National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 54

[ps: brother Meng, the next chapter is going to be on the shelves, but also ask all brothers to support more, give the author a first order ah! Autumn pear paste, this is really important to me! 】

“Now Chaos Destroys The Reserves: 2,366,000.”

“Existing technical value: 216.8 million.”



Qin Sheng bowed his head slightly.

Although the existing reserves of the Protective Chaos Destruction Voucher still did not meet his expectations.

However, there are not many.

These Chaos Destruction Credentials were enough for him to redeem a full set of second-level civilization technology in the Judgment Holy See.

You can also save quite a few to redeem for some special things.

More than enough.

Here Qin Sheng was basically ready.

It’s time to leave the Shepherd’s galaxy and travel to the wider space of the universe.

After all, in the Shepherd’s galaxy, after the player.

Qin Sheng could already say that he was invincible.

It is based on the technology of a ten-fold warp-engine missile at the speed of light.

Qin Sheng was enough to dominate among the first- and second-level civilizations!

Even some ordinary third-level civilizations had to temporarily avoid Qin Sheng’s sharp edge.

If Qin Sheng wanted to go further, he had to look for a higher-level opponent.

Ordinary players and Qin Sheng were no longer in the same realm.

I waited another ten days.

The Shepherd’s Galaxy, closest to the planet Morrondez, is about five million kilometers away.

The transition passage with a flashing blue glow opened.

The huge figure of a “Hongwu Emperor” class defensive battlecruiser slowly opened out.

In the middle of the bridge, Ella crossed her hands and exhaled a long breath.

“Finally back.”

“I haven’t seen the Emperor in twenty days, so I miss him.”

A mechanical heart in Ella’s chest provoked a slight acceleration.

As the saying goes, Xiao Beisheng is newly married.

Ella longed to be by Qin Sheng’s side every day.

Not separated for a moment.

Under Ella’s orders, the battleship activated the curvature engine.

It didn’t take long, and soon arrived on the planet Morrondez.

The slow breakthrough of the battleship seemed to be wrapped in a thick layer of ash, basically dark atmosphere.

Constantly sinking, the gray atmospheric air currents wrapped around the huge battleship 4.7 kilometers long, flowing upwards.

Battleship landing.

Huge hatches open.

Ella led part of the battle humanoid down.

“Welcome back, Ella.”

“Unfortunately, we couldn’t stay any longer, and we got out right away.”

Qin Sheng stood with his hands in his hands, looking at Ella who immediately wanted to pounce on him, but suddenly remembered something, and stopped moving to become restrained.

Just now, Ella wanted to pounce directly on Qin Sheng’s body, but she suddenly remembered that she was wearing armor and adding her mechanical weight.

With a weight of more than two tons, Qin Sheng still couldn’t stand it.

It is to stop the action.

And Qin Sheng saw Ella’s worries, and he smiled slightly and waved his hand.

The white light of the palm flickered out.

Not far away, a weapon chest weighing a ton floated out of thin air.

“It doesn’t matter, I have awakened my spiritual energy now, and my body has been strengthened to withstand your weight.”

Listening to Qin Sheng’s words, Ella’s azure eyes gradually lit up.

“That is to say, you can change more postures in the future, rather than just one posture?”

Behind them, all the tactical humanoid maidens laughed softly, and there was a sound of warblers and swallows.

“Cough cough”

With a cold light cough, Anvilia walked over to Qin Sheng’s side and looked at Ella: “In public, pay attention to words and deeds.” ”

“Che, my private words to His Majesty the Emperor, what do you listen to?”

When Ella saw Anvilia, she wrapped her hands around her chest and twisted her small face to the side.

“What are you talking about? What fun things to do? ”

Long Mo walked over with a group of Aether Dragon Maidens with a curious face.

Next to him was Hetty and a group of St. Heli’s elite maiden warriors.

“Okay, that’s it.”

Qin Sheng’s old face turned red, and then he shouted, “Neil, are you all ready?” ”

A virtual screen of light unfolds.

His flax-colored hair was combed into a pair of braids, and Neil, whose bangs slightly obscured his eyes, appeared on the light screen.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, you are ready to board the ship at any time.”

“Well, now that Ella’s back, all right, all ready to board the ship.”

Qin Sheng bowed his head slightly and gave the order.


The girls all stood up straight and saluted.

The “Hongwu Emperor” class defensive battlecruiser that has just returned to the team slowly lifted off.

Adjust the direction in the air and turn sideways over the hull.

Next to it, on top of a huge building that is 3,000 meters tall and 16,000 meters long, a portal 4,800 meters long, which can accommodate the length of the “Hongwu Emperor” class defensive battlecruiser, is opened.

The portal made of the huge red dragon scale armor plate emits an azure glow.

The long, narrow, giant battleship entered as if it were a tailor-made position.

Densely packed, all kinds of maintenance, repair machinery, small maintenance drones flying.

Immediately enveloped this large battleship of 4,700 meters in length.

This is the last battleship.

The viewing angle is pulled up.

Shaded by the sun, sunlight is impenetrable, beneath the gray atmosphere filled with hundreds of billions of tons of sulfide.

There is a dead and silent world full of solidified magma.

Originally, Qin Sheng’s base was spread out, densely packed, and the large factory buildings everywhere had disappeared at this moment.

Huge pits after mined pits were revealed.

And it’s hundreds of kilometers away.

Above a huge, deliberately cleared patch of ground.

It is a huge building of twenty defensive battlecruisers that can easily accommodate the 4700-meter-long “Hongwu Emperor” class defensive battlecruiser!

Look more closely, where these are buildings.

It was clear that there were twenty gigantic battleships.

Ten of them are slightly larger.

Each one is sixteen kilometers long, six kilometers wide and three kilometers high.

The whole takes on a flat shape.

These are ten “Henkel zu” class aircraft carriers.

Among these ten aircraft carriers, all the warships that Qin Sheng now had were accommodated.

Twenty Hongwu Emperor-class defensive battlecruisers.

One hundred Hanwang-class universal cruisers.

A hundred Qin Wang-class storm cruisers.

Nine hundred “Wu’anjun” class pulse heavy gun frigates.

A total of 1,120 ships.

Add these ten “Henkel Zu” class aircraft carriers, that is, one thousand one hundred and thirty battleships.

It was Qin Sheng’s current family foundation.

In addition, in addition to the “Han Gaozu” class aircraft carrier, there are ten giant warships about ten kilometers long, three kilometers wide, and four kilometers high.

These giant battleships have no combat capabilities.

Just as a transport supply ship.

Each large integrated supply ship carries billions of tons of resources of various types.

Ten ships combined, there are tens of billions of tons.

In this way, after Qin Sheng left, if he needed a long voyage, then there would be no shortage of resources in a short time.

And Qin Sheng couldn’t help but sigh.

Even a giant transport warship ten kilometers long can only carry less than billions of tons of supplies at a time.

Too few.

Qin Sheng sighed.

If only he could have a full planet as a battlestar.

In that case, no matter where you go, you don’t have to carry a battleship that transports supplies.

After all, the star Battlestar is a real planet modified.


A fleet of twenty giant ships, the smallest of ten kilometers in length, slowly lifted off.

When the engine of such a giant battleship is started, the energy consumed is huge.

The movement is also huge.

Giant battleships began to break through the atmosphere.

For a time, within a radius of thousands of kilometers, the thick gray atmosphere was stirred by the inefficile push flow ejected from the bottom of the giant fleet.

It seemed that a tornado storm that swept thousands of kilometers around was about to form.


The fleet successfully lifted off.

The curvature engine starts.

First, it traveled near the stars inside the galaxy.

Immediately after that, the jump engine starts.

Qin Sheng personally entered the coordinate location.

The target, five hundred and sixty light-years away, is the hub galaxy of the Mibach civilization’s trading hub.

The Mibach Civilization Trading Hub Galaxy.

It is a civilization founded by the sixth-level Mibach civilization.

The surrounding civilizations spontaneously gathered to form a hub galaxy.

There are all kinds of non-player civilization forces of all classes and levels.

It is also relatively safe.

And the Holy See of Judgment here, too, has their Chaos Destruction Voucher Exchange House.

Qin Sheng’s goal was there.

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