NBA: I! The Most Versatile Player Ever!

Chapter 405

Chapter 404 Shutdown And Training!

At this time, the NBA was suspended like the original history.

The only difference is that this historical shutdown is a week later than the original history.

The incident started on February 11, 2010, that is, the All-Star Weekend for the two seasons before the closure had already laid the groundwork.

At that time, the league took advantage of the All-Star weekend and announced the content of a new agreement offer.

The reason why the league chose to announce it at this time is because the collective bargaining agreement (CBA), which is signed every six years, is about to expire before the start of the new season in 2011.

At this time, both employers and employees must draw up a new agreement. After both parties have reached a consensus on the salary and treatment, they must follow this agreement to implement various contract matters of the players in the past six years.

The new version of the agreement announced in 2010 made the players at the time very dissatisfied, because the player’s income would be cut.

It’s just that there is still some time before the official signing of the agreement, so the players’ backlash has not expanded.

In the summer of that year, another major event also happened, that is, the Big Three of James, Wade and Bosh formed an army in Miami.

23 On the contrary, the management of each team was dissatisfied with the existing agreement and believed that the league should prevent this kind of star grouping.

It also makes the employers want to formulate more stringent terms in the new agreement.

Later, representatives of the labor and management parties also met several times one after another. It is said that the meeting process was very friendly, but in fact, there was no progress in the agreement.

Seeing that the old agreement is only one season left to end, and the labor and management have not yet reached a consensus at this time.

July 8.

One week later than the original history, the NBA officially announced the suspension.

After the stoppage.

NBA commissioner Stern said in an interview with reporters.

“Thanks to the fans who appreciate NBA games, this past year has been a great one.

“However, for the owners of the team, even after such a great season, they are still unprofitable.”

“Teams in small cities simply don’t have that fun. Our goal is to make the league run more cost-effectively and make the league’s 30 teams competitive.”

Did these words reflect James and the Heat?

Let’s see what the fans think.

Compared with Stern, NBA vice president Adam Silva said it more straightforwardly.

“The just-expired collective bargaining agreement is not a win-win system, and that agreement has resulted in huge financial losses for our team.”

“We need a sustainable business model that gives all 30 teams a chance to compete for a championship, pays players fair wages, and earns decent financial returns under good management.”5

All 30 teams have a chance to compete for the championship…

This can only be said, almost directly named James and the Heat.

If you really want to count, you have to count the Celtics and the Lakers.

In the original history, on December 9, free agency and training camp will open at the same time.

It officially opened on February 25th.

This time the lockout, the most affected is the older team.

It is no accident that the Heat and the Thunder came to the stage of the Finals.

First, both teams are under-aged.

The intensive schedule is a big test for the veteran’s hidden injury and physical fitness.

Older teams, like the Celtics.

In the original history, Junzi Lei and Pierce were affected by injuries.

Spurs Manu Ginobili, and even Kobe Bryant have been affected by injuries.

For this situation, Gu Yu doesn’t care.

He has his own personal brand.

I was so busy with NBA games and international games before.

Now is the time to get busy with the brand.

There are many All-Star players who choose to sign now, Paul, Roy, Pacers star Granger…

However, with professional team management, Gu Yu is not too worried.

in early August.

Dayao took the initiative to find Gu Yu.

“Does Ou have time?”

“What’s the matter? Brother Yao.””

“Allen and I want to do a training camp in New York, do you have time? 35

“Okay, I’m going to have a training camp too.”

“It’s alright, Allen and I are looking for a big place this time, and you’ll have no problem handing over the entire Celtics.”

Hearing Dayao’s words, Gu Yu agreed, and then began to call his teammates.

Gu Yu called Pierce first.

Pierce agreed after the call.

When calling Junzilei, Junzilei refused.

“Gu, it’s not that I don’t want to train, but during the playoffs, my elbow ligament was slightly torn. 55

“The doctor’s advice to me at that time was to rest, but I haven’t recovered, and I’m considering surgery.

Hearing Junzilei’s words, Gu Yu can only say that fate is really wonderful.

In the original history, Junzilei was in poor condition because of injuries, and even sat on the bench for a time.

In this history, once elbow surgery is performed, Junzilei will definitely miss some games next season.

Even if he came back, it’s hard to say what his state would be like.

Then Gu Yu invited Shane.

Shane is traveling with his family and now cares about Daley.

“Gu, I estimate that the tour will not end until 973 in early September. You can start training first without waiting for me.”

“When I finish the tour, I will meet you again.”

“Okay, Sean.” 9

After hanging up with Shane, Gu Yu called Aldridge again.

Aldridge agreed very happily.

As the team’s new aid, Carlos Delfino chose to train with his old teammate Ginobili.

Timofey Mozgov agreed when he heard that his old teammate Kirilenko was also there.

Of course, the Great Sage cannot run away.

In addition to Dasheng, the UAE was also pulled over by Gu Yu.

After the United Arab was traded to the Bobcats, he would have to fall in love with Gu Yu and Dayao in the next few years.

Except for these people.

After hearing that Gu Yu was at the group training camp, Paul also called and said that he wanted to train together.

Gu Yu agreed directly.

In the end, the number of training camp directly reached 32 people.

There are top players in the league like Gu Yu, Paul and Dayao, and role players like Carlos Delfino and Jordan.

Fortunately, the place Iverson found was indeed large enough, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate so many people.

In the original history of Iverson, he has not played in the NBA this season.

In order to fight with Dayao again, Iverson also made changes.

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