National Secret Realm: Dig out Queen Medusa at the beginning

Chapter 46

Su Bai took out the entry talisman from the ring. The entry talisman, which was originally very calm, was now emitting wisps of strange power, causing the space to vibrate.

"Kunpeng's nest is about to open!"

Su Bai's eyes narrowed. Ying Luo'er said that the change of the entry talisman means that Kunpeng's nest is about to open.

"Cai Lin, I will go first. You can concentrate on evolving and don't have to worry about me."

Su Bai flashed away and immediately disappeared in the secret realm.

It's not that he didn't want to take Cai Lin to Kunpeng's Nest, but he only had one entry talisman and couldn't bring Cai Lin in with him!

Fortunately, his strength was enough to protect himself at this time. He could crush his peers. Even when facing the extraordinary realm, he could get away safely even if he was defeated.

According to Ying Luo'er's description, the place where Kunpeng's Nest was located was extremely strange and could only be opened at a specific time.

Moreover, the realm of the person entering must be controlled below the saint level, otherwise it would cause unimaginable disasters.

This also means that even if the Song family continues to target him, at most they will send out a cultivator at the peak of the extraordinary realm.

The peak of the extraordinary realm... With his current strength, he cannot kill him, and at most he can remain immortal.

"We still need to improve our strength as soon as possible.……"

Su Bai's figure reappeared in the secret room of the Jin family, muttering in a low voice.

He walked to the door, pressed the wall, and the heavy door of the secret room slowly opened!

Soon Jin Zhengnan received the news, and came in big strides, with a smile on his face and said:"How is Master Su's comprehension going?"

When saying this, Jin Zhengnan was still a little uneasy.

After all, Su Bai was a demon that he could not figure out. Could it be that he really succeeded in comprehending the Suanni treasure technique in thirty days?

Fortunately, Su Bai had no choice but to spread his hands and made an extremely regretful expression.

"It would be great if I could have a few more days."

Jin Zhengnan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. It seemed that he was worrying too much, but he was still shocked in his heart.

Su Bai's talent is indeed a monster!

In just over a month, he was able to comprehend the Suanni treasure technique. This talent is unmatched in Daqin. Even

Chen'er, who has the best talent in the family, is inferior to him.

Is this the talent of the monsters in those mysterious sects?

Jin Zhengnan did not show his inner strangeness, but smiled and said:"Master Su has amazing talent. You and I will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future. It's not that we can discuss the matter of comprehending the Suanni treasure technique."

Faced with the big cake painted by Jin Zhengnan, Su Bai was unmoved.

In the future?

Next time there is a chance, I will just run away with the map!

""What the head of the Jin family said makes sense. I will bother you this time. Goodbye."

Su Bai did not want to stay in the Jin family any longer, so he left quickly.

Kunpeng's Nest was just around the corner, and he needed to find a safe place to enter the secret realm!

The connection between the master of the secret realm and his homeland was fixed. You would return from the same location you entered from.

Although the Jin family treated him generously at this time, if he got something good in Kunpeng's Nest and the latter heard the news, if the other party became greedy, they might choose to attack him, which would be quite troublesome.

"Master, please wait. Although I personally visited the Song family, I was expelled."

Jin Zhengnan stopped Su Bai and continued to show his kindness to him.

"Do you want me to send some people to protect you?"

Su Bai smiled and shook his head, saying,"No need."

Jin Zhengnan had already expected that he would be rejected, so he was not disappointed.

As long as the words were spoken and the intention was conveyed, Su Bai would understand what he meant.


Jin Zhengnan personally sent Su Bai to a hidden exit in the Jin Mansion.

"For the safety of the Grandmaster, please be alert at all times near the Jin family. There are no enemies within a mile. You can leave without worry."

"But there must be someone from the Song family watching nearby, so we have to be careful."

Su Bai nodded solemnly, looked at Jin Zhengnan with complicated eyes, and felt warm inside.

You are a good friend!

If you don't mind me killing your son, our relationship can still continue to develop.


Su Bai walked out of the Jin family and looked around.

Indeed, no one appeared from the dark to surround and kill him, it seemed that the area around the Jin family was safe."

Ka-ka-ka" - a series of harsh creaking sounds came from Su Bai's body, and his body shrank rapidly, and he quickly turned into a handsome little boy who looked only twelve or thirteen years old.

After the fifty-seventh layer of clay, Su Bai's control over his body had already reached perfection, and he could learn the art of shrinking bones without a teacher.

However, his wild bone shrinking technique has two shortcomings. One is that it can only change the appearance but not the breath, while high-level monks can often lock onto the enemy with their breath. No matter how their appearance and body shape change, their breath cannot be changed.

The other is that in the state of shrinking bones, he cannot exert his full strength, and can only exert 60% of his strength at most.

Fortunately, Su Bai didn't think about fighting hard with others. He just wanted to avoid the secret sentries of the Song family who were watching nearby.

"This should be enough to fool those idiots who are following him."

Su Bai changed his clothes skillfully. In the process, he discovered the third shortcoming of his bone shrinking technique.

That is, the key parts cannot be shrunk!

It looks a bit eye-catching to use a small car against a large artillery.

""No matter."

Su Bai frowned, put on his clothes and rushed to the best hotel in Kyoto.

Since the Song family monitored him so closely, he couldn't go back to his old home. The best place was a hotel with a lot of people.


The Song family's arrangement was just as Jin Zhengnan expected. Although they withdrew their spies near the Jin family, they set up a dragnet in the surrounding streets.

As long as Su Bai showed up, he would be discovered immediately, and then the Song family would arrange the next attack.

The people they sent out were all assassins who had been trained for many years. They had a clean background and were absolutely loyal to the family, so there was no way to investigate them.

Even if the forces behind Su Bai and Emperor Qin asked about this matter, they could not hold the Song family accountable.

After more than a month of surveillance, the people who were following them were a little tired, and they would occasionally make jokes and chat a few words.

"Any findings?"



"Damn it!"

"What happened! Did Su Bai come out?!"

"No... no, I saw a very mature kid, and the size of it made me aroused."

Other secret sentinels:"???"

【PS: I don’t know if I can get everyone’s approval and likes after writing this. If you think it’s okay, please give me some more flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets. I will be very grateful and will update more! In addition, I would like to ask for a one-yuan reward!! 】

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