New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 122: Cracks in Loyalty


I entered the giant white tent, a highway of medics entering in and out of the spacious room. Multiple beds were laid out on either side, allowing one to move freely down the center-most line of the tent.

I followed the trail. My body instinctively avoided the medics that were whizzing around me like bugs. My eyes locked on my target, my mind altering my course as I approached them as fast as I could.

A woman with fiery red hair lay on the bed, dried velvet blood still staining her white under-armor.

"Surge," she whispered. I let out a sigh of relief, every visit into the infirmary potentially being my last one.

"Hey Anna, how are you feeling?" I asked, grabbing one of the stools available and sitting down beside her. The woman reached out with her pale hand. I grabbed it gently, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb.

"This is nothing," she said confidently before wincing slightly at the pain. I said nothing, my eyes meeting with one of the medics as I called him over.

"Could you please take a look at her? She seems to be in pain," I asked politely, my nerves calming slightly at the fact that the man I had called over was human.

He looked over at Anna, his eyes reading the situation.

"I'm terribly sorry, Commander. I have to tend to those who are fatally wounded immediately," he responded. I nodded slowly, letting the medic return to his patients.

I followed his path, my expression darkening as the human medic sat beside a Dragon soldier who was groaning painfully. I gritted my teeth in anger at the sight. This was exactly what would happen after the war. The Dragonkin would steal everything from us...

"Honey, it's fine," whispered Anna, my attention returning to the woman.

"I know," I lied, still feeling the rage boiling within me. I chose to suppress it momentarily in the presence of my wife, not wanting her to worry about anything. Anna's usually lively eyes were dim and lifeless, her body requiring most of its strength to heal the wound she had suffered.

Anna was of the opinion that the resurgence of the Dragonkin was a miracle for Auroria, stating how such a species could allow everyone to grow and to develop if everyone worked together. Yet here she was, laying on a bed without strength because she had almost given her life for a race that didn't care about her.

"We're expecting an attack from the Dwarves soon," I muttered with my head down, fulfilling the promise of keeping my wife updated on everything that was currently happening. She smiled at my honesty, knowing the information was not ideal for her in her current conditions.

"I see. Do you know where you'll be stationed?" she asked, her curiosity for the practical aspect of defensive combat twinkling momentarily in her eyes before the strain on her body took over again, returning her irises to dimly lit voids of red.

"Alongside the Royal Princess of the Dragons. We'll be trying to absorb as much damage as possible before our reinforcements arrive."

"You won't try to surprise them by pushing out?"

"The superiors don't know anything. It feels like all they want to do is stall the enemy without actually winning," I said, recalling the many arguments that had taken place between Asthia Darck and myself.

It was true that Imania had not gone to war in my lifetime, and the tactics I proposed were more reckless, but they were also the ones that would inflict the most damage upon the Dwarven forces. My mind, however, was beginning to shrink away from the idea of taking out the Dwarves... Which side was I really on at this point?

My uncertainties were indications that I wasn't fit to be leading at a time like this, but my honor simply didn't allow me to step down. I looked at the entrance of the tent as a small glint of silver caught my eyes.

An Imanian soldier nodded at me. I sighed and looked down at Anna, who of which had already understood the situation.

"Come on, they need you," she whispered, a pride that I yearned to hear present in her voice.

"I'll come by tomorrow," I responded, letting go of her hand and standing up. She nodded at my comment, closing her eyes in an attempt to rest and ignore the burning pain in her side.

I took one final look at my wife, wishing her well in my mind before exiting the infirmary.

"What is it?" I asked the soldier, my voice returning to a passive tone.

"Someone wants to see you, sir," he responded vaguely, not specifying who the individual in question was.

I said nothing, following the soldier out of curiosity. We headed towards the outskirts of the main encampment, multiple pairs of eyes watching me attentively as I passed through. The number of tents slowly diminished as we approached the border of the central area.

"We're here," stated the soldier, stepping aside. My eyes adjusted to the slight darkness of dusk, the lack of lanterns on the outskirts of the camp greatly reducing my visibility.

Dozens of other Imanian soldiers stood around me, all of them silent. The atmosphere resembled that of a cult meeting, and something told me my guess wasn't too far off from reality.

"Commander Surge, First Commander of the Imanian forces and second only to her Highness," said a figure, his arms crossed. His voice was that of a younger man, his stature and height confirming my suspicions. He was an adult, but he was definitely on the younger side.

"Who are you?" I asked, my muscles tense and my hand quietly reaching over to my sword. Taller Dwarves did exist, and if an enemy had managed to penetrate our defenses and potentially bribe our soldiers, I'd have to attempt to take them down immediately.

"A human, like you. I believe we both want the same thing, so I was hoping we could work together. Your men seem to have the same opinion as me when it comes to the Dragons, so I was hoping the Commander would also share my views," said the man, stepping forth and entering the area where a small amount of light shone.

"And what view is that?"

The man's blazing red clothes stood out in the light, his eyes glinting with passion.

"That the Dragonkin will steal everything from us. Don't you think it would be better for Auroria if they were to be eradicated?" he asked, spotless white teeth shining in the light as a grin spread across his face.

"You're not an Imanian soldier. Who do you fight for?"

"I fight for myself, commander. I fight for survival, and I know that the Dragons will take all of that away. Just look at the state your precious wife is in... it's their fault, isn't it?"

My eyes darkened, the vivid image of Anna weakly lying in bed spreading across my mind. I looked up, meeting the boy's gaze.

"What do you want me to do?"

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