Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

17. What Lays Below?


< Instantly remove 1 chosen stack on self or target in contact >

< Cost : 200 MP >


Cleanse was an Active Skill that allowed her to remove 1 negative status stack per use. Negative stacks were different to conditions. Rather, they were the precursor to them. Where a condition was a certain state like for example, being frozen; a stack was more so the build up towards the negative condition.

The RESIST stat determined how many stacks it would take to inflict the condition, or the maximum number of stacks one could take, sometimes never quite reaching the resulting condition. If the RESIST stat was high enough it could completely resist it entirely.

That’s right… I also don’t have any MAG DEF to protect myself against magic attacks. I just lost a good chunk of HP. Tch.

A burning sensation engulfed her momentarily as Jury took on the balls with a more defensive style of combat. Having a claw as her only weapon put her at a severe disadvantage despite being 20 levels above them. However, unlike Frost, Jury was not easily hurt by these spines. A single delivered slash was enough to shatter a whole section of spines.

However, that did not mean she wasn’t immune to their Darkness stacks.

While it appeared like they were in trouble against these creatures, that could not be further from the truth. One of the Accusers that lunged towards Frost was instantly caught mid-air. The dozens of spikes thrust into her torso at full force.

But they failed to penetrate her flesh.

Still, it was painful beyond belief. Magical damage was a completely different monster to physical damage. It felt like someone had set her insides alight each time these spines scratched her.

As a result, she casted Area Heal to replenish the HP of Jury and herself.



< Replenish 50 HP to self and chosen targets within 5 meters. Minor wounds are healed instantly >

< Cost : 100 MP >


It was weak, but she definitely saw a myriad of use cases for it. Although, 50 HP was like a drop in the bucket for her HP pool, never mind Jury’s. Frost snapped the spines with her bare hands just enough to bring it close enough to her mouth to begin feasting on it.

Just a few bites completely killed it.

She had a hunch earlier that its 20 ATT would do little to penetrate her flesh after she was only scratched by its drive-by attack in the beginning. Additionally, Jury’s relentless swipes also confirmed that her ATT stat was higher than the enemy’s ATT DEF.

The spines may as well be pool noodles to her. Stinging pool noodles, more specifically.

It caused her heart to delightfully throb.

She used Greater Healing to replenish a substantial 250 points of HP.

Indeed. 250 HP.

Greater Healing had evolved into Greater Healing III a while ago. It was a godsend compared to the measly 60 HP it used to replenish, and now only required 75 MP to cast thanks to the efficiency bonuses of her profession’s milestone.



< Restores 250 HP on self or target in contact. Minor and heavy wounds are instantly healed. Major wounds heal over time. Fatal wounds heal faster >

< Cost : 75 MP >


One by one, she thrusted her fists into the leaping Accused like they were mobile boxing bags. Their ATT DEF stats were so pitiful that her arm easily pierced through the shell and obliterated their mushy innards which consisted of only a giant black, beady eye.

They fell as quickly as they arrived; reduced to a horrific concoction of a black paste and millions of splinters after strike after strike, and slash after slash.

But to Frost it was food, as disgusting as it was.

“Jury. Good work.” She cheered.

“Frost. G-Go-Gowered worest!” She tried saying it back, causing her to warmly laugh when she realized Jury was looking the complete opposite way.

She used Cleanse to rid Jury of her Darkness stacks before she could eat. If there was anything she prioritized more than anything; it was her only friend in this world. The woman instantly twisted around and proudly beamed back.

“Frost. Gowered worest!” Jury repeated, this time in a clearer voice.

“Close enough, I guess. You did an awesome job. How about we eat some… er, actually, I’m not sure if you can even eat those.” Frost trailed off as she crouched down to scoop some of it into her palms. “… I’ve eaten a lot of gross things so far. This absolutely takes the cake. Jury, eat at your own discression.”

Jury tilted her head curiously as she joined Frost and poked at the mush like a cute animal.

“You’re suddenly picky now.” They System said.

Listen. It’s not called being picky. It called planning your method of attack. I can either scoop it up like this and eat it. Or… well, you’ve surely heard of a vacuum cleaner, right? A black hole, maybe?

There was a long pause from the System before it reluctantly spoke again.

“Frost… Please, forget I said anything.”


“Yep. Skewered… They were called the Accused. A living ball of spikes. Looking closer at the spines they’re more shaped like beaks... I wouldn’t be surprised if the One Thousand Eyed bird feasted on these ones. Or judged them for being a skewered beast.” Frost rambled on, taking a sip from the mush. “… it tastes better than I thought. Still gross though.”

Frost couldn’t put a finger on the flavor, but it was at least better than eating a raw bird repeatedly. It was like a cheesecake in a way. A melted… no, forget she said anything. She stuffed her maw hurriedly with the paste of Accused, and the occasional crunch of their spiny shells.

And as anticipated, she received their unique ability.


< Stats from the Accused Gained >

< Unique Ability Gained >


< ABILITY : The Accused >

< See what they are >


< And yet another ill-explained ability. Do you notice anything different? >

< Frost? >


Frost blankly blinked, nearly choking on her food. She rubbed her eyes immediately and then scrubbed them against the back of her forearm in disbelief.

“J-Jury, you can’t see that can you?” Frost muttered as Jury nonchalantly ate, locking eyes with her.

“Frost?” She was completely oblivious to what Frost saw down below.

“Frost. Please tell me what you’re seeing.”

“A forest. And one thousand glowing eyes at the bottom of the abyss. Kind of like a sea of stars. It’s… It’s like I’m looking down at the night sky.”

Frost uttered in complete breathlessness, for the grandeur sight was equally as mesmerizing as it was foreboding. She instinctively gulped and steeled her heart. It was like looking upon a still sea at midnight where countless stars were being reflected from its surface.

Bigger obstacles were likely awaiting them now.

Or, depending on her luck, perhaps the biggest obstacle. Because amid those glowing eyes one of them shone the brightest like a supercluster of stars.

It was the One Thousand Eyed Bird.

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