Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 77: Kyuubi's Attack

In the Delivery Chamber,

"Fourth Hokage step away from the Jinchuriki otherwise your son won't live more then a minute"

Fukashi with Naruto in his hands threatened Minato.

Minato's face became gloomy and tense immediately. He had no idea how this masked man went through the barriers without making a sound.

"I told you to move away from the Jinchuriki don't you care for your son's life"

Fukashi threatened Minato as he was getting a bit impatient.

He knew he needed to leave with the Jinchuriki as soon as possible otherwise the reinforcements might arrive ruining his plan.

Minato was in a dilemma; he had to choose between his wife and son.

As Minato was having a hard time making a choice.

Fukashi on the side lost his patience, he threw Naruto in the air, who was wrapped in a cloth filled with Explosive Tags.

Minato immediately flickered, catching Naruto in mid air.

"As expected from the Yellow Flash... but what will you do next"

Fukashi immediately printed a seal detonating the tags.

Noticing the explosive tags, he had no choice but to remove the clothes wrapping Naruto and disappeared with him.

Fukashi wasted no time as he immediately arrived beside Kushina.


At this moment, the wall of the room burst open as Kozuki strode in, his eyes full of anger.

"You're a step late, Sword Demon"

Fukashi sneered as he immediately put a hand on the shoulder of the weak Kushina.

"Don't even think of leaving"

Kozuki exploded with horrifying speed, his sword sheathed out as he was already in front of Fukashi slashing down.


The whole chamber was destroyed by the slash but the anger of Kozuki did not lower as he noticed the aura of both of them had disappeared.

Kozuki took a deep breath calming himself as he knows anger won't solve anything.

"What happened, Kozuki?"

At this Sakumo also arrived with the Anbu as he questioned looking at the destroyed room.

"An enemy intruded, he is a Space Jutsu user, and he took away Kushina San, notify the village immediately and evacuate the civilians to a safe place"


The Anbu around flashed disappearing as they quickly moved towards the Hokage building.

"Where's Minato?"

Sakumo noticed the absence of Minato and couldn't help but asking.

"The enemy is a Space Jutsu user, only he can handle him, maybe he is fighting him already, let's go Sakumo Senpai we need to evacuate the civilians"

Kozuki knew that even if he found the enemy with his Observation Haki, it would take a lot of time to reach there.

Kozuki decided to stay in the village and fight Kyuubi if it appeared.

He would never let Minato die, so he will make Kyuubi submit or injure him to the point where it will be easy to seal him.

Kozuki had full confidence that he could deal with Kyuubi as even if his template didn't progress much but his control over it and strength has increased a lot.

Kozuki along with Sakumo immediately disappeared as the whole village was soon alert and ready to deal with any upcoming situation.

In the original the village was caught unprepared, which resulted in the loss of numerous lives.

But due to Kozuki notifying the village, the civilians were already being escorted out by Ninja which also included the Uchiha.


At the same at a valley far away from Konoha.

Kushina with her arms chained was helpless at this moment as Fukashi stood in front of her.

"Why... are you doing this?"

Kushina asked weakly looking at the masked man.

"I'm going to extract the Nine Tails out of your body and destroy Konoha. The Fourth Hokage seems to have placed the marking of Flying Raijin on you, I should hurry up"

Fukashi immediately activated his Mangekyo as he started to pull Kyuubi out.

After Fukashi destroyed the seal, Kyuubi gradually flowed out of Kushina's body as it's whole body soon appeared outside but his eyes had the pattern like the Mangekyo of Fukashi.

"Now, it's time to destroy Konoha"

Fukashi had a crazy look in his eyes as he could already see the devastation of Konoha.


Kushina tried to stop Fukashi.

"As expected from the Uzumaki Clan, you're still alive but now their is no need for you"

Fukashi ordered Kyuubi to stomp Kushina immediately.

As Kushina though she was going to die, yellow light flashed as Minato appeared saving her in time.

"Minato, how's Naruto?"

Kushina immediately asked about the situation of Naruto.

"Don't worry, he's fine"

Minato immediately encouraged Kushina who was worried about her son.

"Minato stop him, he is going to destroy Konoha"

Kushina also notified him about the plans of Fukashi.

Minato had a gloomy look on his face but he knew that saving the life of Kushina was important, so he disappeared along with her.

Fukashi saw Minato disappearing, so he looked towards the direction of Konoha and disappeared also.

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