Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

770. The Heights of War

Dark clouds swirled overhead as they carried a tinge of gold.

Silver strands fell from the skies. Attached to the ends of these strings were harpoons. They stabbed at the earth, killing Librarians indiscriminately before a red, yellow and white-striped fabric collapsed like a closing curtain.

Circus tents. These were the Dungeons belonging to the Blood Festivals. They replaced the broken buildings and released a swarm of hastily stitched up bodies as quickly as they appeared.

They were bipedal monsters with elongated limbs. Each limb was equipped with a lipless maw which revealed rows of razor sharp, bone-like teeth. Its head was much the same and sat at the very front of the beast. Its teeth did not sit flush when its jaws shut. Instead, each tooth stabbed into its gums, hence why it bled perpetually from its five mouths.

Despite it being bipedal, it did not walk on all four of its legs. It dragged itself forward, the friction tearing their bodies apart as they left behind a trail of bubbling, mucus-like blood.

This creature was an Agonized. They were horrific creatures that had the ability to merge with things they devoured. Where Unorganized robbed its victims of their organs, and the Organized attached new body pieces – these could absorb them.

Some had ten heads. Others had dozens. It was an indication of how many they had devoured. The heads usually kept the final facial expression of their victims if it was a recent kill.

Sounds of unease swept through the Golden Middle’s soldiers. It was one thing to die at the hands of a Paged, but it was entirely another thing to be assimilated. The only ones who did not express an ounce of fear were those who came from the Derma Layer.

To them, it was a prime opportunity to enact their revenge against the Blood Festivals.


“… We cannot win this fight alone anymore.” Secure-80 admitted.

In addition to the many flaws of the Golden Index, they were not adequately equipped to deal with threats rated at a Complex Heart or higher. Regular Dungeons, Infections and Plague Hearts were fine for the most part, but a Complex Heart possessed entities that did not normally attack the Epiderma Layer.

The Agonized were one of these extremely rare entities.

Evergreen’s tendrils targeted them primarily, trapping them in cages to slow their assault. It gave Secur-80 a chance to eliminate them before they could reach the front lines. However, they were the only two who were capable of one-sidedly annihilating their enemies as Level 200 Exalted.

Captains at average were level 60 – 80. Few were level 100 or more, whereas the average strength of their enemies only continued to climb. By now each individual enemy was level 80 – 90.

“Sir. Would it be best if we retreated to the perimeter walls?” A Captain suggested to Secur-80.

It was not a terrible idea. However, retreating so far away would heavily burden the Princess’ bodyguards inside. The most powerful of the enemy forces were funneled straight into the Palace, which was largely why the Golden Middle’s front lines had yet to break.

Had they sent everything they had against the Golden Middle…

… Secur-80 did not wish to think of that.

“It’s regrettably the only choice we have.”

“Should we start now!?”

“… Begin immediately.” Secur-80 reached towards his ruby ring on one hand. This ring allowed him to communicate directly to Carpalis and his Captains so long as two criteria were satisfied.

The first was that they were in the same Layer, and the second was they needed to be within the proximity of 20-kilometer proximity. The second was not required when contacting Beholder Carpalis.

But before Secur-80 could relay the order, he was stopped by the sound of a shattering chain.


* * *


Something incomprehensible large consumed the backdrop of the world in the direction of the ocean. It was midnight, and yet, the object made it seem that a portion of the skies was missing stars.

Not even the light of the supermoon was reflected upon its surface. It devoured all light as the desolate chains rattled.

A cube-shaped object appeared from out of nowhere, spanning kilometers in height and width. It sailed at a frighteningly fast pace, creating violent waves that crashed against the cliffs of the Bellum Empire. The chains that ran from the central mountain range heaved up and down like a wave.

Their mere existence caused the distant red rain across the Bellum Empire to disappear entirely.

“What… is that…?” Evergreen had never seen anything like it before, let alone the countless behind her.

Time seemed to freeze as even the Impuritas could not help but to turn towards the object. Fear, awe, majesty, reverence – so many emotions bled from their eyes.

“Secur-80. Carpalis… something appeared. It’s a giant cube. What is it? Should be worried?”

Evergreen expected Carpalis to reply.

However, a heavily mechanical voice replied.


“The Chained Theocracy’s Ark has arrived. Pay no attention to it. It’s here to help us.”


This voice belonged to Administrator Seventeen – One: Qoph.


“You seem to be struggling in keeping the Librarians out of the Palace. They have a Paged version of a Tear Retriever already. It’s quite fascinating.”


“… of course we are. Do you even know how many are out here –!?”


“I did not say that sarcastically. I am well aware that you are fighting a losing war. But that is also our fault. Beholder E. will apologize for his untimely appearance. Infusion S would do more damage to you than to the enemies, after all.”


“Beholder E.? Are you telling me…?”

Evergreen’s words were cut short by the sound of distant explosions.

Suddenly, enormous cannon balls were fired from the horizon. White, smokey trails followed the canisters as they rose over the circus tents, the buildings, and the walls of the Palace. They formed a brilliant arc as they hurled through the air like meteorites.

They were fired from the brigs of Inflow Direct’s warships – the Charybdis. If the Behemoths were vessels that reined on land, then the Charybdis ruled the seas. They were an enormous vessel, reaching well over a kilometer in length, and 200 meters in width.


* * *


It became quickly apparent that they were not cannon balls.

No. If they were, then they would not have been able to explode in midair. The clouds released by the weapons formed giant magical circles. Afterwards, a hail of powerful magic bombarded the Impuritas.

They were faced with a weapon they had no answer to.

“Inflow Direct’s Infusion Canisters… They’re here.”

Turning around, Evergreen spotted an army of humans wearing claw-like prosthetics. Vibrant liquids ran through their tubes as they held out their sharpened claws, ready to join the battle.

“Section 26.1.1a. ‘Should war return then the Liquidators will be granted unlimited access to Serums.’ Section 26.1.1b. ‘Limit access to diluted (D) Infusion will automatically be dispensed to a small section of Liquidators according to the meritocracy of Inflow Direct and all related Chapters.’”

Few Liquidators appeared with an aura unlike the others. They did not have claw-like arms. Instead, they were fully dressed in dark blue and had their arms hidden. Ghastly aberrations of arms replaced them. They looked like arcs of electricity.

They wore black masks over their faces, and a black trench coat was worn like a mantle. Hidden within their suit were their real arms, as well as liquid vats of various beating, quivering organs.

“Section 26.2.3. ‘Thereafter, Liquidators chosen to wield the Infusion shall be named Eradicators’ Section 26.2.3a. ‘When Liquidation is no longer attainable, then it must all be eradicated by Beholder E.’s will and in accordance with the Head’s laws.’”

Vials could be found stabbed into the backs of these ‘Eradicators’. They were shorter than the ones found on the backs of the Vermilion Moons. Hidden within their coats as a much larger central vat containing a green liquid.

This was Infusion D – Dilution. It allowed for the dilution of Infusions to lessen their effect as well as the cost. Although the cost of permanently losing an organ had not changed, the criteria of who and what organ would be lost did.

“In this instance – there are no laws. Beholder E. has sent his Liquidators to assist. Transporters will attempt to bring the injured behind and administer the appropriate dose of Serum H.”

The leading Eradicator announced, fiddling with something beneath his mask. It hissed like the sound of pressured air being released.

Finally, he took a step past Evergreen as the Liquidators weaved through the ranks of the Golden Middle. They administered Healing Serums as they approached the front lines.

But the Eradicators had yet to join them.

They had all the time in the world thanks to a certain blue Infusion. At his command, the vial that stuck out from his back bubbled. He was given a precise dosage that caused his body to emit an aura that bent space.

“Maintain your lines. Allow us to take the brunt of this battle. Our warships will destroy their Hearts as they appear. As for us, we’ll deal with whatever they have at the back immediately.”

Suddenly, the air ripped as he disappeared without a trace. He threw himself into the enemy lines, his ethereal hands cleaving straight through the bodies of countless Impuritas with a speed unlike anything Evergreen had ever seen.

A bright, blue trail followed him.

Snap was faster, but even so – that speed was still so great that it also caused internal injuries to the Eradicator, requiring his body to be pumped with Healing Serums.

“5ml of Infusion S (D) administered.” Another Eradicator announced.


What they possessed was a diluted version of Serum S.


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