Naruto: the simple skills

Statistic scroll!

Pov: Shisui

I calm my beating heart as I slump my back onto a tree...

What the fuck was that!?

My instincts screamed run and I did- my mangyeko sharingan activated on its own and implanted an order to run in Kenzo's head!

Then Kenzo dispelled my Kotoatsukami like it was nothing!!!!!

What. The. Fuck.

Every time I imagine those eyes my instincts try to kick in and my sweat drips down my forehead.

Its like I am staring down something I cannot explain and my brain only knows how one thing and that is that the kid is dangerous.

If my instincts screamed kill that kid would be dead by now.

What. The. Absolute. Fuck.

I need to report this, especially to the Hokage considering that the kid may be having mental stare downs with the Kyuubi without knowing...


This is urgent and the seal may be going faulty but for some reason my body is pumping blood like crazy and I am sweating like a pig...

Lets take some breaths and lets calm down.


That was scary but I am sure that I can control myself the next time I face that gaze.

No, it was a terrifying stare and it reminds me if people like the Hokage... of Lord Danzo... of a beast beyond measure.


I flicker to the Hokage and Luckily both Lord Danzo and the Hokage are inside the office talking.

I knock.

They allow me in and I notice that Oorochimaru is here too, can never notice that guy...

I clear my throat and I start my report.


Pov: Oorochimaru





I see..

What an interesting child- especially if we take what Hiruzen-sensei said as well...

He has an uncanny ability to detect when someone is watching him... and has been staring down an imaginary Kyuubi- an Anbu checked the seal and everything is fine.

Then scare Shisui so bad he immediately came to report...


I want him.

To test him.

Hmmm... I was thinking about being more audacious with my experiments knowing that my risk of exposure would be greater...

But I have to test this child before I am forced to flee Konoha.


Pov: Danzo

Hmm? Interesting, a child that can terrify someone with a stare... and an uncanny ability to walk?

I wonder what his blood holds that he is capable of such unique Kekkai Genkai... but I cannot touch him unfortunately- Hiruzen has his eyes on him now and by the look on his face he wont budge.


I suppose Konoha needs its warriors in the light, one lost child will not alter my plans.

I have plenty who can scare others in my ranks.


Pov: Hiruzen

Perhaps the Kyuubi was see due to his uncanny ability to notice when I was looking at him...

Is he in a staring contest with the Kyuubi?


Shisui got scared?

A child that went through war got scared?

Shisui of the body flicker with a flee on sight order got scared?

This is no Hyuga variant dojutsu it is something else entirely, maybe a mutation that has made a new dojutsu? Or perhaps he has awakened a bloodline long lost by his family tree...

Naruto has found an interesting brother it seems.

"I know what you are thinking- there is no Dojutsu or bloodline that I saw, like there is no bloodline for my flicker technique- the kid was simply just better... at staring and walking..." Shisui says.

"Are you certain?" Danzo asks.

"One hundred percent, my sharingan saw no movement of chakra and the boy had just awoken his chakra earlier that day" Shisui answers.


"Perhaps we should place the child in the academy early, see if he is a talent like the Hatake and Itachi Uchiha" Danzo adds.


I puff out a smoke from my pipe and I think.

"He is certainly interesting... though is he mature enough to start at his age?" Oorochimaru asks.

"The boy is very intelligent and mature- in fact he often acts as a role model to Naruto and helps him clean up a prank he never took part in... he asked about his future and career paths to help him and Naruto... he is certainly mature enough" I answer.

"Then we should admit him to the Academy" Danzo declares.

"But he is so young.." I mutter.

"Then keep him in the academy until he can graduate normally or at least let us see if he is talented and if he is we can graduate him early and place him in a comfy position" my student adds.

"Is suppose... I will think on this, thank you for your report Shisui, you are dismissed" I let Shisui leave as my friend and student starts to convince me of Kenzo's early admission to the Academy.


-Kenzo: Age four-

-one year later-

So I am attending the ninja academy this year, apparently due to Itachi being needed for missions and this is a great place to look after me.

I call bullshit because Naruto certainly isn't here either.



Complete: Enter into the acedemy.

Reward: Statistic scroll.


Oh I guess it isn't that bad after all.


Something new? A new scroll? Statistic?

Guess I will be looking at that during class... though I suppose I will be learning a lot of things during the first day and I shouldn't test something like this without knowing what it can do...


I will have to wait- what an annoyance.

What is a statistic scroll though?


Do not forget this information!

A statistic scroll applies a bonus + 1 to a statistic about yourself- this is separate from skills that you learn, this something you gain or upgrade.


Vitality is a Statistic.

Kunai throwing is a skill.

Height is a statistic.

Jumping is a skill.


Ohhhhhh!!!!! Shit!

That sounds amazing!

This is getting more and more better as time goes on! I cannot wait to see all its features!


Complete: Praise me!

Reward: Statistic scroll.


I am! I certainly am!

Now I cannot wait for school to finish!

Two scrolls to use... what should I try? Can it be anything? How much is + 1? This is exciting...!


I head into the academy and I follow every other kid who sits around the Hokage as he greets us all and gives an amazing speech.

Sure its long but this guy knows how to pace it right- I can certainly see he got these skills commanding ninja every day.

after that ends we all head into various classes guided by some ninja who will be our teachers for the rest of our stay in this academy.

Our teacher is a plump man with a beard and medium length hair, though he is strangely strong looking, like a dad bod and dad strength... I wonder if he is a father?

I wonder if I can get +1 Dad strength... and if that would only work after I become a father...


Knowing the system it would throw me into a room with a lady and force me to become a dad, then have me raise my kid before a car rushes down the street and threatens to kill my kid before I 'get' dad strength and somehow push the car out of the way.


Yeah lets stay away from that one...

Can I get a better dick size? Nope, still a child- how do I keep forgetting that? I will wait till I am older to see if I even need that...

How about something simple like strength or dexterity?

Psh- Nah!

What's the most niche and random statistic that I can upgrade to then boost and somehow help me in the long run?

Dad strength was a good one actually, I need to find something specific.

"Kenzo would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" The bearded man says.

I look up and around.

He sighs.

"Just introduce yourself and state your like and dislikes" he tells me.

Woops, should be paying attention, I stand up and I introduce myself.

"Hello class! I am Kenzo but you can call me O! I like... learning odd and random facts and I dislike... copying people and doing the standard!" I declare to the class and they all give me odd looks before shrugging, the person next to me stands up and I sit back down.

Tough crowd.


Is charm a stat? Charisma?

Hmmm.... not unique enough...

How about a specific kind of charisma? Like cuteness or sexiness, maybe beauty or Handsomeness?


Wait! Can I change temperature?


That would be useless though... that does bring the question, is it any statistic? Like hunger or even age limit? Can I become long living or can I just +1 my luck? Is luck a thing? Surely right?

So many possibilities! I cant choose or decide!


A book is placed on my desk as my teacher walks by.

"You will be learning everything in this book for the next year, make sure to take care of it and keep it in your bags- you may leave them with me at the end of the day so I can take care of it for you!" The teacher says... I missed his introduction... woops.

And everyone else's... double woops.

The book is rather thin compared to what I usually read, probably around two hundred pages...

Lots of pictures and diagrams too.

Ooo~ information on chakra and its uses, some geography and history, math and all the basics it seems.

I open and start reading.


Wait, I put it back down and glance back up to the teacher who is writing something on the board.

I need to pay attention and not read the book during class.

-ten minutes later-

So that's how you do ninja bullshit! This book is amazing! So much useful information condensed into all these pages!


I flip to the next page and continue reading- *pat* a piece of chalk hits my forehead and I look up.

"Kenzo, care to answer the question?" The teacher asks.

"Uhhh.... forty two?" I answer.

"Ninjas work for the Hokage. Pay attention" the teacher deadpans and I chuckle a little.


*cough* I discreetly place my book below the table and read it from there..


Chalk hits me again.

"Kenzo stay in class during lunch" Teacher orders.


I was never good in this whole class thing at all.

I do continue reading however because if I am in trouble all ready might as well keep going, there is a few unimpressed stares from everyone around me and I continue on until the end of class... then during lunch my teacher lectures me and sends me out ten minutes later.

In the playground I can see that all the kids and the classes have started joining there respective groups and such- only a few sitting by themselves.

I sit at the edge of the playground and I pull out my notebook that I got for school and I start writing within it.










These are the standard ones in most Role playing games but I want something more specific- so how can I pin it down even more?

Strength is way too vague and I don't want to have amazing grip strength but no way to pull or push something...

Dexterity is good and I can think of more detailed stats like flexibility, acceleration and speed.

Constitution is amazing- regeneration, endurance, iron bones, thick skin and even stuff like resistances to certain damages if they count as a statistic.

Wisdom I have no clue... maybe creativity? Or insight? But that sounds more skill then stat.

Intellect is alright with its memory boost or maybe quick wit, but same problem as Wisdom here.

Charisma is good with appearance benefits but unfortunately I am still a child at the moment and being a cuter child is not really helpful...

Hmmm.... length of arms? Be a bowman?


I have no clue what I would want at all.

Maybe I should ask someone else? Yeah, let someone help me find something, an adult would know best but a child always surprises you with creativity- now who looks most competent.

I scan the area and see two adults watching the playground and talking to each other- best not bother them with a hypothetical now that I think about it, they will just shoo me away to other kids.

Scanning the place I can see a few kids playing together and I approach one.

"Hey! I have a-" I am interrupted by the girl.

"Hey! You want to play?" She asks.

"No, but I do have question-" she interrupts me again.

"Then go away! I have to find Emi before lunch ends" she walks away.

Okay... I try again with another kid... then another and another and it seems four year olds are not very interested in my serious question...

I approach the two adults.

"Hey! Can you-" I go to ask but the shoo me away.

"Come on kid, ask questions in class- go play with some of the others" they pat my head and turn me around... I walk away to my spot and huddle to my notebook.

Well that went worse than I thought- then what should I do!?

I have circled Dex, Con and Cha and I draw lines to all possible statistics I can think of, but I don't love any of them- much harder to decide then skills that's for sure.

Can I improve senses? Is sight a skill or stat? Perception? Hearing? Hmmm... they sound more skill than stat actually.

I could lengthen my ears like an elf... for no reason at all... no bonus to that other then cosplay actually.

Could I just say 'arms' and get a third arm?

How about hearts? Would that help or be detrimental, like would it juts stuff another heart into me or do I get an emergency heart that's connected and all?

What about getting plus one more mind? Nah that sounds stupid...

Another finger on the other hand however..?

Okay I am officially stuck on this question.

Eventually Lunch ends and we continue classes until evening, after all that we get to head home.


What if I said wings? Or is it something that I already have only?

Haaa- I arrive at my home and open the door to see that Naruto isn't home, I place my bag down and I approach the note he left on the bed.

'Have to clean hokage building- be back before dinner!'


I enter into the shower and strip myself, I then turn the taps on and I accept the scrolls.

Out of all my ideas these are my favourite.

'Wing' it starts to glow and I stop focusing... so I can add things they just have to be an addition and not a skill... though it is only one wing at a time.

'Sight' it starts to glow and I stop focusing.

'Perception' it doesn't glow... so I can increase attributes of my body like my hearing or sight- but I cannot train them to there extreme like skills... its just moving the minimum and maximum limits up a few I bet.

'Gold?' It does start to glow but that is vague if it gives me gold or makes me Golder...

'Dad strength' it glows! I stop focusing again... I can be very vague? What if I said 'strength when eating a fruit?' It glows again and I stop focusing...


But useless considering I can just get strength +1 and be done with it... I am not an idiot, I just want something unique to me.

Claws? Or would that give me one claw instead of improving my nails? Should I say Nail sharpness?

Hmm... so many decisions!!!!!


I am thinking all wrong about this! I am no longer on earth so the statistics I am thinking or are much less utilized here then over there.

Chakra! Chakra is amazing, whether it is capacity or control everyone wants that- next is a ninja's body then there mind... those are the three primary things in this ninja world.

I need to think about this like a videogame.

Classes- three main classes, Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.

Subclasses will be something like unique jutsu or fighting styles like the handy school book has information on.

I finish showering and head out to my bag to grab that book, I sit on my bed and I start flipping through it.

I will just find the weakest build and power level it into the strongest- I will find the most unused combo and make it good with the system so that only I am strong with it.


Famous people major in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu as that is the most flashy and prominent battle winners but there are a few amazing genjutsu masters...

So Genjutsu seems to be my 'class' if you were to see it as one.

Now my subclass would be underutilized weapons or jutsu that seem basic but I will try to make amazing...

I need a bigger book.


I wake up the next morning having read the entire book and I immediately head out for the library and start reading through everything and anything possible on weapons, fighting styles and jutsu, in my note book I cross out anything I read that seems popular or the current or older meta.

Genjutsu definitely seems much more prominent here and Taijutsu seems much less actually... which one is worse?

Ill stick with Genjutsu nonetheless- I picked it and I wont change it.

Now... I am thinking of taking a unique weapon for a genjutsu master and I don't see anyone taking a Spear... so yoink.

Genjutsu Spearman that primarily uses... what kind of genjutsu? Lets see... in these books genjutsu is usually used against one target to immobilize them...

Lets find some Aoe genjutsu that... annoys them? Gets them mad? Lets also make them sound based.

And boom! My plan for the future me!

Genjutsu Spearman with AOE sound based genjutsu.


Good right? A loud ninja who doesn't focus on immobilization of his enemies that also wields a spear! Which I haven't seen used anywhere...

I like.

Now I can stop fretting over what stats that are unique and focus on what can help me!


Pov: Hiruzen Sarutobi

"Yes lord Hokage I have no Idea where he is, he never showed up to class nor could I find him at his apartment..." Oto, Kenzo's teacher tells me.


"That is alright, I will see what is wrong- perhaps he wasn't suited for early enrolment. You are dismissed, thank you for you information" Oto then leaves my office with a bow.

Well I have a break in ten minutes anyway, might as well spend it looking for Kenzo.

I get up and leave my office as well, telling the staff I will be back in twenty minutes.

I head to Kenzo's apartment and focus my eyes on the area... I open the door using my key and I look inside, on his bed is the book he was given for this years class.

I open it and my eyes widen.

Sticky notes are everywhere in here and are heavily detailed on the various subjects... though skipping the math and basics he has quite the notes on everything else.

Covering all aspects of the ninja it seems and then he starts honing in on genjustu... so he is interested in genjutsu? I see...

After flipping through the book I head to the library, I know Kenzo can get heavily focused on something and not realise what he is doing wrong.

Inside and in one of the corners I can see Kenzo writing furiously in a notepad and reading a book. To his left is about three books and to his right is six more stacked.

He is reading all that?

I watch for five minutes as he flips through pages and writes more and more notes on something... I wonder what he is writing about? Is this why he skipped school? It was going too slow for him and he wanted to read more and quicker?


Every genius has there quirks.

I approach and hover behind him, he doesn't notice until I stop staring at his books and then start staring at him... he can feel my stares... how unique.

"Oh! Old man!" Kenzo says in greeting and I give a warm smile.

"You skipped school today Kenzo, I was worried" I say and Kenzo opens his mouth and closes it, furrowing his brow.

He definitely forgot about school.

"Hehe... sorry about that" he says.

"What are you writing about?" I ask.

He flips through the notebook and I can see many tips, notes and details on certain famous genjutsu users and other information.

He stops at one page, and shows it to me.


Sound based area of effect Genjutsu user with an Spear as the main weapon.

Attach a bell onto the end of my spear so my enemies get used to hearing it and send genjutsu out that sounds just like the bell, making it annoying to discern.

Become a close ranged fighter and not like most genjutsu users who stay in the back to focus on there jutsu.

I need strength for my Spear wielding and control for my genjutsu- I also need to be quick for both these to work...

Learn one handed signs- difficult?


"I was designing my future and this one seemed the most unique and likely to fail" Kenzo tells me.

"I see, what is the future you have decided on?" I ask flipping through his notes.

"That one" he says.

The most likely to fail one?

"May I ask why..? I am curious why you would make it harder for yourself?" I ask with genuine curiosity.

"Because I like being unique I suppose..." He explains.


Every genius has their quirks I suppose... haaa- let us see how well he can make this work.

I hand him back the note book and I pat his shoulder.

"Then I wish you luck on your path to power young student, make sure to go to class tomorrow okay?" I explain and he nods.

I give him one last smile and I head out back to my office.

Thanks for reading :)

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