Navigation: I, the five-series sharpshooter, the king of war

Chapter 63


Shenzhao pursed his lips and said:

"He can make some, but he can't break through the key technologies, because he can't synthesize materials, my technology is very mature and complete, and I can't do it without a piece!"

Shen Zhao said.

At least Vegapunk will never be able to break through the Ark reactor technology.

Even if the technology is completely in front of him, it will not work.

Energy is everything in this world.

It is the ultimate in this world.

Even life is just a transformation of energy, and energy is everywhere.

"General, are you hungry?"

Gion asked suddenly.

"Well, I want to eat the glutinous rice balls you made!"

Shenzhao smiled softly.

"I'll do it for the general!"

Gion also smiled happily.

Three days later

"Huh, everything is ready, the space technology has also been completed, the new intelligent program Bai Hou has also been entered, and the data of the Red Queen on combat assistance has been directly copied!"

"In the future, the red queen will assist me in researching science and technology, and the white queen will assist me in fighting!"

"Now it's time to give the White Empress a body, this is my masterpiece!"

"My combat power will usher in a qualitative leap!"

God was in high spirits at the moment, as if nothing could stop him.


As Gion watched, Kamizhao spat out a large piece of stone with a dark green shimmer from his mouth.

This stone is a super material made of vibranium that has been cut from historical texts after Shen Zhao traveled around the world.

After the study of Shenzhao, it was found that the historical text, which has the ability to recover itself miraculously, is the universal material of this world.

It's like vibranium in the Marvel world.

After extremely complex processing, it can be combined with almost all substance molecules.

Even human cells can bind.

In other words, Shenzhao can make a body through this vibranium, like the vision in Marvel.

This is also the reason why Shenzhao named this processed material vibranium.

Of course

With Shenzhao Technology, you can't make a vibranium body.

But Shenzhao knew that Vegapunk could.

Vegapunk originally studied bloodline factors, and was extremely good at biological genetic modification.

And this vibranium is not the protagonist today.

After a long period of calculations and simulations, Kamizhao is finally about to take the final step of this secret project.

With this in mind, the god placed the large piece of vibranium with a dark green glimmer into a transparent vessel.

"Then next, let's synthesize this is not a mechanic technology material, but a super universal liquid metal created by me in combination with vibranium-demon!"

Kamiteru muttered excitedly to himself in Gion's speechless gaze.

At this moment, the laboratory is already full of various machines and piles of materials.

These are the brainchild of Shen Zhao.

Shinzhao had already told Gion not to disturb anyone.

God has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and nothing can go wrong.


The final experiments of this technological phase have finally begun.

Gion couldn't help but hold his breath.

I only heard Shenzhao shouting loudly:

"After the red, ready to calculate the simulated deformation results at any time, now inject the vibranium and the higher-level elemental crystals into my newly synthesized higher-stage catalyst!


As the words of the red queen fell.

In addition to vibranium, which was placed in special machines.

There was also a large one-person-tall crystallization of higher-order elements that glowed with color on the other side.

At this moment, it was immediately injected with the superior catalyst that Shenzhao had successfully synthesized a few days ago.

The superior catalyst, just listen to the name, you know that it is an advanced version of the lower catalyst.

It is capable of liquefiing any substance and enhancing its properties without damaging its structure.

With both are injected after the upper catalyst.

The vibranium slowly turned into a puddle of dark green fluorescent liquid.

The sea floor stone also turned into a purple-blue fluorescent liquid.

"Immediately fuse the two liquids and stir them, and slowly inject the higher-grade hardener and the higher-grade catalyst!"

God commanded at once, and watched nervously.

The two liquids flow together slowly under mechanical control.

Then it began to be stirred quickly by a blender.

At this time, with the addition of the superior hardener, the two liquids that were stirred together began to shape and harden like crazy.

The movement of the agitator also becomes slower and slower because of this.

However, the higher catalyst injected at the same time began to liquefy it again.

The speed of the agitator increased again.

As a result, there was a strange scene where the blender with the liquid stirred inside was fast for a while, and slow for a while.

"Sir, the molecule between the two materials has been successfully broken under the effect of a higher-order hardener and a higher-level catalyst!"

The red queen has been monitoring and calculating the changes inside, and reporting to the gods anytime and anywhere.

"Add Sky Crystals, Step Stones, and other prepared metal materials!"

"Start the photothermal reactor to heat it with laser, so that the universal characteristics of vibranium can be brought into play and fused with various materials independently, and the fusion situation can be reported at any time!"


A laser shot into it at once.

With the entry of various liquefied metal materials.

The liquid that had turned dark cyan was instantly melted into a magma-like color by the high temperature of the laser explosion.

Shen Zhao immediately became even more nervous.

"Autonomous integration has begun, and the degree of integration is 3%!"

"Fusion 7%!"

"Fusion 25%!"

"Fusion 47%!"

"72% integration!"


As the red queen continued to report, Shenzhao became more and more nervous.

When the red queen said, "The fusion degree is 100%!", Shinzhao knew that the fusion was successful.

Kamaterasu is not surprised by the success of fusing a new universal liquid metal material, the "Demon".

This is completely feasible that Shen Zhao has calculated long ago.

Vibranium is a universal material obtained by Shenzhao through continuous research and processing in recent years.

The divine photo was shown to Vegapunk.

Even Vegapunk was shocked.

However, Vegapunk asked Shenzhao for some and found that the melting point of the thing was too high to liquefy.

Not to mention staying liquefied all the time.

So Vegapunk can't apply it at all with vibranium.

However, Kamisho was able to do so through the continuous polishing of high-grade hardeners and high-grade catalysts, and the addition of metal materials with various characteristics.

Let it change its form at any time, become solid if you want to be solid, become liquid if you want to become liquid, and become whatever shape you want.

Of course, the metal itself has no consciousness.

Of course, I don't take the initiative to change or anything.

That's why Shen Zhao boldly thought of adding the Sky Crystal, which is also a synthetic material.

And after calculation, Shenzhao knew that the sky crystal and vibranium could also be fused.

That's the magic of vibranium.

You know, vibranium can even fuse muscle tissue, and it can even be used to make the body.

This in itself is a magical ultimate material. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Once the sky crystal, sea building stone, step stone and other super materials are successfully fused.

It becomes a new material - a demon.

With the demons, the idea behind the god can be implemented.

And the name Demon is a name given due to its universal properties, combined with the magic of the Devil Fruit in this world.

Very apt. []

"The next is the most critical time, don't drop the chain for me after the red!"

Shenzhao's forehead was already sweating from nervousness at this time, and he said a word to the red queen before he began to move on to the next thing.

"Turn off the CSRP and let the new material demon cool down automatically. "

"How long will it take us to get everything done before it cools down?"

Kamizhao asked, placing a helmet on his head.

The other end of the helmet is attached to the instrument that holds the demon.

"Twenty-five minutes, sir!"

"Okay, now start transmitting my neuronal consciousness waves, since the demon is fused with the sky crystal, then it will definitely be able to accommodate the consciousness waves!"

Shenzhao said calmly.

Then the red queen immediately activated the helmet that Shen Zhao wore on his head.

Streams of consciousness began to transmit, and as long as the connection with the demon was successful, then it was okay.

Five minutes later

"Okay, I've got a feeling, cut off the transmission immediately, I don't want to completely put my own consciousness in there!"

Kamisho felt a sudden connection between his mind and the liquid that was cooling in front of him.

So Shinzhao immediately knew that he had succeeded.

However, it is not possible to experiment yet, because these liquid demons in front of them still lack motivation.

"Put it in the Liquid Ark Reactor!"

"Then turn on the quantum magnetic field to quantize the demon and form an anti-gravity field in itself!"

"Enter space technology data and the white queen's independent intelligent data module for the demon, and connect to the same mechanical frequency waves as me!"

Shen Zhao calmly issued a series of orders.

The tense atmosphere was even infected by Gion, who was watching from the side.

The Liquid Ark reactor was put in order to be able to power it, to be able to move, to be able to deform, and so on.

Although the energy of the Ark reactor is not infinite, it is already very terrifying.

And as long as there is light, it can recharge itself.

It is a very environmentally friendly source of clean and renewable energy.

It is a super scientific research achievement that can bring a planet into the age of energy.

Quantizing it to form an anti-gravity force field is to allow it to float and fly.

Shinasu wants to soar in the sky from now on.

And in this way, it will also have an advantage in air combat.

With this, the king-level fighter is already a phased product of Shenzhao.

Of course

The King-class fighter is still very strong when used as a strategic weapon.

Spatial data is entered in order to have a ".spatial" capability.

The independent intelligent module after entering the white is to allow it to act independently and autonomously even when the god is not in control.

And it can also connect to the network of the red queen and the red queen, becoming the second intelligent program of Shenzhao dedicated to serving Shenzhao.

And it's also an intelligent program that has a body and can act.

The purpose of connecting to the same mechanical frequency as Kamaterasu is to be able to detonate the army of machines created by Kamizhao in the same way as Kamaterasu.

For a full twenty-five minutes, Shenzhao and the Red Queen kept adding various technologies to it.

Finally everything was done before it cooled down completely.

"Whew, open the hatch and let's meet this new member of our family!"


The hatch opened, and a pool of silvery liquid metal lay quietly in it.

God moves according to his heart,

I saw that the pool of silver streamer liquid suddenly turned into a palm-sized metal ball, and slowly floated.

This ball has a perfect amplitude, the ultimate smoothness, and a perfect interpretation of what "beauty" is to the whole world.



I saw that this ball rushed towards Shenzhao at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye.

Then he stopped without warning before the eyes of the gods.

"The speed is good, and it doesn't cause the slightest atmospheric fluctuation when stopped, and after quantization, this invincible smooth surface will not have the slightest friction with the atmosphere, and it also has an anti-gravity effect!"

"Tsk, this is my greatest creation so far - the White Queen!"

"Red Queen, I may not need you here from now on, hahaha, don't be jealous!"

Shenzhao joked.

"Congratulations on your success, but it will make me feel disappointed if you say that!"

"Haha, I'm sorry, but you're not an artificial intelligence in the real sense, and you won't (Nuo Zhaohao) have such an emotion of loss!"

At this time, Shenzhao is like a happy child.

Constantly use his own mind to control this metal ball to fly this, fly that.

And under the control of Shen Zhao, this thing is constantly changing, and it turns into a silver streamer girl for a while.

In a moment, it turned into a two-meter metal hand.

After a while, it turned into a metal puppy running on the ground.

Gion's eyes widened when he saw it.

However, as long as Shen Zhao does not take the initiative to control it, this thing will turn back into a sphere form and float next to Shen Zhao.

This made Shen Zhao ask suspiciously:

"Why do you like to be like this ball?"

"I don't know, sir!"

For the first time, the thing made a sound.

It sounded like a little girl's voice sweeter than the Red Queen's voice.

This is simulated after a short learning period after connecting to the Red Red Network.

"Is that so? But it's not bad!"

Shen Zhao moved again, and the metal ball suddenly split in two, turning into two silver metal balls.

And there has been no change in volume.

"How is that possible!"

Gion's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hehe, it's amazing, this is the pinnacle of all my technology, it's really touching!!"

Shenzhao smiled, his face full of sighs.

Gion even felt that Shenzhao was about to shed tears.

"I'm in a good mood today, the first phase of my entire scientific plan has finally been completed, and what I want to study in the future is more advanced technology, and I don't even have a decent clue!"

Amaterasu's current technology has once again reached a bottleneck.

"At present, the accumulation of research is not enough, it seems that there is a rare vacation!"

Shen Zhao's face was relaxed at the moment.

I've been busy all these years, and I've almost forgotten how to spend my leisurely days.

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