National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 29

“Finally unlock the planetary colony engineering ship!”

Qin Sheng shook his fist and was very excited in his heart.

It is a giant ship.

Once you have such a giant ship, you can pack up the entire base and take it away.

Then fly to a planet and colonize it.

From then on, that planet was Qin Sheng’s home planet.

Although it is called the home planet, it is for Qin Sheng and most players from Earth.

The Earth is their home planet.

However, what most players don’t know is that when the Star Sea game began, the earth had been destroyed.

Qin Sheng and countless other players in their previous lives had also crossed the galaxy to find the earth again.

However, after finally finding it, it was found that the Earth had turned into a space meteorite belt.

Players have established the Space City Graveyard at the Site of Earth’s Wreckage.

Perhaps at that time, the players who deceive and fight each other will put aside the dispute.

Send a fleet to guard the ruins of the Earth’s wreckage.


This upgrade consumes a total of 60 million tons of metal, 6 million tons of crystal resources, and 600,000 tons of heavy hydrogen resources.

Qin Sheng’s resource inventory fell sharply.

In addition, it also consumed five first-level civilization building instant construction orders.

But these consumptions were insignificant to Qin Sheng. ,

Well worth it.

However, now it is directly upgraded to the ninth level base in seconds.

The various buildings inside Qin Sheng’s base have not yet been built and related upgrades.

But, there is no rush.

As long as there is the right planet to colonize, there will be a lot of time to upgrade.

The most important thing for Qin Sheng now was to attack a planet as soon as possible.

And Qin Sheng felt that the mother star of the Morrondez civilization was very good.

Exactly, he remembered the approximate location of the home star of the Morrondez civilization.

Now, Qin Sheng was ready to expand and transform his battleship.

And the battleship blueprints of some of the new cruisers have emerged.

Qin Sheng was not ready to take care of it now.

The most important thing for him now was to first apply the energy shield system directly to all existing warships.

After the base upgrade is complete.

Qin Sheng said to Anvilia, “Anvilia, start to preside over the research of the research room of the center.” ”

“First apply the energy shield technology to the Wu’an Jun-class pulse heavy gun frigate.”

“Yes, Emperor.”

Anvilia nodded slightly, and then in her eyes, the blue data stream flashed.

Her consciousness was already connected to the central research room.

Avelia’s computing power level is now Quantum Excellence.

Several levels of computing power – Normal, Good, Quantum, Superior, Quantum, Turing, Quantum, Quantum, Galaxy, Cosmic Ultimate!

Avrillia is currently in her fifth tier.

The higher you go, the harder it is to increase the computational force level.

Above the quantum excellence level, more than just experience is required.

There must also be a lot of related technology, and a lot of technical value to upgrade.

The quantum excellence level is a computing level commonly used by the third-level civilization.

First, the second level of civilization is still commonly used from the good level to the excellent level.

That is to say, with Anvilia alone, Qin Sheng had the computing power of the third-level civilization level.

That’s enough to calculate the data in a planetary system.

There is Avilia conducting research to host.

Qin Sheng was very relieved.

“The application of the three-level energy shield technology to the Wu’anjun-class pulsed heavy gun frigate is being studied.”

“The consumed technology is worth 100,000.”

“In ten hours, the study will be complete.”

At this point, the ten hours were still because Ofria’s computing power was strong enough.

Otherwise, if the computing power is not enough, it is possible to study for a year or even several years.

But Qin Sheng was not ready to wait ten hours.

“Consume technical values and conduct instantaneous research.”

“Half a million technical values have been consumed.”

“Research complete!”

“The blueprint of the Wu’anjun-class pulse heavy artillery frigate has been updated.”

“New Energy Shield System.”

“The existing Wu’an Jun-class pulsed heavy gun frigates are being automatically updated to install an energy shield system.”


[Energy Shield System: Energy Armor Value: 100 million].

Now Qin Sheng had the command ability of three hundred and sixty warships.

Regardless of the type of battleship.

In addition to the ten existing warships, Qin Sheng could build another three hundred and fifty warships.

And now, Qin Sheng was ready to study new cruisers, battlecruisers and aircraft carriers.

How can there be no large ship species.

Star Sea Games, blueprints given away by the system need to be studied.

There are three types of cruisers.

CAS066 class universal cruiser.

KCCPV2.0 – Light Attack Cruiser extremely sub-type aircraft-based cruiser.

There is only one type of battlecruiser.

ST59 class defensive battlecruiser.

[CSA066 class universal cruiser

Type: Cruiser/Armor

Armor: Titanium alloy universal armor plate

Armor thickness: 2000MM

Body length: 1010 m

Weight: 718,800 tons

Ship armor value: 61850

Weapon system: ST-8-10 eight-packed torpedo

Four SG-1120-B 120MM rapid proximity electromagnetic guns

Two “Thunderfire” twin 550MM ship-attack electromagnetic guns.

Firepower against ships: 11588

Anti-aircraft firepower: 1440

Siege Firepower: 3922

Energy system: RT-450 integrated energy conversion system.

Conventional powertrain: EN-300 universal vector engine.

Curvature Engine: None

Manufacturing demand: metal 621300 tons, purple crystals 73400 tons, heavy hydrogen 24100 tons. 】

“Look at the battleship after getting used to a hundredfold increase, and then look at this, you feel so inferior.”

Qin Sheng couldn’t help but sigh.

The capabilities of this cruiser are more balanced.

There are both ship firepower, anti-air fire, and siege fire.

Suitable for use as a universal ship.

Now Qin Sheng was first preparing to strengthen this battleship.

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