Naruto- Secret Sage

Danzo Shimura

I was still frowning at the old man but I could at least accept his answer as it made sense. "What about now? I doubt you couldn't do something to make his life better like increase his allowance or something like that so why don't you?" I asked seriously before ordering another bowl of ramen.

Naruto remained silent through this entire conversation as he more or less had his own questions on the matter but respected the third Hokage too much to confront him. He was also perhaps just a little afraid of the answers he may receive.

The Hokage sighed tiredly "I want to, truly I do. But the council would never agree to it. Even almost seven years later we have only just recovered from the nine tails attack and if I tried to redirect even slightly more funds to Naruto the council would veto that decision immediately." he said honestly.

My frown deepened "And this is despite who his father is?" I asked.

Both Naruto and the Hokage exclaimed "You know who my/his father is!?" at the same time.

I scoffed at this though "You both act like it was hard to figure out with his last name being Uzumaki of all things. There have only ever lived four Uzumaki clan members in the village according to the public library and only two of those were married. Unless Naruto is a direct descendant of the first Hokage his dad is pretty obvious. One Minato Namikaze or as he was more widely known, the fourth Hokage." I said explained easily.

The Hokage sighed "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you learned this despite trying to keep it quiet but you shouldn't tell anyone else this information or Minato's enemies may come after Naruto." he said firmly.

"So it's true but why didn't you tell me all this time?" Naruto asked with a hurt look that made the old man have a pained expression.

"I had planned to tell you when you matured but Kenzo here has ruined that plan , not that I can blame him. After all your father did for the village you still ended up being treated as you are. It's a shame I will never be able to wash clean." the old man said while bowing his head apologetically.

"Speaking of the way the village treats him whats that even about anyways? Far as I can tell he's just a normal guy but everyone acts like he was some huge criminal , what gives?" I asked and the Hokage looked really uncomfortable with the topic.

"Let me give you a warning young man, leave that subject alone. Both of you will learn about it when you are ready but not now. And don't go poking around either, you won't find anything. I made sure of it." another old voice spoke as another elderly man walked into shop.

This one though was covered in bandages from the right side of his head all the way to the right arm that was also bound tightly and held in a sling to his chest. On his chin he had an X shaped scar and his left eye looked at me and Naruto in a predatory cold manner I REALLY didn't like. 

"Danzo, what are you doing here?" the hokage demanded sternly after clearly recognizing the man.

I can tell you I didn't like Danzo at all the moment I focused on him with my senses. It wasn't just the unnaturally careful way he carried himself either as be it his scent or chakra I was getting strangely mixed and unnatural signals from him. Even more my instincts were telling me to get far away from him like he was moments away from killing me at any given instant. I am not sure why but I subconsciously positioned myself between the man and Naruto. A thing he seemed to notice as well and nod at.

"Sharp instincts, I expect nothing less given the information about you I have. My name is Danzo Shimura and I have had my eye on you for quite some time now Kenzo Mizuyama." Danzo introduced himself and his voice made my skin crawl.

It was cold, detached would perhaps be a better word and it had this sort of undertone to it that spoke of death. Yeah I really didn't like Danzo Shimura one bit. That said I wasn't alone at the moment and an oppressive presence came from the old man next to me as he flared his chakra at Danzo aggressively.

"Tch, I remember what we discussed regarding the boy Hiruzen. There is no need to bare your teeth at me, I was merely introducing myself." Danzo said backing off as the Hokage glared at him in warning.

"you never answered me Danzo." Hiruzen said forcefully.

"You know why I am here and from the sounds of it I arrived just in time as well." Danzo said coldly.

I looked at the ramen shop owner at this point who was frowning at the two old men disturbing his business. "Pack it up to go will you , my appetite has been ruined." I said calmly breaking up the hidden or open i don't know which conflict between the old men.

"Aye , give me a minute or two." the shop owner Teuchi said with a grateful look.

Reaching into the pouch my parents gave me for my allowance I pulled out three bills and a few silver coins to put on the counter, the cost of our food. I still had a few more coins in the bag but I had spent most of my allowance on the meal not that it bothered me since both Naruto and I were heavy eaters. One of the few downsides to having such large chakra reserves unfortunately was that you needed a lot more calories to sustain yourself. I tended to spend my allowance rather quickly on treating Naruto to meals as a result but it didn't bother me as I didn't really need money for anything else.

"Now then I believe it's time for me and Naruto to leave, please do have a good day." I said calmly as I collected my takeout and dragged Naruto out of the shop. The blonde didn't even struggle as he was far too caught in the revelations he had gotten to even notice.

On the way back to my house I may or may not have told every animal I came across to attack Danzo if they saw him. And I may or may not have ordered the birds in the village to crap on his head as well. Naruto ended up stay the night after that which was nice though my blonde friend was a chatter box talking about his parents when it was just us. He even made this whole joke about how his dad being hokage meant he was destined to do so as well but I still thought Naruto had a snowballs chance in an active volcano to pull it off.

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