Night Ranger

Chapter 233-242

Chapter 233: Moss Prison

p>On the calm Decaying Plateau, Evil Spirits were performing their duties.

Diggles was dully sitting on his supreme seat, apparently thinking about something.

The guard at his side was silent. Ever since he started following Diggles, he had never seen his Overlord leave that throne, not even half a step.

He always sat there, motionless.

The throne’s immediate surroundings were a restricted area. If someone dared to approach, no matter who, the only fate that awaited them was death.

The Evil Spirits weren’t curious, and just obeyed. Diggles’ orders were the highest command.

No one dared to go against him.

Deceiver was the first in history.

But she wasn’t an Evil Spirit.

‘She must be trying to find her younger brother. Even if I don’t know exactly what happened, since I know this, it shouldn’t be too hard to find her.’

Craftiness flashed through Diggles’ eyes. He closed his eyes and tried to connect to a few Evil Spirit Envoys in Feinan when a rainbow crack tore the sky!

“White Deer Holy Spirit Lorant!” Diggles opened his eyes with a victorious smirk plastered on his face.

“You finally arrived. Welcome, welcome.”

After the rainbow passage opened, Lorant was the first one who came out.

Pure Heavenly energy filled his body, and it cleaned an area on the Decaying Plateau.

This was a special ability of the Heavenly Deer!

But this ability made the Evil Spirits feel bad.

They were born from negative energies and weren’t fond of the power of Order.

Diggles had a grave complexion, but even he no longer cared about Lorant’s bearing.

After all, in his eyes, this arrogant Heavenly Deer would quickly be reduced to a mount under his crotch. When the time came, his heavenly holy power would transform into the purest negative energy.

Positive energy and negative energy could be changed through a ritual. And as an Evil Spirit Overlord, Diggles was obviously proficient in such matters.

“Give me the stone and I’ll return your children.”

Diggles showed an ugly smile.

But then, his expression stiffened.

Because someone else actually appeared out of the rainbow passage behind Lorant!

It was an elf whose potential would make others drool!

In Diggles’ eyes those countless blessings on the Elven Prince’s body were all the most precious blessings in the universe.

“You seem to have violated our agreement,” Diggles muttered, looking at the two maliciously, “But I don’t care.”

“Since you came to the Decaying Plateau, I’ll properly entertain you.”

Ivan shrugged. “As you wish.”

“But let’s do without the nonsense!”

The Elven War Saint’s body solidly landed on the ground and he charged toward Diggles like a bullet.

All the Evil Spirits on his way were sent flying!

Countless Evil Spirits howled in grief. Ivan alone slayed a bloody path to Diggles.

The latter looked at Ivan while laughing. “Silly Elf.”

“You think you alone can beat me when I’m in my world!?”

Diggles’ body shook and two doppelgangers suddenly appeared in front of the throne!

His main body was still sitting on the throne, motionless.

Ivan faced the powerful Evil Spirit Overlord without fear, drawing a longsword!

This longsword was masterfully crafted and had a unique decorative design carved into it.

Normally, Ivan would very rarely use powerful weapons because he didn’t need them. But while stepping into another plane to challenge an Evil Spirit Overlord, though he didn’t look concerned on the surface, he still took the strongest weapon in his arsenal!

This was the treasure his mother set aside for him before she died, which had always followed him to this day.

A god level weapon cast by the High Elves before they left Feinan, [Glorious Wind].

“Nine Elven Swords?” Diggles squinted.

“Congratulations for your guess.” Ivan shrugged dismissively. “But… In fact, I took out this sword only to attract your attention.”

Before his words finished, a meteor shot out from the rainbow passage and ruthlessly hit Diggles’ main body on the throne.

Ivan raised Glorious Wind and fiercely attacked the two doppelgangers.


Diggles on the throne was startled and furious.

When the meteor fell down, Diggles lightly lifted his left hand and released an unending flow of negative energy. In an instant, three dark barriers took shape around him.

[Meteor Fall]!

One of the strongest moves of Legend Monks.

The red hot meteor used by Inheim carried seemingly world-ending power as it viciously smashed against the barrier.

But the anticipated explosion didn’t happen. Diggles’ power was bottomless. That meteor barely broke through the first layer of the barrier and was stopped by the second layer!

A powerhouse like Inheim did not even pose a threat to Diggles!

The Evil Spirit Overlord exposed a cruel smile. “Good, you actually dared to come to my world!”

“Lorant, I really want to thank you. Hahahaha!”

The White Deer Holy Spirit stood there and said with an expressionlessly, “You think everything is decided?”

“No… Let me tell you that today is the day you die!”

A frightening lifeforce appeared in the center of the Rotting Sea behind him.

This lifeforce strengthened and grew into to a big tree in a few instants!

“Seed of the World Tree? Great Druid?”

Diggles’ expression became grave.

He could feel the entire Rotting Sea’s power deteriorating.

The World Tree was such a precious treasure. With two Great Druids activating it, it kept growing.

It grew into an enormous tree, towering over its surroundings and expelling the negative energies. The entire Rotting Sea started to be cleansed!

“You dare to make a futile attempt at purifying my world!” Diggles angrily shouted.

One of his doppelgangers broke away from Ivan’s attacks and fiercely rushed toward the tree and the two Great Druids channelling!

He couldn’t let this World Tree’s seed grow in this plane!

But then, a gale swirled up and quickly turned into a gray storm!

A woman’s shadow could vaguely be seen in the storm.

Diggles’ doppelganger was powerful but couldn’t resist the storm’s pull and got dragged into it!

Ashes Storm!

Everything would be drawn in and turned to ashes. This was the strongest Legend Spell developed by Hathaway. Even if Diggles’ doppelganger was powerful, it was turned into ashes after being caught off guard!

The World Tree’s seed kept growing. It actually couldn’t keep it up for too long, since after all, it wasn’t a real World Tree.

But it could greatly harm the Decaying Plateau for a short time, and most of all, it could restrict Diggles’ power. Nothing else was as powerful there.

After Ivan and Inheim attracted attention, they immediately retreated inside the range of the World Tree’s radiance.

There, they had constant healing and bonuses to their strength.

Lorant also turned back to his main body and began to use spells he was proficient in!

The Evil Spirits on the Rotting Sea had already been annihilated, and countless Evil spirits ran away like stray dogs!

And in that time, the rainbow passage closed.

Diggles coldly watched the Legends.

“Monk, Elf, Wizard, Druid, and a Heavenly Deer.”

“To be frank, ever since the Decaying Plateau was established, never have so many Legends paid a visit.”

“It wasn’t because they weren’t interested, but because they didn’t dare. This place is my world, and I have endless power here.”

“You have dug your own graves.”

He then lifted his hand up and shouted, “Head Knight Douglas! Call my army!”

The rotting Knight appeared from nothingness and kneeled. “As you command, My Lord.”

He took out a horn and blew in it.

The ground shook!

The entire Underworld began to shake, as a beckoning power echoed through all Evil Spirits’ bodies.

They recklessly rushed forth from every corner of the Underworld.

A giant rose up from a distant part of the Rotting Sea and walked over.

Seeing this Giant, Hathaway’s expression immediately worsened. “No good, it’s a Corrupt Titan!”

“Unfortunately, our plan became more dangerous.”

‘Looks like they already made a move!’

Marvin was hiding in the darkness, watching countless crazed Evil Spirits rush east.

This was Diggles calling out the Evil Spirits.

This was his home, and he controlled this world’s power. The few Legends would be very pressured when facing those countless Evil Spirits.

In fact, if Marvin didn’t know that the Migratory Bird Council had a World Tree’s Seed, he wouldn’t have used this approach.

That temporary World Tree was the only reason the Legends were able to hold on.

This was an Evil Spirit Overlord after all. His strength was no lower than that of a weak god, and it was his main body!

Even if the seven Legends attacked in another place they might not kill him, let alone in his world!

In the Decaying Plateau, Diggles would be in an invincible position because the entire plane conveyed his power. He was a ruler of the plane!

He couldn’t be killed.

Thus the mission Marvin gave them was just to hold on.

The task to destroy the Decaying Plateau was in fact to be taken care of by Marvin!

But the top priority was still to quickly save the deers.

From what he remembered, after the Mushroom Bridge, he had to go west of the Decaying Plateau Floating Continent while hiding from the Evil Spirit scouts.

Finally, his goal was on a rather secret tall mountain.

It was a field of variant moss!

Each piece of moss was the size of two to three people. They stuck to each other and the small cracks in between were used to lock people in.

Moss Prison.

The prison Diggles used to lock up the most important prisoners.

This place was heavily guarded, with even a 4th rank Half-Legend Evil Spirit Envoy protecting it.

Marvin took a deep breath and began to sneak closer.

Chapter 234: Luring the Tiger Away From Its Mountain

p>The Moss Prison’s structure was very solid. Not only was the giant Variant Moss the best tool to lock up prisoners, they were also part of the Underworld. They were a type of lifeform with awareness.

Their perception was very high toward non-Evil Spirit lifeforms.

Even though Marvin’s Disguise was very powerful, it might not be good enough to hide from the hideous Moss.

Thus, he stopped about a kilometer away from the Moss Prison.

He crawled on a meadow. In front of him was a rugged small path and to the west was the edge of the Moss Prison.

An Evil Spirit Knight rode on a Evil Warhorse, rushing past him. They were in charge of patrolling this secure area.

Of course, their presence here was only to stop the prisoners from escaping.

Outsiders? Who would believe that there would be visitors in the Underworld?

The entire power of the Underworld was transferred to Diggles to deal with the team of six Legends. Only those standing guard here didn’t go.

Diggles was very crafty. Even though the Moss Prison was very secure, there would always be ways to get inside.

White Deer Holy Spirit Lorant wasn’t the type of person who would give up on his children, so Diggles was convinced that there would be a force appearing there to save those young deers.

But they had yet to arrive.

He stayed vigilant, leaving the troops at the Moss Prison, and sending over an additional elite troop of Evil Spirit Knights from a small corrupt village nearby to defend the location.

This made forcefully breaking through even more impossible.

‘Crafty Diggles…’ Marvin thought in silence.

But he had made preparations!

No one understood Diggles more than Marvin. It was true that Diggles was very crafty, but he was also very arrogant!

Once he noticed something, he would definitely act on it.

This was how he dealt with things.

Thinking of this, Marvin gently took out the Thousand Paper Crane.

Inside this Thousand Paper Crane was the corpse of a Dragon!

But it had another use other than storage.

“You can make a move, Sir Owl,” Marvin whispered quietly.

Feinan. Owl was the only Legend out of their group of seven that didn’t go through the rainbow tunnel.

But this didn’t mean he couldn’t participate in the crusade against the Underworld.

Based on Marvin’s plan, he didn’t need to go with Lorant and the others.

The six Legends were enough to occupy the powerful Diggles. Shadow Thief Owl was to attract the last bit of his attention!

He was sitting on a stone, boredly playing with a Thousand Paper Crane.

At that time, Marvin’s voice came from within.

Owl stretched, the Thousand Paper Crane disappearing in his palm.

‘This young Marvin is truly comparable to his young grandfather at that time, doing some crazy things…’

“It hasn’t even been a year and now I have to go fight an Evil Spirit Overlord. This Legendary Thief’s luck is quite bad!” He mumbled to himself and then disappeared!

Shadow Thief Legend Ability, [Shadow Travel]!

This ability was different from the short [Shadow Dodge]. The latter could only briefly use the Shadow Plane to displace oneself in Feinan, while Shadow Travel would truly make one blend into the Shadow Plane!

Like so, Shadow Thief Owl travelled through the Shadow Plane.

In fact, he was the only one among the seven Legends able to travel to the Underworld without the help of a tool!

There were also many places where the Shadow Plane overlapped with the Underworld.

Relying on Shadow Travel, Owl was able to find a small crack leading to the Decaying Plateau and enter!

Naturally, if it was just a plan thought up at the last second, finding that gap would be very difficult. The Shadow Plane was filled with dangers after all.

But it was different for Owl. This guy had a lot of experience and had travelled across the North and the South. He also explored the Shadow Plane quite a few times.

He knew of more than thirteen cracks that overlapped with the lower planes!

Going to the Decaying Plateau was very simple.

After all, travelling from Feinan to a lower plane was a lot simpler than going from a lower plane to Feinan.

“Woosh!” His silhouette disappeared from the countless shadows.

What awaited him next was a rotting smell!

‘There really was another Legend! And a Shadow Thief at that!’

On the battlefield, Diggles was only using his two doppelgangers to fight against the six Legends.

His main body was still focused on the entire plane.

When Shadow Thief Owl appeared, he was immediately spotted.

A proud smile appeared on his face. There was a limit to how long he could focus on the entire plane.

Diggles was confident that this group was only composed of Legends. Who other than Legends would dare throw their life away in the Decaying Plateau?

Thus, he only focused on auras of Legend rank and above when monitoring the entire plane.

This was most efficient.

Just as expected, Shadow Thief Owl’s appearance confirmed his thoughts.

‘This Shadow Thief definitely came to save those young deers, hehe…’

‘How naive.’

Diggles silently lifted his hand and another doppelganger appeared!

This doppelganger’s aura was a bit weaker than the other two, but it was strong enough to deal with a Shadow Thief.

At the same time, the Evil Spirit Envoy guarding the Moss Prison also received Diggles’ command.

“Take most of the Evil Spirit Knights with you and surround that crafty Shadow Thief!”

Diggles’ voice was awe-inspiring.

The Evil Spirit Envoy could only answer, “Yes!”

Then, a large group of Evil Spirit Knights left their posts to head towards the Shadow Thief!

Owl’s next move puzzled Diggles greatly.

He actually didn’t go toward the Moss Prison, speeding down another path instead.

Diggles wondered in confusion, ‘Isn’t he here to save people?’

‘Hold on… That direction… It’s my hidden treasure cave!’

‘How did he know?! Damn! He is actually here to loot!’

Diggles suddenly realized. He ground his teeth and ordered his doppelganger to speed up.

And his main body was still focusing on Legend auras throughout the Underworld.

So many Legends appeared today that he wouldn’t be surprised if a few more came out. He would only feel excited!

Because these Legends were doomed in this plane!

His seat held the power of the entire plane, and there was [that thing] constantly supplying him with power. How could these people be his match!

Thinking of this, he simply wanted to loudly laugh his head off!

Shadow Plane. Two distorted shadows quietly appeared.

“Tsk tsk, enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road.”

The feminine man said in a soft voice, “Seems like you can wash away your disgrace today.”

Anger filled Glynos’ eyes.

In their sight, a Shadow Thief kept moving forward, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the Shadow Plane.

Though they were watching, they couldn’t pursue him because the Shadow Plane was distorted. They couldn’t go against space-time even if they were gods.

In fact, everything was distorted in the Shadow Plane. If you stabbed an enemy here, he might still be alive in the material plane.

This was another reason the Shadow Prince didn’t act.

“We still aren’t making a move yet?”

Seeing Owl sneakily entering the Decaying Plateau’s crack, Glynos asked with a gloomy expression.

The person at his side shook his head while smiling. “As an Assassin, your patience seems to have taken a turn for the worse after becoming a god.”

“Don’t forget your origins.”

“That way you won’t lose yourself.”

The Shadow Prince coldly snorted but didn’t answer.

The other’s words were right. After ascending, his patience had really worsened.

He didn’t have the patience he had in the past. It was replaced by crazy and eye-catching assassinations. This wasn’t a matter of style, but a matter of attitude.

The pride of becoming a god made him extremely fickle and impatient.

It was to the point that he messed up after becoming the focus of the Gods’ Assembly in the God Realms.

“You are right,” Glynos admitted. “You are worthy of being an Ancient God. Even if you aren’t much stronger than me, I can’t compare with regards to your understanding of this world.”

The feminine man gave a hollow laugh and a hint of dissatisfaction flashed through his eyes.

Moss Prison.

Once he saw the Evil Spirit Knights disappear, Marvin let out a long breath!

The plan worked!

First was the six-man Legend team attacking, and next was Shadow Thief Owl appearing to loot. Those two moves attracted Diggles’ attention!

Moss Prison’s defenses were now extremely low.

It was time for him to take action.

‘I have to get it done quickly.’

Marvin looked at those few Evil Spirit Knights pacing back and forth at the edge of the Moss Prison and thought for a moment before ultimately entering stealth and advancing slowly.

The distance between both sides was quickly closed.

The remaining seven Evil Spirit Knights were dedicated and stood at their post.

Suddenly, the Variant Moss turned red!

Tiny particles kept rotating on the moss for a bit before ultimately pointing at a location in the surroundings.

The Knights looked at each other and then pulled on their reins, wildly rushing that way!

They were extremely fast and soon half-surrounded that place, spread in a fan shape.

The Evil Spirit Knights raised their pikes and aimed at that spot before stabbing down in unison.

How could anyone expect that the space would suddenly distort, revealing a small and innocent fairy!

Wind Fairy!

Crash! A gale started whirling, diverting the Knights’ pikes. They almost knocked into each other.

Then, the Wind Fairy suddenly flew up.

Before the Knights could react, a fierce gunshot echoed from fifteen meters away!

After that gunshot, Marvin’s silhouette also appeared.

Bright flames whistled out of the shotgun’s barrel and covered the seven Knights!

‘#4 Holy Water and a shotgun, isn’t it the first time someone used this combination?’

Marvin smiled and looked at the Evil Spirit Knights collapsing under the effects of the holy power, and unhesitantly put his shotgun away.

He then went directly past the seven Knights struggling on the ground, his daggers in hand as he charged into the Moss Prison!

Chapter 235: This is worth it!

p>#4 Holy Water was condensed from the purest heavenly holy power, like Lorant’s.

Marvin previously lacked ranged attacks, but the Battle Gunner class made up for this.

This was the shotgun Constantine used when he was young. it had a very bad name, [Golden Rose], because the gun had a rose on it.

Sha shotguns had a big issue, which was that they had to be cooled for three minutes after one shot.

Otherwise the shotgun might explode.

This was also one of the reasons firearms had yet to become popular.

But for Marvin, this shot was already more than enough.

Using the Wind Fairy to attract the attention of the seven Evil Spirit Knights, he was able to lure them within firing range. Marvin then aimed and shot.

It simply felt too great!

Outside the Moss Prison, the Evil Spirit Guards angrily roared.

The loud gunshot alarmed them, causing them to run over from all directions. There were at least a thousand!

These Evil Spirits were basically the lowest level of cannon fodder. Besides negative energy, they had nothing.

But if other people wanted to eliminate these Evil Spirits, it would still be quite troublesome.

Marvin lifted his curved dagger up high and sped up!

Blazing Fury!

The frightening arcane flames wreaked havoc on that open area in an instant. The temperature of the magic flames wasn’t something these Evil Spirits could endure.

The area between Marvin and the Moss Prison had gone up in flames.

A huge amount of Evil Spirits were cleanly burnt while the rest were blocked by the flames.

Marvin rushed into the fire, charging into Moss Prison like lightning!

The Variant Moss wouldn’t take the initiative to attack enemies, but their defensive abilities were pretty high.

At that time, all the Moss had turned an angry red!

This meant that an enemy invaded!

But the Evil Spirit Guards had no way to catch Marvin.

The experts had been sent away by Diggles, and the Evil Spirit Overlord had focused his perception on detecting the aura of Legends in order to save energy. Under the attack of Inheim, Hathaway and the others, he didn’t have extra energy to keep an eye on the Moss Prison!

The remaining Evil Spirits simply weren’t a match for Marvin.

His daggers were also coated with #4 holy water.

He simply killed all Evil Spirit minions that rushed up to him inside the prison with one slash, sometimes even killing two at once!

In a mere ten seconds, Marvin had carved a bloody path through!

“Sir Marvin!”

“He really came for us!”

“Father didn’t lie to us. He said Sir Marvin would come to save us!”

A huge piece of moss surrounded a dozen young deers in the middle.

They took the initiative to form a circle to surround Muse.

Marvin knew this was how they protected her.

The young deers had Lorant’s bloodline so they naturally had heavenly holy power to protect themselves from being corrupted.

But Holy Maiden Muse was different, not having any power. Without the young deers protecting her, her body might have already been corrupted.

Marvin looked at that invulnerable Moss Prison and took out two scrolls from a storage item!

The Great Druid Sky Fury gave him these two scrolls after Marvin told them about the characteristics of the Moss Prison.

The two scrolls contained a powerful spell, [Great Wilting]!

Even though the moss that formed the prison was born out of negative energy as a variant plant, it was still a plant!

Withering skills were the bane of plants, and Great Wilting was naturally the moss’ predator.

However, this kind of spell was something Druids would only use as a last resort.

Similarly, growing a World Tree’s seed was also a last resort action.

If not to keep the balance in nature and eradicate the Underworld, even if Lorant had a great friendship with Sky Fury, he wouldn’t make such a move.

In fact, these two Great Druids’ actions were done without the permission of the Migratory Bird Council.

Taking advantage of the reprieve after clearing out so many Evil Spirit Guards, Marvin directly tore open the first scroll.

The dark black runes flashed and a large amount of black gas twisted around the red moss.

Then, that wide area of moss began to wilt.

Great Wilting was really effective.

Marvin put away the other scroll. Sky Fury gave him two scrolls only as an insurance.

In fact, one was more than enough.

The young deers cheerfully rushed out, one of them still carrying Muse.

“Many thanks Sir.” Muse looked at Marvin, moved.

Marvin slightly nodded. “Now isn’t the time for this. You have to immediately leave the Underworld.”

“Follow my directions. Keep going that way and then you will see a big mushroom bridge.”

“Trust me. Just jump on the mushroom bridge to get across, open the small door not far from it, and then you’ll be able to return to Feinan.”

“But you absolutely have to remember: after you return to Feinan, you have to hang this lock on the door once again.” Marvin handed the lock over to Muse.

“What about you?” Muse was somewhat hesitating.

She had expected Marvin to leave with them. But hearing his tone, it look he actually was staying in the Underworld!

“I have a plan,” Marvin simply said. “Take the young deers and escape!”

Evil Spirit Guards started to rush over to surround them.

Marvin didn’t hesitate and raised his curved dagger once again!

Blazing Fury!

Both of his curved daggers had now used their Blazing Fury ability.

This Blazing Fury once again burnt a large area.

Marvin rode on a young deer and they crazily rushed out of the Moss Prison!

They followed Marvin’s escape route and were finally on the meadow. Marvin suddenly had them stop.

He got down from the young deer, stably landing on the ground.

“You guys hurry up and follow this path. You’ll see the Mushroom Bridge after a while!” he urged.

“What about you?” asked a young deer in worry. “There are still many Evil Spirits left, you can’t hold them off on your own!”

“Yeah, yeah, and there is a Pool of Corruption in the Moss Prison. Those dead Evil Spirit Knights will soon be revived from the Pool of Corruption.”

“They run faster than us,” another deer fretted.

Marvin smiled with confidence. “I made preparations.”

How could Marvin not know about that Pool of Corruption?

These Evil Spirit Knights were immortal. Thus Marvin didn’t get any experience from them when he eliminated them!

This was because they originated from the Pool of Corruption deep inside the Moss Prison.

They would revive in at most five minutes, and would then give chase.

The young deers were pretty fast, but not as fast as the Evil Spirit Mounted Knights.

Marvin had already expected this to happen, so he could only stop in this area!

He shocked Muse and the deers by dragging a big weapon out of the meadow!

It was a big cannon!

Marvin put away his daggers and adjusted Brilliant Purple’s angle, aiming at the Moss Prison not too far off!

At that time, many Evil Spirits were rushing out from within.

These Evil Spirits also came out of the Pool of Corruption.

If the Pool of Corruption was destroyed, they would also cease to exist!

‘It’s totally spending money to buy experience. Why do I feel like I’m one those dishonest gamers from my past life…’

Marvin took a deep breath while inwardly mocking himself for gaining exp like this, before quickly switching his equipment.

Brilliant Purple was perfectly set.

What was put in the cannon wasn’t [Dragon Tooth], but [Dawn Light]!

A shot cost 1500 Wizard golds!

The Evil Spirits were rushing in a seething mass and would soon arrive in front of them.

“Sir Marvin!”

The young deers were worriedly jumping around.

“Don’t… Be… Worried…”

Marvin spoke word by word as his hands were slowly pressing on Brilliant Purple, and then he suddenly pulled on the lever!


The loud shot echoed. Marvin directly flew ten meters back, some blood splashing on his face!

At that time, a white light shot out of the cannon and rose up in the sky, before slowly falling.

It finally landed in the Moss Prison!


The frightening bursting sound became louder as Dawn Light completely crushed the entire Moss Prison, exploding everywhere!

Marvin rested on the ground as he checked the countless logs that appeared!

He coughed blood while crazily laughing.

It really destroyed the Pool of Corruption!

Although he was puking blood from the frightening backlash, considering his benefits, this injury was nothing!

‘Even if shooting wounded me…’

‘This is worth it!’

In the logs:

[You successfully destroyed the Pool of Corruption, gaining 81748 exp!]

Marvin staggered up and wanted to put away Brilliant Purple when a pure white light landed on his body.

The young deers were surrounding him, using healing spells and strengthening halos on him one after the other, making Marvin feel very warm.

These young deers were totally like a powerful nurse when together!


“What happened!”

On the throne, Diggles was suddenly startled!

Marvin created such a huge commotion with that shot that if he couldn’t notice it, he wouldn’t deserve to be this plane’s ruler!

The Pool of Corruption was destroyed, and the young deers escaped…

A series of scenes appeared in front of his eyes.

Ultimately, he caught sight of a small human struggling to hold a strange weapon and aiming at the Moss Prison.

‘It’s a Gunner!’

‘Not even a Legend!’

Diggles’ fist smashed against the throne and his expression became even more sinister. ‘A little human actually dared to act like that in my world!’

At that time, Hathaway suddenly opened a Teleportation Door inside the World Tree’s halo.

Under Diggles’ furious glare, a person came out of the Teleportation Door.

Could it be another Legend?

Diggles was getting increasingly more enraged. That group of Legends really thought the Decaying Plateau was their backyard?

But contrary to his expectations, the person who came out of the Teleportation Door wasn’t a Legend!

Rather, it was a 3rd rank Ranger!

“Damn! You actually dare to appear in front of me!”

Diggles simply wanted to explode!

He couldn’t wait to dismember that human in front of him!

Chapter 236: Plague God

p>Right after the explosion.

A candle was lighting the path in the damp tunnel.

It was a complex tunnel with numerous secret rooms.

Each room had strong defensive mechanisms. Though some rooms were left open, the stuff inside those wasn’t as good.

This was Overlord Diggles’ hidden treasure trove.

After he established the Decaying Plateau, he put all the treasures he collected from various planes there.

Shadow Thief Owl quickly progressed through this cave.

He didn’t have much time to take care of the locked rooms, so he swept those open rooms clean!

Despite this, the stuff inside was still priceless.

At that moment, Marvin’s voice echoed from the Thousand Paper Crane at his waist. “How is it, Sir Owl? Visiting the hidden treasury should be quite pleasant, right?”

Owl answered while still working on collecting the treasures, “Pleasant my ass!”

“Diggles sent a doppelganger after me!”

“Even though I followed your method, rushing as fast as possible to the treasure cave, while Diggles needed to use some complicated spells to enter, I still only have two minutes to steal everything! Damnit, is this the ‘plenty of time’ you promised me?”

On the other side, Marvin watched the White Deers leave as he shrugged. “Two minutes should be plenty of time for you, right?”

“Remember to move your hands faster, I also get a part of these treasures.”

Owl couldn’t help but curse, “You deceitful kid, you made this Great Thief do the most dangerous work while you sit and wait for a share!”

“I am a thief, I can only steal things. But the situation has changed, Diggles is waiting for me outside! I’ve already turned from a thief snatching from the shadows to a robber stealing in plain sight!”

Marvin laughed for a bit. “Congratulations on your class advancement.”

“I believe that with your strength, holding back Diggles’ doppelganger shouldn’t be too hard.”

“But if you really can’t resist, strategic retreat is also part of the plan.”

Owl stayed silent, apparently busy snatching some more things, ignoring Marvin.

Marvin knew that Shadow Thief wasn’t a very suitable class for battle. Holding off the Evil Spirit Overlord’s doppelganger would be highly difficult.

Regardless of how long he could hold him back, his part of the plan had already been achieved.

At that time, Hathaway received his signal and cast a Teleportation Door.

He unhesitantly walked in.

As a result, he saw Diggles’ expression. It looked like Diggles wanted to eat him alive.

Despite having experienced countless storms, seeing such an angry expression on the Evil Spirit Overlord made his chest instinctively fill with apprehension.

But he had no intention to fight with Diggles. After being teleported by Hathaway, he jumped on the World Tree and went inside a hole in the trunk.

In the hole there was a pale yellow piece of thin leather calmly lying there.

Marvin went over and grabbed it.

It was time to implement the second part of the plan.

Time flew by quickly in the hidden treasure trove. As Owl put away a locked treasure chest, Diggles finally caught up to him!

He was extremely angry!

He was actually slowed down by his own defenses.

Yet he didn’t know how this vile Shadow Thief managed to bypass them and stealthily enter his own treasure trove!

This was unforgivable.

“This is my domain. If you want to steal my things, you have to be prepared to pay the price!”

Diggles’ doppelganger coldly glared at Shadow Thief Owl. “And the price is death.”

Owl bitterly laughed. “I don’t want to die.”

His body then disappeared!

Diggles coldly snorted and his doppelganger also disappeared from the treasure trove.

Two minutes later in some corner of the Underworld, Owl awkwardly fell on the ground!

Diggles was invincible on this plane.

Even someone overpowered like Inheim was also unable to harm Diggles. All he could do is barely hold his own against him.

As for Owl, he couldn’t even resist at all!

In a mere two minutes, he cut a sorry figure under the chase of Diggles’ doppelganger!

Ultimately, a flaw appeared and he was caught, almost losing his life.

‘Yup, no way I can hold that one back,’ he thought gloomily.

Then, his body suddenly split into a thousand doppelgangers!

Each doppelganger fled to the Shadow Plane, using [Shadow Travel]!

As those thousand Owls fled to the Shadow Plane, a bit more than eight hundred of them were intercepted by Diggles while the remaining hundred-something doppelgangers managed to escape!

It was a big blow to his vitality.

‘Damn, next time I won’t listen to that bastard’s sweet words!’

Owl’s heart was still furiously beating as he cautiously moved through the Shadow Plane.

This was a lot more terrifying than standing against the Ancient Red Dragon!

He had the backup of many powerhouses in Tornado Harbor and just had to play his role.

But this time he was facing the Evil Spirit Overlord’s doppelganger on his own, which was too much for him!

‘They should be about to start the second part of the plan.’

‘That Marvin really doesn’t fear death…’ Owl was thinking as he continued through the Shadow Plane.

The second part wasn’t related to him.

But he still wasn’t relieved.

Suddenly, he noticed the backs of two people ahead of him!

Owl stiffened!

He stopped moving.

The Shadow Plane was a peculiar place where space-time was distorted. He stood there and watched those two backs.

Those two people were looking in another direction.

Owl followed their line of sight and saw a Shadow Thief blinking away.

That Shadow Thief was Owl himself!

‘This is the previous me!’

Owl had a good understanding of the Shadow Plane.

He instantly understood what happened.

People were watching him, or at least that image of him, when he went through the Shadow Plane to enter the Underworld earlier.

Owl was extremely familiar with one of the two people.

It was actually that Glynos who had been humiliated by him, stripped naked!

Owl’s scalp went numb.

If this was Glynos’ avatar, then that other person…

‘No good!’

‘Marvin and the rest are in danger!’

Owl clenched his teeth and sped up, immediately returning to Feinan.

He couldn’t use the Thousand Paper Crane in the Shadow Plane.

It could only be used to communicate in a material plane. As for communication across planes, even if it could be done, it would use a lot of the Thousand Paper Crane’s lifespan. But he didn’t worry too much about that at the moment!

“Marvin! There is a situation.”

“Glynos appeared. And there is another guy. There is the symbol of the Plague God’s cult on his clothes. It’s highly likely that this is the Plague God’s avatar!”

In the World Tree, Marvin heard this news and faintly frowned.

The appearance of the Shadow Prince wasn’t too surprising. After all, this guy was completely humiliated by Owl last time, so he would definitely have some hard feelings.

But the Plague God’s avatar appearing was a bit unexpected.

Furthermore, there was another invisible threat, Bamboo. He had already considered that this operation wouldn’t escape the sight of the World Ending Twin Snakes. So many Legends gathered in one location, and many of them were great characters that were wanted by them.

When would those enemies hidden in the dark emerge? Marvin wasn’t sure.

He had prepared good strategies against them.

But the Plague God’s appearance wasn’t in his calculations.

He thought for a while and finally said a name to the Thousand Paper Crane.

Feinan. Marvin’s voice came out of the crane.

After Owl heard the name, he tried to ask something, but unfortunately the Thousand Paper Crane suddenly ignited.

It turned into a pile of ashes in the blink of an eye.

Communication across planes was something that consumed large amount of energy. Even though Owl’s Origami was a secret technique from ancient times, it couldn’t avoid this issue.

He took a deep breath. Since things had reached this stage, he could only give it a try.

He then headed southeast!

On his Supreme Throne, the furious Diggles didn’t move his main body at all from the start!

He always sent his subordinates and doppelgangers to fight.

But the current stalemate made him extremely impatient.

The World Tree’s Seed that Endless Ocean and Sky Fury were growing really gave a powerful support to the team of Legends.

Ivan and Inheim were each fighting off one doppelganger.

And Hathaway was using a Legendary item, the Candleflame Necklace, to summon twelve Fire Elementals!

These Fire Elementals were also enjoying the World Tree’s bonuses.

The Corrupt Titans emerging from the Rotting Sea one after the other were not actually real Titans. They were merely Titans’ descendants that were caught by Diggles and turned into degenerate lifeforms by Diggles by using negative energies.

Their strength were far from a real Titan’s strength. The Fire Elementals were able to barely contend against these monsters thanks to the World Tree’s bonuses.

As for the rest of the Evil Spirits, Lorant personally took care of them.

The Heavenly Deer had many abilities and they had could naturally restrain Evil Spirits. With Hathaway also casting a large scale Legendary spell to sweep them out, Diggles’ subordinates couldn’t even get close to the World Tree!

Diggles was infuriated!

Although his other doppelganger was quickly rushing back, the longer this dragged on, the worse he felt.

If these guys came to conduct a rescue, then their purpose should have already been accomplished.

So why hadn’t they tried to leave yet!?

Diggles was no fool, and he felt a bit worried.

At that time, that Ranger who hid in the tree hollow came out and stood on a branch of the World Tree.

His eyes rested on Diggles’ Supreme Throne!

Diggles’ heart sank.

Even if this didn’t feel logical, he still had a bad premonition.

Could they have already figured out the throne’s secret?

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Sir Owl just sent me some news. The Shadow Prince and Plague God’s avatars are peeping on this battle.”

“I don’t know how many others are watching from the sidelines, but we have to act fast.”

Marvin adjusted his breath and said with an extremely calm tone.

“Time to make a move!”

Chapter 237: The Throne’s Secret

p>In fact, Marvin already knew. And this was the core of the second part of his plan.

Why had Diggles never left his throne?

Because if he did, he would expose his biggest flaw!

If this flaw was exploited by Marvin, Diggles and his Decaying Plateau would be completely destroyed.

But to do this, he had to make Diggles leave his throne, or at least move it a bit.

Even if it was just a little bit, Marvin would have an opportunity.

The Legends’ hearts sank when they heard Marvin.

Marvin had warned them to expect the Shadow Prince. But they weren’t prepared to fight any other gods!

Especially the Plague God, who was an Ancient God. Although his strength was relatively weak, he had many ancient Divine Spells.

Even if it was an avatar, it would still be very troublesome to handle.

But no matter what, since they had already come to the Decaying Plateau, everyone was ready to fight to the end!

“Go!” Inheim was the first to react to Marvin’s words, sending a heavy punch at Diggles’ doppelganger.

They all nodded.

The most important moment had arrived!

Ivan and Inheim instantly disengaged from their opponents and used their formidable burst power to get past them!

They avoided Diggles’ doppelgangers and aimed at his main body!

‘They really knew!’

Diggles’ mood was terrible!

His main body definitely couldn’t leave the throne, and the throne couldn’t leave this spot!

He clenched his teeth, having his doppelgangers rush back to him. Suddenly, a dragon chant echoed through the Underworld!

To the shock of Diggles and the countless Evil Spirits, Sky Fury, who had been silently pouring magic into the World Tree, erupted!

He left Endless Ocean and leapt high in the air.

His body changed multiple times. In the blink of an eye, the Underworld lost a Great Druid, but gained a huge Bronze Dragon!

This was Sky Fury’s ultimate Shapeshifting skill, Bronze Dragon.

Bronze Dragons were also powerful and wise like Copper Dragons, very different from the evil Chromatic Dragons.

The Bronze Dragon swept down and used his Dragon Breath, ending who knew how many Evil Spirits.

At the same time, it also stopped a doppelganger in its tracks!

The Bronze Dragon grabbed it directly and began the most primitive kind of melee battle!

The World Tree was now handled by Endless Ocean alone causing the pressure on her to sharply increase.

Hathaway and the White Deer Holy Spirit kept clearing away the surrounding Evil Spirits.

The roiling ashes kept swallowing countless Evil Spirit powerhouses and ruthlessly ended them.

Diggles could only condense a maximum of three doppelgangers. One was hurrying back from the treasure vault, the second was tangled with the Bronze Dragon, and as for the third…

Ivan didn’t turn around as he directly threw his Glorious Wind back!

He recited a strange and difficult incantation out loud.

Then, Glorious Wind began to twist and turned into a copy of Ivan!

This was the strongest secret of one of the Nine Elven Swords!

Glorious Wind transformed into a copy of Ivan with about 90% of his strength, more than enough to stall that third doppelganger.

Thus, Diggles’ main body was about to face the Elven War Saint and the Legend Monk challenging him to a melee fight.

In an instant, Ivan and Inheim, one left and one right, arrived above the throne!

While feeling extremely gloomy, Diggles condensed a large amount of negative energy on his body.

He was gathering the energies of the entire plane!

He condensed the same three-layered barriers from before. He didn’t believe these two mortals would be able to break his barriers!

After all, Inheim’s Meteor Fall had only been able to destroy one barrier!

But everything that followed was totally out of his expectations!

Ivan and Inheim didn’t attack. Instead, many coils of ropes suddenly appeared in their hands.

It was no ordinary Wishful Rope, but an extremely tough and durable one mixed with fine gold, called [Prisoner Rope].

Rumor was that the High Elves used it to imprison Ancient Giants!

The two caught Diggles’ off guard and before he knew it, the Prisoner Rope already surrounded the entire barrier around the throne!

‘What are they planning!’

Diggles angrily made a move. His frightening power condensed into two pure fists, one going left and one right.

Ivan and Inheim nimbly dodged.

The next second, the two ran away in the same direction while pulling the rope!

But rather than forcefully pull, they chose another method.

‘Pulling me off my throne?’

‘Such a joke!’ Diggles felt like laughing.

These two guys were definitely brainless! To try to drag him away with their strength?

But the next second, Diggles turned green!

The two ran for some distance while increasing the rope’s length! The rope tied around the throne split into several as six shadows began to gradually condense!

Someone else had come!

Diggles couldn’t help but curse. Today’s Decaying Plateau was unusually lively.

He wanted to stop them from entering, but he found out that the other side didn’t come through a space-time crack.

This was a Summoning skill.

Ivan had his right hand on his chest as he chanted in a low voice.

The six shadows as tall as mountains each grabbed one of the messy ropes and wrapped it around their hands in circles.

This truly frightened Diggles!

Stone Giants!

It was actually six elite Stone Giants!

“Long time no see.” Ivan smiled proudly.

He wasn’t just a freeloader in the Stone Giant territory!

Before he left, the Stone Giant Leader gifted him a summoning badge. Regardless of where he was, he could summon six elite Stone Giants to help him.

“Please, get that guy down from his tattered chair!” Ivan shouted.

The Stone Giants slowly nodded.

They moved in one direction, slowly pulling on the Prisoner Rope with all their strength!

“Krrr!” To Diggles’ disbelief, his throne moved one centimeter to the right!

One centimeter was enough.

Everyone looked below the throne.

What was the secret under the throne?

“We should make a move!” The Shadow Prince grew more and more impatient. “I don’t know what secret is hidden under Diggles’ throne, but it looks like the humans have the advantage.”

The Plague God hesitated. “It’s better to wait, Diggles has yet to go all out.”

“Let’s first take a look at what’s under that throne!”

Glynos could only helplessly restrain his temper and watch.

Despite only moving one centimeter, a strong change appeared under Diggles’ throne.

A strange halo was emitted from below.

That was a hole with a vortex within.

Inside that hole was an unknown world and apart from Diggles and Marvin, no one knew this world’s secret.

No one knew that as the Overlord of the Decaying Plateau, Diggles had actually linked his own plane with the World Tree!

He drew power from the World Tree to let the Decaying Plateau mature and grow stronger, and for that, he took many risks. In any case, the Ancient Nature God had already been slumbering for a very long time, so no one was taking care of the World Tree.

As long as he subdued this entrance, it was absolutely safe, and he could enjoy the World Tree’s power up till the Ancient Nature God awakened.

And by that day, his power might already be stronger than the other party’s. His ambitions would have long since been achieved.

When the time came, the whole universe would be serving under his foot.

He thought that no one knew of his plan, but because of Marvin’s appearance and a bit of carelessness…

The moment the throne moved, Marvin made his move!

He wore the previously prepared Time Molt and disappeared.

With the help of this artifact, he directly drilled in!

Diggles was once again startled and furious as he saw this. He hadn’t thought that this seemingly weak Ranger was actually the key of the enemies’ plan!

The Shadow Prince and the Plague God were also stunned!

They hadn’t thought Diggles would be so daring.

He had actually peeled off the Decaying Plateau from the Evil Spirit Sea and then grafted it to the World Tree, thus drawing power from the World Tree secretly!

It was true that this kind of method would increase the Decaying Plateau’s plane strength, but this was extremely dangerous.

Because the World Tree was part of the Ancient Nature God’s domain, and the Ancient Nature God had an artifact called Golden Scissors!


All the Legends were happy about it!

Even Inheim who usually never smiled was also smirking.

Him and Ivan attracting Diggles’ attention was Marvin’s plan.

Even a god’s attention would be limited. It becomes difficult to focus on other things when you are already focusing on what you believe to be the greatest threat.

Then the six elite Stone Giants had suddenly appeared.

Their goal was to move Diggles’ throne, even if it was one centimeter!

And this one centimeter was enough to ruin Diggles and the entire Decaying Plateau!


Diggles loud roar echoed throughout the entire Decaying Plateau!

He felt an unprecedented threat. He couldn’t enter the vortex because only those who had the Ancient Nature God’s token could enter!

Marvin held the Golden Scissors.

Everyone else couldn’t enter!

He was already going crazy!

“If I have to wait for my destruction, then don’t you think of leaving here alive!”

In an instant, the world turned dark!

The entire plane began to rapidly heat up, to the point of melting!

Diggles walked down from his throne!

“No good! He is going to fight with his life on the line!” The White Deer Holy Spirit loudly reminded, “We should retreat!”

The Rainbow Stone suddenly blossomed with seven-colored light and opened a planar passage.

They all planned on withdrawing, but suddenly, a forceful power emerged out of nowhere and cut the passage created by the Rainbow Stone.

It was Divine Power!

The Plague God chuckled as he left the Shadow Plane.

“Diggles, I never thought we would be cooperating one day.”

Chapter 238: The Fall of a World!

p>Plague God!

The six Legends slowly retreated, forming a defensive perimeter in front of the small World Tree, cautiously watching the hysterical Diggles and the Plague God who had so suddenly appeared.

That guy actually used his Divine Power to sever the rainbow passage.

This was the ability of an Ancient God.

Diggles coldly watched the Plague God. As an Evil Spirit Overlord, he clearly didn’t have a favorable opinion of gods.

But in the face of that small team of Legends, he would rather cooperate with the Plague God!

“We have the same goal, don’t we?” The Plague God looked at Hathaway among the Legends while smiling. “Before they are dead, we won’t be enemies.”

Diggles was silent. At that time, his third doppelganger finally arrived.

The three doppelgangers and his main body completely surrounded the small World Tree.

And the Plague God was coldly looking at Hathaway from the sidelines. His target was clear!

He wanted to deal with this Seer while she was on this plane!

This would greatly increase his position in the Gods’ Assembly.

‘What can we do?’

That question flashed in the Legends’ hearts.

The Rainbow Stone was able to open a path to Feinan, but they couldn’t use it because of the Plague God!

And even if the small World Tree could support them, it wouldn’t last forever.

It would at most last for only a little while longer.

What’s more, Diggles’ main body already left his throne, as there was no point in him guarding it anymore. The six Legends’ odds weren’t good.

Retreat? They had no way out.

Their only hope now was Marvin!

“This is unexpected.” Lorant shook his head. “Sir Plague God, why are you associating with the Evil Spirits?”

The Plague God chuckled. “Lorant, long time no see. I have no enmity toward you. Only toward that Witch, I have a bit of a grudge to settle with her. If you hand her over, I swear I won’t get further involved in this matter.”

“You can fight with Diggles to your heart’s content.”

Hathaway’s complexion blanched.

She already knew that she had attracted the attention of the Shadow Prince, but she hadn’t expected that even the Plague God was interested in her.

These gods were all itching to get rid of her.

But she wasn’t scared. Marvin had suggested that she should sit out this time, yet she still insisted to come.

Since she came, she would fight.

What’s more, since that guy said he had a way, he would definitely have a way!

Hathaway’s eyes were filled with resolve.

“We won’t give up on anyone.”

Inheim took a step forward and coldly glared at the Plague God. “Even if I’m the only one able to escape today, your power in Feinan will suffer a huge blow.”

‘What about that sneaky guy?’ Hathaway thought. She then suddenly yelled, “Careful!”

A shadow suddenly appeared behind Inheim!

Glynos’ expression was extremely sinister.

“You still think you can escape? Only by relying on your pair of Void Boots?”

“Do you think this is Feinan? I can only display a third of my strength there!”

“But this place is a lower plane, so enjoy it, Inheim!”

The other Legends wanted to give a hand when Glynos’ voice resounded, but it was already too late.

His Nightfall directly pierced the Monk’s back!

Inheim had an expression of complete disbelief!

The Shadow Prince sneak attacked him and he didn’t notice him at all!

“I’m very sorry, I tricked your perception.” The Plague God was still keeping his trademark smile as a brown shadow had appeared behind Inheim without him noticing.

This was the Plague God’s Divine Spell, which could substantially reduce a Monk’s perception.

All he did was simply cover up the Shadow Prince’s sneak attack.

“Fuck off!” Ivan angrily rushed over.

Succeeding in his attack, Glynos sneered and disappeared.

Inheim’s heart had been pierced by [Nightfall]. He was dying!

Even though he had long since ceased to be mortal, and his body had no vitals, he was still left on the brink of death by the Shadow Prince’s sneak attack!

“Ivan, come back quick!” Endless Ocean loudly called.

Ivan grabbed Inheim and quickly returned above the small World Tree.

“Backs against the small World Tree! He cannot launch a sneak attack from inside it!” Endless Ocean reminded them.

They had heavy complexions. Despite there only being three opponents, two of them were low god powerhouses!

Moreover, there was also Diggles’ main body.

The Shadow Prince was hiding in the Shadow Plane to sneak attack, and the Plague God, this smiling bastard, was the most frightening!

He could silently put curses on people, making them unable to resist an attack.

“Miss Hathaway, your existence is a mistake.”

The Plague God slowly extended his right hand and pointed at Hathaway as he gently declared, “You should die.”

Boundless Divine Power suddenly condensed.

Hathaway looked at this Divine Power in horror. The Plague God was definitely using a frightening Ancient Divine Spell!

What could be done?

Among the six Legends, the strongest, Inheim, was already on the brink of death. The straight dagger Nightfall inflicted a large amount of curses on his body. For him to be able to stay alive thus far was already a wonder!

Lorant and Endless Ocean tried to dispel the curses on his body, but it had nearly no effect.

Diggles moved forward from all directions, resolutely setting foot in the World Tree’s halo.

He intended to go all out!

“Go.” The Plague God faintly smiled.

A dull gray light shot out of his fingertips, completely locked on Hathaway!

‘I have to stake it all!’ Hathaway clenched her teeth and firmly thought of using a Legendary Spell she had yet to finish researching to block that attack.

Suddenly, the entire Decaying Plateau shook severely!


Diggles couldn’t help but howl in grief. He seemed to be in extreme pain, his main body and his doppelgangers all kneeling on the ground!

Then, countless cracks appeared on the Decaying Plateau.

The dull gray light shot by the Plague God was swallowed by a crack that suddenly appeared.

“This is…”

“That kid!”

“How could it be so fast!”

The Plague God suddenly shivered. That kid managed to find the Decaying Plateau among all those boundless leafy branches?!

This was something impossible even for gods!

But regardless of how unimaginable he thought that was, the entire Decaying Plateau truly showed signs of collapse!

The sky was also showing signs of collapse.



Diggles bellowed toward the sky, but it was too late.

What Marvin saw after going through the vortex was a tree spawning the whole multiverse.

This was the real World Tree. This place was the domain of the Ancient Nature God and apart from him, no one could enter.

The World Tree took root in Feinan and they extended downward through Feinan Continent. The God Realms as well as the lower planes were leaves on leafy branches.

Each leaf represented a plane.

The Ancient Nature God had a treasure, the Golden Scissors.

The Golden Scissors were formed naturally. Rumor was that before the World Tree was born, there were twelve scissors.

Before going into a slumber, the Ancient Nature God already used ten of them.

This was the eleventh.

Indeed, cutting a leaf was equivalent to cutting a plane, and each of the Golden Scissors could only be used once.

In front of the huge World Tree, Marvin could feel the peaceful surroundings.

This was actually the real World Tree.

Those Druids from the Migratory Bird Council thought the small part growing in Feinan was the World Tree. But in fact, it was only a leafy branch of the World Tree passing through Feinan.

There were still many branches in Feinan’s surroundings and each of them represented secondary planes.

They were absorbing nutrition from the World Tree as they kept growing.

As for the Nature Leaves who could teach spells to Rangers, it only grew on a special branch.

That was the World Tree.

This huge tree in front of Marvin was the World Tree supporting the entire multiverse.

It was said that even the Ancient Nature God himself didn’t fully grasp all the secrets of this World Tree.

He once ridiculed himself, saying he was only an arborist in charge of pruning branches.

Marvin followed the twisted roots and soon arrived at that leaf.

Despite it being small, its ash-black color made it distinguishable from the others.

This was Diggles’ Decaying Plateau.

That guy had recklessly grafted his own plane to the World Tree.

Unfortunately, this had some consequences. If someone had the Golden Scissors, they could cut down that rotten leaf!

Marvin took a deep breath and then bent down.

The Golden Scissors glistened in the darkness of the void.

The next second, the scissors cut across that leaf!


A third of the leaf was cut.

‘Quite tough…’ Marvin firmly held the Golden Scissors and sent some more power!

“This world is going to fall, we have to leave immediately!”

Feeling the changes of the entire plane, Endless Ocean reminded everyone.

“Leave? You are thinking of leaving?”

Diggles who was in extreme pain watched the six Legends with red eyes. “I want all of you to be buried with me!”

The rainbow passage opened once again, as Lorant’s face paled, preparing for a final battle.

But the tunnel was instantly closed by the Plague God!

“Sorry, you can’t run away.”

The Plague God sneered, “I want you to die with that guy.”

Then, he and Glynos disappeared in the Underworld!

They didn’t leave, and were in the surroundings, making sure those six Legends couldn’t return to Feinan!

“Let these foolish mortals perish together with the Decaying Plateau!” The Plague God was floating in the air while smiling.

But then a smooth voice resounded in their hearts. “Glynos, Ann Maria, long time no see.”

The Shadow Prince and the Plague God glanced at each other, and their bodies couldn’t help but shiver out of fear!

Then, a huge shadow quickly descended.

The two gods were like ants in front of that newcomer.

Chapter 239: Plane Destroyer

p>”You… You dare to leave Feinan!” The Plague God turned his body and forced himself to stay calm.

Losing an avatar would be quite painful, but with how things had developed, he couldn’t do anything about it.

What surprised him though was that this huge silhouette in front of him actually dared to leave Feinan, dared to leave the protection of the Universe Magic Pool!

“What’s wrong? Is it because I haven’t gone out in many years?”

A handsome man slowly walked out from the middle of the huge shadow.

Great Elven King.

He wasn’t wearing a crown this time. He wore simple clothes, but for the two gods, he was emitting endless pressure.

“What’s more, what happens under that layer of fog is always unexpected,” the Great Elven King slowly said.

The Plague God and the Shadow Prince glanced at each other, and then the two silhouette immediately disappeared!

They split up!

With this monster appearing, they could only run away!

Nicholas wasn’t surprised or angry. He only firmly looked at the stunned Ivan and softly sighed.

His expression while looking at Ivan was full of emotions for the first time, but Ivan still couldn’t understand what his father’s expression meant.

The next second, the huge shadow behind Nicholas suddenly moved.

Its hands flew to both sides of the void!


“That fog suddenly appeared without warning, we can’t see anything.”

In the God Realms, countless gods were spiritedly discussing.

In fact, ever since Marvin started to cut that World Tree’s leaf, the gods in the God Realms sensed something!

All the gods had high Perception. Even if they weren’t like the Ancient Nature God who could work on the World Tree’s branches, they could still notice some things.

Thus they immediately found the source.

A small team of Legends attacked the Decaying Plateau, Stone Giants pulled Diggles’ throne, and a young mortal entered the vortex…

These shocking events happened right under their noses.

And Marvin’s move shocked these gods even more!

An insignificant mortal who wasn’t even a Legend actually dared to do something like that?

He destroyed a plane! That guy’s courage and temperament didn’t match his strength!

Some smart gods tried to find knowledge on Marvin.

But they were surprised to find that they could only get surface information about Marvin.

They could only find rumors about him from Feinan’s inhabitants.

They wanted to use divination type skills to learn more about him, but they were blocked by that vile fog.

This was strange.

But for the Gods, the one they felt they had to pay more attention to was still Hathaway.

This was currently the only Seer they had confirmation on in Feinan. In the various gods’ eyes, this operation was highly likely planned by the Seer Hathaway. And Marvin was only a young guy used to draw attention.

He was only an insignificant mortal after all.

There was too much of a gap between Legends and non-Legends after all.

Mortals beneath the Legend rank were mere ants in front of gods. As for Legends, they had already more or less evolved to a rabbit that could bite.

As for some of the peak existences above Legends, even the gods were forced to admit that they were already qualified to fight them.

When they saw the Plague God and the Shadow Prince’s avatars descending, they were looking forward to a show.

After all, even if those guys’ fighting strength was only average among the gods, they could display pretty good strength in the Underworld. Along with the hysterical Diggles, eliminating this team of Legends shouldn’t be a problem.

Who could have thought that as the Plague God Ann Maria kept interrupting the Heavenly Deer’s portal, their view would suddenly get cut off!

It was that hateful fog once again!

The gods were in a bad mood.

This fog seemed to be lingering between Feinan and the God Realms and would occasionally appear. Even their perception couldn’t see through it.

It had conveniently appeared after the disappearance of the Wizard God.

The fog apparently emerged each time something important was happening.

“What’s happening in the lower plane?”

“How about we condense an avatar to check?” a few gods whispered.

“Stupid, do you want it to be buried with Diggles’ Decaying Plateau?” A cold voice echoed among the God Realms.

The Dream God.

He deeply said, “Something like the fog can obstruct our sight, but it is unable to block our brains.”

“Someone is going to suffer.”


Because of the Great Elven King’s appearance, the situation changed once again.

The shadow behind him was extremely powerful and managed to block Diggles’ attack on its own.

And those two hands that rushed toward the void soon returned!

In the left hand was Shadow Prince Glynos.

In the right hand was Plague God Ann Maria.

“You can kill our avatars, but you won’t be able to stop fate!”

“Nicholas, even if you are powerful, you can’t resist the gods!”

The two yelled in frustration!

“Noisy,” the Great Elven King calmly dismissed.

Then the two hands lightly clenched.



Two sound echoed as the gods’ avatars were popped by the Great Elven King.


Even if the Legends couldn’t see clearly that shadow behind Nicholas they felt sincere reverence!

One man could block Diggles and easily kill the Shadow Prince and Plague God’s avatars, alone.

How powerful was that!?

But they also thought of something: If he was so powerful, why did he always stay in Thousand Leaves Forest and almost never leave?

But they didn’t have time to think too much about it.

Diggles’ crazy roar echoed.

He already felt very desperate!

He wanted to bury them with him, but was ruthlessly denied by the Great Elven King.

Under the effects of the plane’s power, the small World Tree started to wither. Sky Fury and Endless Ocean were unable to stop it.

“Let’s go,” Nicholas said.

Before they could react, a huge hand wrapped around them.

The world abruptly spun, creating a space-time distortion!

They returned to Feinan from the Decaying Plateau in a split second!

The first person that appeared in front of them was actually Shadow Thief Owl.

“Are you okay?” Owl saw the dying Inheim and was startled, not sure what he should say.

This Legend Monk was their strongest guy!

“Take him to get treated. The Migratory Bird Council’s Mother of Creation should be able to deal with the curses on his body.”

“Welcome to Thousand Leaves Forest.” Nicholas said those few sentences, turned and walked away. He soon disappeared in the depths of the forest.

A few Elves were waiting on the side to wait upon them. Among them was Ivan’s old acquaintance, Ollie.

“The Great Elven King is really as unapproachable as the rumors say,” said Owl with a bitter smile. “When Marvin told me to go look for him, I doubted whether he would make a move or not…”

Hold on!

They all froze.

“Didn’t we forget someone…” White Deer Holy Spirit Lorant said with difficulty.

“Marvin!” Hathaway suddenly raised her head.

Then, an illusion appeared in Feinan’s sky!

All of Feinan’s living beings could feel their hearts beating faster.

This feeling was similar to what happened through the East Coast when Anthony died, but this time, it happened throughout Feinan.

From the East Coast to the western Dead Area, from the White River Valley to the northern cities.

The entire continent’s intelligent lifeforms lifted their heads in shock.

An illusory scene was displayed in the sky that they wouldn’t be able to forget for the rest of their lives!

They saw a youth completely focused on the Golden Scissors in his hands working hard to cut a rotten leaf!

They could see an unfathomably huge tree, and everyone who saw it was filled with reverence.

But what made them feel strange was that the leaf was actually really tough. The youth was using all his strength but could only cut it bit by bit!

Suddenly, more information filled their brains.

They understood.

Countless patterns were reflected on that leaf, the Evil Spirit Overlord’s roar, the countless Evil Spirits running about…

And above that leaf was an emerald leaf full of vitality. Countless people were reflected on the leaf, hurrying about.

That was Feinan.

This strange scene spread through the entire continent. Some people thought they saw a miracle and thus kowtowed.

Some believed it was an hallucination.

And many more thought of those old hero stories.

Among those stories, such an event would happen when the greatest hero protected Feinan from the evil entities trying to invade it!

Rocky Mountain.

On the tallest Mountain Peak, three purple-haired sisters were standing shoulder to shoulder, dazedly looking at this scene.

“Marvin…” Kate whispered.

“You know him?” asked the woman with an heroic aura in surprise. “I’ve never heard you mention him.”

Facing her older sister’s question, Kate didn’t know how to answer.

After a while, she said, hesitant, “We had some contact. He should be a good man, kind-hearted.”

“Kind-hearted,” the woman sneered, “Do you know what he is doing right now?”

“He is destroying a plane! A Plane Destroyer, tskk, how could it be related to being kind-hearted?”

Kate was speechless.

At that time, the youngest girl interrupted, “But I think he is very handsome.”

“He is obviously weak, but he still managed to do something so world-shaking. Doesn’t that make him handsome?”

The little girl opened her adorable eyes and looked at her two older sisters.

The two were speechless. After a long time, the eldest patted her younger sister’s head and said unwillingly, “Well, I have to admit that he has some courage.”

“In that case, should I put him on my fiancé list?”

Chapter 240: Astral Beast!

p>White River Valley. Everyone was looking at the scene in the sky, astonished.

“Heavens, isn’t that our Overlord Marvin?”

“Lord Marvin became a god?”

“How did he go to the sky!”

Ordinary people simply couldn’t know what happened.

They only foolishly looked at Marvin’s face in the sky.

Anna and Wayne were also extremely shocked.

“Brother… What is he doing?”

Even though he was a Seer, Wayne also didn’t understand Marvin’s actions.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat for no reason!

“No good! Brother is in danger!” Wayne abruptly said.

“Danger? What Danger?” A gentle voice could be heard behind him.


The future Ice Empress slowly walked over and leisurely looked at the sky while mumbling, “That guy really… Making such a commotion.”

“What kind of method did that guy use to go up the World Tree…”

“That isn’t a place just anyone can visit. There probably won’t be any danger for Marvin.”

Wayne’s expression relaxed somewhat.


“You have to trust me, Wayne!” Daniela confidently pinched his cheek, making his face redden.

“Furthermore, you have to believe in your elder brother. He is the most unpredictable person I’ve ever met. Since he dares to do something like that, he certainly made proper preparations.”

“If you have questions, wait for his return.”

Anna had a strange feeling as she listened to Wayne and Daniela’s discussion.

‘You must return safely,’ she prayed silently.

There were endless debates throughout Feinan about the appearance of this strange scene.

Marvin was still working hard at cutting that rotten leaf from the World Tree!

Destroying a plane wasn’t easy.

Not everyone could hold the scissors and cut away the Decaying Plateau.

The Golden Scissors were an artifact, and the minimum requirement to wield them was to have a Divine Fragment.

And Marvin had that Divine Fragment from the Crimson Patriarch, thus fulfilling the requirement.

Even so, cutting off a plane was different from cutting off a leaf.

When Diggles grafted the Decaying Plateau to the World Tree, he made a lot of preparations and protective measures.

This made it very strenuous for Marvin.

In no less than half an hour, he cut about three quarters of the base of the leaf.

And he had been sweating for quite a while!

‘Damn! Seems like the World Tree had already linked with the Decaying Plateau. During that game trailer, the Ancient Nature God used the Golden Scissors and with one snap, a world fell. It looked so easy.’

‘Why does this Lord have so much trouble!’ He felt a bit annoyed.

But Marvin knew that his strength couldn’t be compared with the Ancient Nature God’s.

He was able to cut three quarters so far simply by relying on the effect of the Golden Scissors.

If it was another plane, even a common secondary plane, the Golden Scissors wouldn’t work!

He couldn’t even open a hole in Feinan.

The Decaying Plateau originated from the Evil Spirit Sea, allowing Marvin could take advantage of this to separate it.

‘[Plane Destroyer], I never had this title before.’

‘With the fall of Diggles and this outpost of the Underworld, a lot fewer innocents would die during the Great Calamity.’

Marvin thought of this and then sighed, before going back to work.

In his eyes, Diggles and his plane had long been doomed to destruction.

The entire Decaying Plateau was already tilting downward from the gravitational pull of the Void.

Once Marvin cut the Decaying Plateau, Diggles couldn’t do anything to reconnect it to the Evil Spirit Sea, and under the pull of the Void, Diggles and millions of Evil Spirits would perish!

They would enter the ice-cold Void and would never be able to return.

This was the terror of the Void.

Thousand Leaves Forest.

The group of Legends was watching Marvin’s actions nervously.

Inheim had already left for the north with the help of Sky Fury, seeking the help of another Great Druid, Mother of Creation.

The others spent a lot of energy in the battle, but weren’t injured.

“We need a way to bring Marvin’s back!” White Deer Holy Spirit Lorant said resolutely. “He won’t be able to return from the World Tree on his own.”

“But what can we do?” asked Endless Ocean helplessly. “Your Rainbow Stone already stopped working.”

Owl stayed silent for a moment and then vanished.

After a moment he reappeared and said in disappointment, “The Decaying Plateau doesn’t overlap with the Shadow Plane anymore.”

“I can’t enter the Decaying Plateau, I can’t bring Marvin back.”

They all looked at each other in dismay. No one had expected this outcome.

Originally, the plan was for Marvin to quickly cut the leaf before returning to the Decaying Plateau to leave with everyone.

Such unexpected variables had come up.

The Plague God’s appearance almost wiped out the team of Legends, and Marvin hadn’t expected the leaf to be so hard to cut!

He had spent more or less forty minutes by now and the scene in the sky was still flickering faintly.

Everyone could see that Marvin had already cut about four-fifths of the way through and that it was getting harder with time, probably due to exhaustion.

Just a bit more and the Decaying Plateau would be cut off from the multiverse!

And Diggles’ name would become history!

Marvin would truly become a hero.

But… The hero would most likely be unable to return after completing his mission.

This was something they didn’t want to see.

They all looked at each other in dismay, their gazes ultimately settling on Ivan.

Ivan forced a smile and slowly stood up.

“I’ll give it a try,” he said with uncertainty.

“You Highness Ivan…” said Ollie worriedly, “I’m afraid that King Nicholas is unwilling to see you right now.”

Ivan frowned, “Why?”

“He just gave me an order not to let anyone disturb him!”

Ollie had an awkward expression on her face.

“I’m not anyone, I’m his son!” Ivan coldly retorted to Ollie and then rushed toward the depths of Thousand Leaves Forest.

They were all silent.

They all knew the father-son relationship between Ivan and the Great Elven King was extremely bad, but from the way Ivan acted, they could clearly see how important Marvin was to him.

In any case, he had to try.

Following his heart’s perception, Ivan quickly walked through Thousand Leaves Forest.

He finally arrived at a secret area in the depths of the forest.

What surprised him was that no one was there to send him away.

He frowned and walked forward, only to see a lake in the center of the secret grounds.

The Great Elven King Nicholas was soaking in the lake, completely naked!

“Father…” Ivan didn’t know what to say.

The Great Elven King slowly turned toward him.

His waist was underwater, and drops of water trickled down his pure white skin. But what shocked Ivan was that on his chest there was a constantly burning hole!

That hole was shockingly expanding!


“What happened to you?!”

Ivan abruptly started to rush over.

“Stop,” Nicholas firmly said.

Ivan stopped.

He dazedly looked at the Great Elven King. Ever since he was a child, Nicholas had always been invincible in his eyes. He was imposing and no one could injure him!

He was so awe-inspiring, always at the top, never tired, afraid, or confused.

But the Great Elven King’s face was currently filled with exhaustion!

Gray hair could be seen appearing near his temples.

A frightening flame was still lingering on that hole in his chest, constantly destroying the Great Elven King’s body.

“Close your eyes, turn around, and leave.” Nicholas’ voice was still cold but the fatigue could be felt from it.

“I might need to sleep for some time.”

“And you are still an exiled elf, please leave.”

“I once told you, don’t come back before you have truly matured. I can still see childish ignorance on your body.”

“Ivan… You have really let me down.” His voice gradually sank in the lake as he slowly submerged his body, ultimately disappearing.”

Ivan stood by the lake in a daze, looking at the shadow of the Great Elven King, and then looking up at Marvin’s struggling expression. A lonely expression appeared on his face.

God Realm, a secret discussion.

“Thanks to those two fools, Ann Maria and Glynos, Nicholas was actually drawn out.”

“Yeah, Nicholas had been hiding in Thousand Leaves Forest for so many years, I didn’t expect that he would actually be unable to hold back and leave Feinan, giving us a chance.”

“Your [Flaming Divine Spear] directly pierced his heart. He won’t be able to recover for a few decades.”

“The threat has been reduced quite a bit.”

On the World Tree, through Marvin’s tireless efforts, he finally reached the final step!

He took a deep breath, his forehead covered in sweat.

And the Golden Scissors also started to become faint because they were about to finish their task. They might disappear anytime now!

Marvin clenched his teeth and was about to start the final snap, to completely destroy the Decaying Plateau.

But unexpectedly, as he focused on the leaf, he noticed something below.

There was a huge shadow coming from far away.

It came from the Void!


Marvin took a deep breath.

It was an Astral Beast!

It had been drifting at the border of the Void!

It slowly raised its head and coldly looked toward Marvin.

Marvin froze, and his hands stopped moving!

Chapter 241: The Fall of a Hero?

p>People referred to the emptiness between planes as the Astral Plane.

The Astral Plane wasn’t completely empty, with many tenacious species living there, such as God Spawns, and all kinds of Beholders.

And the Astral Beast was one of the most frightening creatures of the Astral Plane.

The body of an adult Astral Beast could be so huge that it could be comparable in size with a small plane.

And they were stronger than Dragons at birth. In the multiverse, Astral Beasts were clearly at the top of the food chain.

They would slowly eat bits of the discarded planes.

But those were the ordinary Astral Beasts.

This Astral Beast was even bigger than the ordinary Astral Beasts.

It had left the boundary of the Void, meaning that it was able to resist the gravitational pull of the Void.

This was very unusual for an Astral Beast.

Marvin took a deep breath and relaxed.

‘That Astral Beast is most likely the one that would try to eat Feinan after the collapse of the Universe Magic Pool!’

‘At that time, the collapse of the Universe Magic Pool sent signals in all directions. This Astral Beast thought it was the sign of a plane being discarded and intended to rush over to take advantage of it.’

‘Fortunately, those gods had a treasure able to kill an Astral Beast. The funny thing was that this treasure was actually left behind by Lance the Wizard God.”

“These gods must have known and still boldly used it.”

A lot of information related to the Astral Beast and the Void flashed through Marvin’s mind.

Most of the content of the game happened in the vast Feinan with its endless content, giving players an interesting game world, but from the words of various natives, and the lore of many quests, it could be seen that this world wasn’t simply limited to Feinan.

Feinan was only the center stage. A lot of people wanted to reach this stage because of its extreme charm.

They were going all out for this.

Demons Evil Spirits, Devils… and even gods!

The gap between planes was called the Astral Plane.

And below all the worlds, at the roots of the World Tree, there was an even more silent place.

That was the Void.

The depths of the Void had some kind of natural gravitational force. Things that couldn’t resist its attraction would fall.

Things like old discarded planes. They might have been born from the World Tree, but after experiencing countless periods of rise and fall, these planes gradually died and were slowly discarded.

They would automatically fall off of the World Tree and plummet into the abyss of the Void.

The Decaying Plateau was clearly not a dead plane. Its connection to the World Tree was artificially severed.

But its ending was the same because very rarely would something be able to resist the Void’s gravitational force. Thus, the Decaying Plateau was unable to escape its fate!

It wasn’t only limited to the Decaying Plateau. It was the same for many God Realms.

Above Feinan was the Astral Sea. It was a relatively distorted world where gods could establish their own God Realm and start spreading their own religions and nurture followers throughout various planes.

They would use their own power to resist the Void’s gravitational pull, and at the same time, with the help of these God Realms, the gravitational pressure would be a lot weaker.

But gods would inevitably die.

At this time, without the support of Divine Power, the God Realm would fall.

The Realms of these dead gods would also fall from the Astral Sea.

Even if some slumbering gods left enough Divine Power to resist this gravitational force before going into slumber, their God Realm could also fall because they didn’t plan their awakening well.

If they didn’t awaken in time, then their God Realm might fall into the Abyss, Hell, or even the Void.

The God of Wealth for example, was sabotaged during his slumber. He was unable to awaken on time and could only sleep as his God Realm fell.

His God Realm was buried along with him.

This Astral Beast’s body was half as big as Feinan. The reason Marvin could have such a clear look was because the space-time around the World Tree was distorted.

His body hadn’t changed.

But in his view, Feinan was a tree leaf while the monster below it seemed smaller.

It had countless pairs of eyes and was looking around, like a predator looking for its prey.

Its gaze made people shiver because it actually stood for destruction.

But Marvin knew that the Astral Beast wasn’t actually looking at him; it was simply curiously looking up.

He didn’t know how far the distance between them was, but if it wanted to enter Feinan, it would have to use up a lot of energy. Furthermore, there were many planes in the multiverse that were under the protection of the World Tree, so it wouldn’t be easy to find. Without huge movements to lead it there, the huge beast wouldn’t find them.

The beast was very powerful, but it was like a blind person in a vast and darm multiverse. If not for the explosion of the Universe Magic Pool, it simply couldn’t have found this place.

Thinking of this, Marvin made a decision.

He began resolutely using all his remaining strength to finish cutting the Decaying Plateau!

Suddenly, Diggles’ voice echoed besides his ear!

“Despicable Marvin! I curse you! I want you to carry the curse with the power of an entire world!”

Marvin was startled.

That rotten leaf quietly floated down from the World Tree.

In Feinan, people were still looking at the scene in the sky, startled.

The originally azure sky turned somewhat green. They saw a huge amount of monsters howling in grief, they saw their struggle as their world crumbled, they saw Diggles cursing hysterically… and they saw Marvin’s grave face.

At that moment, everyone in Feinan understood Marvin’s actions.

He destroyed one of the Evil Spirits’ worlds.

He brought peace back to Feinan, which had been suffering from the invasions of the Decaying Plateau.

He was a hero.

This feeling rose up in all of the common people of Feinan.

And all of East Coast was in an uproar.

Even if the people in the north had no clue who this youth was, East Coast’s inhabitants already knew about that Magical Marvin whose name had been resounding for a while.

“Long live Lord Marvin!”

People were cheering in the streets of Tornado Harbor.

“Great Hero Marvin!”

Noble ladies’ gazes were heating up as they foolishly looked at Marvin in the sky.

A feelling of happiness spread through the majority of the people.

The depressing feeling that had plagued them ever since Anthony’s death had lightened quite a bit.

Because, with the Decaying Plateau’s fall, Feinan’s atmosphere seemed to be a lot cleaner.

All of this, in everyone’s eyes, was thanks to Marvin!

On the World Tree, Marvin’s logs kept popping.

His Fame had already raised extremely high!

And it wasn’t just Region Fame, it was World Fame, and there was even Multiverse Fame!

This meant that not only Feinan’s inhabitants knew of Marvin, but even the gods started to pay attention to this guy who destroyed a plane!

Marvin was also a bit excited.

This Fame had advantages and disadvantages, but after he successfully returned to Feinan, and if he carefully used it, it would definitely be advantageous overall.

‘Hero Marvin.This is quite pleasant to hear.’

‘With the power to gather people like that, along with enough strength, it might be possible to gather most of the forces of Feinan after the Great Calamity.’

‘I want these gods’ schemes to be fruitless!’

As he thought of this, the Decaying Plateau fell near the Evil Spirit Sea.

Diggles tried to use his power to support the Decaying Plateau and let it merge with the Evil Spirit Sea once again, but this was already impossible.

Its descent was too quick because of the Void’s attraction, and the Evil Spirit Sea couldn’t support it. Thus, the Decaying Plateau fell deeper in the darkness.

There wasn’t enough time.

Diggles’ body and soul had already merged with the entire plane. It would be impossible to flee alone even if he wanted to.

Thus he could only hurl his most severe curse at Marvin.

He used the entire plane’s power, but the curse still didn’t affect Marvin.

The Golden Scissors protected the Plane Destroyer, not letting any curse harm him!

Despite the Scissors disappearing, before they were completely gone, they were still an extremely powerful artifact!

‘Finally took care of it!’ Marvin let out a long breath.

He watched the Decaying Plateau falling down and being swallowed by that Astral Beast that was waiting on the edge of the Void. This guy was clearly waiting there for food!

From that day onwards, Diggles and the Decaying Plateau would be no more.

The other planes of the Underworld were like the Abyss or Hell, far from Feinan.

Marvin also got his hands on the Plane Destroyer title.

But he didn’t have time to carefully check this title, because a huge power suddenly emerged behind him!

Marvin’s body couldn’t resist being pushed away!

He looked back in surprise, but all he saw was a woman’s face.

“You think you are the only one with a token from the Ancient Nature God?”

She softly laughed. “Farewell, Marvin.”

Then, Marvin’s body started falling!


Everyone was shocked by what suddenly happened!

Their hero Marvin was actually sneak attacked and fell from the World Tree!

In an instant, they lost track of Marvin.

But everyone who saw what happened knew… Marvin would have the same end as the Decaying Plateau and Diggles.

He would fall in the Void!

Waiting for him was endless cold and death!


Thousand Leaves Forest.

Hathaway and Ivan simultaneously let out an unwilling roar!

Shadow Thief Owl looked at Marvin disappearing from the sky, in a daze. And that beautiful woman was still standing on the World Tree.

An image gradually condensed behind her back.

Eight heads, with the ninth still growing.

This was the mark of the Azure Matriarch!

Feinan got rid of the Evil Spirits only to sink in the shadow of the Twin Snakes Cult!

“They are asking for death!” Murderous intent flashed through Ivan’s eyes.

He then recklessly rushed out of Thousand Leaves Forest.

Shadow Thief Owl silently disappeared. Endless Ocean solemnly began to contact Constantine.

And White River Valley fell into complete chaos!

Chapter 242: Legends’ Wrath!

p>Marvin died!

The Overlord died?

These kind of thoughts lingered in the hearts of the territory’s inhabitants.

They didn’t know why they would think that way, but after the scene in the sky disappeared, they had this kind of intense feeling in their heart.

Because Marvin’s situation was extremely dangerous.

Moreover, he was falling in the boundless darkness.

It looked very frightening.

The unlearned people gathered at the castle, hoping Miss Anna or Lord Wayne could give them an answer.

But they didn’t wait for long.

“How could this be!”

“How could someone else enter the World Tree domain?”

When Marvin’s silhouette fell into the darkness, Daniela’s face was filled with disbelief.

Especially when she saw the person who pushed Marvin!

“It’s that woman!”

She hatefully gritted her teeth.


When they fought last time, she faintly felt that Bamboo’s strength was somewhat suppressed, but she would have never expected that she would be able to see through Marvin’s operation!

That was the World Tree! Falling from there would lead to a tragic end!

No one could resist the Void’s gravitational strength!

Daniela was blankly looking at that scene.

Did that guy really die?

“Impossible!” Wayne firmly shook his head. “Brother will be fine! I can sense it!”

Anna’s countenance was filled with sorrow. She looked at Wayne’s firm expression and didn’t know what to say.

Marvin was White River Valley’s pillar. If he died… she didn’t know what would happen to White River Valley.

She had no idea of what was happening to Marvin, so she quickly walked to Daniela and forcefully kept her emotions in check. “Miss Daniela, Lord Marvin, he…”

Her eyes were still carrying a hint of hope.

Daniela dazedly looked at Anna, strangely feeling a bit mournful.

If that man really died… then what would she do?

Ancestor’s Mystery would follow him to the Void. The Archdevil’s head would be unsealed sooner or later.

All her work in White River Valley also felt like it would be meaningless.

“Lady Daniela!?” Anna raised her tone.

Daniela bitterly shook her head. “Falling from that place… Returning alive shouldn’t be possible.”

Anna only felt her limbs turn cold as she fainted.

The people around couldn’t help but cry out in alarm!

A newly recruited maid hurried over and helped Anna up, to return to her room.

Only Wayne and Daniela remained on the city walls.

“Impossible, Brother won’t die.” Tears flickered in Wayne’s eyes, but his words were resolute. “I can feel it!”

Daniela took a deep breath.

She remembered that before Marvin was pushed down, Wayne said he had a bad feeling.

Afterwards, something really happened.

In such a safe and restricted area, something that should have been impossible happened: an enemy infiltrated the place.

Then, Wayne’s perception…

She hurriedly asked, “You really can sense that your older brother is alive?”

“Of course!” Wayne quickly nodded.

But his two fists were tightly clenched and his fingernails were unconsciously digging into his skin, drawing blood.

His eyes were full of despair.

Daniela realized.

He actually didn’t have that kind of power.

The reason he insisted that his older brother was alive was just delusion.

Thinking of this, the future Ice Empress suddenly had an urge.

She gently held Wayne and softly promised, “Rest assured, your older brother will definitely return.”

“Before he comes back, no one will be able to bully White River Valley.”

“I’ll protect this territory on his behalf.”

“Who made me his fiancée…”

The entire world saw Marvin falling from the World Tree.

A lot of people felt regret.

A hero finally appeared, but he was strangled by more evil forces.

Many people knew the Azure Nine-Headed mark!

This was the Twin Snakes Cult displaying their strength to the entirety of Feinan!

She was sowing the seeds of fear.

But not everyone was afraid.

Some people were angry.

Bamboo, who had entered the World Tree’s space with the help of the World Ending Twin Snakes, would have never imagined that Marvin’s death wasn’t the perfect display of strength of the Twin Snakes Cult.

In fact, it was the beginning of a disaster for the Twin Snakes Cult!

East Coast.

A bare sand dune.

“This should be the seventeenth, that is, East Coast’s final Twin Snakes Cult’s stronghold. Lady, Do you want to…?”

On a magic carpet, a wretched Thief was pointing at the sand dune below and talking.

“No need!” Hathaway coldly said.

What the Thief asked was whether he should check it out or not.

But Hathaway currently didn’t have that patience. The scene of Marvin falling into the abyss of darkness kept replaying in her mind!

That woman killed Marvin!

The scene of Marvin dying that was played in front of the entire world, was like a knife stabbing in her heart!

To be honest, the feelings between her and Marvin were somewhat subtle.

The first contact between them was related to that page of the Book of Nalu. Then it was followed by the Shadow Prince’s assassination attempt. The feeling she got was unusually intriguing. She knew that if it wasn’t for Marvin giving her that page of the Book of Nalu, she would have taken some time before advancing to Legend.

She always subconsciously treated Marvin as the benefactor who saved her life.

And this benefactor was quite interesting. He wasn’t stuck with ordinary ways of thinking, usually doing things that would shock others.

Such as this plan to attack the Evil Spirit World!

He was a 3rd rank Ranger and shockingly had that kind of boldness and courage. This was something Hathaway loved about him.

She didn’t know what kind of feelings she had toward Marvin, or how deep they were.

But she didn’t want to think about it now.

The current her only wanted to vent her anger!

Ashes Storm!

The terrifying arcane spell leveled the land. Wherever the storm of ashes went, it only left a barren landscape behind.

In an instant, the sand dune collapsed and countless shadows could be seen rushing up, but those people couldn’t escape the roiling ashes.

The storm of ashes was like a meat grinder, crazily sucking the Twin Snakes Cult’s followers inside and turning into a rain of blood and flesh!

This even included one of the purple-gowned evil priests!

After a short three minutes, no life could be found near the sand dune.

The Thief shivered, this Hathaway already eradicated seventeen Twin Snakes Cult strongholds in a week.

Regardless of the size, and regardless of who was inside, she only one had intention…


This was a Legend’s wrath!

“Next,” Hathaway coldly said.

“There isn’t any,” the Thief cautiously said, “You already wiped out all of East Coast’s Twin Snakes Cult’s strongholds!”

“There are none left in East Coast?”

Hathaway was apparently quite vexed, but soon, she lifted her head and resolutely ordered, “Then let’s head west.”

A sour expression appeared on the Thief’s face!

A city in the North.

“Constantine, even if the officials of this city are pawns of the Twin Snakes Cult and the place is one of their headquarters, isn’t doing something like that a bit over the top?”

“As far as I know, there are still many innocents in this city.”

The night wind blew as a handsome middle-aged man wearing a windbreaker silently assembled his Brilliant Purple with a grave expression on his face.

Marvin had handed this Legendary Weapon to Endless Ocean before going into the World Tree’s domain, but as a Legendary Weapon, it could automatically go back to its owner. When Marvin fell, he immediately recalled it to use it.

A slim man was standing next to him, apparently trying to dissuade him.

But Constantine ignored him.

“Do you know what it feels to lose everything you invested?”

“Do you know that I looked for you to dissect a Red Dragon, and now there is no Red Dragon?”

“Do you know…”

“… What it feels like to lose a friend?”

The slim man sighed, “That isn’t as bad as massacring everyone in a city.”

Constantine slightly laughed. “Some people need to learn.”

Then he pulled on Brilliant Purple’s lever.

Frightening power burst out of the Cannon as a pure white radiance, like the first rays of dawn, illuminated the city.

“Woosh!” The bullet split into countless fragments and dropped from the sky.

Constantine carried Brilliant Purple on his shoulder and said to the other person while lighting a cigar, “Let’s go, next city.”


A thunderous sound echoed.

A furious wind lifted his windbreaker, and soon, it merged into the darkness.

Similar scenes appeared in every corner of Feinan, constantly repeating.

Apart from the seriously hurt Inheim, as well as Sky Fury who brought him to get healed, every member of that Legend team made a move.

They acted spontaneously.

They didn’t plan anything.

But regardless of how, the Twin Snakes Cult’s forces began to suffer from a crazy retaliation.

In just a week, all their forces around East Coast had been extinguished, and a few of their cities in the North had been completely reduced to ruins. Other forces also received a destructive blow!

No one thought that the death of a mere Baron would bring such a disturbance to the Twin Snakes Cult.

All of Feinan talked about those Legends making such a high profile appearance and crazily retaliating!

The Twin Snakes Cult was finished!

This was what everyone was thinking.

Far in the North.

The Legend Barbarian and the drunk old man kept watching the changes in the glacier.

But at this time, a black-clothed man walked over from the south, step by step.

“What do you want to do!” The old man looked at him and loudly asked.

“Kill her.”

The black-clothed man’s answer was blunt.

He was still holding a huge head in his arms. The Legend Barbarian saw that head and was frightened!

That was the Molten Overlord’s head!

“She killed my brother.”

“Night Walkers will always take revenge.”

“Please get out of the way.”

Then, the black-clothed man suddenly rushed past them and pulverized the glacier in one blow!

In the quiet World Tree’s domain.

After Bamboo left this space, perfectly satisfied.

A sneaky shadow slowly appeared from another branch.


‘This Lord still had a hidden card.’

‘Otherwise it would have really been over.’

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