Nature Fairy Douluo in Douluo Dalu

Chapter 2

Its been 1 year since I came to this world I can now walk around and I have to say the first thing I did was walk over to my brother and just hugged him, from that day on I never left his side no matter what we do (even though it’s mostly just playing with toys) but’s that besides the point. So I have made great improvements with physical strength and density of my spirit power my physical strength is equal to that of a 8 year old and the best part is, I don’t have to exercise right now, so that’s go-


*pat pat* 

I look at the person who is patting me and it was my adorable big brother when I looked over at him I tilted my head cutely as to say “What” 

When he realized he got my attention he pointed towards his toys and then pointed at himself then me, so I just waddled over towards the toys and picked it up, I then bring it to my brother and give it to him, we then spend 30-45 minutes playing with the ball rolling it back and forth. After that it was nap time so Mama came in and said

”It’s time for nap time” she then bends over to pick up my brother after she did that she came to pick me up she then walked over to our crib then pecked us each on the forehead saying “Good night my sweet children” she then left the room after that I just hugged my brother

Okay so back to what I was saying It’s a good thing that I don’t have to excerise my self in order to enhance my strength because if I did I could stunt my growth, I will start excersising at the age of 4 so I don’t stunt my growth from over exerting my toddler body but it will only be light until I reach the age of six and awaken my spirit,

3 months later 

So I’ve relized that if I am closer the plants the intake of nature energy is better and it speeds up in absorption so I’ve decided to sit near the window most of the time while playing with my brother,

9 months later 

It’s our second birthday my parents decided to celebrate it with cake which me and my brother made a mess out of just gotta act like a kid ya know (Not really I just wanted to make a mess while eating cake it was one of my dreams). My brother said his first words but they were not Papa or Mama it was Zhi Zhi, Which I replied to with Quan Quan. Which made him look a little shock I don’t know if that’s just me or not but I just shrug it off, our parents looked devastated that it wasn’t mama or papa but a shortend version of each other’s name but after that we continue with our daily life of eating sleeping and 

POV Xiannu Dequan

Right so my name is Sato Sora well that was my name until I died, 2 years ago now  am Xiannu Dequan, I was a Japanese-American College student I was attending LSU in America, when I died but it wasn’t one of the cliche kind of deaths like getting run over by a car it was a death because on a hiking route, because I saw a loli that was absolutely gorgeous chasing a bunny and she was running near a cliff chasing after it, so I called out for her to stop she might get hurt but she didn’t pay attention so. I started to run over to her when, she tripped and fell I tried to reach for her but only to ensnare up falling down after the girl fell and died, not so cliche but it’s ok, then I met a god and then I requested to be put in Douluo Dalu and get a place where I can add years on by killing the spirit beast in the area, I also requested full spirit power and I also wished for knowledge of ancient strengthening techniques which would help we boost my strength and my wishes were granted when I got the knowledge it wasn’t like I lived an entire different life and so I had the techniques of an ancient sect from another world, and so I was born, I had a twin sister named Xiannu Dequan I couldn’t leave her for 3 minutes without her crying, so we played and stuff for the next couple of years did I mention she has very powerful strength for a 2 year old she probably had the strength of a athlete that does body building back in my old world, because I can never manage to get out of her grasp when we sleep, so when we turned 2 years old I decided it was time for me to say my first words, so I decided to say Zhi Zhi, which made my parents cry anime tears, but what shocked me the most that she replied with “Quan Qwan” it was a little slurred but that was probably because we were babies it makes me sad,

That she is not only super strong but also is super intelligence I cry anime tears in my mind but its Ok, 

POV Xingzhi

4 years after that incident I now have the strength of a Level 50 Spirit Ancestor with just physical power alone and when I turned 4 my brother started excercising which in turn I did to every day we would push ourselves to the limits until we couldn’t run or exercise anymore my exercises were more tough because my brother knew of my strength so he made me carry big and heavy rocks while I do all my exercises and then after that he would have me strengthen me with a weird technique that made my already powerful strength go up by a lot, but during that time we also met a friend called Wang Chin he was apparently our cousin from Mama’s side of the family and for most of the time we hung out together but then at some point in time some wench decided to try and hug my brother and  I was not having any of that shit, so I just grabbed her arm and judo threw her out of the room At that point they said that she was my aunt whoops *teheheheh* oh and today it is our time to awaken our spirits on mama is coming

”Hey kids it’s time to awaken your spirits”

”Our course Zhi Zhi is Mama *Giggles* we are going to get awesome spirits and then we can be cool like you and become a spirit master”

my brother replied with a “Of course we’re ready I hope I get something good”

”Xiannu Dequan please come up to the stand” 

So my brother went up and put his hand on the ball and then the whole room lit up like before but then there was a slight pressure pushing down on my but it seems like a lot for the kids even those who awakend there spirit already then he announced the results

”Frost Fairy King congratulations boy, you got something good, please step over the area to test your spirit power”

It lights up again the examiner says in a startled voice

”Full Innate Spirit Power!”

Everyone erupted in chatter, and then the patriarch said “ENOUGH” and everyone quieted down

Then it was Wang China turn we had grown close over the years, so I cheered “YOU CAN DO IT!” Wang chin only smiled at me and then he walked up to the ball

”The hall lit up and there was an aura of majesty instead of an oppressive” There was now a Sign written in Kanji that said EMPEROR.

Then they walked over to the spirit power testing station and a then a voice rang out

“Full Innate spirit Power” 

My eyes lit up and said “Zhi Zhi knew you could do it!” 

I ran over and hugged my brother and said “See brother see, see, Zhi Zhi knew he could do it praise Zhi Zhi” I looked up at him with my shining emerald green doe eyes."

My brother replied with a doting voice “Of course Zhi Zhi you are the best you are smart” he said as he kissed me on the head, our parents just sweatdrop.

”It’s Zhi Zhi’s turn yay let’s go” I yelled as I ran up to the ball everyone just sweat dropped 

As I put my hand on the ball a soothing air came out like all fairy spirits had then a fairy came out and the examiner said in a disappointed voice

”Nature Fairy, I guess we can’t have all the genius spirits” I then looked at my status which is the first time I have opened it since birth.

[Name: Xiannu Xingzhi(Zhi Zhi)

Spirit Power:Level 10

Spirit Essence: Nature Fairy Empress]

Oooo I get a special one yayayayyayay

“Young lady are you still paying attention”

”Of course Zhi Zhi is listening is it time for Zhi Zhi to test spirit power?” 

“Yes young lady of course”

I stand on the thingy majig and they tested my spirit power

”Full innate spirit power?!?” 

“Yayayayayayaya!” I then ran down to Brother and said

”Brother are you proud of Zhi Zhi” I say with a innocent voice while I was squeezing him very tightly

He replies in the same doting voice “Of course I am” he said again the kissed me on my forehead I just giggled in happiness for a couple of seconds then said “Lets’ go outside and play” I drag big brother and ran out side and so the days went on.

Later that night

Okay it’s time for me to get a spirit ring so when I fell asleep on my brother I entered my Spirit Pagoda is what I call it when I entered it I looked around for good spirit beast with good abilities I eventually find something good

[Forest Ent


Ability: Nature Manipulation]

So I run over to it and start pummeling it I’ve been practicing Martial Arts everyday since I was born and managed to comprehend the essence of unstoppable force and Unbreakable defense, I am also trying to comprehend one more essence, and it may seem dull but to bad it is the Essence of Unpredictability, Then I will be an unstoppable force along with an unbreakable defence and an unpredictable attack, even if fairies don’t seem like it, they are talented martial artist, not just spirits that use magic and there abilities, so when I am done pummeling it was torn in two all it’s wood shattered into pieces and the only thing that is left are the splinters and the spirit ring, I then go to the spirit ring and absorb it, I then test it out by summoning a wall of vines and simple formations I tried making anything more complicated than that and it won’t work so I have to make sure the spirit ring gets more age to it by hunting some spirit beast,

I get to practicing martial arts and in that time I practice my essence of unpredictability, I suddenly have enlightenment, and then I just think about the essence and let my body take control after I finish comprehending it, I realize that my steps are more unpredictable, and my movements are more unpredictable, than before

(A/N No you dense child you were always really unpredictable unless it came to your brother)

I then realize someone is shaking me, 

when I leave I realize that big brother is shaking me saying 

“We need to leave now Spirit Pagoda is hunting for us”

I just look at my brother for 2 seconds and then say “OH SHIT ZHI ZHI NEEDS TO GET MAMA AND PAPA THE WE TO GO”

I then see brother start crying I tilted my head at him “*Sniff* *sniff* They are already dead we need to go now” 

I started crying before I even knew it I was crying while grabbing my stuff and stuffing it into my space belt we run out the door, and we just run and run and run until brother is exhausted, we then slump down into a hollow tree and cry until we fall asleep.

A/N: Longest chapter in the series it most likely won’t always be this long depends how much creativity I have on that day, Also to answer any questions about release schedules, I will only be uploading 3-4 a week I will come out with one more tomorrow

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