National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 65

Chapter Sixty-Five Fission Death Star Laser Launch! Truly destroy the planet! 120 billion people! 【5K, subscribe】!!

The Athos Empire.

It is a degenerate, decaying fourth-level civilization.

Despised by other fourth-level civilizations in the galaxy.

But in general, the existence that can be promoted to the fourth level of civilization, the political system of its civilization, and the ideological height of ordinary people within the civilization.

will go through sublimation.

For any civilization that has been promoted to the fourth level of civilization by normal means, there is not even an ordinary civilian within their civilization.

Its quality is superb, and its overall situation is very important.

Take your own civilization as your mission.

Regard the overall interests of their own civilization as the highest goal.

They are all very common.

They don’t indulge in pleasure, they don’t indulge themselves.

Most civilians in a fourth-level civilization will only think, how can they contribute their own strength to civilization?


In other words, an ordinary third-level civilization was promoted to a fourth-level civilization.

What is needed is not only the improvement of technology!

It also needs the sublimation of the minds of many civilians within civilization!

After that, more than ninety percent of the population was so well-thought-out.

In what can be called, is a qualified fourth-level civilization.

in order to have the potential to go one step closer.

And, look at the Athos Empire.

It is also a fourth-level civilization.

However, it is the level of science and technology that has reached the level of level four.

As mentioned earlier, the government of the Athos Empire was incomparably backward.

Because, the system of government of the Athos Empire.

Or the sub-sealing system.

This kind of system on earth, the Dragon Kingdom implemented thousands of years ago during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, the system implemented during the Holy Roman Empire on earth.

The sub-feudal system ——— the entire Athos Empire, consisting of tens of thousands of small noble fiefs.

These large and small nobles formed the entire Athos Empire. Emperor was made by one of the largest and most powerful nobles.

In addition, the Athos Empire had seven electors.

Archduke Jarton is one of them.

Perhaps, the Athos Empire also knew that its own form of government was not at all in line with the times.

They have also made a change.

This change is the establishment of a bureaucracy.

Nobles served as imperial officials.

In fact, the bureaucracy is indeed better than the previous scene of aristocratic partition.

He also reluctantly gathered the empire.

But the decadent aristocratic system, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, further pollutes the bureaucracy.

Makes the bureaucracy even more corrupt.

Administrative efficiency is lower.

As for why the Athous Empire has already entered the fourth level of civilization, it has already entered the ranks of the higher civilizations in the universe.

Why is such a backward system still in use?

Could it be that they themselves have developed the scientific and technological level of the fourth-level civilization unchanged?

Indeed it is.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the home planet of the Athos Empire discovered the source crystal ore.

Attracted the sixth-level civilization Mibach civilization.

The Athosian Empire was still in the feudal era.

Thus, under the subtle influence of the Mibach civilization, a group of athosian scholars became scientists.

In this way, the entire Athos Empire took a leap from the original feudal era into the universe.

The Athos Empire is not like the other fourth-level civilizations in the universe.

After tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years of ups and downs, internal reforms again and again.

Change the people’s thinking and raise the standards of the people’s own moral code system.

In the end, under the dual height of science and technology, ideology and philosophy, they went hand in hand and entered the ranks of the fourth-level civilization.

The Empire of Athous was like a child who had been forcibly elevated and grew into a giant

There will inevitably be a phenomenon of brain and huge body that do not match, and the phenomenon of mental inferiority is abundant in the Uth Rich Galaxy.

Three thousand six hundred and seventy light-years from the hub galaxy.

It was one of the seven electors of the Athous Empire, the fiefdom of archduke Jarton.

The living planet in the galaxy, Euth Fertile, is his home planet.

There are not many fleets here.

There were fewer than two hundred class IV civilization warships.

Because Grand Duke Alton went on a defensive mission to the Hub Galaxy, taking most of his army with him.

On this day, the stellar transition passage was among the outposts.

A Athos soldier is on duty.

His task is to monitor the cosmic string of this star and report any abnormalities.

At the same time, this outpost is also responsible for the dispatch of its own fleet migrating from the outer galaxy.

It can be said that this work is a very boring job.

All day long against that huge, fiery star.

And the Athosians were not a race that could be settled.

Today, the Athos soldier on duty is watching a variety show in their empire that is basically a household name in the space outpost.

Battle Royale of the Lower Civilizations.

It is the program team that uses warships to arrest people in many lower civilizations, and after capturing people, they are placed in a planet full of beasts.

Place various weapons on the planet and let them fight each other.

See who survives in the end.

The soldier on duty was watching the show and was laughing when suddenly a voice came from the communication channel.

“Guard Post No. 12841, attention!”

“Our fleet is going to the hub galaxy through the stellar transition channel.”

The Athos soldier hurriedly closed the variety show and replied, “Understood.” ”

Beyond the huge, scorching star, a battleship of the Athos Empire opened the cosmic string passage.

The entire battleship flashed and disappeared in place.

And at the moment when the cosmic string channel is about to close.

A seemingly innocent ripple of space was faintly transmitted.

The observation machine at the space duty post discovered this and truthfully passed it on to the soldier on duty.

But after the soldiers waited for the battleship to leave, they continued to watch the variety show

The spatial anomaly of noticing this at all.

Even if you notice, you won’t care.

There have been more and more cases of spatial anomalies.

Not worth worrying about.

Qin Sheng stood in the bridge of the flagship, looking in front of him, the star behind the fleet that emitted high temperature and continued to burn, and the space outpost that was incomparably small compared to the entire star.

“Is the level of the Athos Empire so watery?”

At this moment, the fleet of the Great Qin Empire had already entered the curvature space stealth mode.

Before That, Qin Sheng still had some trepidation.

After all, the Athous Empire also had four levels of technology.

Can you hide it?

But looking at it now, the opposite of the Athos Empire did not react at all.

“If that’s the case, then don’t blame me.”

“It’s you who don’t argue.”

Qin Sheng gave the order: “The fleet continues to advance!” ”

“Let’s give the Athous Empire a little wake-up call!”

The entire fleet, in a stealthy state of curvature space, began to accelerate continuously.

Heading for the only and largest planet in the planetary system, natural life.

Ush is fertile.

The Empire of Athous, a fief of the Grand Duke of Jardon.

Also his home star.

Ush Fertility is an authentic living planet.

It is also a developed agricultural planet.

Tens of thousands of years ago, this was the incomparably important agricultural planet of the Athos Empire with the output of a planet, feeding the Athos Empire in the surrounding planetary system

Hundreds of planets in the middle.

But now, with the gradual development of science and technology in the Athous Empire, both the upper and lower levels have gradually degenerated and sunk.

The planet Uth fertile became an amusement park for the Grand Duke of Arleton.

The people of Archduke Jardon began the slave trade on this planet.

The so-called slave trade.

It was the fleet of the Duke of Jardon who traveled to the planets of other lower civilizations to capture all kinds of slaves.

Then take it to the star of Uce and use these slaves from various races.

Do some business shows.

On the current Uth Fertile Star, the most profitable thing is this kind of entertainment.

Hundreds of billions of viewers watch their shows regularly every day.

The people of the Athos Empire also enjoyed the show.

The Planetary Governor of The Fertile Ues.

The younger brother of archduke Jarton, count of Yalta.

At the moment Count Yalta was overseeing the recording of a new show.

The content of this new program is to live-stream the meat quality and taste of the creatures of various lower civilization races.

After the evaluation is completed, see the audience’s response.

In response, the program team will send a fleet directly to the home planet of the lower civilization that knows nothing about what will happen to its civilization next.

After the massacre is captured, it is then made into canned live sales.

To put it bluntly, it is live selling goods.


Count Yalta received communications from his subordinates.

“Your Honor, there is a situation.”


Count Yalta asked impatiently.

“We received a message from the hub galaxy.”

“They remind us that a fleet of lower civilizations in the Hub Galaxy that committed crimes, attacked other civilizations outside the Hub Galaxy, and openly flouted the authority of the Athous Empire fled.”

“They have issued a wanted warrant for our side to cooperate with the investigation.”

As soon as the words fell out, count Yalta hung up the communication.

It’s annoying.

Isn’t it just a wanted low civilization? As for informing him directly?

Does he have time to waste?

Thinking of this, count Yalta called the other side back.

“Your Honor?”

The Earl of Yalta had just hung up the newsletter over there, and asked with some trepidation.

“Don’t bother me with such small things in the future!”

Count Yalta’s split head and cover his face was a reprimand.

He even turned on a remote virtual call, angrily shouting at the three-dimensional virtual image of the subordinates who appeared in front of him: “Do you know that you just wasted this communication that doesn’t matter at all, how long will you waste me?!” ”

“You know how much money I can make in a minute!?”

After angrily scolding the other party, count Yalta was relieved.

“Your Honor, what’s wrong?” Make such a big fire? ”

A nobleman next to him questioned.

“It’s all right.”

Count Yalta shook his head, then laughed, “I came down to report that it was for us to be careful of a fleet of low civilizations who committed crimes in the Hub Galaxy and escaped.” ”

“Hahaha, it’s ridiculous!”

As soon as this was said, everyone laughed.

“Hahahaha, the person who informed you is not brain-dead.”

“Doesn’t he still understand that our Athos Empire is a fourth-level civilization?”

“What is worth caring about in a low civilization?”

Laughing, the field was a joyful atmosphere.

Right here.

The planet of The Uce, the outer space of the universe.

The Fission Death Star Laser Battleship, possessed by the soul of the Golden Sparrow Spirit Clan, is in a state of invisibility in curved space, gradually approaching this huge living planet.

Because of the special machine soul talent of the Golden Sparrow Spirit Clan.

Therefore, Qin Sheng was also equipped with manpower for the Fission Death Star Laser Battleship.

They can be directly possessed by their souls and control the battleship autonomously.

At this moment, the huge spherical battleship with a diameter of fifty kilometers was already located in Wusan.

Qin Sheng observed the movements of hundreds of warships on the outer defense space station of the planet Wus fertile.

They didn’t react at all.

Qin Sheng couldn’t help but feel strange.

This, his Death Star has been opened to your faces.

Haven’t reacted a bit yet?

Didn’t you really detect it?? Qin Sheng couldn’t help but start to wonder.

Is the other party trying to get away with it? In fact.

Qin Sheng thought too much.

Wus’s abundant detection system really did not detect the approach of Qin Sheng’s Death Starship.

Every day, a large number of warships transporting slaves of lower civilizations traveled back and forth between outer space and the abundance of Us.

These warships usually turn on curvature engines inside galaxies.

It has reached the goal of racing against the clock and faster than competitors.

As a result, the entire Uth Fertile Galaxy, undisguised curvature navigation space fluctuations are innumerable.

The detection system and observers would not care at all, after the curvature space stealth after the fission Death Star laser battleship, the small space fluctuations could not be smaller.

“Forget it, Death Star Cannon, start charging!”

After waiting for a while, I found that the other party was really not moving, and I didn’t want to.

The order was given directly.

“Understand, Death Star Cannon, start charging!”

The many Golden Sparrow Lori souls of the Death Star Battleship shouted in unison in a crisp voice

Still in stealth, the Fission Death Star Laser Battleship, the entire fifteen thousand Metaconverse Curvature Energy Reactor began to function as a main gun.

In an instant, the energy amplitude of the entire Death Star Battleship also increased dramatically! Retreated directly from the curvature invisibility.

This moment.

On the entire planet of Us, the values of various energy detection machines instantly exploded!

In the slaughterhouse of a program on the planet Uth Fertility, the butchers looked at the scene of the sudden explosion of the machine that detected the size of the bioelectric power of the low civilization race, and they were stunned.

A certain variety show group on the planet is trying to dig through the underground variety show group, and the value of the machine used to detect the magnetic field also exploded in an instant, and the whole explosion was exploded.

Everyone was stunned.

Countless people on the planets can see, right in the sky.

Suddenly, there was a dazzling ‘star’ with a huge flash of light that could be easily seen even during the day.

“What’s going on!?”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know!”

The entire people of the fertile planet of Us were astonished, looking at the constant flickering light in the sky.

But none of them felt afraid, and they even thought that this was a new job from which program group.

Unlike them.

Above the planet of The Uce, the creatures of the lower civilization races waiting to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse of the program group looked at the sky with great eagerness.

Desperate, they hoped that it would be the god who could save them.

On the planet of The Fertility of Us, the poor people of Athous, who had been banished to the lower levels because of their poverty, came out of the ground and looked at the light in the sky.

They prayed that it would be a wishing comet that would bring them wealth.

On the Uth Fertile Planetary Space Station, the soldiers of the Guard Fleet even looked at the flickering light in space at the space-synchronous orbit space station.

None of them paid any attention to the high-energy monitoring machine whose energy values were gradually soaring.

Because they also think that this is a new job that the program group on the planet has made in order to attract traffic.

Until the energy value continued to soar, directly beyond an entire planet, the high value was almost explosive.

They reacted violently!

Until the remote monitoring system saw the spherical battleship suspended 1.2 million kilometers above the planet, with a main gun caliber of 800 meters!

But it was too late.



Qin Sheng gave an order!

A huge, dazzling torrent of energy gushed out in an instant.

Like an Optimus Prime, it instantly bombarded towards the fertile planet of Us, which has a population of 120 billion!

The beam of light runs directly through the crust of the planet, the mantle, the upper mantle, the lower mantle, the outer core, and directly to the core of the planet!

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