Naruto Time Control

Chapter 250: Naruto and Sasuke

In the backyard of the residence.

In front of a pair of trees, two small figures were standing, staring at the trees, clutching shurikens in their hands.

One of them had black hair and eyes, and was also wearing clothes with the coat of arms of the Uchiha Clan, this is Uchiha Sasuke, who is now about three or four years old.

Next to him was a boy with yellow hair and blue eyes, about the same age as Sasuke, this is the son of Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto, or more precisely Namikaze Naruto.

Unlike the anime, Naruto did not become the Kyubi's Jinchuriki and did not acquire a mustache mark on his cheeks, so he is very similar to the mini-version of Minato.

"Look at me..."

Naruto grabbed the shuriken and stared at the tree in front of him, then abruptly waved his arm and threw it.

The shuriken hit the target, but it deflected a bit and hit not the target, but the line around it.

"Tsk, there's nothing special about the son of the Fourth Hokage."

Seeing this, Uchiha Sasuke folded his arms and shook his head.

Naruto gritted his teeth and shouted, "Hey, don't be too arrogant, you got lucky before!"


Sasuke said confidently, and then threw the shuriken, which again hit the target.

Seeing this, Naruto irritably grabbed his hair, then gritted his teeth and grabbed two shuriken, intending to throw them at the same time.

Naruto did not become the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi and is the son of the Fourth Hokage, who died defending Konoha, so he was highly respected by others from birth.

His life path is completely different from the original, but one thing will never change: Naruto still dreams of becoming Hokage.

He dreams, like his father, of becoming a Hokage who is loved and revered by everyone in Konoha.

To become Hokage, he must be a recognized genius.

How can you lose to a boy the same age?


Naruto decisively threw two shuriken with one hand, during the flight they collided in the air and deflected sideways, but in the end they both barely hit the target, right on the edge.

Sasuke smiled and also pulled out two shurikens, then confidently threw them. As a result, the shurikens hit the target not far from the center of the bullseye.

"Do you understand now? This is the strength of the Uchiha Clan."

Not too far away.

Yeruashi, who was watching this, shook his head.

They really are meant to be rivals.

Sasuke, who looks like a cute little brother in front of Itachi, is so aggressive and arrogant in front of Naruto, even though Indra and Asura's chakras haven't had any effect yet.

Naruto certainly can't match the shuriken throwing skills of Sasuke, who trains with Itachi every day.

Previously, Yeruashi could not see Indra and Asura chakra, but after awakening Tenseigan and ascending to the Six Paths level, everything became different.

These two chakra do not reside in Naruto and Sasuke's body, but are attached to them, being in a half real and imaginary state, for the time being they have not yet been used.

Uchiha Itachi stood next to Yeruashi and looked at Naruto.

In contrast to Sasuke's pride and confidence, he saw something amazing, he saw that Naruto shouldn't be much worse than Sasuke in terms of talent, and that he was equal enough to Sasuke if he also received some proper guidance.

"Naruto inherited the talent of the Fourth Hokage, he's a good kid..."

Itachi whispered.

Just at that moment, Sasuke noticed that Itachi and Yeruashi were nearby, he smiled happily and quickly ran towards them.

"Big brother!"

Without waiting for Sasuke to pounce on him, Itachi abruptly put two fingers on his younger brother's forehead.


Sasuke stopped abruptly and took a couple of steps back, covering his reddened forehead with his hands.

"Hokage-sama is here, mind your manners!"

Itachi said calmly to Sasuke.

Sasuke had hardly ever encountered such a serious attitude from his older brother, so he immediately stopped rubbing his forehead, approached Yeruashi and politely bowed, saying, "Hokage-sama."

"Don't be so serious, Itachi."

Yeruashi smiled and said, "You have a cute little brother... not like Kakashi."

It's worth saying that little Sasuke is really very cute.

Well, at least he's like that in front of his big brother.

Itachi nodded towards Yeruashi.

Just at that moment, Naruto ran towards Sasuke and exclaimed, "Hey, don't you dare run away so suddenly! We're not done yet!!!"

Sasuke looked at Naruto with disdain and said calmly, "Why are you yelling like that, can't you see that Hokage-sama is here?"


Naruto looked at Yeruashi with surprise and noticed that he really looked a lot like one of the faces on the Hokage Rock.

Remembering what his mother had often said to him, Naruto was visibly embarrassed and scratched his head as he said, "Haha.... I'm sorry, Hoka... Hokage-sama."

Yeruashi smiled softly and said, "Keep playing."

After saying that, Yeruashi turned around and walked out of the backyard, and Itachi followed him.

Sasuke first wanted to go after Itachi, but the latter turned around and stuck his fingers in his forehead again, stopping him.

Naruto and Sasuke stood in the middle of the backyard, watching the disappearing figures of Yeruashi and Itachi.

"Hokage, just like my father..."

After the figures of Yeruashi and Itachi disappeared, Naruto looked at Sasuke and said, "Hey, what's your brother's relationship with Hokage-sama?".

Sasuke turned around and raised his chin proudly as he said, "Hokage-sama is my brother's sensei."

Naruto looked in Yeruashi's direction and muttered, "Your brother's sensei? I heard that the Fifth Hokage is the strongest Hokage ever and the strongest ninja in the world. I wonder how strong he is... probably if such a ninja simultaneously throws ten shurikens, then all of them will hit exactly on target... maybe even fifteen..."

Sasuke looked at Naruto with disdain and said, "You underestimate the Fifth Hokage too much, even my brother would easily do something like that...someone like you simply can't understand the power of Hokage-sama."

Naruto looked at Sasuke with suspicion and said, "Have you seen Hokage-sama fight?


Sasuke shook his head.

Naruto looked at Sasuke and said, "Hmm, then stop talking, I will definitely surpass the Fifth Hokage in the future."

"Isn't it time for you to go to bed?"

"You bastard..."

Naruto growled in exasperation, "Are you picking a fight!"

Sasuke growled lightly, "I'd like to know what the Son of Naruto is capable of."

Just as Naruto and Sasuke were about to start fighting, they abruptly froze when they heard Kushina and Mikoto's voices coming from the side.

Kushina went to the backyard and frowned when she saw Naruto and Sasuke standing in front of each other with their fists raised and said, "Naruto? What are you doing here?"


Mikoto gave Sasuke a stern look.

Naruto had a cold sweat on his forehead, he put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder, forced a smile and said, "Ha, ha, ha... this... we were just playing..."

Sasuke looked at Mikoto and said nervously, feeling a shiver run down his back, "This.... Yeah, yeah... we were just playing..."

Seeing his behavior, Kushina and Mikoto looked at each other and shook their heads.

Kushina looked at Naruto and said, "Naruto, let's go home."

Mikoto and Kushina turned around.

Naruto and Sasuke, who were rigidly hugging, then looked at each other, both seeing the fire in the other's eyes, and quickly let go of each other's hands, grunting each before following their mothers.

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