Naruto: Storyteller in the ninja world, Tsunade rewards at the beginning

Page 135

At this moment, Susan, who was hiding in the scarecrow, also rushed out directly, hitting Will with a stick on the patio.

On the other side, Chitong met sister Heitong, but she couldn't feel the so-called family affection at all. Heitong couldn't wait to hack her sister to death and put her in Teigu Hachifang.

I saw that Heitong sneaked into Teigu immediately, and Hachifang's ability shook the mountains for a while, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and several bodies came out of the ground, and this is the ability of the dead marching Hachifang. As long as it is a corpse, Heitong can It becomes its own puppet.

Even the super dangerous species is no exception. The six rooms currently summoned are the gunman Boya, the bodyguard Wall, the star Epman, the gang survivor Hunter, the imperial general Locke, the super dangerous heavy Daista, and the former Companion Natara.

Najta didn't expect Bafang's ability to be so perverted. Fortunately, Estes divided the orc's combat power into two, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Although the black pupil can control eight corpses at the same time, but at the same time, the movement of the caster will be correspondingly slowed down.

This was also an opportunity, Chitong immediately took the lead to slash at Heitong, but was stopped by Natara, a good friend who grew up together in the past.

Chitong said angrily that the deceased should let him return to the earth to rest in peace, but Heitong didn't think so. Heitong said that it was because they were companions that they had to stay together.

Not only that, but Hei Tong had to hack Chi Tong to death and include him in the eighth room, so that he could go back to the time when they were together.

Natara immediately shot Chitong down with one blow, and Porus also shot flames at Chitong who was unable to move in the air at this time. Fortunately, Tazmi rescued Chitong in time, and Heitong immediately ordered to launch a light wave in danger, a huge The destructive power completely changed the terrain, but according to the unspoken rule of smoke without injury, all night raiders were intact.

Although this dangerous species is powerful, Xu Zuo said that he can handle it alone, and he immediately joined the dangerous species.A duel started, so Najta went to support Leona who was beaten by General Locke.

Najta threw an iron fist at Locke. As a former colleague, Najta was obliged to free Locke from this curse.

However, at this moment, Hei Tong turned into Lao Liu and cut off Leonai's arm with a knife. If he didn't stare at Hei Tong, he would attack decisively whenever he had the opportunity.

Leonai angrily used animalization to stop the blood loss, saying that he wanted Black Tong to experience the consequences of angering the lion, but was persuaded by Najeta in time, and the boss immediately ordered Leonai to go to support Chitong and stay by himself Against Locke.

Even though Najieta's strength is not as good as before, it is still more than enough to deal with a mere puppet. If he seizes the opportunity, he will kick off Locke's head, but Locke, who lost his head, can still fight, which makes Najieta extremely angry. To what extent does the disgusting situation want to blaspheme people?

Najta punched him with a backhand, hitting him into danger, and Locke finally dissipated.

At this time, Xu Zuo was still fighting hard, and Najeta considered that Esdesh might come to support him, so he had to make a quick decision now.

In the next second, Najta used the killer's trump card, Huang Hua, who had made a false move.

The benefits brought by Lutino are extremely huge, but at the same time its cost is also unbearable, that is, it will absorb 1/3 of the life span of a Geogather user.

After using it three times, the user will definitely be on the verge of death, only to see Susan's hair turning white, and a majestic eight-foot mirror is displayed behind him. Seeing this, the dangerous species attacks again, but it is absorbed by Susan's eight-foot mirror and rebound.

In the next second, Xu Zuo took out his exclusive weapon, Tian Congyun, and increased the body of the dangerous species with a single strike.

On the other side, Chitong is in a hard fight. The cooperation between Porus and the bodyguard Wall is impeccable, and Chitong's attack can be subtly resolved every time.

At this moment, Leonai, who was in charge of support, also came here. Chitong was very concerned about Leonai's lost arm, but the most important thing at the moment was to solve Porus.

Chitong knew very well that no matter how he attacked, he would be intercepted by Wall, so he had to beheaded by Wall first, and then cut off Wall's legs with a single knife. Leonai also took this opportunity to rush towards Bruce, But in the next second, his arm was pierced by Wall's hidden dart, and Porus had already aimed his gun at Leonai at this time. At this time, he could only fight with his back.

Leone used all his strength to bite off Porus' Teigu in one bite.Porus, who had lost Teigu, had already lost his combat capability, but Porus directly chose to blew himself up, and they all died together. The violent explosion swept the entire valley.

At the same time, Tazmi's battle is not over yet, and the conjoined attack of Scarlet Star and Hunter left Tazmi with no way to deal with it.

Since the enemy was a corpse and there was no pain at all, Tatsumi was beaten to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

At this moment, a member of a foreign nationality appeared here. When Hunter saw the foreign nationality in front of him, he immediately thought that he was a companion, and the attack stopped.

But in the next second, a foreigner pierced Hunter's head with a needle, and this was Chelsea's disguised personnel.

Although the corpse manipulated by Bafang is unconscious, the habits and strong will engraved in the body will remain.

The moment Hunter paused, Tatsumi immediately seized the opportunity and split Hunter in half with a single knife.

Without Hunter, the orangutan was no match for Tazmi at all. Tazmi punched the orangutan with a few backhand punches, smashing the orangutan to pieces.

At the same time, Ma Yin also successfully dealt with the shooter Bo Ya, but in the next second, a huge toad suddenly appeared and swallowed Ma Yin whole, and there was a large amount of corrosive liquid in the stomach of this toad. If it was swallowed by him, it must be because the bones do not exist.

After Ma Yin was swallowed by the toad, Tazni also came here, but Natara, who was in charge of guarding Feitong, was dozens of times stronger than the orangutan just now.

During the fight between the two, the toad on the side suddenly trembled all over. In the next second, a light-emitting cannon directly shot through the toad, and Ma Yin, disheveled, crawled out from the toad's back.

where am i?

Although only Heitong and Natara are left now, their aura has not diminished in the slightest.

Chapter 178 "Slashing the Scarlet Eyes" 15

He is the royal elite in the burning army. He once drowned countless creatures with flames, and his hands were stained with countless sins. However, his nature is very kind, because all of these came from orders issued by the corrupt and dark empire.

Porus knew that his retribution would come sooner or later, but at the last moment of his life, he just wanted to return to his wife.All of this starts with the destruction of Bruce's empire.

In order to be able to annihilate NIght Raid, Bruce did not hesitate to detonate the distance and die with the enemy.

Raging flames swept across the entire valley, and a huge blasting mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The power of the explosion even swept through Tazmi, Heitong and others who were still fighting in the distance. This opportunity escaped from here.

Heitong knew that the explosion just now was caused by Porus, that is to say, Porus had been killed, so he could only evacuate to the other side at this moment. Leone, who was in the center of the explosion, used Wall's shield and The body shielded Chitong from the impact of the flames. Although he had a super recovery ability after transforming into a beast, he fainted to the ground after suffering too much damage.

At this time, Porus also successfully escaped from the battlefield because he had received professional training in the burning army and his body had super resistance to flames.

At this moment, Porus saw a wounded and crying girl, and the kind-hearted Porus immediately stepped forward to bandage the girl's wound, but in the next second, the girl directly stabbed Porus' vitals.

And this girl was Chelsea in disguise, and Porus fell to the ground. She knew it was retribution, but she still wanted to have dinner with the orc members again.

At this time, Rab also came here. Rab said to join everyone quickly, but Chelsea insisted on chasing the fleeing Hei Tong. If Hei Tong escaped, he would gather eight new people again. Even a comeback.

So Chelsea chose to pursue it, and at the same time ordered Rab to go back and tell everyone the matter, and then send two combat personnel to support.

Immediately, Chelsea used Teigu to pretend to be Bruce.

Heitong, who escaped on the other side, recalled the past when he was a child. At that time, he was sent to the killer training organization together with more than 100 children including his sister Chitong. After countless life and death battles, only seven of them passed the test successfully, but The organization does not allow brothers and sisters in the team.

So Hei Tong was sent to the imperial capital, and Chi Tong was sent to other places, but Hei Tong's physical fitness was not comparable to that of other qualified people, so the organization injected black pupil with drugs that strengthened the body, because the strengthening drugs had produced Dependence, so Heitong needs to take drugs from time to time.

The snacks that Hei Tong ate contained a lot of medicine, but at the same time, the burden on the body also increased.

At this moment, Chelsea found Hei Tong, who had already lifted the eighth room. Hei Tong expressed shock that Porus was still alive, but then saw that his companion was still alive, and felt relieved.

However, Hei Tong didn't know that the Porus in front of him was disguised by Chelsea. Chelsea had heard from Tazmi about the tone and character of the members of the orcs, so now the Porus pretended to be without any flaws. Black pupil's guard was dispelled.

Just when the two were about to return to the imperial capital, Hei Tong fell to his knees due to lack of energy due to not taking drugs in time.

Knowing that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Chelsea pierced Heitong's vitals with a needle, and Heitong immediately fell to the ground. When she was dying, she was still thinking about her sister Chitong.

Chelsea felt sorry for that, but that's the killer's karma.

Chelsea's mind was thus reminded of the past.

Chelsea was born in an ordinary family. Because of her excellent grades, she entered the official office of the local prefect and longed for the life of a high-class lady.However, after entering the government, he saw the corrupt and dark side of the local prefect who harmed the people, and gradually understood the darkness of the empire in his heart.

Although Chelsea had justice in his heart, he was helpless until one day, he stole one of Tegu Gaia from the basement of the prefect, and succeeded in getting rid of the prefect and helping justice.

Since then, Chelsea has embarked on a path to change the decadence.

Just when Chelsea was about to evacuate with Bafang, the dead Heitong suddenly got up and snatched Bafang back.Original

Because of the long-term intake of body-strengthening drugs, Hei Tong's body has slowly approached the monster. If Hei Tong's heart is not directly destroyed or her head is chopped off, she can escape from the gate of hell.

Chelsea did not expect that Kuroto was no longer a human being, so he immediately turned around and prepared to change his clothes and run away, but the gunman summoned by Kuroto directly shot Chelsea's Teigu. Chelsea could not escape the pursuit of the two after all, and his arm was cut off. The abdomen was penetrated by bullets, and in the end, his head was directly beheaded.

At the same time, Tazmi and Chitong, who learned everything from Rab, set off to support immediately, but they couldn't find Chelsea anywhere. With the heavy rain pouring down, the two seemed to know Chelsea's secret, but Tatsumi believes that with Chelsea's ability, he will be able to save the day, so he uses the transparency of the evil spirits to enter the imperial capital for inspection.

The bloodstains in the field continued all the way to Imperial Street, and Tazmi continued to move forward along the bloodstains, but what he saw at the end was Chelsea's head.

Chelsea's head was placed on a flagpole and displayed in the street.

Chapter 179 "Slashing the Scarlet Eyes" 16

This is the third time that Tazmi has lost a partner who lived and died together after joining the night raid. Even though he is extremely sad, but now is not the time to indulge in memories. The source of the tragedy must be fundamentally eliminated and the corrupt and dark empire must be overthrown.

And now the task of the night raid is to eliminate the evil party Perik in the church.

At the same time, Esdes was ordered to lead the orcs to guard Berik's safety, but the bodyguards guarding Berik were not only Esdess and others, but also four Rakshasa who were the embodiment of violence.

How many of the four are there? Zhu Tianhe Wharf Seliu not only questioned the strength of the four, after all, all members of the Night Raider are equipped with the imperial bureau, but the four did not panic at all. No matter how powerful the imperial bureau is, the users are just ordinary humans after all. , so there must be a chance of winning.

The four ghosts of Rakshasa are the minister's personal servants, but at the moment they are taking on the task of guarding Berik. This made Esdesi sigh, the minister really attaches great importance to this religious group, and the black pupil on the side is now Panting, although not completely dead after being fatally assassinated by Chelsea, but now it is only at the end of its strength, and its body is extremely weak.

Will is very clear that the current Heitong is forcibly supporting his body, but Heitong also has his own concerns, because once the killer of the assassination team is judged unable to fight, he will be immediately disposed of by the organization.

I am absolutely dead, rather than being wiped out by the organization, it is better to die in battle.

At this time, Rabo received the investigation outside the church. Although the street was full of fish and dragons and people were surging, Rabo could hide his tracks very well, but he was still targeted by the heavens and the pier of the four ghosts of Rakshasa up.

As the night fell, Zhutian immediately attacked Rabo, and Zhutian beat Rabo to the ground with one blow and lost his pulse. In fact, Rabo stopped his pulse by lifting the ground, which made Zhu Tian felt really boring, but I didn't expect it to be just a small role worth mentioning.

At this moment, the horse head caught the secret agent who was about to meet Rabo. Rabo did not intend to stand up and fight. After all, he was fighting two people at the same time. It was a girl, and Rabo immediately threw a knife at Zhu Tian. He really had no resistance to women, because Rabo was a scout, so he tried his best to avoid direct combat, but if he had to fight, he would do it well. of.

Rab immediately launched the steel wire to attack, Zhu Tian wanted to attack from behind, but Rab blocked it with the steel wire.Rab then twisted the thread to make a long axe, which was full of loopholes and slashed towards the heavens.Rab's purpose was naturally not to defeat the two in front of him, but to buy time for the spy to escape.

Gradually, the spies had escaped, and Rab also turned around and ran away, but how could he run across the heavens?

The heavens rushed towards Rab at high speed, but Rab didn't panic at all. The distance between himself and the ground was caused by the body hair of the super dangerous species in the East China Sea. This kind of body hair is tough and sharp, and is called the boundary line.

When Zhu Tian noticed the location of the steel wire, it was too late, and his neck was deeply cut by the broken line.

Not only that, but Rab even made a backhand, a steel gun piercing through the sky.

Even so, due to long-term practice, Zhutian's physical strength has reached a certain level, and this kind of attack still cannot solve Zhutian, but Rab also saved a hand, that is, the needle and thread on the steel gun will follow through the flesh, Lock the heart of the heavens and achieve a one-hit kill.

Seeing the horse head here, he doesn't intend to make soy sauce anymore, he must help the heavens to avenge.

The horse's head moved at high speed between the alleys, and when it was timed well, it punched Rab with a backhand, knocking Rab to the ground, unable to move.

With all his strength, Rab threw two daggers at the horse's head, but the horse's head easily dodged it. The horse's head raised it with one hand, and Rab was about to send it to heaven, but at this time the horse's head was caught by the blade. Seriously injured, it turned out that Raab had tied a silk thread to the knife he had just thrown. As long as the thread was retracted, the blade would come back together. It seemed that Raab was more skilled.

At the same time, Chitong was investigating the secret underground passage leading to the church, but in the next second he was approached by Ji, one of the four ghosts of Rakshasa.

Chi Tong originally thought that the battle with the Raksha four ghosts would be when the minister was assassinated, but now it seems that it will be brought forward.

Chitong immediately pulled out Murasame and slashed at Ji, but Ji's body was far more flexible than Chitong imagined.

The four ghosts of Rakshasa have undergone arduous cultivation, and now they can control their bodies at will, and continuously bombard Chitong with extreme violence. Chitong wanted to fight back, but was taken away by Ji Kong with a white knife, but what the village rain contained His resentment is obviously not something that Ji can bear, so Chitong took this opportunity to lock her head directly.

This completely irritated him, and he attacked Chitong angrily, but Chitong used two backhands, directly dismembering his body.

However, the danger is not lifted, and Lan suddenly appears here. Fortunately, Lan's mission is to reconnoiter Wuxin and fight Chitong.

At the same time, Tatsumi and Ma Yin are waiting for the reunion in the wild, and the two people who have a narrow road to the enemy will quarrel whenever they are alone.

Ma Yin said that men who can't tolerate women's shopping are cheapskates, and Tazmi said that women who mock men's stinginess are cheapskates.

Just when the two were arguing, the leader of the church happened to pass by here. Although he was a bit nosy, the leader could tell at a glance that the two had been tied together by the red thread of fate.

Of course, Tatsumi and Ma Yin refused to admit it.

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