National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Great Qin Empire, Pick Fifty Thousand Civilizations! End this division as soon as possible! 【Subscribe】!!

Chaos natural disaster.

In addition to the natural disasters brought by the real demons from subspace to the player’s Hexi.

There is another kind of natural disaster.

That is, a natural disaster set off by the players who have attached the Chaos Demon These players who have attached the Chaos Demon will have a sharp increase in their civilization strength, after all, they use the power from the demon.

The goal of these players who cling to chaos, of course, becomes destruction to bring chaos to the river system they are in, complete chaos.

After completing the missions issued to them by the evil gods they have attached, these demon players will be able to soar.

The ascension mentioned here is to ascend the demon on the spot, become a divine choice, or a demon prince, and then enter the subspace.

Transformed into a subspace demon through and through.

And the current player who is attached to the evil god Treacherous, it is obvious that the flesh has completed partial distortion.

The head turned into a bird with colorful feathers, and colored scales and wings grew on its back.

Colorful feathers and colorful scales usually represent the followers of Xuanqi.

This also means that he has completed most of the tasks of the traitor and received a large number of rewards and blessings from the treacherous.

Some of these blessings are the distortion of the flesh, and some are the power of technology.

And this also allows this player to successfully enter the fourth level of civilization.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the evil god Qi Qi is one of the four great evil gods of the universe ×, claiming to have endless knowledge, and the one hundred millionth that leaks out of the finger slit is enough to create a complete fifth-level civilization.

It’s better to say that this player didn’t work hard, and has just entered the fourth level of the primary civilization now.

“Stir up chaos, please my gods, and get more blessings!”

The Treacherous Believer player looked at the star map of the competition area in front of him, the bird pecked slightly, and the essence flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, some of the other players who participated in the competition and attached themselves to the tooth god were given their own missions.

Fear of abuse requires the player to kill, to kill as much as you want.

Nashi asks the player to spread the plague, the virus.

Sex abuse requires the player to create the ultimate pain, to feel the ultimate joy in the extreme pain.

Well, such a Virgo supercluster covering two thousand five hundred river-level galaxies, than the four believer players of the four gods had gathered at that moment.

Just when these four players who believe in the Four Evil Gods were preparing to set off a bloody storm in this five-hundred-year-diameter division.

Qin Sheng on the other side had already begun to pack.

The entire population, buildings, factories, etc., were transferred to the twenty-five planetary Battlestars.

These twenty-five planetary Battlestars were originally battle planets, but Qin Sheng had already completed the internal transformation and turned most of the internal area into a living area.

After all, it was necessary to accommodate the entire population of the Great Qin Empire of more than 800 billion.

In terms of combat, Qin Sheng had four neutron battle stars and twelve million warships of various levels, and did not need the combat power of these twenty-five battle stars.

However, although these twenty-five star battlestars have become movable living planets, withdrawing from the first-line battle sequence of the Great Qin Empire.

But the Battlestar still has heavy armor and a lot of weapons and equipment on its surface to protect itself.

All the actions of the tactical humanoid are orderly and carried out with great speed

“After the game officially begins, each player civilization has ten days to prepare.”

“In this stage of preparation, no one can attack each other.”

“After ten days, the battle between civilizations will officially begin.”

“There are two ways to win.”

“1: Destroy all participating civilizations except your own civilization and become the final winner.”

“2: Occupy the champion reward planet in the center of the division, and hold out until the stargate opens, and then enter the stargate with the championship reward and successfully evacuate.”

“After the final winner is determined in this division, if the other divisions are not over, and the winner wants more rewards, he can freely choose other divisions and become an external invasion disaster to grab the rewards.”

“This is it!”

Qin Sheng’s eyes shone brightly, and he looked at the last sentence.

That’s the mechanism he wants.

After the end of the current competition area, if the other divisions are not over, then he will be able to transform into an external invasion disaster and freely choose other areas to grab new rewards…

Qin Sheng didn’t care about the game rewards at all, what he cared about was once again passing through the system’s teleportation mechanism, instantaneously spanning countless light-years.

According to some memories of Qin Sheng’s previous life, a division generally lasted a long time.

The fastest, played for a year, was once the most intense, the most brutal one, where tens of thousands of players civilization has been hard for a hundred years.

Brutal to the extreme.

In his previous life, Qin Sheng didn’t care about this civilization tournament, but because of this matter, he only understood something.

And this time, Qin Sheng is ready to end the civilization tournament in the current division as quickly as possible!

At the very center of the entire division, the stargate of the planetary system where the champion rewards planet takes a year to open.

That is, the second victory condition takes a year.

Qin Sheng was not ready to wait a year.

He, choose the first victory condition!

Destroy all player civilizations except your own!

Qin Sheng, you want to pick fifty thousand!

Chaos, darkness, filled with countless thoughts and emotions, a glance will be completely polluted and swallowed within the subspace.

The four great demons representing the four evil gods gathered.

These four great demons are all chaos demons within the range of the Virgo super cluster.

They are all chosen demons of their respective galaxy groups.

A treacherous god from the Ursa Major galaxy group, the Great Demon: Rockefeller.

The Sadistic Chosen One from the Leo Galaxy Group, the Fifth Level Demon: Alrudolf.

The Color Cult from the Canis Hound Galaxy Group, the fifth-level demon: Bellamy Sister Akane.

From the Swordfish galaxy group, the Fifth Level Demon: Gagalos.

The players of their respective choices have already entered the zone.

This was supposed to be a meeting to discuss things, but at this moment, it became a gathering of four gods and demons who were hostile to each other, picked, and fought.

The four gods did not look at each other well, which had been going on for countless years.

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