Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 48: Han's Death

This is the battle between the strong, and the weak can't even resist the aftermath.

In a few breaths, the blade and steam fist had collided for several rounds.

The surrounding ninjas all consciously kept a safe distance of tens of meters from them. Avoid being killed by the aftermath.

The blade collided with the steam fist again.

The two people seemed to be in a stalemate, but the breathing of Han was a bit fast and his face flushed.

"Damn, what monstrous strength"

Han could feel the pain from the slash wounds on his fist, even when he covered them with the steam Chakra he still got injured.


With a loud and clear noise, Han pushed hard with all his strength, and immediately separated from Kozuki and formed a certain distance.

Kozuki still stood straight looking at him his face calm not affected by the round earlier.

"Your reputation is deserved but I'm not someone you can trample over"

Red Chakra coat immediately covered Han and 5 tails appeared behind him as he turned into a humanoid tail beast.


The voice mixed with the sound of beast was extremely frightening as Han with extreme speed appeared in front of Kozuki his claw moving towards him.


Kozuki was surprised by his speed as it was only a few points slower then Raikage but he still dodged it easily and slashed back.


The whole battlefield was destroyed as explosive sounds rang throughout the battlefield.

"Damn I still can't hit him..."

Han who had transformed into a humanoid tail beast still had a clear mind as he was a perfect Jinchuriki.

Kozuki in front decided to end this fight since he had enjoyed it thoroughly.

Kozuki jumped into the air his blade held high


"He's up to something..."

The tail beast reminded Han who immediately opened his mouth and purple ball of energy gathered in front as he swallowed it.

One Sword Style! Flying Dragon

Kozuki slashed the sword downward as a huge red slash nearly 60m long drowned upon Han who looked like an ant in front so of it.


Han roared as a beam of light was ejected from his mouth crashing with the slash.

"Save yourself..."

Both Stone and Konoha Ninja stopped the fight immediately protecting themselves from the shock waves.

After a few minutes, the shock waves receded as a huge monster appeared in front of everyone.

It had a white horse like body, with a dolphin head and five tails behind it.

"Oh, you blocked it"

Kozuki was surprised looking at the tail beast in front as he didn't expect him to survive as that was one of his strongest attack.

"Human, you remind me of someone I saw a long-time ago but you are still far from him"

a feminine voice rang throughout the battlefield as Kokuō spoke to Kozuki.

She has lived since the era of sage of six paths and has seen countless strong man but Kozuki was the second strongest swordsman she has ever seen.

Her attack earlier was destroyed by the slash so she transformed saving Han.

Kokuō didn't talk anymore as she opened her mouth and a huge purple ball started gathering in front of her.


Jiraya who saw the tail beast bomb immediately shouted as he knew that attack wasn't something the Shinobi around could withstand.

"Move away Quickly"

Akatsuchi was also horrified since the tail beast bomb won't distinguish from foe or enemy and kill everyone on it's way.

Looking at the huge Bijudama in front, Kozuki who was stunned by her words immediately threw his doubts out of his mind and his grip on Shusui tightened.

Red Aura began to appear around Kozuki hovering around him and the Shusui in has hands was imbued with Haki as he was going to use his strongest attack.

Kokuō ejected the bomb as it flew towards Kozuki pulverizing everything on it's way.


Kozuki who was surround with red aura put force under his feet as he flew towards the Bijudama destroying the ground underneath.

One Sword Style! Evening Palace!!!

A huge red crescent shape slash hundred of meters long and equally wide appeared as it seemed to cut open the world.

The Bijudama was like a piece of paper immediately divided into two as the Slash without weakening divided Kokuō into two as well and it continued several tens of meter's destroying everything on it's way.

The Clouds above the sky moved away and shock waves covered the whole battlefield.

The movement caused by the huge sword aura attracted the attention of the surrounding ninjas, but all the ninjas who looked over couldn't help but fall into a sluggish state!

At this time, they could still see that Kozuki was holding a knife in his hands and not far in front of him was a corpse of Han divided in two. (After death Tail beast vanishes, leaving Han)

And behind him was a long deep slash mark that continued several tens of meters.

Even on the battlefield, this area can't help being quiet, it's silent!

"Master Han is dead!"

"Kozuki killed the Master Han!"

"Sword Demon killed Han!"

Finally, a ninja was hit by a shuriken flying from a distance in the arm, and the pain brought him back to his senses and he exclaimed suddenly.

Unlike the panicking voices of Stone, Konoha ninja's voice is not only shocked, but also has a touch joy.

Han is dead, which means that Konoha has an extra top combat power to dominate.

On the other side of the battlefield, Minato reacted quickly.

Akatsuchi who was stunned by the death of Han didn't noticed that he had a Kunai near him.

And the next moment Minato flashed behind him and a glimpse of the light of Kunai shone in the sun light.

Minato disappeared the next moment, and a corpse with a wound on his neck was left there.

And the ninjas surrounding them, even if they had been baptized by the news of the killing of Han, couldn't help but exclaim.

"Master Akatsuchi was killed by Konoha's ninja!"

"Minato killed Akatsuchi"

One after another bad news immediately destroyed the morale of Stone Shinobi.

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