Naruto: the simple skills

Itachi Uchiha

The deep orange room greets me once again, I look around and wait for the scratching to happen.

*scratch* *scrawl*

'Do not yield. Do not blink'

The room shifts into another cage, similar to when I stared down the Mad one's fragment.

On the other side an eye drops in, it floats before the cage and stares at me.

*scratch* *scrawl*

'The frightening ones eye. Don't blink'

Thanks for the lore... I stare.

It has only been ten minutes but I am covered in sweat and I have backed up against the wall, my eyes being pulled open by my fingers that drag my skin.

I breathe heavily and my heartrate skyrockets, I blink only once.


And the iron bar breaks, the eye does not push to get me like the Mad one, it waits patiently and just sits there... watching me.

Its not an itch like last time no.

Its like a sense of dread that makes me want to run, my instincts burn with fear and I cannot run.


Another bar breaks.


And another.


Yet again I blink, I keep blinking and I don't know why...

*snap* *snap *snap* *snap*

All but one iron bar breaks and I let go of my eyelids... I hold the wall and I stare and stare and stare...

It can get me... that one bar is not blocking anything... its taunting me, letting me know that it can wait and it doesn't matter what I do... it is horrific.

I stare and stare and stare... but unlike last time my mind doesn't loop, it doesn't itch and it doesn't break... my mind feels less malleable and my stare holds.

Knowledge Taker... I have a higher threshold of my mind breaking now... I can take more knowledge and not break form its touch.

I stare for hours.




2 years and 4 months go by as I stare...

Eventually I stop hugging the wall.

Eventually I stop sweating buckets.

Eventually I stop feeling fear.

I step up to the eye and stare it down, unlike last time I win due to my mental fortitude.

I step into its cage, it floats backwards and I approach. It is just the eye of the Frightening one... while I am Kenzo who stares.

My eyes lower and my stare bores into the lone eye.

It falters and vanishes, I win.


'Completed A-rank 'Unyielding Stare'

I blink and I am in my room, I smile knowing that I can learn without breaking anymore, the things my eyes have to witness... I will stare them down.

I go to sleep with an easy mind that night.

-one week later-

I am visiting Yamanaka Flowers again, as I enter I hear a small gasp and turn to see Ino hiding behind a plant... a plant that barely covers her...

I approach her and she sweats.

"Hey Ino... may I ask why you are avoiding me?" I say in the gentlest voice I can manage.

She peeks her head over the sunflower and asks a question hesitantly.

"You aren't mad at me...?"

"... for?" I ask with genuine confusion.

"I didn't... choose to play with you.. I am so sorry- please don't be mad, I didn't know what was happening and I-" she starts to rant a little.

What? Choose to play with me? When did this happen? Oh! At the playground? That's stupid, did she think I was angry with her?

"No Ino, I am sorry- I didn't realise that you thought I was mad at you, to be clear I am not... I just had a moment of annoyance with the other guys at the park" I say in my most soothing voice, I walk around the sunflower and pat her on the back.

"Really? You aren't angry?" She asks with her eyes going a tad bit wider.

"Really, not at all"

"... yes!" She pumps her fist into the air and I chuckle, it seems all the worry is off her chest as she stands tall.

"Want me to get you a new bundle of flowers! (Whisper) I will sneak two free ones in" she says happily and with sneaky intent.

I chuckle and nod my head as she leads me around the place picking flower after flower, we reach the counter in which she passes the flowers to her mother and whispers in her ear loudly.

"(Whisper) don't tell dad but I am sneaking these two flowers away!"

Ino's mother and me chuckle to ourselves at that and she passes me the bundle.

"Thank you both, these are lovely" I thank them with my best smile.

"Can I come with you? I really, really want to see the vase that you put these in!" Ino declares to us and begs me.

"I don't mind, but you should certainly ask if your mother does" I state.

Her mother nods her head and waits for Ino to ask.

"Mamma can I? Please!" Ino pleads with her best cute face... she does to her credit have an amazing pleading face- already learnt how to get what she wants from her parents.

"Hmmm... alright, but straight there and straight back understood?" She says sternly.

"Yes mamma!" Ino does a little run over to me and we both walk out of the shop into Konoha's streets, I lead the way to mine and Naruto's apartment.

Unfortunately when we get there we stumble into a drunk ninja... he seems to be throwing an empty glass bottle at the house.

"Demon.. brat!" I look around and it seems that no one is home or nearby, I look to Ino and start pulling her away immediately, I am not getting caught up in that- *crash*

A bottle is thrown and crashes near Ino...

"You that little fuckers... friend aint' you? Don't you dare walk away from- *hic* me!" He shouts and Ino starts shaking... tears well up in her eyes and I just stare forward...

"Come over you little fuck, I will beat you- *hic* take away that demons friend same he done to me!" The man whisper yells under his alcohol drenched breath and Ino starts crying... okay no walking away.

I sigh and unlatch the tight hand that Ino has on mine, I hold her shoulders and speak softly.

"I am going to talk to that man, just walk back home for me alright Ino?" She shakes her head and looks at me in worry.

I turn around and approach the man.

He wobbles over slowly.

"Listen, you are drunk- make these types of decisions when you are sober, you do not want to screw your life over by hurting a child... just take a breath and-"

*slap* *yelp*

I get slapped by him and Ino yelps out in surprise... I am staring to the side and I slowly look back... staring him in the eyes.

"Do that again. I dare you" I pull out my coldest voice and take a step forward.

I stare into his soul and through his eyes, he backs up.

"Wait- hold on you little demon! Back!" He swings at air and trips, falling over.

I walk over him, standing on his chest I stare and stare into his eyes... I have no idea what he is seeing in my own eyes right now but it certainly is making him sweat and panic.

"Again. Hit me" I demand.

He doesn't raise his hands.

"I'm- I'm sorry, I wasn't in the right mind" he stumbles out with laboured breath.

"Good, now go home and sleep- you are so drunk that you are scared of a child...." I step off his chest and I walk over to Ino.

The man gets up and sprints away into the streets.

"Did you want water? Or anything before I walk you home?" I speak softly and she nods before I lead her up the stairs and into my apartment, I pour her a glass of water and she drinks it between small sobs, I pat her back and make circles with my hand... trying my best to calm her down.

"Thanks..." she mutters.

"No worries Ino, nothing happened other than an accident- the situation was handled and you and me are fine..."

She wipes her tears away and looks around the room...

"Do you live with that blue eyed boy?" She asks.

"Yeah, like a brother to me... that's the vase right there as well, fits the flowers you choose for me excellently" I point to the vase and we get up to place the flowers in it together.

After that Ino stares at the door shales slightly.

"Did you want to go home? Here let me walk you back" I pat her shoulder and she grasps my hand as we head into the streets again... once we are on the same street as her shop she becomes much livelier.

When we get to the shop front she lets go of my hand and we wave each other goodbye before I head home.

This time nothing interrupts me as I sit on my bed... thinking of skills to protect those around me, Ino could have been brought into mine and Naruto's mess and I didn't have the skills to stop them, only intimidate.

Hmm... and no quest completion as well... I suppose I have gotten too many recently anyway...

Sometimes too much is bad.


Pov: Inoichi

I came home from T&I today and my daughter immediately started hugging and crying into my pant leg... after some consoling and a story that I couldn't make out in the middle of the sobs she fell asleep, I place her in bed and tuck her in before kissing her forehead... I walk out to the living room where my wife is and ask.

"What happened with Ino? Did something bad happen? Did that boy not forgive her for... whatever she did?" I ask with worry... and still confused on what happened with the boy...

My wife turns to me and shakes her head.

"I let her walk Kenzo home and they bumped into a drunk ninja... he threw a bottle near them when walking away and said horrible things to Kenzo and according to Ino, Kenzo calmed her down and then turned to talk the drunk down from being aggressive before he got slapped. And well... apparently Kenzo scared the drunk away... I am unsure how though... Ino was terrified that she was going to get hit and was crying about that, and then an hour before you got home she was crying because Kenzo was 'so cool', 'I just watched him get hit' and 'and all I could do was cry' she then started crying more... because she was crying..."

That's... quite a lot to process.

"Who was it?"

"Don't know, Ino wasn't paying attention and Kenzo didn't care- apparently just told the drunk to leave and then the two had water before he escorted Ino home..."

"That's... I don't mean to quote Shikaku but, troublesome.." my wife sighs with a smirk as I state that.

"I will let the Hokage know considering who the drunk was targeting and where... I will be back in an hour" I continue and let my wife know where I am going before heading off to the Hokage.


Pov: Hiruzen Sarutobi


I just listened to Inoichi and his explanation, sending the man back home I think about the situation.

Kenzo scared him off? Sounds like exaggeration from young Ino... but then again, how many times has this happened that Kenzo could calm the man down and let him leave... because I do not see any other way they get out of that... this is worrying, I should have made sure that there was an Anbu on Kenzo as well as Naruto... but I cant spread my forces to take care of children... we are already spread thin due to Konoha inhabiting the land of fire...

Unless... Uchiha Itachi recently lost his team and there were talks about having him join Anbu in team Ro... Kakashi knows what it is like to be in Anbu young, and even then we are in peace time... lets give Itachi a 'vacation' in the style of a mission, then when he is ready he may join Anbu... maybe in two years...

I start writing up a mission, Itachi was never going to be in Anbu for another few years anyway, this will be good for his mental health.

I finish writing the mission and I get Anbu Cat to call Itachi, he will start in a week and can choose to monitor the kid from afar or close. It is his decision.


-one day later-

Pov: Itachi

"This is good news, do this task well Itachi" my father answers.

It is? I thought he wouldn't want me doing these types of missions...

"You would have been stuck doing gardening or painting until you could pass there mentality tests, a dedicated mission like this will help prove your capabilities while also allowing you time to train- Anbu have these guarding duties all the time"

I nod my head.

"Hn. Kenzo is also friends and pseudo brothers with Naruto Uzumaki- it would be best for you to get to know the boy"

I nod my head again and my father gets up to leave the room.

After he has left I get up and head towards the front door, placing my shoes on.

"Brother! Where are you going, can you help me with my shuriken?" My brother approaches me while holding a few shuriken.

"Next time Sasuke, I have someone to meet for an extended mission" I poke his forehead and he pouts.

"Will you back this afternoon?" He asks.

"Maybe, don't wait for me here- Ask father to help you with your training" I get up and leave towards the door, Sasuke crosses his arms and pouts harder before walking back down the hall.

I close the door and leave heading through the Uchiha district and into the main streets of Konoha, his apartment is a distance away from the compound and it takes a fifteen minute walk.

Walking up the stairs I knock on the door.

The door slams open as a blond haired boy gazes at me curiously.

"Naruto! I said not to open the door to strangers!" My target enters into view from the kitchen and scolds Naruto, he pats his back and points to the kitchen where food is being made.

Turning to me he asks "sorry about that sir, may I ask why you are here?" He says in a clear tone.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, the Hokage has given me a mission to make sure you are safe for an extended time Kenzo-san" he nods his head at me and looks around before asking again.

"Do you have any documents or such that can prove this statement?" Good, he knows how to keep himself safe- now I also have to investigate what allowed him to know that at such a young age.

I shake my head, the documents are left with the Hokage due to this mission being within Konoha.

"Haaa- Naruto! I am going out, don't do anything dumb till I get back!" Kenzo yells out.

"Okay!" The other boy shouts with his mouth full.

He starts walking down the stairs and then looks up towards me "Lets go see the Hokage, sorry but I would love to make sure that you are who you say you are" I nod my head and we walk through the streets of Konoha at a slow pace, eventually we arrive at the mission centre where the Hokage is working.

We both line up and wait.

"Why are the ninjas handing out missions?" Kenzo asks.

"So that the others can get money for-" he interrupts me.

"No not that sorry, why not have civilians do this job?"

"Ah- well due to spies we have to make sure we have the most trusted ninja handing out and dealing with missions, any misinformation in a mission could lead to severe consequences" I answer.

"So there is more than just one kind of ninja... like an officer and a soldier?"

"There are very many different types that all excel at certain thing"

"I see... is there any ninja that excels at 'staring'?" He asks another question, this one more difficult.

"Staring how..?" I ask for clarity.

"Like scary staring, a glare that can send people running" he clarifies.

"... T&I I suppose... they make sure to get information out of people and I suppose scaring someone may help... though they may say anything to stop being scared so it is an unreliable method" he nods at my words and we reach the end of the line.

"Itachi, Kenzo- I see you have acquainted yourselves, I overheard your discussion- are you interested in the many paths of ninja Kenzo?" the Hokage says with a smile.

"Ah, yes- I am sure my brother wants to take your hat and I wish to help him any way I can, having such information will help me and him grow the correct way" Kenzo answers... with quite the vocabulary for a three year old.

The Hokage smiles brightly at that, he seems to enjoy it when youngsters are passionate or intelligent when it comes to being a ninja.

"We are also here to confirm that Itachi Uchiha has the job that he has, though it seems my question was answered with your first sentence" the Hokage nods in understanding as he shuffles through a few documents at his desk and hands Kenzo one.

"I can confirm that Itachi was sent to guard you... this document has the knowledge on the many job opportunities for ninja, please take it- it would make me happy knowing that Naruto has a close friend ensuring his safety and strength" Kenzo accepts the small document and bows his head.

"Thanks old man, we will stop bothering you now" the Hokage chuckles as we head out into the streets of Konoha again.

"So... how does this work? Do you watch me during the day? Are you with me all the time...?" Kenzo questions.

"I have to stay with you from the mornings till the afternoon, or if something makes me think you require a watchmen until later, if I am not there in the morning I am most probably watching from afar" Kenzo nods at the information and looks up at me.

"Well I often head to Yamanaka flowers every other day... that leads on for a while usually or it could end in the mornings... Naruto is pranking a lot... like a lot, then he comes back in the afternoon and we usually play or I help him clean his mess... so there is two-four hours during the day where you can drag me around as I would probably be staring at the wall doing nothing- you have a life too im sure~" Kenzo mutters to himself and lets me know about his schedule, very handy.

"Are you sure? I will most likely be doing training at that time" I ask.

"Yeah, ten times more interesting than my wall- plus you can show me where the book store is and I can read while waiting" Kenzo assures... this is good, my father wanted me to get extra training in and it seems that part has already been handled.

We arrive back at the apartment and enter, Kenzo looks around for Naruto but fails to see him, he picks up a note on the bed that says 'yeah'.

"Oh, he is out- I guess yeah is the best note he can leave..." Kenzo looks back up at me and asks.

"You want to go train? I have a document to read through" I nod and we leave to the Uchiha district- the training ground near my house more specifically.

Kenzo sits at one of the trees bases and I speak up.

"I'm going to be throwing kunai at these trees.."

"The targets are ten-twenty feet up, just don't miss" Kenzo mutters while reading his document.


Why do you sound like my father...?


I throw the kunai and to Kenzo's credit he doesn't flinch when the Kunai impale the tree above him.

Alright... lets focus on my training now.

Thanks for reading :) all the chapters for this week.

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