National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 16

[ps: the fifth more, can be counted as more finished! 】

[ps:The author is here cheekily begging for flowers, asking for evaluation votes, asking for monthly passes, asking for comments, asking for all data! 】

Sure enough, the Wei Zhen Alliance was one of the most notorious alliances in the past life.

The alliance lord Wei Zhentian was really brain-dead.

Qin Sheng’s Emperor Aura had three effects.

Effect 1: Any human, subhuman, humanoid creature will see you and can’t help but admire you from the heart!

Effect Two: Any non-humanoid alien race will feel a great deal of fear from the heart when it sees you!

Effect three: Your own existence is supreme, immune to subspace pollution, immune to chaos evil god pollution!

The first two effects can be actively turned off.

Otherwise, it has always been admired by thousands of people, and it is also very tiring.

The third effect is the passive effect.

When Qin Sheng saw Wei Zhentian for the first time, he felt that this person was a brain cripple.

Without even thinking about it, he directly closed the first effect of the Emperor’s aura.

Qin Sheng didn’t want to be admired by the brain cripple at all.

And now it seems that, sure enough, he guessed correctly, this person is the ally of the Wei Zhen Alliance, and he is the biggest brain cripple.


In the starry sky, from all directions came a battleship with the emblem of the Wei Zhen Alliance.

The logo of the Wei Zhen Alliance, really like the name of the alliance lord Wei Zhen Tian, is the symbol of the Overlord Tiger in Transformers.

Combined, there were nearly two hundred fleets on all sides.

According to this situation, at least fifty Wei ZhenMeng players came.

Wei Zhentian asked ecstatically, “How many people have come!?” ”

“Lord of the Qi Dynasty, the nearest sixty-one players, fifty-four have come.”

“One hundred and seventy warships in total!”

“Total attack firepower against ships, three hundred and fifty thousand!”

After Wei Zhentian’s ecstasy, he frowned: “That is to say, of the nearest sixty-one people, seven people did not come?” ”

“When this is over, expel the seven who did not come from the alliance!”

“Then assemble the fleet to encircle and suppress, and when the life and death of the lord of this alliance are at stake, they will not come!”

“Don’t even think about living, destroy their base, and after killing them, all the resources will be handed over to the alliance!”

“Our league also has to make room for other players who want to enter the alliance and can’t enter!”

Wei Zhentian said in a vicious tone.

He suddenly turned his gaze and looked in the direction of Qin Sheng’s fleet.

Hatred appeared in his eyes.

“Order half the players to gather at once and come to my rescue!”

“The other half of the players, assemble the fleet and go kill him!”

As soon as the words fell, the player next to Wei Zhentian, who was also the only player who came out with him, looked a little hesitant: “This, that player is just passing by, and besides, there are ten battleships on the opposite side…”

“What’s wrong with ten battleships?!”

“Half of the fleet we came to help, firing nearly two hundred thousand against the ships.”

“Are you still afraid of him alone?”

“I really don’t like the tone of the man who just spoke to me, kill him for me, destroy all his fleets.”


In space, eighty-five Wei Zhen Alliance warships were coming towards Qin Sheng.

Eighty-five silver-and-white warships with an average body length of two hundred and fifty meters, carrying the Decepticon tiger emblem, swooped in en masse, and they were also quite powerful.

“The Allies have orders to destroy the player’s fleet in front of you!”

“Up and up!”

Dozens of players controlled their battleships and pounced on Qin Sheng’s “Qin King” battle group.

The two sides are constantly getting closer.

One million kilometers, nine hundred thousand kilometers.

Until the distance between the two sides is less than 100,000 kilometers!

And Qin Sheng’s fleet remained motionless in place.

No attack was launched.

“Hahaha! This guy wouldn’t be scared silly anymore! ”

“It’s all close to 50,000 kilometers, and he doesn’t move, so let’s attack!”

“Ten battleships, a guy with a little strength, but anyone in front of our Wei Zhen Alliance is also a waste!”

“Fifty thousand kilometers, this is the best range, basically will not fall short!” Give me a salvo! Directly reimburse the ten battleships opposite this waste in one round! ”


Dozens of Mighty Alliance players laughed, but just as they were about to attack.

Suddenly, the seven FG300 frigates in the front row, which were occasionally lined up in a straight line, exploded violently at almost the same time!

If there is a high-speed camera recording it at the moment, then slow down tens of millions of times

One will notice that a shell first hit a frigate in the forefront, and then the rear deck of the frigate in its opposite position bulged.

The hard alloy deck was breached in an instant.

Directly came a through, the battleship has not had time to explode.

The shell penetrated in the same way through the other six battleships directly behind this battleship, almost on the same line!

After all of them had been penetrated, the battleships seemed to react, and then, almost at the same time, the explosion occurred!


In the muzzle of the 600MM ultra-electromagnetic acceleration siege heavy gun of the “Qin Wang-class” storm cruiser, there is still an electromagnetic force that has not yet faded.

For these wastes, Qin Sheng would rather wait for a moment and a cannon to penetrate several battleships, rather than waste excess shells!

“Ding-Dong ~ You destroy the player: the Demon Head’s battleship and gain technical value X2.”

“Ding-Dong ~ You kill the player’s demon head and gain 200 personal experience points.”

“Ding-Dong ~ You destroyed the player: the battleship of the Pillar of The Sky, and gained technical value X6”

“Ding-Dong ~ You killed the player’s Pillar of Heaven and gained 150 personal experience points.”


[100x increase].

“You get 800 technical points and 35,000 personal experience.”

“Your personal commander has been promoted to level three.”

“The number of commandable warships has increased: a third-level commander can command 60 warships.”


The azure electromagnetic light flickered continuously in space, converging on the muzzle of the gun.

Constantly following the barrel of the gun.


The barrel of the entire 600MM ultra-electromagnetic acceleration siege heavy artillery was suddenly bounced backwards by the huge recoil shock.

Five-thousandths of a thousandths of a shell accelerated to the speed of light burst out at a speed of fifteen hundred kilometers per second!

Subsequently, the remaining eight “Wu’an Jun-class” pulse heavy artillery frigates attacked at the same time!

The eight purple plasma rays emitted by the eight plasma special pulsed heavy cannons were like tearing apart the firmament in the pitch-black space.

Straight across.

Quick as a wink.

The remaining seventy or so battleships all exploded at the same moment.

All killed!

“Ding-dong ~ You destroy the player: Meat Stuffed Battleship and get the skill value X5.”

“Ding-dong ~ You kill the player’s minced meat and gain 300 personal experience points.”

“Ding-Dong ~ You destroyed the player: a battleship thirty-seven times a night, get the technical value X8”

“Ding-dong ~ You killed the player thirty-seven times a night and gained 600 personal experience points.”


…[a hundredfold increase].

“You get the technical value X17000!”

“You get 810,000 personal experience points!”

“Your personal commander level has been raised to level six!”

“The number of warships you can command has increased at this time.”

“Current number of commandable warships: 10/210.”


On the other side, the salvaged Wei Zhentian was a little confused by the sound of a prompt coming from the ear of the listener.

“Your allies, the Demon Head, was killed by the Player Emperor.”

“Your allies, the Pillar of Heaven was killed by the player Emperor…”


The listener hears the constant sound of prompts in his ears, looking at the flickering flashing light of battleship explosions in the distant space.

Wei Zhentian’s eyes widened, he was extremely shocked, and his voice shouted with endless remorse: “That person is actually the emperor?!! ”

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