidden essences, which supported the effects of the visible essences.

Marvin’s serious injury made him deficient in hidden essences. But this was really a strange way of seeing things. It seemed just like a robot’s parts, where everything would be fine as long as new ones were exchanged.

And Essence Restoration Liquid was a really precious substance that could restore those lost hidden essences.

Regardless how grave Marvin’s injury was, as long as there was enough Essence Restoration Liquid, he could quickly recover.

Such an effect was comparable with the 7th circle spells, [Greater Wish] and [Greater Prophecy].

Moreover, Essence Restoration Liquid wasn’t only limited to humans. It could restore all kinds of lifeforms, like Evil Spirits, Ghosts, Demons… type didn’t matter. It sounded like the legendary Panacea.

Marvin understood a bit but was still confused.

But he was more concerned about his second question. “Then why do you say we are alike?”

Mark 47 kept his legs crossed and sized up Marvin for a bit. He unhurriedly answered, “Because our bodies have the [Essence Data Transformation] System…”

“But your system seems to have been altered…”

Chapter 293: Twin Fate Flower


Essence Data Transformation system?

Marvin stared dazedly at this construct crossing his legs.

His biggest secret had been seen through by a construct?

What was this situation?

He began to suspect whether his transmigration was something that had been prearranged.

What happened with God Lance?

Seeing Marvin’s shocked appearance, Mark 47 asked disdainfully, “Or else, why would I bring you here?”

“Or else, why would your deed be qualified to be stored in the 7th layer?!”

“Because you are unique!”

Marvin relaxed a bit. He was someone who had received a powerful ability, and without it he wouldn’t have been able to adapt to this world so quickly.

From Mark 47’s explanation, Marvin gradually understood.

Essence Data Transformation was a kind of system that could be used on a perfect construct.

But this skill wasn’t something mastered by the ancient Dwarves. According the Mark 47, he had probably been the only one with the system in all of Feinan.

As the name implied, Essence Data Transformation would turn all aspects of the body into data, and would even work for the people one observed.

This would make it a lot easier for the user to examine and accurately understand his own strength.

Understanding oneself was often more difficult than understanding one’s enemies.

The Essence Data Transformation system perfectly solved this point.

And according to Mark 47’s scan, Marvin’s system had two sub-modules.

One was the Essence Absorption Module, and the other was the Mission Essence Reservoir.

The former let Marvin absorb a part of the essence of defeated enemies based on a certain rule.

This essence would be stored as [Battle Experience] under the Data Transformation Module.

This explained why Marvin would obtain battle exp when killing monsters, and also why he could level up.

Because battle exp itself was essence, it would accumulate to a certain point before turning into his own strength.

This was a part of world’s laws.

And the Mission Essence Reservoir was another part of the system.

The system would gather essence from the void to fill this Essence Reservoir and Marvin couldn’t access it as he wanted.

Only when Marvin accomplished this Module’s designated missions could he obtain some of the essence gathered inside.

This was [General Experience].

The difference between Marvin’s version and the original Essence Data Transformation system was these two outstanding modules. It let Marvin stand out from the masses.

Otherwise, even if he trained painstakingly after his transmigration, who knew if or when he could advance to Legend.

Mark 47 had the Mission Essence Reservoir Module but not the Essence Absorption Module, so he couldn’t kill to advance. He could only accomplish his missions and obtain some essence.

His current mission was very simple, to guard Pearl Tower and collect the scholars’ History Calendars.

Whenever he was bored, he would read a book.

In the Pearl Tower, floors 8 and up hid countless books. Mark 47 claimed that he didn’t like reading, but after his order was changed, he could only pass time by reading books.

He had stayed in Pearl Tower for a long time, waiting until someone with the same Essence Data Transformation system would appear.

He had a request he needed Marvin’s help for.

“Ever since I woke up, a new order was planted in my brain, and I can’t leave here.”

“But after checking, I found out that there is an issue with my Memory Module. My Memory Chip was taken. I would like to entrust you with finding my Memory Chip.”

Mark 47 then talked a bit about the appearance of his Memory Chip.

Marvin slightly frowned.

He had never seen that Memory Chip in Feinan Continent.

“It might be in an Outer Plane, not necessarily in Feinan.”

“In short, this task is very important. I want to retrieve my memories.”

“If you find it one day, you can give it to me. You’ll get great benefits.”

The construct said all this while touching the back of Marvin’s hand.

The next second, a new quest appeared in Marvin’s quest menu!

[Find the Memory Chip (Mark 47)]

[Description: The Perfect Construct Mark 47 lost his important Memory Chip and hopes you can help him find it. This might seem like looking for a needle in a haystack, but be aware, there might be some extra nice surprises.]

[Reward: 100 000 general exp]

100 000 general exp!

Marvin was wide-eyed.

This mission reward was really too generous!

“This essence, or you could call it general experience, was collected by my Essence Pool for so many years.”

“As long as you complete my task, you can get this ample reward.”

“It can greatly increase your strength,” Mark 47 said.

Marvin nodded. He would definitely do this quest. 100 000 general exp could greatly decrease the time it would take for him to become a Legend.

But something like a Memory Chip… he really didn’t remember anything about it. It seemed like it was time to deal with his own information network.

After they finished chatting, Marvin put on some clothes. He now had some understanding of Pearl Tower and Mark 47.

Just as he had guessed, the construct was Pearl Tower’s housekeeper. He had a lot of power over it.

But when Marvin asked for more information about Lance or the Essence Data Transformation System, the construct said that he would like to tell him, but couldn’t.

This was because his Memory Chip had been taken away.

The information stored in his brain was very fragmented, and most of it was occupied by the books he had read.

It was clear that getting more information from Mark 47 about this world, Lance, or about his transmigration was currently impossible.

Before leaving, he didn’t forget about his purpose for visiting the City of Knowledge.

He tried asking Mark 47 about the matter of the Fate Tablet.

But considering the state of the construct’s memories Marvin hadn’t expected that he would actually know!

The construct thought for a moment and looked at the Fate Tablet in Marvin’s arms before slowly saying, “I do remember a bit about this thing.”

“The Fate Tablet is a mystery… Wrong, it’s a part of this world’s laws. The world’s laws are divided in two, Order and Chaos.”

“The Fate Tablet is a crystallization of Order, and this fragment lost all of its power of Order, but it still could freely absorb all the free power of Order between heaven and earth. This is a very slow process, and might take a few hundred years.”

Marvin frowned. “You meant that she might awaken once again after a hundred years?”

“No no no…” The construct explained, “After a few hundred years, the fragment can transform into a new lifeform. But that would be another consciousness. I can feel that the current consciousness is continuously fading away. Her consciousness will completely disappear in at most a year. The one born after a few hundred years would be a totally new consciousness.”

“In the words of humans, it would be the same body with a different soul.”

“Do you understand what I mean?”

Marvin nodded and asked in a heavy voice, “Is there a solution?”

This was what he was the most concerned about.

“The [Twin Fate Flower] is an organism living outside the Universe Magic Pool, and it is very difficult to pluck.”

The construct made a very human-like shrug. “This should be the only thing able to save that fragment of Fate Tablet.”

Twin Fate Flower?

A strange expression appeared on Marvin’s face.

It was actually that thing!

Others might not know where to get it, but Marvin just happened to know of a place where Twin Fate Flowers grew all over!

Moreover, that place was where he planned to go next.

This was too coincidental.

The place where Twin Fate Flowers grew was also the location of one of the items Marvin needed to advance to Ruler of the Night.

‘Looks like after going back, I’ll need to take a trip to Arborea,’ Marvin thought.

Arborea was a Secondary Plane under the gods. The upper level was 18 and it was very populated. However, since it was close to the Abyss, there were frequent battles and it was quite chaotic.

Most importantly though, Marvin knew how to enter that plane.

After thanking Mark 47, Marvin prepared everything and left Pearl Tower.

Unsurprisingly, he was immediately surrounded by scholars once he walked out.

They crazily asked Marvin about everything that had happened inside the Pearl Tower.

They weren’t allowed in after all, and were very curious.

They even forgot to ask about the unsolved mystery.

Regarding this, Marvin could only say “no comment”… Because these were Mark 47’s original words.

He gave Marvin a pass. In the future, when he was near Wind Castle, he could directly enter Pearl Tower, letting him bypass the City of Knowledge.

Under everyone’s disappointed gazes, Marvin hurriedly left the City of Knowledge.

As he reached the boundary outside Wind Castle, he saw that the carriage was already gone. Fiend Sorceress Daisy had been waiting for him for a long time.

“All good?” Daisy asked.

Marvin nodded.

The next second, a Teleportation Gate appeared.

She had signed a contract with a Great Void Demon and Teleportation was her strong point. Hope City had a Teleportation Mark, and thus the return trip was very easy.

Marvin walked through the door as the radiant light flashed.

Then, he stood on solid ground.

But a rumbling sound echoed in his ears!

His eyes widened, only to see a seven-colored radiance wrapping around something ice-blue, before it fell from the sky creating a crater outside Hope City!

He rushed forward in a hurry, and found Jessica proudly standing below the city wall.

Laying on the ground was a man holding a long sword, continuously twitching with foam coming out of his mouth.

“Who else?”

The Fate Sorceress waved her fist as six layers of Fate Power shone brightly.

Six Legend powerhouses stood in silence outside Hope City.

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