Navigation: I, the five-series sharpshooter, the king of war

Chapter 44

"Bang bang ~~".

The killing continues.

Three seconds later

Kaido's blood-soaked body was about to fall to the ground, and Kamizhao's legs were thrown upside down again.

And the shooting of both hands did not stop at all.

Shenzhao himself was covered in strange black smoke, constantly appearing up and down Kaido, left and right.

While kicking Kaido's body frantically and quickly, he kept spinning his body and shooting gorgeous bullets.

Bullets trained into lines form orange-red ribbons.

The Gion who watched from the basement was fascinated by the shocking and gorgeous shooting of the gods.

I can't take my eyes off it, even for a moment.

At this moment

No matter who you are, you will be completely immersed in the magnificent shooting of Shenzhao, which is like art.


Kaido roared wildly, armed and domineering, trying to fend off Kamizhao's attack.

But Shenzhao's shot was too fast and too powerful.

The Armed Color Domineering was consumed in almost a matter of seconds.

Unable to be Kaido's protection.


I don't know how long it took.

Maybe a century, maybe ten seconds.

Kaido felt his body finally hit the ground with a heavy blow.

But at the same time, there is also a divine light falling.

I saw the falling Shenzhao's legs condense a strong black light, and he stomped on the ground.


Gravel flew under Shenzhao's feet in an instant, and Kaido on the ground was once again shocked into the air by this force.

But this time

Kaido's body couldn't hold it anymore.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

At the same time, the eyes, nose, and ears all began to bleed.


In an instant

Kaido's whole body also strangely spewed out a large amount of mist and blood.

Yes, it's a very fine mist of blood.

Because Kaido's blood has been shattered by Kamizhao's gorgeous, incessant rapid shooting.

Kaido's body fell to the ground like mud, and he couldn't move even the slightest bit.

Only the extremely faint breathing and half-open eyes were telling the world that he Kaido was still alive.


The whole world seemed to be quiet at the moment.

Even the sea next to it became incredibly calm.

Even Gion, who was watching from the underground laboratory, couldn't help but hold his breath.



Kamizhao stood in front of Kaido, and stepped directly on Kaido's already beaten ribs.

Sharp pain hit, but Kaido couldn't snort.

It's just that with the willpower that will never admit defeat, I tried to stare at Shenzhao with half-open eyes.

At this moment, the path of the Divine Picture Roaming Gunman has finally awakened.

It can't be called a roaming gunner anymore.

Instead, it's called

Gun God!

The shackles of the body were broken again.

Massive amount of dark energy enters the body.

The physical strength of Shen Zhao has been qualitatively improved again.

And it has super resilience.

It's like crossing over to a new level of life.

At the same time, Shenzhao has finally comprehended an awakened skill - the mark of death.

Death Mark:

Ability to find the most powerful route to shoot along the ubiquitous dark energy.

The bullets fired will be the most lethal.

That's why it's just an ordinary bullet, but it can break through Kaido's hard dragon scales.

Today's Shenzhao can be killed at will on the battlefield.

Killing seven in and seven out is just pediatrics.

"Kaido, now the situation has changed, you are completely defeated in my hands!".

Kamizhao looked down at Kaido.

“。。。。 "

Kaido tried hard to say something, but he couldn't make a sound.

And the whole body can't move, even the slightest.

"So the situation has changed, according to the rules of the pirates, everything you have will be plundered by me, but this time I won't kill you, 10 billion, this is what you owe me!".

Shenzhao stared at Kaido indifferently, and his tone was calm:

"Half a year, in the end, I will give you another half a year, if 10 billion is not enough, I will personally destroy everything you have now!"

After Shen Zhao finished speaking, he turned around and left.


Looking at the back of Kamizhao slowly leaving, Kaido could only make a 'ho-ho' sound from his throat with all his strength.

Until the divine light completely disappeared in his afterglow.

Kaido couldn't hold on any longer, and went into a complete coma.

"Hey, Felder, Kaido has fallen on the west coast of Blackiron Island!".

On the king-level fighter, Shen Zhao said casually.

Seems to be saying a small thing.

"W, what... You, you didn't kill him!!


The Felder was shocked when he heard this.

"No, but he owes me 10 billion now!".

God shines on the word.

"10 billion ... I know, I'll contact Kaido's subordinates to pick him up right away, and I don't have to pay back the money you owe me!"

Felder Road.

"What, do you want to help Kaido pay off the bill? Then Kaido is still 8.5 billion short of me!".

Shen Zhao raised an eyebrow.

"No, I'm just giving you a debt forgiveness!"

Felder said seriously.

"Felder, 1.5 billion favors are not big, but small is not small, I don't want to owe you anything!".

Shenzhao pouted.

"I didn't say you owe me anything, and I won't take this as a favor, I just want to forgive your debt!".

Felder had a smile in his tone.

"Then it's up to you, I'll tidy it up here, and I'll go to your place the day after tomorrow!"

Shenzhao hung up the phone directly.

Don't take this as a favor?

Who TM believes?

Such a statement, such an approach, is already a debt to God.

"These people in the underground world really know how to invest very well, and they are everywhere!"

Jimizhao shook his head.

In the past two years, Kaido's fame has become more and more famous, and the speed of expansion of his power is also very fast.

The ability of his green dragon fruit, coupled with the strength of Kaido's own race.

Let him make a name for himself all over the world.

is such a person, who actually fell on the Black Iron Island of Shenzhao in less than half an hour.

It stands to reason that Felder would make such an investment.

The world is dangerous.

The people of the dark world know this better than anyone else.

Therefore, one more investment means one more protection, and the money will not be made anyway.

What's more, Felder was a lending.

Usury is equivalent to investing money first, and then recovering the cost little by little, and finally reaping huge profits.

Back to the underground lab

"Gion, go make me a few more glutinous rice balls, there was a fight, and I'm really hungry now!".

As soon as Shenzhao came back, he directly picked up the remaining half of the glutinous rice balls and dipped them in syrup and ate them in a big gulp.

The cold and tender taste instantly made Shenzhao's eyes narrow.

"Good, good General!".

Gion came back to his senses, and his gaze towards Kamizhao became more respectful.

Then Gion hurriedly went to work hard to make glutinous rice balls.

"After the red, sort out the data and keep it private!".

"Set up an alarm and destruction program to destroy all data in case of intrusion!"

"Also, keep an eye on Gion's every move, but don't let her know!"

Shen Zhao sat in his chair and commanded with a twinkling expression.

"Yes sir, but how many levels of clearance do you need to give Miss Gion?".

The red queen asked.

"Level 4, you can access the information collected by the outside world, but you can't access the technical data, I'm going to take her with me this time, Level 4 clearance is almost there!".

Shen Zhao said.

Kamizhao himself has the only level 9 clearance.

Vegapunk has Level 6 clearance.

Able to access some of the technical data that the gods don't care about or that they made with Vegapunk.

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