Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

724. A Mantle of Astral Flames

Beneath the Bellum Empire existed a series of natural tunnels. They were the remnants of the roots that used to span the entirety of the Bellum Empire. The world above shuddered under the battering of the downpour. Long ago, the Steelwood trees served as a sponge for the floods, which was one of the reasons why they were able to grow so large.

Without them, the Bellum Empire became susceptible to floods. All that now remained were the tunnels left behind by their roots. All tunnels led back to the Palace, for the ancient roots served as a highway for mana to funnel straight to the Tower, and subsequently, the Aztra Res.

Lucy, Anpu, Cara, Usa, and the Tear Retrievers escorted Gerina through the flooding tunnels, their apparels soaked and their boots sloshing with undisturbed, muddied water. Gerina knew the tunnels by heart, but even she could not help but worry that the tunnels might fill before they could reach the Palace.

The others, on the otherhand, put their entire faith on Gerina’s shoulders. They did not question her judgement and trusted her sense of direction unwaveringly. The Tear Retrievers were a highly disciplined group, and wading through muddy water was nothing compared to being submerged in blood and gore.

The Aspiring Moons of Hora Therapeutics boded well in this environment too, mostly thanks to the calm demeanor of their seniors and master. Though it seemed that they were at the mercy of the elements, they were in complete control.

“Master, if worse comes to worse – How long can we hold our breaths for?” An Aspiring Moon asked, causing Usa to giggle.

“As long as your lungs can handle it.” Anpu said tiredly, his face miraculously untouched by the mud. The same went for Lucy, giving off an illusion of divinity. “The only waters a Moon fears are the seas. As the Fang of the Head would say, ‘What is a puddle to a Moon?’. Live by those words. You’re only worried because you lack experience.”

“More like they underestimate the depth of what a Moon can do.” Lucy said as they took several, narrow turns.

“Shit… It’s all underwater from here on out.” Gerina growled.

They came across a section that required them to submerge into a murky, broken collection of rainwater. However, Lucy pointed at the ceiling and Anpu nodded once.

“Not so fast. I’ll clear the path.” Anpu held out a hand like a blade. “Just don’t touch the blue light.”

A brilliant, blue light encased his hand. With a single slash, he sent out a curved bullet of light that cleaved through the ceiling of the tunnels, giving them ample headroom.

[Embalming Crescent] was an offensive skill that physically affected inanimate objects. When it came into contact with a person or apparel, it would injure but leave no physical traces of trauma.

“Push up and take point.” Cara ordered. Her men moved up first, shining their light into the darkness ahead. “Gerina. Keep the directions coming in. Don’t stop talking.”

“After… seeing that?” Gerina wanted to say out loud, but she refrained and cleared her throat. “… It’s a straight line from here.”

“What’s after here?” Usa asked.

“A waiting room for Nobles and guests of the Royal Family. Not many people use it now since the Royal Family’s become reclusive… As the third princess of the Bellum Empire, you have my authority to kill them on sight.”

She spoke scathingly. Not an ounce of mercy was spared for the noble class. They were just as guilty as her family, the Dukes and Barons of the Empire for allowing things to reach this point.

“None of the nobles tickle your fancy?” Lucy wondered. “Not one?”

“None that use this waiting room in particular. Anyone that I did know is already dead, enslaved, or an undead puppet to break my spirit. We’re almost there! Frost – she says she’s approaching the walls right now!” Gerina announced.

A sealed door could be seen waiting at the end of the tunnel. The waters recessed behind them, freeing their ankles as an array of squelching wet boots approached the door. It carried the insignia of a bell and star. Beneath it and above it was a hand that encompassed both.

Gerina shaped her hands in a similar manner, and the door began to shudder. The light of brilliant, luxurious gold crept through the cracks of the door as it creaked open. Gerina stood near the back as the Tear Retrievers prepared to sweep the room.

The moment the door was wide enough for one person to fit through –

“GO!” Cara ordered, and her men immediately flooded the grand waiting room.

“Left side clear!”

“Right clear!”

“Nothing above!”

“No traps detected! It’s clear!”

As they swept through the lavish furnishings and muddied the red carpets of the waiting room, their guns suddenly turned to the clinking of silverware.

“In the middle!”

“One hostile detected!”

“Awaiting orders!”

All Repeaters were pointed at a figure adorned in red that sat beneath a crystal chandelier. He nonchalantly dined on a piece of steak and swashed around a glass of red wine.

“How unexpected. I do love a show in the middle of a meal. But to be interrupted?”

A flaming mantle rested upon his back, radiating a heat so immense that Cara’s Tear Retirees could barely keep their eyes on him. Before he could finish his words, Cara swung down her arm.


A hailstorm of bullets bombarded the man, but to their shock, each crystal bullet melted into tiny pellets against his mantle. Bullets that managed to strike his crimson armor ricocheted into the walls.

Not a single mark was left on him. Smoke and steam rose from his body. A broken glass of wine spilled down his armor, yet he continued to slosh it around.

“Master – that’s – That’s the Color!” An Aspiring Moon announced, seeing his status. “… But I can’t see his stats at all! There’s a Corrupted with him!”

“… So that’s the Red Barron.” Anpu did not understand how a Color could have such an imposing presence. He had encountered Colors in the past, but none were quite like this one.

“Master? Do we attack?”

“Assess the situation first. Let me deal with him in the meantime.” Anpu answered one of his Aspiring Moons.

“A Moon? Blessed? To come here and interrupt me? An even greater travesty indeed.” The Red Barron rose to his feet, crushing the rest of the glass in his hands. “But I can overlook all of this nonsense. In fact, I am willing to let you run free here. They can deal with you themselves... It will all end the same way. If you’re here to let loose like I, then who am I to stop you, Moon?”

The Red Barron misunderstood the reason why they were here in the first place, and neither did he care. There was only one thing on his mind ever since he caught wind of a potential wife.

Lucy’s blood chilled all of a sudden. The air turned cold despite the blistering heat. Somehow, she felt like the Red Barron’s eyes were leering at just more than just her body.

“Let’s not make this complicated. You’ve ruined my meal, Moon and friends. Do not mistake this as a warning. I’m only asking to settle this diplomatically. It won’t end well for either of us, so let us settle this here. That woman, right there. The one with the blue eyes and black hair. Lend her to me, and this palace is yours to wreak havoc on! It’s a small price to pay for a ruined meal –”


Lucy fired a bullet at him, but just like the others, it was deflected by his armor.

“… That’s just a Color. Anpu. We can burry him for good, can’t we?” Lucy hissed with vitriol.

“You must be aware that levels do not equate directly to power. Remember, Colors and Moons are both rated to fight against Eternal Night Corrupted.”

“But if a Moon was pit against one? Who would win?”

“Moons, normally… Frost will want that one.” Anpu reminded.

“… You’re right. This is for Frost to deal with. Then what do you suggest we do?”

The Red Barron stood there motionlessly, allowing them to converse amongst themselves. It was far more beneficial for the Red Barron to avoid fighting, as it was for Anpu since it was not their fight to begin with.

Furthermore, they’d likely lose many good people in a bout against a Color with the aid of a Corrupted. However, the Red Barron desired Lucy, to the point where was willing to pit himself directly against a Moon.

Therefore, a clash between two titans was inevitable.

Flames bolstered the Red Barron’s presence, igniting furniture and melting the crystal chandelier. The Tear Retrievers were forced to retreat as their flesh began to steam, their eyes burning under the luminance of the Red Barron’s mantle.


“We buy time. Two minutes is all the Amalgam needs.”


Anpu telepathically spoke through the CognitO Transmitter, just as a blue bullet flew towards the head of the Red Barron.


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