Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

721. Blood Greases the Gears of War

Hours earlier –

“S-Slow down *Huff* *Puff* Ugh! I can’t run like you! Dammit, I just want to sleeeeeeeep!” A shorter Frost complained as she was dragged around by the hand of an even smaller Frost.

Snap followed them like a parent, constantly looming over them as they ran through the open doors of the Asclepein. They were deep within the heart of the City of Clubs, and they drew many eyes by its residents who questioned why a giant spider was allowed to roam freely.

Such questions were silenced by Liquidators, who pardoned them and gave stern reminders that the golden Anid was part of the Head. Faces of confusion and fear quickly turned into awe at the mention of the Head. But alas, their elation did not cloud their judgement enough to dare to step a foot closer to the sacred Asclepein.

“We don’t have to go so fast! S-Snap! I don’t have to be here too!” The Sleepy Frost complained as she was dragged to the checkpoint where a row of Mothers stood.

Only Healers were allowed into the Asclepein, but members of the Head were an exception.

“Oh~? Hello~”

“Children of the Head?”

“Aww~ Are you all lost~”

“Do you have business with us?”

An array of motherly voices assaulted the Sleepy Frost, destroying her fatigue in an instant.

“U-Uh, I um… I was – Er – Doing – Um…”

The Little Frost threw up an angry emoji before she slapped her back.

“W-What was I –!? I mean – W-We’re here to let you know that uh – War is happening. I think? Would you like to join us!?”

Spirals formed in her eyes. For whatever reason, the Sleepy Frost could not speak to people that she did not know. More than that, her eyes could not move away from their wholesome bosoms; an observation that the Mothers were too pure to even notice.

The Mothers were the crème of the Crop of the Healers, with physical appearances in their late twenties or thirties. They were a different breed from most Healers who tended to possess a far more youthful appearance.

Just like Frost, they were, so to speak, her type.

Normal Healers were present as well, most of which were trainees who had just recently received their Blessing. Seeing a giant Anid standing before them caused their eyes to swell with tears, with a few black-haired Healers curling their fists in preparation for a potential brawl.

However, a Mother approached Snap and, with its permission, allowed her to embrace it.


“So soft~ Oh, what was it that you wanted?”

“W-War. Can you join us in war?”

The Little Frost made a disgruntled face, shaking her head wildly in an attempt to get the Sleepy Frost to word it better.

“I mean… Inflow Direct! W-We understand that Mothers have direct communications to the Donors and um – people with decision-making powers!”

The Mother smiled understandingly at her, kneeling down to cup her face gently. Steam seemed to blow out of the Sleepy Frost’s ears, further irritating the Little Frost.

“Didn’t we already send Infusions to Beholder Jury and Galia?” The Mother whispered. “Our Father is already on top of these things, thanks to his big sister~”

“S-So there… wasn’t a need for this?” She said, but she didn’t seem to be bothered by this at all. In fact, the Sleepy Frost was eternally thankful that she ended up being dragged along for the journey.

“Ahem.” A young figure made their attention known. It was a young woman with blonde hair and a sphere fitted to where her heart would be. She sat in a wheelchair, clutching at her chest in pain. “I would at least like to hear it. The Father gets all the messages and not us. I would pout and complain, but heart would explode~ I wish I had a family member so high up in the hierarchy of those blue strings~”

“Elevated heartrate detected. Calm down, Hearth.” A Transporter – a living, mechanical construct that barely resembled a human – spoke with static.

They were essentially Golems made of steel and prosthetics.

Serum Qoph was the reason why they could exist, and the only secret known about Serum Q was that it streamlined Golemancy. It also seemed like an Ego could exist within a construct affected by Serum Q, though such an Ego was incomparable to what people possessed.

An intelligence would be a better definition.

“As I was saying – I’d like to hear about this war. We did send Infusion canisters and… several of our vessels. But it sounds like there is a new development.”

“U-Um… About the Capital. Frontier. Bellum Empire. Towers. Defend – Fro – The Head is wondering if you can – M-Maybe help…”

“Gosh, I can’t imagine what would happen to you if you had Beholder E.’s heart~” Hearth giggled before grimacing in agony. “Is that all you wanted to ask? You could’ve come directly to our Nest. It was the giant cluster of eggs not far away from here. That’s where we reside.”

Hearth observed how the Sleepy Frost reacted to the Mothers, and then laughed again.

“I too like to come here every once and a while and get pampered. Not always that you’ll find the time to feel loved.”

“Dangerous for your heartrate.” The Transporter announced.

“But good for the soul~ I shall call an emergency meeting just for you. The council of Doners will be present in 30 minutes. Or however short it is in the Isolation Spheres… I think Beholder E. is here too.”

“T-Thank you.” The Sleepy Frost murmured, unable to match the way the Little Frost proudly stood there to properly represent the Head.

The Little Frost flashed a few emojis for the Donor, and the woman seemed to understand what she wanted.

“H10 is our only point of entry, so it may take some time before we can prepare. But if it does go through, then I imagine we will not hold back.”

“You’ll really help?”

“You underestimate our eagerness.” Hearth said. “We are an Atelier built on the foundation of war, long before we decided that peace was a prospective alternative. Haaaah~ These joints and mechanisms…”

She slammed a fist against the Transporter behind her, as the Mothers stood eerily still with an unwavering smile.

“… are greased with blood.”


* * *


Inflow Direct was not the only Atelier they approached. Thanks to the Oblivion Gates and the standardized Isolation Spheres across the J, Q and K sectors, they had plenty of time on their side.

The City of Strings was seemingly already on board what they heard from the Donors. ImpulseWorks was unfortunately a terrible fit for war, as their Eclipses were already absorbed into the Nexus, and their personnel were made to deal with the Corrupted.

The last Atelier was the Golden Index.

Needless to say, they were as eager as Inflow Direct to join the defense of the Bellum Empire’s 1st Tower.

“What do you think, Beholder Carpalis?” Quietly asked Evergreen.

The green-haired Vedanian and the Demon of bargains stood atop Carpal Tower, staring out into the vast expanse of their ever-bright Sectors. Life moved normally here in the City of Diamonds.

Children wearing backpacks could be seen walking in long lines with an innocence that caused Carpalis’ face to mellow.

“Do you have something in mind?” Carpalis responded solemnly.

“We send in the Golden Middle. I will make preparations to head to H10. Secur-80 and the Captains will be ready in two hours.”

“Will you pack me an extra pair, hehe?”

Evergreen’s brows furrowed.

“Carpalis? You can’t be thinking about coming with us. Please don’t joke like that.” It was no secret that Carpalis wasn’t in any capacity to fight. “No Healers can help you if something goes wrong. As your Underboss –!”

“As my friend, I am deeply considering your advice.” Capralis corrected, despising it whenever Evergreen referred to her in such a way.

To Carpalis, they were both on equal footing. Nothing Evergreen said could change that.

“But you could lose your life if your Faustian Bargain breaks.”

“It would be a gift in disguise. Hehehe…”

Evergreen stood in front of Carpalis and starting into her golden pupils, trying to get read of this person she had devoted her life to. At times like these, Carpalis would still shoehorn a joke.

However, she allowed her gaze to meet with Evergreen’s emerald eyes, and she softly spoke.

“But… When I see the children of our home, and then think of those beyond our light, I ask myself if I am doing enough.”

“How aren’t you doing enough already? Is helping countless thousands not enough? Carpalis… You’re approaching your breaking point. I can see that. How many more souls can you hope to bear?”

“… Evergreen, does it bother you that I may die?”


“Then I will simply try not to die. I just… can’t bear to stand the thought that there could be a soul blamed for being the way they were born. Both of us share that same scar.”


“I’m kidding.” Carpalis dryly hummed. “I shall remain and hold this place. But should something happen to you…”

She leaned in close to Evergreen’s face, staring deeply into her eyes.

“… Nothing is going to happen to me.” Evergreen smirked.

It was not until that Carpalis turned her back to her that her face flushed red.


* * *


Meanwhile, at the meeting place of the Donors, they discussed amongst themselves regarding the upcoming war. Hands were raised unanimously in favor of the war.

All but one person.

“Beholder E. What will you do? Your orders are absolute.” Liever, a terribly thin man afflicted with jaundice asked the overbearing presence within their hallowed chamber.

A machine vaguely in the shape of a man stood on the other side of a massive glass table. Mechanical whirls accompanied the bubbling of the vat, which contained a tiny piece of a brain.

This machine was Beholder E. After long minutes of deliberation, he finally answered with a deeply mechanical voice.

“Release one of our forbidden ones. Administrator: Seventeen – One: Qoph. They shall accompany me to Frontier. Assemble the Liquidators.

We are going to war.”


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