Naruto started cultivating immortality from creating the Six-fold Immortal Thief

Chapter 49

In the camp of Konoha Village, Orochimaru stuck a small flag with the word"snake" written on it on a small hill on the sand table, and laughed coldly:"Chiyo, let's see how you deal with it now?!"

The location of this small hill is very good, on the edge of the battlefield of the Wind and Fire Countries, and it is a very good reconnaissance point.

And it just so happens that the Sand Ninja does not have as many reconnaissance means as Konoha, so this hill is very important to the Sand Ninja. They need to overlook the entire battlefield from a high place to ensure the movements of the Konoha Ninjas, so as to formulate a detailed plan.

But what Chiyo didn't expect was that Orochimaru didn't let the Konoha Ninjas and the Sand Ninjas fight head-on. Most of them were in a guerrilla fight, and he accurately seized the loopholes in her layout and snatched the important hill.

Chiyo looked at the elders in front of her, her face was extremely ugly:"Konoha has many families such as Hyuga, Inuzuka, Aburame, Yamakawa, etc., who have endless reconnaissance means. Without that hill to scout the routes of Konoha Ninjas, our battle will be very passive, so we must snatch this hill back."

Intelligence is very important in war, and it can even be said to be ranked first.

Knowing yourself and your enemy means winning every battle. This is the importance of intelligence. On the battlefields of the Wind and Fire Kingdoms, the Wind Kingdom was obviously stronger overall, but in every battle, the Sand Ninja was in a passive position and suffered greater losses. The reason was intelligence.

Under the various reconnaissance methods of the Hyuga, Inuzuka and Aburame families, their actions were basically no secrets at all. They were always detected by Konoha's ninjas before they had been in action for a long time, and were ambushed and suffered heavy losses.

It can be said that as long as the two sides did not engage in direct combat, they could not be Konoha's opponents. They had thought about sending ninjas to kill Konoha's reconnaissance team, but Orochimaru's insight was amazing and his command was very precise, which made them return empty-handed every time.

The loss of the hill this time made the already passive situation even more passive. Several actions were ambushed by Konoha's ninjas, and the losses were several times more than before.

Ebizo's face was equally grim, but he knew that it would be very difficult to take back the hilltop. Without paying a price, Konoha's leader would not be called Orochimaru:"Sister, Orochimaru can't be unprepared. We will probably have to pay a great price to take it back. Otherwise, we should force Orochimaru to have a head-on confrontation to share the blessing of the perfect Jinchūriki. Konoha can never be our opponent on the front battlefield."

Chiyo:"I understand what you said, but it's impossible for Orochimaru to face off easily! The most important thing is that I always feel that something happened to Rasa. He used to send back information once a day, but it's been three days and there's no information at all."

"Maybe something delayed him!"

"I hope so!"

Although she said so, Chiyo's bad premonition became stronger and stronger. This premonition made her eager to open up the situation on the battlefield of Wind Country, so that no matter what happened in the future, the Sand Ninja would have the confidence.

"Notice to let Fenfuku use Shukaku's power to bomb the Konoha camp.

She decided to take a gamble and use the terrifying destructive power of the tailed beast to change the current situation.


""Hahaha! I'm finally out!"

A raccoon dog with curse marks all over its body suddenly appeared in front of the Sand Ninja, laughing loudly. With just a sweep of its huge tail, it uprooted all the trees wherever it passed. The huge raccoon dog was Shukaku, and after a moment of excitement, it stopped laughing. It didn't forget its agreement with Fubuku, and turned to look at the Konoha camp in the distance. It slapped its right hand on its stomach, opened its mouth wide, and spit out a lot of

"Wind Style: Air Training Bomb!"

A huge wind bomb was ejected directly from Shukaku's mouth, bombarding Konoha like a cannonball. After the launch, Shukaku did not stop, and continued to mobilize the chakra in his body to launch continuously. In less than a minute, Shukaku launched more than 30 air training bombs.

"Water Style: Teppanyaki!"

"Water Style: Water Wall!"

"Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"


As early as the moment Shukaku appeared, the ninjas of Konoha were prepared to deal with Shukaku's attack under the arrangement of Orochimaru. As the tailed beast that was used the most in the war, the intelligence of Shukaku had long been known to all the major ninja villages.

Although Shukaku's strength is not weak among the tailed beasts, ranking around the middle, but its chakra is indeed the least, so for the tailed beast signature such as the Tailed Beast Ball that consumes a lot of chakra, it is generally not used until the critical moment, and only the signature ninjutsu Wind Style: Air Training Bullet is used.

Compared with the Tailed Beast Ball, the power of Wind Style: Air Training Bullet is much smaller. As long as they are prepared, the strength of the Konoha ninjas can resist it.

"Bang! Bang!……"

The air training bullets collided with various attribute ninjutsu and canceled each other out. The dull sound was heard in the air. However, Shukaku was huge, as tall as 50 meters. The air training bullets he fired were as big as 20 meters and had great power. To cancel one, more than a dozen ninjutsu attacks were often needed.

In this way, after the Konoha ninjas had resisted nearly 30 air training bullets, they were somewhat powerless. The remaining five air training bullets broke through the defense and smashed towards the Konoha camp.

Orochimaru stood in the center of the camp, looking at the wind bullets falling from the sky, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

"Earth Style: Rock Cannon Technique"

He formed seals with both hands, and instantly Orochimaru spat out five stone bullets the size of a baby's fist from his mouth, which crashed into the huge wind bomb in the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Accompanied by a huge roar, Shukaku's extremely condensed air training bullets were actually blasted away by Orochimaru using five small stone bullets.

Looking at Shukaku rushing towards the Konoha camp, Orochimaru knew that the large group of Sand Ninjas was following them, but he was not afraid at all, and his eyes were still calm. He had already anticipated all this, and calmly ordered:"Everyone listen up, move to the designated location according to the plan, and wait for the attack of the Sand Ninjas."


The Konoha ninjas in the camp instantly scattered and rushed to the arranged location.

Shukaku is huge, and humans are at a great disadvantage in fighting it. Even if Orochimaru is stronger than Shukaku, it is basically impossible to defeat it quickly, so he plans to:

"Summoning Technique!"

He slapped his hands on the ground, the smoke dissipated, and a huge purple snake seventy meters long appeared. It was Manzo.

As soon as it appeared, Manzo saw Shukaku running towards it, and immediately said loudly:"Orochimaru, I want 1,000 sacrifices this time!"……"

Just as he was about to continue speaking, he was met with Orochimaru's cold gaze. He suddenly remembered that Orochimaru seemed to no longer be afraid of Ryuchi Cave. It was impossible for him to make Orochimaru treat him with respect as before. He immediately shut his mouth and looked at Orochimaru obediently.

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