Naruto training system

Chapter 50 Chapter 050

Chapter 50 Chapter 050

Seventeen ninjutsu were exchanged, and they were wholesaled at the cabbage price point store.But it also spent a total of 2410 Zhouzhu points.

Among them, Hell Assault and Steaming Dangerous Explosive Power are the most important ones. The combined cost of these two ninjutsu is [-]. Whether they can be mastered or not is uncertain.

This is absolutely blind consumption, Zhou Zhu really has the idea of ​​chopping up his hands immediately.Fifty thousand oceans cost nearly one-twentieth of it all at once.

Zhou Zhu also wants to go to the branch of auxiliary props and make a lot of purchases.The things in there are very expensive, and I don't know if it is enough, after all, I have to keep some points for emergencies.

Click on the special auxiliary props branch, and the products inside are not like the cabbage wholesale from ninjutsu training scrolls.Rather, the polarization is serious.

Expensive ones break through the sky, and cheap ones are a bunch of 1 points.

For example, the magic sword, 10000 points, you are buying feelings.At present, Zhou Zhu really wants a special ninja tool.After all, Kunai is so small, and it is still a standard product, so it doesn't show Zhou Zhu's difference at all. (In fact, it is the psychological principle of pretending to be B)
Zhou Zhu has a good eye, and the weapons available in the points store are the Fenrir seven-style combination knives that Zhou Zhu admired in childhood.

This knife comes from the world of Final Fantasy. Because of its investment in animation movies, it has been remembered by many middle school youths for a lifetime.

After the whole article, I can't understand what it is talking about.But Claude and his combination knife deeply attracted everyone's attention.

The Son of Advent was Zhou Zhu's first contact with cg technology in his previous life.Compared with transmission animation, its exquisite picture quality and refined details have become the benchmark for latecomers.

Although it's a game adaptation, we can't keep up with the screenwriter's thinking.The reason for the length of the movie has led to a tight plot and a lot of beatings.But Claude and his combination knife successfully fascinated a group of sophomores.

The knife can still play like this, so I kneel down to the planner.

Compared with traditional independent knives, the appearance of this multifunctional combination knife has opened up the minds of countless people.

As for this animation copyright, Master Xun certainly didn't let it go.In this universe, no one can stop Master Xun's lavish offensive.

The real name of the system is Ultimate Fantasy, so it is a kind of tribute to the pioneers of copyright development.

Swords, Magic Modifications, Seven Styles of Fenrir: a giant sword.The blade body consists of seven knives, one main body, three main knives (one blade, two toothed swords), and three auxiliary knives (center acupuncture, two embedded auxiliary blades).Tough texture, not afraid of energy attack.Versatile and versatile.And because of the magic modification, it has passives such as bleeding (wounds cannot heal), armor penetration (ignoring the enemy's armor defense), energy gathering (focusing energy), and conduction (100% conduction energy).Exchange price = 10000 points.

To be honest, these games are passive, and it is really unreasonable to put them in the real world.People wear hundreds of layers of armor, and you break it instantly, how unreal is that?
In the Naruto world, some high-level ninja tools have it.Just like the knives of the Kirin Seven and the Raijin Sword of the Second Hokage, this is quite common.

The bleeding effect is a bit tasteless, but if the opponent doesn't have a high-level medical ninja, he may die in this item.

The energy gathering is probably prepared for launching energy cannons like in the movie.After all, in that world, spears and swords are popular.The sword also has various energy shooting functions.

1 yuan, Zhou Zhu bought it cruelly.But because of the current body shape.All that can be used are a few secondary knives.

Zhou Zhu returned to the daily necessities branch and bought a large 1-cubic-meter storage scroll for another [-] points.

Let's not fantasize about the special ones, 100 million points.Although I can't do it in one step, I still buy a big one, so I don't have to waste money in the future.This large storage scroll is enough for Zhou Zhu to use for a long time.

Throw the rest of the knives into the storage scroll, and throw in the seventeen ninjutsu scrolls that were redeemed first.Zhou Zhu left only a forty-centimeter side knife.

This storage scroll is more convenient than the ones used by the ninja world now, and I don't know if the system has been changed again.With a light stroke, it can be retracted and retracted with the mind, which is quite convenient.

Just like the space ring in Xianxia World.

But looking at the large storage scroll, the design is one meter long and 40 cm wide.Zhou Zhu really wanted to scold the planner.

"How can he explain this? I originally wanted to hide something and bought a scroll. Now that this thing is so big, I still have to find a way to hide it?"

Zhou Zhu no longer struggled. After all, there were some things that were destined not to be resolved. Let the doubts of the rest of the seventh class be left to their own imaginations.

Another [-] was spent, and Zhou Zhu had a heart attack.However, if you want to become stronger, how can there be no price?
Zhou Zhuqiang turned his eyes back, determined not to be a blind consumer anymore.Directly set his sights on Qianlong Pill.

"No matter how many bells and whistles there are, they can't compare with the real benefits."

Zhou Zhu clicked on the introduction of Qianlong Pill.

Qianlong Pill: A low-level elixir in the world of Xianxia, ​​which is used to enhance the potential of the human body, infinitely strengthen the body's physique, and has no toxic side effects.But because of the precious consumables, the same medicinal materials can produce top-grade elixir, which is a tasteless elixir.Exchange price = 100 points.

Zhou Zhu clicked on the following instructions:
Qianlong Pill is so powerful that you can only take one pill a day.When the drug effect occurs, the user feels like washing the essence and cutting the marrow, accompanied by the pain of being reborn.The growth effect of this pill is remarkable, and if taken for a long time, it can theoretically reach the level of physical immortality (however, it is predicted that the host will not live long enough to complete this great practice, and it is estimated that quadrillion pills will be needed).

"Damn it! This is a god pill!" Zhou Zhu said in surprise. "Exchange for a hundred coins first!"

This is another 10000 points, spending money like running water, passing through the fingers.Earning money is like accumulating grain, and the more you store it, the less it will be.

It is hoped that the physique will improve. Jia Kai and Xiao Li, in order to strengthen their physique, are immortal day and night, exercising hard every day.

As for Zhou Zhu, he only needs to take drugs.This is really flattering.

Thinking of Kai and Xiao Li, Zhou Zhu immediately returned to the ninjutsu practice scroll interface.

A body technique that hangs the sky, almost missed it.

Who is Kai? That's Kaihuang who almost kicked out of the finale!
Forbidden Art·Eight Doors Dunjia: The ultimate body art, which removes the restriction of the body on chakra.In the meridian system of chakra flow, the places that restrain and control the chakra in the body are the "eight gates" of opening door, shutting down door, living door, hurting door, du door, Jingmen, shocking door and dead door.Hachimon will set a limit on the amount of chakra in the body.

The eight-door Dunjia can use Chakra to forcibly exceed this limit, thereby drawing out a trick that is dozens of times more powerful than the original.Therefore, while gaining power, the caster may suffer damage.

Fully open the eight gates to unlock the restriction. When the eight gates are fully opened, it is also called the eight gates Dunjia Formation. At this time, it will gain power dozens of times stronger than the five shadows, but the power is only temporary, and the consequence of fully opening the eight gates is death.The ultimate mystery is Yekai, which is powerful enough to distort space.Exchange price = 1000 points.

This is 410, plus the initial 410 [-], it is [-] [-].

With the remaining 1 yuan, Zhou Zhu intends to keep it as a reserve for emergencies.

(End of this chapter)

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