National Secret Realm: Dig out Queen Medusa at the beginning

Chapter 44

Song Family.

The white-haired old man sat on a futon, with two Huiying stones in front of him.

Huiying stones can record video data, and two completely different pictures are playing on them.

One is the scene of Song Bi being killed in the Qilin Dojo, and the other is the scene of Su Bai being attacked on a rainy night.

Song Wei stood respectfully beside the old man and said softly:"Currently, you are the only one in charge of the family, so I have to trouble you, Third Master, for this matter."

"This is the memory we found from the soul of the master of the secret realm. Although this person witnessed the whole process, he was far away, so the picture is not very clear."

"This is what we saw that night."


Song Wei turned his head and looked at the two images in front of him, explaining softly.

In the two images, the murderer who killed Song Bi was almost the same as Su Bai in the rainy night, and they did look somewhat similar.

But based on this, it is still impossible to determine.

The candlelight in the secret room swayed, and the figure reflected on the wall also swayed.

After a long silence, the man called Third Master by Song Wei said:"The magic skills of these two people are roughly the same, and the most important thing is that their auras are very similar."

"It should be the same person."

Song Wei's eyes suddenly focused.

It was indeed him.

"If he was just an ordinary person, he would be killed, but this Su Bai is so powerful at such a young age, and he is also proficient in treasure appraisal. His origin is extraordinary."

"Moreover, he was favored by the Emperor of Qin and was granted the First Emperor Talisman."

Song Wei frowned, feeling that things were a bit tricky.

Of course, he wanted to chop Su Bai into pieces!

But Song Wei was not a person whose reason would be completely overwhelmed by hatred. He did have to avenge his son, but he also had to consider the consequences.

With the development of the secret realm, more and more secrets surfaced, and the Song family also learned a small part of them.

Even if it was just a fragment of information, it shocked them greatly!

Those Taoist sects and holy places hidden in the secret realm have been passed down for countless tens of thousands of years. Anyone who walks out can destroy the country of Blue Star!

The Song family does have some say in Daqin, but compared with those immortal clans and mysterious Taoist sects, they are as weak as ants!

If Su Bai is really the inheritor of those mysterious Taoist sects, then revenge must be done with caution.

Otherwise, the Song family will be destroyed.

"Bi'er's revenge must be taken, but it must be done cleanly."

The old and hoarse voice of the Third Master sounded in the secret room.

"Kunpeng's Nest, this person will definitely go there, send some clean assassins to kill him"

"Mission accomplished, these people don't need to come back."

Song Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he bowed and said,"Okay!"


When Song Wei walked out of the secret room, the elder of the Jin family fell asleep again.

The situation of other families in Daqin was not much different from that of the Jin family. The top fighters and mainstays of the family were exploring various secret realms, and there were only a few strong people left in their hometown.

Song Wei had just left the secret room when he heard unexpected news.

"Jin Zhengnan is visiting? What is he doing here?"

Song Wei frowned as he listened to the servant's report.

It seemed that the Jin family had stopped them during the attack on that rainy night. Why did he come to visit now?

Song Wei just thought about it and understood the reason.

Jin Zhengnan probably wanted to show his goodwill to Su Bai, so he came to act as a lobbyist, hoping to resolve the conflict between the two sides.

Song Wei and Jin Zhengnan met in the reception room, and the latter quickly explained his purpose.

As Song Wei thought, Jin Zhengnan came to be a peacemaker.

"This is an internal matter of our Song family, so I won't bother Brother Jin with it."Song Wei replied coldly, but he was laughing in his heart.

The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable, how can you resolve it just by saying so?

That's right.

It's not your son who died, so of course you are not angry!

Thinking of this, Song Wei's anger in his heart became stronger. He chatted with Jin Zhengnan for a few words and ordered him to leave.

Jin Zhengnan was driven out of the door, and his face gradually became a little strange.

"He was so angry, he must be really mad."

"Could it be that Su Bai really killed the beast that killed Song Bi?"

The Song family had just had such a big incident recently, and Su Bai was subsequently targeted by the Song family.

Jin Zhengnan could guess what was going on!

He came to the Song family today, first to fulfill his previous promise to Su Bai, and second to verify his guess.

Judging from Song Wei's performance, his guess was probably correct.

Jin Zhengnan got in the car, sighed and shook his head.

"It's just the death of a son, why make such a fuss about it?"

"Su Bai is suspected to be a demon from a mysterious Taoist school, and he is also a young master. If he can be won over, wouldn't he be much stronger than Song Bi?"

"The Song family is too narrow-minded, and this time they have narrowed their path."

Jin Zhengnan couldn't help but smile.

This time, the Song family helped him a lot unintentionally, otherwise it would be difficult to invite Su Bai!

After learning the origin of the wordless heavenly tablet from Su Bai, Jin Zhengnan immediately contacted his eldest son Jin Chen, hoping that he could find information about the Chaos Mysterious Jade.

Unexpectedly, half a day later, the elder of Taixuan Holy Land contacted him personally, offered a sky-high price to buy the Chaos Mysterious Jade, and promised to accept Jin Chen as a personal disciple!

This is simply a pie in the sky!

Not only can it improve Jin Chen's status in Taixuan Holy Land, but it can also get a reward that is completely enough to make up for the family's losses.

This great thing, Jin Zhengnan didn't dare to think about it before.

Relying on a stone tablet that is useless to the Jin family, it has shortened the connection with Taixuan Holy Land and gained the favor of the elder.

Worth it!

"We must make friends with Su Bai, he is the lucky star of our Jin family."

Jin Zhengnan couldn't help laughing, feeling extremely happy.

He had made up his mind that even if the Song family still wanted to kill Su Bai, he would do his best to stop them!

Adding icing on the cake is never as good as sending charcoal in the snow!

If we can get in touch with the forces behind Su Bai, it would be even better. How many aristocratic families have risen in just a few years by getting in touch with those mysterious sects?

By then, the Jin family will have the support of the Taixuan Holy Land and make friends with the forces behind Su Bai. Wouldn't they be able to walk sideways in their homeland? Even the Ying royal family will be wary!

【PS: I don’t know if I can get everyone’s approval and likes after writing this. If you think it’s okay, please give me some more flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets. I will be very grateful and will update more! In addition, I would like to ask for a one-yuan reward!! 】

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