Naruto- Secret Sage

An old view

Not to say me and Naruto wouldn't be a formidable combo due to how familiar we are as best friends. But I alone make any squad I am on horribly lopsided as I vastly exceeded any normal graduate in terms of power. Add someone like Naruto to the mix and the squad not only wouldn't work but would likely ruin the last teammate who likely wouldn't be able to keep up. In the current case however I would not need to worry about that as the remaining two squadmates would only have me as a comparison and thus might only get a little discouraged.-

(POV Hiruzen)

I was in quite the pickle this time with the new graduates due to Kenzo alone. While I was happy to see the village gain an exceptional new shinobi the boy was TOO exceptional. I have been observing the boy frequently over the last few years and despite the boy being highly secretive and sensitive he had let small hints of his true power show. For starters the boy never trained hard when I observed him with the remote viewing jutsu using the special crystal ball in my office.-

The boy thought himself clever in doing so but instead exposed the fact that he was a highly sensitive sensor nin naturally. Unfortunately this made things rather tricky for me as the remote viewing jutsu was useless to spy on the boy and as a result I couldn't get a good read on his true strength beyond the small amount he showed on purpose. This meant I had to be both more and less direct in invading the boys privacy. The boy was a creature of habit and as a result had a specific spot away from the rest of the village that he would go to to train.-

I had to personally trail the child to find it and what I found left me astonished. Trees destroyed by massive physical forces, massive scorch marks from powerful lightning jutsus being used and signs of powerful earth jutsus as well. The boy wasn't just hiding a little strength but an unprecedented level of it for someone his age. The signs I found in his training location were like what you might find in a battle with two peak tier chunin that might as well be Jonin but hadn't gotten the official promotion yet.-

Not in terms of ninjutsu but rather taijutsu as I had only seen destruction of this sort from pure physical force in the training ground of Might Guy and his father Might Duy. That was a concerning thought in and of itself as in the entire village no one could claim better taijutsu than those two, not even I. Might Duy had long since been dead however and so only Might Guy remained as the premier taijutsu specialist in the village. While Kenzo was in the academy I had witnessed his taijutsu and while it was new and bursting with potential it was also raw and unrefined. -

This meant all the destruction I had found was caused nearly entirely by Kenzo's physical strength alone rather than an application of skill. The jutsu traces I found though seemed like the sort left by B rank jutsu at most which while highly impressive were clearly Kenzo's weak point. Not that there was much for it as the boy was still within the academy and couldn't modify any jutsu beyond a certain point even with the use of chakra nature transformation. Normally one would just learn more jutsus to fix such a weakness but Kenzo took a different route via his arguably most powerful ability, his uncanny dominion over beasts.-

From an uninformed perspective one might think that it was like the Aburame and Inuzuka clans abilities to command insects and dogs respectively but this was wrong. In both of those clans cases there were very strict and specialized circumstances involved with their control. For the Inuzuka it was because of their lifelong bond with a ninken that allowed them to freely exchange and enhance their bonded companion and themselves with their companions help.-

For the Aburame clan it was a symbiotic relationship where the insects nested in the members bodies and feasted on their chakra in exchange for being commanded. It was even a dangerous thing for members of the clan as if they ran out of chakra their insects could rebel and kill them. For Kenzo however there was no conditions attached to his ability to command beasts but rather it was almost as though all animals perceive him as the alpha or ruler that was only natural to obey and follow. We thought that this was due to some form of chakra manipulation or genjutsu but both the Uchiha and Hyuga clans members had verified that it wasn't the case.-

Then we thought maybe pheromones or a Kekkai Genkai but all tests ran on the boys genes and biological samples said otherwise. That was one of the reasons Danzo and I were both interested in recruiting the boy to our factions. He was an unexplainable anomaly as we simply couldn't explain why Kenzo could find any beast regardless of type or power and immediately recruit it under him. I regretted giving that shadowless tiger to the boy as a test of his upper limit of power as I had gotten a bit sloppy and hadn't spotted that it was a step away from evolving to an elder tier chakra beast.-

The creature had evolved by the time Kenzo had graduated and was now just as powerful as the average Jonin with a chakra pool nearly the same size as my own. With that beast alone Kenzo might as well be considered a special Jonin which made choosing a sensei for the boy as well as teammates next to impossible. No normal Jonin could handle him and the few who could I had plans for already or were indisposed.-

As for teammates I decided to make an exception and place Kenzo by himself since he might ruin otherwise good seedlings with how much more powerful he is. Actually now that I think about it there is one person who could handle the boy and it may even do some good to hand him over to. 

"Summon my student Tsunade to the village. She is in a small town at the border in the land of rice at the moment according to Jiraiya." I commanded and one of the anbu who guard my office vanished.

Tsunade was a bit disillusioned with the village at the moment and had developed a fear of blood after too many traumatic events during the last two wars. She had been allowed to roam as she pleased until now but perhaps teaching Kenzo might help her overcome her fears and if we are lucky give Konoha another unrivaled healer. I would have tried to convince Jiraiya to take the boy but my student had sworn off more students of his own after his previous bad luck with them. Also Kenzo likely wouldn't get along with him due to his lascivious nature.-

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