National Destiny: Play as the evil monk Wuxin, teammate Bai Yuekui

Page 66

Why is there a bitter feeling?

There was also a stench coming.

The two opened their eyes and took a look!

"Fuck, my god, there are monsters!"

"This, how could this be? Vomit..."

It turns out that what the two of them are hugging and chewing at the moment is not some stunning beauty.

But two dead bones!

Some black, unknown liquid emerged from the dry bones, and gave off a foul smell.

The two hurriedly threw away the dry bones, bent down and vomited.

It turned out that what the two of them ate just now was not Xiangjin Yuye.

Instead, it was the strong foul-smelling liquid!

The intestines of both of them almost vomited out, and they got up to have a look.

How can there be any jewelry everywhere?

Where is the pink beauty?

There are only rotten wood all over the floor, and dozens of human-shaped skeletons soaked in muddy water!

The two looked around in a panic.

In a courtyard in the distance, a man and a woman were sitting respectively.

A man in his twenties.

She is thin and of medium build, with a beautiful face with distinct features.

A pair of red phoenix eyes added a bit of charm.

Also a woman in her twenties.

Wearing a pure white dress, it is automatic without wind.

The exposed skin is white and smooth.

When the wind blows the skirt, it reveals those charming legs, blooming with silent temptation.

The pair of women sat on one side, and a chessboard was placed on the stone table in the middle.

The sudden change in front of them made Heaton A and Heaton B two people.


"Which country are you players from? What happened just now, did you make it?"

"Brother Turtle, something is wrong, do you think they are monsters?"

"Brother Ethan, don't scare brother, brother is timid..."

The couple in the courtyard ignored them.

"Xiao Jiu, you lost."

The handsome man said to the woman in the skirt after dropping a child.

The woman in the dress named Xiao Jiu frowned, then relieved.

"Okay, those two humans are yours."

The handsome man stood up and laughed loudly.

"Fortunately, Xiaojiu, your Boundless Illusion skill has greatly increased. Otherwise, the controllable range of the Illusion would not extend to the border of the volcanic lake. How could you fool two big fools and let me take advantage of it."

"Hmph, Bi Xiaofang, don't act like a good boy when you get cheap, go back to the city, you can play by yourself."

The woman in the skirt (ajbh) got up, waved her sleeves, and flew straight to the east.

Because the entire island was covered in black air, the two Heatons couldn't see where the woman flew to.



she can fly.

"Ah, monster, please let us go, we have never liked to take a bath since we were young, our skin is not good, and we are full of sour smell, it is really hard to swallow."

"Brother Turtle, what kind of monster, it is obviously a great fairy, great fairy, please let us live, there is a 70-year-old mother in my family, and there is a ten-year-old child waiting to be fed, please..."

After seeing the woman in the skirt fly away, the two Heatons knelt down in the muddy ground and begged for mercy in front of the handsome man.

The handsome man looked at the two of them and shook his head.

"Those who participated in the National Games are really not as good as the last one. If you two things hadn't happened to catch up, I'm afraid they would have become excrement."

"Let me think about how to play this time."

Hearing that man, he didn't intend to let them go.

The two quickly got up and ran back.

I didn't know I didn't take two steps.

The air at this moment was like a quagmire, making it impossible for the two of them to move.

"Cut, in front of me, can you run away?"

"Hahaha, yes, it should be good to play like this. I believe that the group of them will be grateful to me."

I saw the man spit out two flying insects from his mouth.

The flying insects quickly flew towards Heaton A and Heaton B.

Then it got into their heads and disappeared.

The two Heatons closed their eyes at this moment.

After a while.

The originally terrified expression turned into a face without joy or sadness.

Turning around, he said respectfully to the handsome man.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"

The handsome man said with a blank expression.

"Give you two, each a spirit animal bag, this bag can hold all living things."

"Just drip the blood from the heart of your index finger, and you can use it consciously."

"Give you two more thousand sleepiness Gu worms, these Gu worms can penetrate into the human body and make them fall into a deep sleep in an instant."

"Finally, I will give you another beast pill. This is the inner pill of the tiger dragon that I killed back then. Put it on your body, and a beast below five stars will not easily provoke you!"

"Go, go outside and bring back all the still alive National Games players."

As soon as the handsome man finished speaking, two small cloth bags, two small porcelain bottles, and a crystal clear round bead appeared in his hand.

He flew towards Heaton A and Heaton B.

After the two took it.

He bowed to the man and said respectfully.

"Follow the master's orders."

Then turned around and walked towards the sea.

After the two of them took the big raft and came to the land of the volcanic lake.

Sultan King Beiguo, National Games Special Operations Group.

The secretary had just returned from doing some indescribable things when he saw the two walking towards the land.

Seems normal, he couldn't help thinking.

The world of mountains and seas, the northern slope of Yaoguang Mountain.

Lin Buer and his party stayed here for a whole afternoon.

Finally, the sky gradually darkened.

However, it was only the direction of the south slope behind them.

And North Slope.

At this time, it was no longer pitch black, but foggy.

It's like winter, when the sun is about to rise.

The contrast between the north and south slopes creates a visual sense of two-level inversion.

"Monk, there seems to be a figure of a strange beast down there."

Bai Yuekui looked down and said to Lin Buer calmly.

Lin Buer, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, stood up now and looked down.

There were several pitch-black figures moving, but their appearances could not be seen clearly.

"I think you're right."

Lin Buer was taken aback by Bai Yuekui's sudden words.


Lin Buer turned his head and looked at her with interest.

Bai Yuekui continued without waiting for him to ask questions.

"You said that the south slope is facing the sun, and its treasures appear at the highest point, and are mutated by the sunlight. Then the north slope is shady, and the treasures should be at the lowest place, which will be mutated by the moonlight."

Lin Buer smiled slightly and said.

"Well, that's what I said."

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