Naruto training system

Chapter 69 Chapter 069

Chapter 69 Chapter 069
A few days passed, when Zhou Zhu's avatar, the scourge of the whole Sanfan team, wanted to kill Zhou Zhu.Lost Wild Scarlet is really out.

Using the Five Elements Seal, get rid of this confidant of the entire fleet!For this reason, Losing Wild Feizhen won the love and admiration of many crew members of the Admiralty.

It has to be said that talent really has its own way.Zhou Zhu had no hope of learning the sealing technique in his life, but after arriving at Fei Zhenna, he knew it like the palm of his hand in just a few days.

Standing on the deck, looking at the little fat guy version of Zhou Zhu who was standing side by side with him, Zhou Zhu felt desperate in his heart!
Kengo Aota, with his eyes back and forth, glanced between the fat Shusuke and the skinny Shusuke, as if he was playing a game of finding fault.

"Oh~ I didn't notice this clone except that it was a little fatter. What's so amazing! It can make such a big commotion!" Kengo Qingtian made an exaggerated gesture.

"But since you want to trouble the teacher, seal it yourself. Zhou Zhu, what kind of ninjutsu did you practice? You are so perverted!"

Zhou Zhu was not in the mood to talk to him, and stood obediently.

The first class standing aside, the boy Ibaraki who dared to raise a knife and waved like the captain of the third division, took over the conversation with a sense of superiority.

"If I'm not mistaken, this brother is from the ghost lamp clan!"

This Ibaraki boy is a little familiar, and Zhou Zhu has already found out some things about him through the past few days.

He is the one, the Ibaraki clan who was snatched by the teacher who led the team, the genius of escape - Ibaraki Heiji.

Born as a side branch of Ibaraki's direct line, after the Ibaraki rebellion and extermination of the clan, this guy is not only not depressed, but happy as hell.

It is said that this guy, whose parents died early, has been bullied by the Ibaraki people.On the second day after the Ibaraki clan was exterminated, everyone thought that there was no one left from the Ibaraki clan!

This guy crawled out of the well in the backyard of Ibaraki, took a bunch of firecrackers, and set them off at the gate of the Ibaraki clan.

Caught by Anbu!People thought that he had some blood feud with the Ibaraki clan.After asking, I found out that this is the only remaining blood of the Ibaraki clan.

Then what are you talking about, you were arrested directly, regardless of whether you and the Ibaraki clan are of the same mind, you will be thrown into the assessment venue!
If you say that this guy is also a fierce man, his talent is terrifyingly high, and he is six times better than Izukigami Shinobi at playing Jidun.

Moreover, because this guy had an enmity with the Ibaraki clan, he was pardoned by Mizukage.The treatment is equivalent to that of civilians, and it is not regarded as a crime.You can be promoted normally, you don't have a criminal record, and you get more seniority when you get a job.

Kengo Aota watched, and Ibaraki Heiji, who interrupted, almost poked Zhou Zhu's nose with his finger, "He? The ghost lamp family? Brother, your eyes are fine!"

Zhou Zhu waved his hand, knocked Qing Tian away, and pointed at his own nose.He turned to Ibaraki Heiji, "I'm sorry, forgive my companion for his brain problems."

"I'm not from the Ghost Lamp Clan, but Kaguya Shusuke from the Kaguya Clan."

Ibaraki Heiji listened, Zhou Zhu's self-explanation, the strange voice changed, "Kaguya clan? How is that possible!"

His voice aroused the dissatisfaction of Qing, the leading teacher standing in front of him.

Qing, who had just recovered, had a bandage on his left eye, and Jun Lang's face, because of the blindfolded left eye, looked a little ferocious and terrifying.

"Heiji, stand still. We will welcome the Takino Kingdom embassy to board the ship in a while. What do you look like when you yell? How do I usually teach you?"

Yes, that's right!Zhou Zhu was able to stand on the deck obediently, precisely because they were waiting for the Taki Kingdom mission now.

The luxurious warship has already parked on the sea, and is waiting for the embassy from the Takino Kingdom to visit on board.

All members of Class [-] and Class [-] were present.

As the envoy, Losano Hima, accompanied by the vice-captain Ze Masami, stood at the forefront of everyone.

And the captain of the third division and Genji Nagasawa, the third seat, have already boarded the warship of the country of Taki to contact each other.

After being reprimanded by Qing, Ibaraki Heiji still didn't recover, his eyes were fixed on Zhou Zhu, and he and that fat Zhou Zhu clone were looking back and forth.

"How is that possible! My grandfather was lucky enough to follow the Second Mizukage. When I was a child, he always mentioned to me the achievements of the Second Mizukage! Unlimited Explosion! Fat and fat body! This is obviously the famous ninjutsu of the Second Mizukage! The Ghost Lamp Clan The untold secret—steaming danger and exploding power!" He questioned.

Taki and Terumi Mei, who were standing there in silence, were taken aback by Ibaraki's remarks, "What? Steamy and explosive power!"

As the six major clans, information and family traditions are by no means comparable to small clans.From their shocked expressions after hearing it, it can be seen that they know something.

At the beginning, they didn't think about that, but now they were pointed out by Ibaraki Heiji, and they realized in an instant that this description was really explosive.

And Kengo Aota didn't have this knowledge at all, he murmured to himself in doubt, "Second generation Mizukage? The secret that cannot be passed on?"

On the other side, the dried persimmon ghost and shark face also turned to Zhou Zhu's avatar with doubts, looking at the avatar that was only a little fatter than the main body.

Obviously, he doesn't know what is dangerous and powerful, but he is also very interested in the mystery of one of the six major families, the secret of ghost lamps, and the previous generation of water shadows.

Qing is the team leader, but because of her background, she has no idea what the team members are talking about?
But regarding the second generation of Mizukage, even from Heiji's words, that Kaguya boy should have learned a ninjutsu from another race that could never be mastered in his hands.

Even though he was born as an orphan, he is well aware of the estrangement between the Wuyin clan. No matter what happens, this kind of mystery cannot be discussed any further.He said solemnly, "Enough! Heiji, don't be self-righteous about other people's affairs!"

Aota Kengo, who is not affiliated with Ao, and although Ao is the team leader, he can't control himself. He asked Ibaraki Heiji curiously, "Is there anything to say here? What is the ninjutsu of Zhou Zhu really? On behalf of Mizukage's famous ninjutsu?"

Pingji looked at Zhou Zhu, but kept silent.The teacher is right, there is a big problem here, it is best not to talk nonsense.

It's a pity that he didn't say anything, so others would naturally question him.

Terumi Mei, who came from the same six major families, questioned Zhou Zhudao, "You, a member of the Huiye clan, why do you know the secret technique of the Ghost Lamp clan!"

After all, Zhou Zhu was brought up by Ibaraki Takumi, and he had never even entered the clan land, so he didn't know about the filth among the big clans, so he didn't dare to answer casually, so he could only answer in silence.

Aota Kengo feared that the world would not be chaotic, and seeing that Heiji was silent, he continued to ask Terumi Mei, "Beauty, tell me what's so great about Zhou Zhu's ninjutsu, and let us also increase our knowledge!"

Looking at Zhou Zhu who was shy and silent, Terumi Mei knew that he couldn't ask anything, but he also reminded those who didn't know that there was definitely something wrong with this guy.

Terumi Mei explained, "Steaming Dangerous Explosion Power, a super S-rank ninjutsu, was even listed as a forbidden technique because it couldn't be recovered because it didn't distinguish between enemy and friend. This technique is famous for its infinite explosive power. Ninja world. It is a ninjutsu created by the second Mizukage of the ghost lamp family."

"The specific information, with the distant World War I, and the death of a large number of ninjas I saw back then, it has long been impossible to find out."

"This technique is listed as a secret by the ghost lamp family, and with the death of the second generation of Mizukage, no one in the ghost lamp family can practice it."

"I want to come a while ago, the explosion that has been endlessly looping on the sea is exactly the same as the steam explosion of the steam explosion, accompanied by the description of the hail."

"If he really uses steaming and explosive power, we have to be careful. The ghost lamp clan will never pass such an important ninjutsu to other clans for cultivation."

"He still hasn't answered the source of ninjutsu, which shows that there are ghosts in his heart." Terumi Mei said, secretly signaling Taki, wanting him to be careful of his companions.

She explained so much, but she didn't really like to show off, she explained it to Kengo Qingtian.

She just wanted to remind Taki to be careful with his teammates.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Zhu just has an unknown source of ninjutsu.This should not be outside now, to perform tasks.It is entirely possible that the Ghost Lamp Clan, because of this ninjutsu that is suspected to be dangerous and powerful, listed Zhou Zhu as the Kirigakure rebellious ninjutsu who stole ninjutsu.

And a person who dares to risk the crime of treason and practice ninjutsu must have something wrong.

It's a pity that Taki didn't express anything, except that he was a little surprised when he first heard the name of Zhengwei Baowei.

But it was only for a moment, and I didn't care about it afterwards, and continued to keep silent, standing aside.

Losing Ye Feizhen's voice came from the front, "The mission of the country of Taki is about to board the ship, little devils behind, be quiet!"

"Also, I know the source of Zhou Zhu's ninjutsu, but I don't need to explain it to you. Stand up for me, don't embarrass the ninjas of Wuyin Village!"

(End of this chapter)

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