National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Jump Gang! Jump gang! All tactical jump gangs! 【Subscribe】!!

Coming to the Milky Way’s neighbor, the andromeda galaxy’s fleet of silicon-based alliances is not to be mentioned.

They do not affect the Milky Way galaxy for the time being.

At this moment, the first to set out the great demon Syr Titas had led the fleet of the Destroyer Civilization to the edge of the galaxy.

He was forced to stop at the edge of the Galaxy.

“Damn, there’s a jump zone on the periphery of this river system!”

“I can’t go directly to the interior of this river system.”

Siltas’s massive body was suspended in space, and he was even angrier when he was in a bad mood.

After the great demon whose body was a hundred kilometers high, the jump passage opened, and one destroyer battleship after another came here.

“Kill! Only killing can quell my anger. ”

“Only by killing can we please my god!”

Just as this abusive demon appeared in the galaxy at the edge of the Milky Way, the spatial fluctuations that jumped up were detected by unmanned detectors scattered throughout the galaxy

The first was to transmit faster-than-light tachylon communications to the nearest patrol fleet

Seventeen light-years away, a patrol fleet belonging to the Norton civilization immediately received the signal.

The Norton Civilization is the leader of the Norton Bounty Hunter Organization.

As mentioned earlier, the Norton Bounty Hunters Organization is an organization dedicated to hunting down the Forces of Chaos, consisting of a fourth-level Norton civilization and several third-level civilizations.

The third-level Barbaron Elephant Civilization that Qin Sheng left the Mufus Galaxy and was rescued in the transition passage into the hub galaxy was organized by norton bounty hunters.

“Admiral, in a galaxy seventeen light-years away from us, a probe has sent a signal of space transition fluctuations!”

“And the Chaos Mark Breath comes!”

“Which evil god’s power belongs?” Are there any signs of insects besides the Chaos Marker Breath? ”

“It is the evil god who is afraid of his subordinates, and there seems to be no sign of the insect clan.”

Admiral Norton heard this and pondered.

Breath of Chaos…

Conceived along this line of thought, it seems to fit the description of the Destroyer civilization, one of the two extra-alien civilizations that are about to invade the Galaxy.

Everywhere they went, there was only the civilization of the Destroyers who killed, and there was no doubt that they believed in evil gods and feared abuse.

He said, “Immediately go to that galaxy, and at the same time summon the other patrol fleets and the Great Qin Empire to let them support as soon as possible.” ”

“We must first hold back this chaotic force!”

The Norton civilization hated the forces of chaos immensely.

At the beginning, when the Norton civilization had not yet developed, there was a period of low. During this period of lows, degeneration and corruption arose within civilization.

The people at the bottom are sick and miserable.

It was the people at the bottom who began to pray to God in despair. Pray to God because of sickness.

Thus the blessing of the evil god NaShi was brought in.

Among the four gods, the evil god Nashi is called the Loving Father. Why?

Evil gods and treacherous people favor those who crave knowledge and gain strength.

The evil god fears that he favors powerful warriors who can bring him the pleasure of killing. Evil spirits like people who pursue extreme desires.

And only the Loving Father embraces dirt and loves everything in the universe and the world.

No matter where you are in the universe, no matter what identity you are.

As long as you sincerely pray to the Father, the Father will respond to you and bless you, but also because the Father is too loving, and when the blessing is given to you, even the germs in your body will be blessed.

This also leads to the fact that those who are blessed by the Loving Father will receive many positive qualities such as immortality and instant healing.

But it will also be blessed equally by a loving father because of its own illness shortcomings.

Thus more disease-ridden!

Everyone who has been blessed by the Father can attain an almost immortal life, immune to pain and perception.

At the same time, the appearance is full of abscesses, the skin will dissolve after a little contact, and the body of the believer is puffy due to various unimaginable viruses

The original Norton civilization experienced a plague brought about by the chaos god Nashi.

As a result, nine-tenths of the civilized population was wiped out. Almost exterminated.

Finally, with the help of a certain higher civilization, it was finally calmed down.

The Norton civilization that had experienced these things no longer fell, but was reborn from the ashes and progressed to a fourth-level civilization.

Because of this, the Norton civilization hates the Chaos God the most.

Whenever news of chaos haunting, the Norton civilization always fights at the edge of the galaxy at the forefront, the unnamed galaxy numbered BY-12754-36514.

Open through the transition channel of the star.

The Norton civilization gathered the nearest patrol fleet around them, and about 300,000 warships burst out of the interior of the transition passage in the form of streamers.

First, it was the first time to discover the battleship of the Destroyer civilization. And the huge demonic demon.

A cursory sweep estimated that the warships of the Destroyer Civilization were no less than five million belly.

“Admiral! The enemy’s strength is more than ten times ours! ”

“So what?! Attack! ”

“Destroying all chaotic forces is the main purpose of the survival of our Norton civilization!”

“Moreover, we also have reinforcements, just delay them and don’t let them leave for somewhere else!”


Without the slightest hesitation, about 300,000 Norton warships launched an attack on the Destroyer Civilization, which was more than ten times their size.

“Ha! When it’s really sleepy, come to the pillow! ”


“Kill them all!”

Siltas laughed loudly, and the huge wings with a wingspan of up to four hundred kilometers behind him waved, and with a wave of his hand, he gave the order.

“Kill! Kill kill kill! ”

The Destroyer Fleet, carrying countless excited Chaos Warriors, also launched an attack on the norton civilization’s fleet!

“Jump Gang! Jump gang! ”

“Jump Gang Fight!”

“Kill in, kill their battleship!”

The distance between the two sides was still hundreds of millions of kilometers, but the Chaos Warriors within the fleet had already roared uncontrollably.

The Destroyer fleet spearheaded the firing of a large number of faster-than-light torpedoes.

The signs of these faster-than-light torpedoes were so obvious that the Norton fleet detected them and immediately turned on the array of near-defense spears.

Start blocking.

In an instant, the entire dark and silent space flashed with countless lights

The faster-than-light torpedoes traveled through a dense array of proximity-defense lecithron spears.

Most were intercepted head-on by the proximal anti-lecithron light spear.

But there were still quite a few faster-than-light torpedoes that hit the norton civilization’s warships.

Strangely enough, however, these faster-than-light torpedoes were about to hit the Norton Civilization warships when they suddenly began to slow down.

Exit the faster-than-light state and go to subluminal speed.

The torpedo carries a special force field, directly breaking through the battleship’s space distortion force field shield!

Subsequently, the heads of these torpedoes began to glow. It’s a proton decomposition device!

A torpedo plunged headlong into the armor of a Norton warship with a proton decomposition device on its head.

Directly into the interior of the battleship.

However, the hundred-meter-long torpedo did not explode. Instead, a hatch was opened.

“Come in! Jump gang kill! ”

“Kill kill kill!”


Countless Chaos warriors wielding proton decomposition force field power blades, power warhammers, demon power axes and other melee killing weapons rushed out of the torpedoes!

This is a faster-than-light torpedo that the Destroyers use specifically for long-range jump gang combat! Inside the torpedo is not a dedicated Antimatter Blaster, but a Chaos Warrior!

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