NBA: I! The Most Versatile Player Ever!

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 The Final Version Of The Scouting Report! Half The League Is Ruined!

Many people think that the draft is actually no routine.

Just go and choose normally.

Jordan thought so too, and he went from lottery to second-round pick.

“Tony, for your opinion, I can only say that after entering the NBA, you have to correct your mentality.

“You’re the second core of the team in the NCAA, the championship champion, but there are too many players like that in the NBA.

“Although a player is found, he is a four-star and five-star high school student, or he was famous during the NCAA period.”

Gu Yu also knew that old Sutton’s opinion was indeed very pertinent.

Are there any players who are talented but haven’t played in the NBA?

Not much at all!

Many players, hastily ended their NBA career, because of mentality problems.

He used to be the core of the team, but suddenly he became a role player. Coupled with injuries or not being able to integrate into the team system, a player may gradually fade out of the NBA.

Tony didn’t speak, just nodded.

He also knows that even the champion may fall, let alone a player at the end of the first round?

Although Tony won the NCAA championship, in the finals, in addition to his outstanding defense, his offense can only be described as a mess.

Therefore, Tony’s prediction on the ESPN draft online at this time is between the 25th pick in the first round and the end of the first round.

After explaining to Tony, the old Sutton looked at Gu Yu and said, “Gu, you are the most outstanding disciple I have taught in my coaching career for more than 20 years, and I believe you will become a leader in the NBA in the future. Super star!

“But now you need time to grow into a superstar, and you also need a good environment. I actually recommend you to go to Boston.”9

“The reason is also very simple, the cardinal is so interested in you at this time, he will definitely take you as the core to cultivate.

Gu Yu naturally understood what old Sutton meant.

Team development.

Although it literally means four words, it may actually be completely different.

The simplest example is Du Xiaoshuai and Ingram.

When Du Xiaoshuai first entered the NBA, the team management gave Du Xiaoshuai unlimited firing rights and let him strike at will.

In the end, Du Xiaoshuai grew into a big killer in NBA history.

The Lakers don’t even give Ingram unlimited firing rights, can they expect him to become the second Du Xiaoshuai?

No joke like that!

Gu Yu knew very well what Sutton meant. He had better find a team that could really treat him as the core of Du Xiaoshuai’s team.

Gu Yu said that he is now a superstar in the NBA, and he must be a little worse.

“However, this is only my current opinion. After all, the NBA has not started the lottery at this time. If you can choose by yourself, you must find a team that can cultivate you as the core.”5

Logically speaking, if the champion is selected, will it not be a core training?

Pistons: I benched him as I picked No. 2!

Milicic: Don’t talk about it, I feel like I’m dying right now.

To a certain extent, Milicic is indeed very hard, and he has a team like the Pistons and a coach like Larry Brown.

It is precisely because of the example of Milicic that old Sutton reminded Gu Yu.

After the old Sutton told Gu Yu and Tony some things to pay attention to in the draft, he said goodbye to them.

At this time, the outside world has also announced the final version of the Gu Yu scouting report!

Advantages: The running and jumping ability of the watch and the first step can easily pass most of the opponents in the same position.

The abnormal speed of the bullet (basically does not need to bend the knee), which has obvious advantages in the competition for rebounds.

Excellent lateral speed and defensive smell, all NCAA players who have played against Gu Yu have experienced his excellent defense.

Physical coordination is outstanding, making Gu Yu look like a 2.08-meter defender.

Can perform emergency stop jumpers, change direction and other skills.

The style of play is very selfless and very leadership.

When the team encounters difficulties, they can take the lead.

Accurate shooting is rare even among NBA players.

Have a big heart!

You can stand up at the critical moment and kill the game without hesitation.

Cons: If Gu Yu is currently playing at small forward, his offensive skills may not be a problem.

But if the future is to train him to the 4th or even the 5th position, Gu Yu needs more time to train his low post skills and inside footwork, as well as the necessary weight gain to adapt to NBA-level confrontation.

Draft template: Larry Bird + Chamberlain combination.

After the final version of Gu Yu’s scouting report came out, the outside world was also in an uproar.

without him.

so perfect!

Whether it is physical talent, projection, defensive awareness, leadership, big heart these attributes of superstars, Gu Yu is a constant, all have.

This draft report has also made many netizens of Meijiajia begin to discuss.

“Is this draft report overdone? How do I feel like Gu Yu has no flaws? Perfect like Tim Duncan!

“Is it bad for the eyes upstairs? Isn’t the poor inside skill a disadvantage?

“I feel that the second floor is the SB, and the poor skills can be learned. Do you think Gu Yu looks like someone who can’t learn skills?”

“It’s really perfect, but I really can’t find any other shortcomings of Gu Yu at the moment.”

After Gu Yu’s final scouting report came out, ESPN’s draft network also released the latest draft predictions.

ESPN draft network directly ranked Gu Yu first.

And also gave his reasons.

“The No. 1 pick has a hundred reasons to choose Dwight Howard and Emeka Okafor, but there is no reason not to choose Gu Yu!

At this time, Gu Yu’s phone almost blew up.

After the NCAA Finals, Gu Yu was going to take a break, but he couldn’t take a break at this time.

A slew of calls have been pouring in.

Dayao’s agent Bill Duffy, future UAE’s agent Fagan, “future NBA first agent” Jeff Schwartz and others all called Gu Yu.

Scrambled to be Gu Yu’s agent.

Although among NBA players, there are also players who do not need an agent, but generally speaking, they still need the help of an agent.

However, he had not made up his mind at this time as to who to choose as his agent.

Another group of people are the manufacturers of various sneakers.

Hook, Adi, A-cone, Reebok and other manufacturers all sent people to contact Gu Yu.

There are also some media interviews, such as “Sports Illustrated” want to do a special interview for Gu Yu.

But Gu Yu is really caught up in a lot of things right now.

Seeing that there are indeed many things, Gu Yu asked Dayao for his opinion, and then met with Bill Duffy.

Gu Yu’s impression of Bill Duffy originated from that incident in 2003.

In 2003, his Anthony Carter contract was about to expire. But Bill Duffy made a mistake at this point.

Before the extension deadline, Bill Duffy forgot to negotiate with the Heat, causing Anthony Carter to voluntarily give up the remaining one-year contract worth $4 million, and also pushing Anthony Carter into a very embarrassing situation. situation.

Judging from Anthony Carter’s performance in the 2002-03 season, it’s hard for any team to sign him.

At this time, Bill Duffy took the initiative to assume all the responsibilities. He helped Anthony Carter and the Spurs signed a contract with an annual salary of about 1 million. In addition, he also took out 3 million dollars from his own pocket to compensate Anthony. Carter’s loss.

It can be seen from this incident that Bill Duffy is still very responsible for the players he signed.

An occasional mistake, in Gu Yu’s opinion, is actually nothing.

What really made Gu Yu fancy was Bill Duffy’s reputation and character.

Steve Nash once commented on Bill Duffy.

“Bill (Duffy) is the best agent in my opinion, it’s a great blessing to know him, he patiently comforts me when I’m down, he’s one of my best friends. ”

Bill Duffy also hopes that his players will become good gentlemen. For this reason, he would rather miss the opportunity to make a fortune than serve some players who are not sincere.

Bill Duffy put it this way: “Money isn’t everything, I’m not in this profession for money, I have my own principles.

In endorsement, it is true that you can’t just look at money, and you need to choose a good character when choosing an agent.

Otherwise, like Duncan, it would be bad if he was cheated by his agent.

Bill Duffy, in a suit, met Gu Yu at a restaurant.

When the two met, Bill Duffy really made Gu Yu very satisfied.

Bill Duffy was not like many agents. As soon as they met, he told Gu Yu how much money he made for Gu Yu and how many endorsements he got.

Instead, we chatted with Gu Yu about training.

“The off-season is a good time to improve your strength. I think you can set up a professional trainer team to serve you in advance.”

“You don’t need to worry about money, if you agree to sign with me, I will help you with everything…”

“You and KG should be very similar players. His trainer, Joe Abbasa, I happen to know, and he can help you train.”

The professional level of the NBA has exceeded the imagination of many ordinary leagues.

From nutritional meals, trainers, and even shooting, there are dedicated coaches.

Joe Abbasa is a well-known trainer in the NBA. Garnett and Aldridge were his clients.

As for the issue of money, it is really not to worry about.

It’s not uncommon for agents to pay college players upfront.

After all, many NBA players, like James, have no father and are raised by their mother alone.

If you don’t rely on basketball to change your destiny, you can only be reduced to the poor at the bottom.

After Gu Yu listened to Duffy’s words, he also nodded in agreement.

“The stronger the strength, the greater the fame and the more money you can make. Many players start to waste their talents as soon as they see a lot of money.”35

“I believe in the future you, you will never regret starting to work hard now!”

After Bill Duffy finished speaking, he began to chat with Gu Yu about some sneaker contracts and endorsements.

The chat between the two sides was also very harmonious, and finally Gu Yu decided to use Bill Duffy as his agent.

As for future problems…

There are many agents in the NBA like Fagan and Jeff Schwartz, and he just needs to make a substitution.

After signing with Bill Duffy, most of Gu Yu’s phone calls disappeared instantly.

When Bill Duffy began to build a team of trainers for Gu Yu, the NBA was in a turbulent swing.

Although this time from the end of the NBA regular season, there are only about half a month left.

But the team that couldn’t make it to the playoffs couldn’t stand it, and it started to rot like crazy.

April 7.

North Shore Gardens.

Today is the Celtics at home against the Cavaliers.

“Beautiful dunks! LeBron James is a tomahawk dunk after breaking through with the ball!

“This is his 27th point today, the Cavaliers should have found their chosen son, and the Celtics are about to usher in a new leader! 35

The commentators on the scene didn’t care at all whether the Cavaliers won or not.

The Celtics’ star ‘Truth’ Paul Pierce has long since put up a free-for-all card.

Externally, it is a back injury, but in fact, everyone knows that this is the excuse for the Celtics to play bad.


With the timer reaching the end, the Celtics lost to the Cavaliers 88:97.


After the game, the North Shore Garden was instantly filled with cheers!

Celtic role players, Mark Blunt, Chucky Atkins and others, although they lost the game, all waved to the fans with their heads held high.

As if they were the ones who won!

Seeing this scene, the young James 4.4ms also had a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

Half of the league is playing for Gu Yu at this time!

Such a situation, even he who is called the ‘Son of Heaven’, has never happened before.

Cavaliers power forward Carlos Boozer also sighed with emotion: “I really don’t know what kind of player Gu Yu is, the last player who could make half the league spoil him, but Tim Duncan! 39

Tim Duncan, the No. 1 power forward in NBA history, led the Spurs to overturn the OK combination to win the championship…

The Cavaliers center Da Z also said at this time: “I am also very curious, if Gu Yu joins the NBA, I am also looking forward to playing against him! 35


At this time, the Blazers are away to meet the challenge of the Magic.

The fans in the Rose Garden were already drowsy at this time.




Throughout the game, there was a crisp sound of hammering everywhere.

At this time, there are only 7 points left until the end of the game.

If you only look at the score of 50:51, many fans think that the Pistons are against the Spurs, and the two defensive teams are in a big line.

In fact, these are two rotten teams, and they started to fight like crazy in order to deliberately lose.

Magic lead by 1 point, and rely more on acting.

The Blazers eventually lost to the Magic 58:60.

After the game, the general manager of the Magic, Wes Broad, who came with the team, had a terrifyingly black face.

Do I TMD want you to win?

Laozi wants to lose!

Won’t you strike iron?

The general manager of the Blazers, Patterson, saw this scene with a smug smile on his face.

The Blazers are one step closer to the No. 1 pick!.

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