Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 141: Reunion

Konoha Cemetery.

The atmosphere was sad, and some sobbing sounds could be heard from time to time.

All the Konoha Shinobi wearing black shirts and pants stood in front of the graves of those who sacrificed.

Kozuki put a white flower on the grave of a Konoha Shinobi, but his gaze suddenly fell on a monument.

Kozuki stood up and arrived near it; squatting down, he picked the flower placed on it.

"I used to come here every day."

A voice fell in Kozuki's ears, and he saw beside him was Kurenai looking at his monument.

"It's worth keeping"

Kozuki put the flower in his system space and smiled while looking at her.


Kozuki looked back saw a woman he couldn't be more familiar with standing behind, looking at him eyes full of tears.

Behind her were Kakashi, Guy, Obito, Rin, and all of his close friends. (Where's Asuma???).

Kozuki stood up and wanted to go towards her, but the figure fell in his arm, tears staining his black clothes.

"It's all right; I'm back"

Kozuki lightly tapped the back of Shizune, who, after sobbing for a while, finally let him go.

"Thank God, you're alive"

Shizune wiped her tears and said to Kozuki who felt warm in his heart hearing her words.

"Welcome back, Kozuki."

Kozuki saw Obito arriving before him and lightly tapped his chest with his fist.

Kozuki smiled when he saw Rin standing close to Obito; it seemed Obito had completed one of his wishes.

Perhaps guessing why, he smiled, Obito was a bit embarrassed and, scratching his back head looked around.

Guy was a lot reserved in welcoming Kozuki since it was a cemetery, and the atmosphere wasn't good enough for his usual style.

After leaving the Cemetery, everyone strode towards the Hokage Building since Minato would announce something important.

At the roof of the Hokage Building, Minato donned in Hokage Haori arrived in front of everyone.

"Today, we lost many of our loved ones, and it could have been worse if it wasn't for him"

"Our Village once again was able to survive this disaster with the help of Konoha Hero, Kozuki Shiro"


"Kozuki sama!!!"

As soon as Minato announced the name Kozuki, every Jonin and some old Chunin who knew about him was surprised.

Kozuki arrived in front of everyone as even if his hair was different, the Jonin who fought wars beside him still recognized him as they all shouted his name in surprise.

"All of these years, he was lurking beside the enemy to protect the Village; it was because of him that Konoha could defeat the enemy"

"Long Live Kozuki Sama!!!"

"Long Live Kozuki Sama!!!"

After so many years, Kozuki once again heard the same slogan as a smile appeared on his face.

"Sensei is really popular."

Shisui, who stood beside Itachi, commented after hearing the passionate voices of Konoha Shinobi.

All the sad atmosphere from before seemed to be eliminated entirely, making Shisui even happier.

"He has always been like this"

Even Itachi had a smile on his face as he was happy to know that his Sensei was alive.

After cheering the depressed people and announcing that Kozuki is still alive, Minato ended his speech, as even those sad about losing their loved ones left with the hope of a better future.

"It's still the same"

Kozuki, after saying goodbye to Obito and the rest, arrived outside his house, which was somehow wasn't destroyed in the attack.

Minato wasn't like Sarutobi; he kept the house of Kozuki as a memento of a Konoha Hero.

Kozuki entered his house and saw it was surprisingly clean, and then, thinking of something, he looked towards Kurenai, who stood behind him.

"I would come here from time to time"

Kurenai admitted that she was the one who would clean his house.

"You must be hungry, sit down, I'll make something"

Kozuki sat on the sofa as Kurenai went towards the Kitchen.

"Dig in"

Soon, she returned with Kozuki's favorite dish, placed it in front of Kozuki, and sat with him.

Kozuki, from the moment he heard she was taking care of his house, was stunned, and hearing her voice, he finally came back to his senses.

Kozuki looked towards her, but Kurenai kept her head down and started eating herself.

"Kurenai... why don't... you..."

Kozuki was really touched, as he couldn't understand why would she do such much for someone who deceived her.

"I don't understand it myself, all these years, I tried to forget you, but the more I tried, the more I remembered you"

"Today, when I saw you alive, I knew I was wrong; you are a heartless bastard"

"But no matter how much I tried to hate you, I just couldn't do it, is this obsession or what people call love? I don't know, but I know that being together with you calms my heart"

Kurenai looked towards Kozuki with a smile on her tearful face.

Hearing her words, even Kozuki couldn't control his tears, brought his trembling hand forward, and wiped the tears on her face.

As Kozuki wiped her tears, the eyes of both of them met, and after staring at each other for a moment, they suddenly moved forward.

Kurenai fiercely hugged the neck of Kozuki, who holding her with one hand, stood up and went towards his room.

Tonight, melodious sound spread throughout the room, and Kozuki missed his other arm after so many years for the first time.

(Read remaining 28 chapters of the book at [email protected]/Navyking6666.)

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